《Re:Labyrinth》Chapter 7: Breakthrough


Day 30

I'm feeling a little weak, not from the venom, hunger or thirst. No, both my arms are asleep because the two females in my life decided they wanted to borrow them for the night... now if they weren't my mother and sister I'd be overjoyed.

I make an evil smile as I manage to slide Mother onto Niala. Pleasant morning, sis. Hope you like your arm numb too!

I set to work modifying my weapons, the ring-dagger thing just isn't efficient. I take a long branch and make it a fork. Basically a twin pointed spear. Really though this is all too crude. As I despair over my abilities a window pops up.

Meld Weapon (Lesser):Info: This skill enables the user to merge tools, weapons and resources to construct more advanced weapon designs. Greater versions of this skill offer reduced material cost and greater modification.

Did I just get a new skill because I was frustrated? No... it was stress? Perhaps this an advanced class ability?

Lets try it!

The wood flows under my control, stiffly merging with the silver spikes. I can feel the limitations, there is a limit to my ability to modify the item I'm trying to create. If I were to represent it numerically... the fork has ten points of modification free, merging the needles and the wood into a solid mass and smoothing and strengthening the shaft used up six points. I don't think I could break it anymore with my own strength...

What to do with the extra points...

I can see a range of options, they require materials... hold up. A yellow diamond? I have one of those!

I don't quite see the point... haha... of adding the diamond to the fork, but the modification is simply too tempting. The resulting weapon shines brightly for a few seconds. I try to see the end result but my modification skill simply doesn't have an identification component...


Weapon Identification (Lesser):Info: This skill enables the user to learn information on the weapon focused upon, from history and quality, to effects and durability. This version of the skill allows identification of all self-made weapons and weapons of low tier or less.

… I get it. The skills unlock when you meet the requirements. Trying to understand a weapon I made is one.

Lets see if this skill works as advertised.

Battlefork of Thunder, 47/47 durability:Info: A simple weapon formed in an atypical manner. It has been imbued with the ability to generate stunning impacts and loud noises from blunt strikes. The first weapon produced in this way by a young rat hominid known as Rick. Above average usability but crude. Moderate quality.

Holy shit, did I just make a magical weapon?!

No beyond that... I'm getting some crazy ideas for how to use these skills!

I wonder...

Niala is a little surprised I'm not in the room when she wakes up and tries to push Mother away, but can't move the larger rodent with only her left arm... heh heh.

I pop my head out to mock her, from the hole in the wall. She puffs up her cheeks in annoyance at my declaration of victory. I leave Niala to her ironic suffering.

Meanwhile I inspect the giant weaponry in the safe.

I can use this. I can also use the wall.

Using the modification ability I convert the broken wall into a trap. It rumbles, rising into the roof exposing the treasures. How is it a trap? It will now drop like a Rancor cage door. If that amphibian comes again I'll decapitate the bastard with several dozen tons of steel reinforced stone. I made a winch system from the discarded shield and the gold chain, so it can be dropped and raised repeatedly.


As for the mace, I get a smile just thinking about what I can do with it. Thirty points of modification free. Must be all the excess resources inside of it. So much steel was used in the construction it could serve as the central support for a building.

The giant dagger is less modifiable, with only seventeen points available. Seventeen! Almost twice the fork. I look through the specs of the enchantments possible. Most are simple tricks, sparks, flashes, loud noises. However the material costs of some of the higher end modifications are prohibitive. The really good ones are simply too big to fit on the seventeen points of modification.

I'd need a spare five hundred to make a vorpal sword. I can make a vorpal sword! It can even be made to emit the noise snicker-snack!

Sorry, drifting away to Never-never land... or was that Wonderland?

These possibilities are making me drool. This is still the 'lesser' version of the skill. The better forms come with increased modification space and reduced material costs.

I pause as I see one truly awe-inspiring option possible... and the resources are acceptable!

I laugh like a maniac at the idea!

It'll take all thirty!

I grab a pair of star sapphires, the gold rings from the pile and fuse them into the massive slab of steel, merging a couple of slabs of gold bullion and several fist sized diamonds from broaches.

Then I cut my hand open on a needle and spill several drops of blood.

Payment complete!

The mass of steel and gold merges into an alloy. It reforms and from the cold, liquid metal a shape forms. Sapphire eyes fix on me as my creation stands!

“Mwhahahahaha!!!!” I cackle as my very own gilded-steel golem arises! It's not alive, but it's damn close!

The massive, amorphous shape looms over me, then smoothly kneels to look at me face to face.

Gilded-steel Golem, 45,500/45,500 durability:Info: A masterful creation. Created from riches that would bankrupt a small nation this golem is a unique and powerful weapon. It has seven minor non-elemental cores and two major water based-cores, this golem is devoted to pure physical power, fluid movement and resistance to physical harm. It has only one registered owner: the genius inventor rat-hominid Rick. Grand quality.

I created a boss monster of my very own?!

I notice my family are quite scared. Petrified even.

I smile and urge them to come closer.

“I made this!” I gesture to the golem to stand.

It does quietly.

It really does follow orders!

“This golem is as much yours as mine!” [Rick]

Golem owner registry updated.

I wonder... was that a bad idea?

“Jump on one leg, big monster!” [Niala]

Golem name updated: Now named Gilded-steel Golem (Big Monster)

It hops, the cavern shaking as the golem hits the ground with a hundred tons of metal.

“That was fun! Headbutt the wall Big Monster!” [Niala giggling]

The slam of steel and gold on solid rock vibrates the cavern again. The head seems a bit flat now...

Huh, the durability dropped ten points. Talk about OP.

My smile is diabolical.

Yes. I believe some reintroductions are in order.

"A hunting we shall go~" I sing happily.

What we learned:

Pushing abilities to the limit of resources and imagination is a powerful mix!

Big Monster is a natural disaster in motion.

Hopscotch with a golem is liable to end in property damage.

A little sillier than normal, because the MC is giddy with delight. He'll be brought back down to the ground soon.

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