《Life in another world with an Immunity System》15. Escalated


As someone who lived to his twenties before experiencing death and reincarnation, Andel wasn’t an impulsive fellow like people of his mental age tends to be. He would always think twice before doing something. All these had earned some brownie points with his parents and elders. Despite that, he just couldn’t overlook the mage robber’s obscene actions.

As a calm and collected individual capable of rational thinking at all times, he knew jumping towards the robbers would be dangerous. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself from jumping to the tiger’s den when he saw a girl’s dignity was about to lose.

After the explosion happened, Andel jumped towards a trashcan in the side and quietly hid behind it. However, he hadn’t expected the situation to escalate this far. Now it had turned into a classic plotline that not even the low budget movie producers used on Earth. And when he saw Tia was about to be humiliated, he threw caution to the wind, activated Frenzy, and kicked the unprepared mage away.

With 40 points of Reflex and 20 points in strength, for 1.5 seconds, Andel burst forth with the power of a Level 8 Warrior. The magician didn’t expect for a kid to hide right below his nose, even wore, the said kid was strong enough to send him flying with a punch.

As for Tia, she had yet to recover from her shock.

“Why are you standing?” Andel growled at the woman for whom he went against his own codes of conduct. “Run! Enforcers are standing there. Go!” He didn’t get angry at her.

“But, you!” Tia was an adult. Although the shameless actions of the mage shocked her speechless, after being saved, she regained some semblance of her courage. To see her savior being the very kid to whom she sold the glove was absolutely shocking for the girl.

“Don’t worry about me. I can escape, but you can’t. Before he recovers, run!”

“O, okay!” Tia gave her little protector a look filled with unspeakable emotions and turned around to start running.

However, it didn’t escape the eyes of one of the robbers. He hastened towards her, however, was intercepted midway by Andel. He didn’t need Frenzy to do that. He had already discovered that the three robbers stood behind were all below level 5 Warriors.


They just lacked the ‘aura’ of someone with power should have. Even the weak Paul had it.

Well, he wasn’t exactly weak. He just lacked the skills befitting his level.

Andel, despite defeating him with quite an ease, never thought for a second that Paul was weak. His 13 points of strength, augmented by 16 points in Reflex, couldn’t even hurt his face. A level 5 who had awakened a Talent wasn’t by any means weak.

What the hell are the enforcers doing? I have given them such a good chance. Why didn’t they take this time to secure the hostages?

Andel blamed the unprofessional law enforcers of this world. In his previous world, the swat team would have already arranged a sniper by now. His thinking was cut short as the magician stood up shakily. He was in intense pain. The punch from a level 8 wasn’t easy to shake off for a magician who had bodies only a bit stronger than normal humans, or mortals as they called.

“Where did you come from, kid? Do you know who I am? How dare you touch me?” His voice sounded gloomy and scratchy. Listening to him brought intense discomfort to Andel.

Sound Immunity +40 EXP

Wow! I gained experience just from listening to him.

Lilia had a sound-based Talent. Gaining skill from listening to her was to be expected. That wasn’t the case with this magician.

“Who are you? Aren’t you a thief and a rapist?” Andel shook his head before giving him a look of disgust. “Man, you suck.”

“Son of a b***!” The magician cursed before pointing his index finger at him. A small red dot condensed on the tip and took the shape of a sphere.

It should be what he used to destroy those cars!

He had a clear view when the powerful laser destroyed the car. Andel had no intention of having one of those aiming at his person.


A 200% reflex boosted his speed to an unimaginable degree. If one could see how the messages transmitted inside the nervous system, they would have seen the pace of the electrical currents moving through his neurons.

His reaction time improved so much that Andel had the hallucination of time slowing down for him.


Not only his reaction time, but his muscle coordination had also improved by 200%. The attribute ‘Reflex’ encompassed so many things, and Andel only discovered a few. With a 200% coordination of muscle fibers, his power output doubled.

Before the mage finished his spell, Andel had already invaded his personal space.

“Idiot, I knew you would do that!” Suddenly the mage shouted and pulled something out with his left hand. It’s a small, rectangular plate-like object with strange characters and a green gem in the middle.



Before Andel finished cursing, the amulet shined brightly as a wave of repelling force generated from the green gem. Unprepared, Andel was thrown back towards the dumpster behind him and crashed against the plastic boxes.

Pain Immunity +60 EXP

Bluntforce Trauma Immunity +90 EXP

Fall Damage Immunity +40 EXP

Some of his damage related Immunities gained experience, but Andel wasn’t in the mood to appreciate that. He gulped in a mouthful of air to stop himself from coughing out blood.

I was too careless! Damn! They just looted the armory.

Andel took a look at his HP and felt relieved upon seeing only a few points missing. Most of his received damages were cushioned by his immunities and natural defense. Thanks to that, he only felt some phantom pain.

Frenzy had deactivated, restoring his previous stats. There was a 4 seconds cooldown, not to mention the stamina it consumes. Taking a note to increase his stamina as much as he could, Andel rolled out of the way before zigzagging towards the destroyed wall.

There were two robbers, and three hostages stood in front of him. Andel didn’t stop and ran towards them nonstop. He was betting on the fact that the mage wouldn’t attack the hostages.

He won the bet.

The mage looked at Andel’s retreating back with unseen expressions. He was in a dilemma. His target, although just a little kid, was not only physically powerful, but also intelligent. The mage who was charging his spell again stopped. The gears in his head turned as he assessed his situation.

If he attacked and the kid dodged, the beam would hit his accomplices and most importantly, the hostages. That will definitely put his life in jeopardy.

But, if he doesn’t do anything, it will also be bad. The kid will definitely attack the two robbers and attempt to pull the hostages back into the shop. Without the hostages as chips, the enforcers will definitely tackle him to the ground.

I really didn’t want to use it.

The mage fumbled around his robes and pulled out a red amulet with a purple gem. He gave the kid that forced him to extremes an intense look.

I will remember it, kid.

He clutched the amulet hard, breaking the gem in the middle. Suddenly, a burst of purple light shined from the broken gem. At the same time, behind the mage, a purple portal swirled into existence.

Andel stopped and looked at the portal with undisguised awe. He heard that mages, after reaching a certain level, could open space portals. But, it was his first time seeing one in action.

“Kid, what’s your name?” The mage asked calmly without a hint of his previous arrogance.

“You think I will tell you that?” Came Andel’s smartass reply.

“Haha! Indeed, you won’t.” The mage laughed freespiritedly. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I remembered your face. We shall meet again. For now, goodbye.”

After saying this, the mage stepped into the portal before vanishing.

Seeing him vanishing, the three robbers who were left behind, instantly slashed their own throats before falling to the ground like puppets with their strings cut.


The moment the three robbers died, their bodies shined in purple. It somehow caused the portal to expand rapidly. And then what followed after could only be described as a nightmare.

Countless Tuskers, a demonized version of boars, poured out of the purple portal. Their vicious countenance looked ready to destroy everything in their path.

Suddenly, the robbery and hostage incident transformed into a dreaded demon beast attack.

A level 3 emergency was imposed on the entire Warren.

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