《Re:Labyrinth》Chapter 8: Ominous signs


Day 30 continued

The footsteps of the golem shake the town. This is not an understatement, I see junk vibrating across the floor as it walks past.

The other rats are hiding in fear of their lives. As we emerge beside the giant, fluid, gold coated, steel monstrosity they peer out with paranoia. I ignore the fearful, it isn't an immediate problem.

I find an issue at the town entrance. The barricades that are there to discourage monster attacks get in the way of my golem's passing. I use my ability weapon meld on the mass of dirt, rock and wood. Shaping the mass I construct a portcullis with the ability to drop suddenly, to meet the requirements of a 'weapon' it becomes a useful trap. I reinforce the sturdiness and operation of the mechanism to make it efficient. It only had fifteen points of modification available, despite the mass. That just shows the shoddiness of the materials.

As I do this Niala plays fetch with the golem using a stick.

The rats are peering out... with the same fearful looks, only now they have associated us as well with that terror. I send Mother to fetch a few of the older, more authoritative rats so I can explain the portcullis mechanism, since I don't want rats to be locked in or out unintentionally.

Note to self: see to upgrading the river access in town.

The oldest rat I've ever seen is very cautiously walking this way, lead by Mother. His fur is streaked with gray and he doesn't walk upright very well.

“You did this to our barricade and made that monster?” [Old Rat disapprovingly]

“The thing is a golem, it isn't alive just a tool or a weapon. It only does what it is told by its owners. As for the 'barricade' I improved it. All it needs is one good, strong rat on this side to turn that wheel and it will open the door. If you flick the switch, the gate will drop immediately. You can use this to seal off that entrance so monsters can't get in, easily. You could even drop the gate on the monster and hope to kill it. But I'd avoid doing that with anything fast.” [Rick] “I'll add our defenses are piss poor. You have no sentries, no defenders and no weapons at all. I'm surprised we haven't all been eaten.”

“If you mean that monster you allegedly defeated, we wouldn't stand a chance fighting back.” [Old Stubborn Rat]

“You think fifty rats attacking from all sides wouldn't make the creature retreat? Better to be killed fighting than hiding and cowering.” [Rick] “If you fight, you also have options. Traps, poison, defenses, tactics and yes if all else fails you can still run.”


“You aim to make us warriors and hunters? Make us warlike and cruel?” [Elder Rat]

“No, just to make eating us so troublesome nothing bothers to try.” [Rick] “But even then it is only a matter of time before we meet a hostile group of people who aren't rats and want either to kill us or to take away all that we have. Or some combination of the two.”

“Preposterous, why in a hundred generations we have never been invaded...” [Old Rat]

“So how did the giants who lived here before us die then?” [Rick]

“They must have decided to leave. Perhaps there was disease.” [Old Rat]

“They locked a baby in a tool storage area and left all their possessions and treasures behind. You really think they then left without looking back? They were killed, most of their belongings stolen. What remains is either the stuff that couldn't be carried away or the treasures the attackers didn't find. Who knows when they'll be back. Or the giants.” [Rick] “Do you really think either group will let us live here?”

While we were talking the game of golem fetch behind us had evolved into golem soccer, featuring a giant metal goalie, a goal made from a blocked doorway, a ball made from rubber (where did she find that?) and Niala. I call a halt before she accidentally hurts herself. Incidentally I have the golem open up the blocked off room, curious.

The rubble is quite hefty and tight fitting. It takes the golem tremendous effort to clear away. The scene inside is quite appalling.

This room appears to have been a major area, the main point being it was still inhabited at the time of it's collapse. An unnatural collapse, at that. I can see the scorch marks from some kind of explosion.

All told there are twenty three corpses of giants. Two seem to have been clawing at the rubble. Some are on beds of straw. A few lie piled one on top of the other. A morgue. I can only assume this was a hospital. They must have been smothered by smoke from the explosion or lack of air from the subsequent collapse.

I point out one giant to the elder rat.

“Does that look like a death from disease?” [Rick]

He has a set of four arrows buried in the mummified flesh of his head and torso. An axe-head is buried in his shin bone. All of them notably small-sized weaponry.

Niala is now playing catch with the golem and some more adventurous young rats.

“They were huge and had weapons and it still ended up like this against smaller, more numerous enemies.” I point out. “It could even be our ancestors who did this.”


“The Originals may have fought, but they died! How is your idea better?! We'll just end up eradicated like them.” [Elder Rat]

“They ended up like this because they planned solely to fight. They didn't plan for anything less than victory. So they were taken apart one by one, slowly until they couldn't fight any more.” [Rick]

“Then how do we survive?” [Old Rat]

“By preparing to flee. If we have contingency plans for everything we will be able to react appropriately. Firstly, do we have any place to run to if we are attacked here? A second safe area? A food source? Water?” I point out harshly. “Because running may work in theory, running in every direction and not regrouping is liable to make us all prey for monsters when we are too exhausted and hungry to run any further.”

I leave the old fool to stew on his mistakes and head outside. Niala and the golem follow me but Mother lags behind to talk with the elder.

As we wait in the passage the gate slams down, locking us out.

Testing it?

I move to the bars and see Mother being restrained and the old rat looking out at us.

“You're banished, abomination. Yes, I heard what you really are. It disgusts me you pretend to be one of us.” [Spiteful Old Rat]


Should I have the golem rip down the door? No. Lets leave the fool stew on his 'victory'.

I just shrug and lead Niala and the golem down toward the forest room.

As a detour we search out lunch.

The thunder of the golem footsteps frightens off all the smaller threats. I head toward the river, as an after thought sending the golem to squash the giant spider hiding in wait for prey.

The spider is as expected a dumb beast and reacts like it would toward anything stumbling into it's web. It pounces, trying to envenom the completely artificial, metal giant. Needless to say, the golem wins the struggle. Crushing the spider in mitten-like hands the golem looks every bit as fearsome as the weapon it really is.

The treasure that the spider uses as bait for its trap is unexpectedly useful, a steel bracer. It is a nice fit, just a little dusty. Unfortunately as it isn't a weapon I have no clue what the quality is, however I note twenty points of modification available. It must be high class.

With a full belly, a new toy and a slightly miffed sister (She has been concerned about Mother for a while) I set out, to return home.

I decide to use the river since there are no defenses from that side. I have the golem wade into the water. It is quite deep, upto the golem's waist. Niala and I clamber onto the open hands and ride it as if walks down to the next junction.

As we are about to leave I spot to my dismay several humanoids. They are staring at us. I can almost hear the whisper as they realize my golem is almost half gold. Shit. That is the worst kind of situation! Treasure will bring doom on us faster than a rat matures.

I order the golem to attack, to wipe them out before they pose a threat but Niala stops me by countering my orders with her own.

I argue with her but she won't hear it, not understanding the true threat. Greed can rip apart nations. She's never experienced anything like that.

I curse myself for being such a fool, traipsing through the local area with a walking heap of money.

Those were quite human-like creatures. I'd estimate they were slightly smaller than us? They were a fair distance away, I can't be very certain exactly what they were. However they had pole-arms and clothing, armor too I think. There was some kind of animal in their ranks hauling a cart, a caravan? Explorers? All of that is bad news. If they value gold at all... this is a disaster.

Wading down the river we actually encounter a new area, a small cave branching off in the opposite direction from the rat town. It seems dusty and untouched. Are there more hidden areas like this? I can understand why no one found it, the water seems to be inhabited by large carnivorous fish of many different species. They're visible from our perch high over the water. In fact there are so many I'm surprised. I wonder what the food source is? Each other? Monsters?

Finally we reach home. I have the golem wait as we go on ahead.

I spy the old rat at the gate staring out. Must have heard the golem footsteps and misunderstood my direction. I tap him on the shoulder and punch him cleanly as he turns to look.

“Next time I'll just rip open the door, asshole.” [Rick]

I return home, giving my crying Mother a hug from behind. Niala joins in, because if there is anything she does well, it is hugs.

Big Monster golem thuds its way in, following Niala. Uncomfortably the golem hugs us all at once.

“Who told it to hug us?” [Rick]

“Sorry...” [Niala]

What we learned this chapter:

Grave danger incoming!

Lots of hidden secrets in the Labyrinth, even in inhabited areas.

Golems need hugs too!

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