《Witch Tier》Chapter 24: Uninvited Guests


Loc, Rivna, Gidget, and Smoke face Princess Hannah aboard the Flying Broom. Hannah looks at Loc with a pouty face.

Hannah: You have a lot of nerve Big Brother. You had me waiting for days! And then I find out that you actually overthrew Queen Bethel all on your own. Hell if that’s all you were up to then I could’ve overthrown her for you. I never liked that old hag anyway.

Rivna draws her sword.

Loc: Rivna, what are you doing?!

Hannah: Not this again. Have you learned nothing from our last encounter? That thing couldn’t even file my fingernails.

Rivna: I will not let this blasphemous child sully the presence of true royalty.

Hannah: You’re one to talk. You have fangs! You’re nothing but a hideous monster that my, gracious and too kind for his own good, big brother took in. If you weren’t half as strong as you are now he would have tossed you to the side long ago.

Rivna growls in frustration and swings. Hannah ducks and chuckles. Loc gasps.

Loc: Rivna no!

Hannah: Ha! I’m over here you ugly Tahlyan!

Rivna swings again. Hannah jumps back and sticks her tongue out at her.

Rivna: You little vermin!

Hannah: Well look who’s talking!

Loc and Gidget watch the action in great distress. Smoke yawns and begins to enter the ship.

Smoke: Wake me up when we get there.

Loc and Gidget look at him incredulously.

Gidget: What?! But we may need you! There’s a deadly princess here!

Smoke: I’m a bounty hunter, not a babysitter.

Smoke enters the ship. Rivna unleashes a flurry of swings and Hannah dodges every attack effortlessly.

Hannah: I honestly don’t know what Mother is so upset about. The great Witch Tier isn’t even a threat to a fly.

Rivna's eyes begin to glow as she enters a wide stance with an intense shout. Blue mist begins to swell around her.

Loc: Rivna! Calm down! That’s an order!

Rivna: I will calm down as soon as she’s dead!

Hannah looks intrigued.

Hannah: Now this looks like fun.

Steam spews from Rivna’s body as she unleashes several waves of icy mist from her blade. Hannah counters by emitting a spiraling barrier of fire from her body. The impact partially damages the ship.

Gidget: Oh no the ship…


Hannah: You have the elemental advantage and you still can’t douse my flames. As expected from a filthy Tahlyan.

Rivna: (What is this? My strength isn’t anywhere near where it was before we took back Massadah. Could it be because of that skirmish with the Aeon…)

Hrist: Cease this foolishness!

Everyone halts and quickly turns to Princess Hrist as she lands onto the vessel from the sky. Partially visible in the clouds is the Ruby Hornet, a giant and beautiful steampunk blimp that has large insect-like wings. Hrist is an extremely beautiful Avalian woman that appears to be in her late twenties. She's dressed in extremely regal attire and has a beautiful ruby sword sheathed at her waist. Her eyes are cold and piercing, and her face appears to be in a perpetual scowl, as she rarely smiles.

Rivna and Hannah freeze upon her arrival. Hannah looks terrified. Gidget looks extremely fearful.

Hrist: What is the meaning of this, Hannah?

Hannah: Big Sis, I was just showing Loc how useless the Witch Tier is against the might of a princess--

Hrist: You’re so naive, Hannah. You cannot judge their might based on their strength alone, but by their devotion to their god.

Hrist approaches Loc and stands before him eye to eye. She gives him a tense stare. Loc responds with a bold stare of his own.

Hrist: We meet again, little brother.

Loc: You are no kin of mine.

Hrist: Right you are. Because if it were up to me your head would be resting on a pike, right beside your father's.

Loc bottles his ire. He forces a grin.

Loc: Come to congratulate me? I have accomplished what no man has before after all.

Hrist: Your meddlesome uncle is solely responsible for that little uproar. Make no mistake, we will never allow another peasant to reach his level of power again.

Loc glances at Rivna.

Loc: Well so far you're doing a wonderful job of it.

Hrist hides her disgust.

Hrist: I was given strict orders not to lay hands on you. Apparently, Mother has something grand planned for you. She even recalled your bounty. As wise and all-powerful as Mother is, she can sometimes get a little carried away when she’s playing with her food.

Hrist stands at his flank. She rest her hand on his shoulder as she subtly speaks into his ear.


Hrist: I’ll make this brief, I’ve come to inform you that Mother is planning on handing the title of Queen of Queens to her firstborn soon. And when that happens you won’t even be given the chance to blink before you and your very nation is obliterated. However, don’t think for a second that I’m not willing to disobey Mother’s orders to see to it that it happens before the inauguration. I know why you’re heading to that city. I know all about that ancient relic you’re currently seeking. What you’re attempting is futile, and will only serve to shorten your days. If you know what’s good for you you’ll cease this foolish crusade and seek all the vain pleasures your meaningless life has left to offer before I end it.

Hrist begins to leave by approaching the edge of the ship. Loc has a fierce look on his face. The ship begins to approach a floating, humble mining city.

Hrist: Come Hannah, we’re done here.

Hannah: Huh? But I just got here.

Hrist: Did I stutter? I said we’re leaving.

Hannah sighs as she begins to approach the ship’s railings next to Hrist. Hannah stops. She avoids eye contact with Hrist.

Hannah: I can’t go.

Hrist: What?

Hannah: I said I’m not going anywhere!

Everyone looks at Hannah in shock.

Hrist: What are you getting at Hannah? This is no time for games.

Hannah: Why do you have to be so mean to Big Brother? He didn’t deserve to be threatened like that.

Hrist: He is not our brother Hannah. And since when did you start speaking to me in such a manner? I am your eldest sister and you will address me as such.

Hannah: I’m sorry Hrist, but I’m still not going anywhere. I can’t go anywhere.

Hrist: What do you mean?

Loc: Yeah what are you talking about, Hannah?

Hannah: Oh, didn’t I tell you? From this day forth I’m officially the newest member of the Flying Broom!

There is a collective gasps across the ship. Even Hrist briefly reveals a look of shock.

Hrist: Hannah, you, you, you…

Hrist tries to subdue her anger and results in sighing.

Hrist: Hannah, you are pure royalty. It is unfit for you to frolic amongst these, these vermin.

Hannah: Nonsense. Sitting around and being a princess all day is boring. I want to see the world and fight bandits like Loc!

Loc: Hannah, I think it would be best if you went with your sister.

Hrist: Precisely. What would Mother say to this folly?

Hannah looks at Hrist smugly.

Hannah: Mother approves it.

Again, Hrist briefly reveals a look of shock.

Hrist: Mother is for this lunacy?

Hannah nods her head.

Hannah: She said it was a marvelous idea. So there you have it.

Gidget whispers to Rivna.

Gidget: I can’t believe we’re witnessing two of the great princesses bickering. This is like a once in a lifetime event or something.

Loc: Wait a minute, I can’t have a world famous princess tagging along with me. You’d draw too much attention, Hannah.

Hannah grins.

Hannah: No I won’t. I even brought my own disguise.

Hannah materializes more modest clothes. Hrist looks at her in dismay.

Hannah: See? No one can pick me out of a crowd now. Well outside of my overwhelming cuteness that is.

Rivna turns to Loc.

Rivna: This isn’t really happening is it?

Hannah: It’s already happened. Mother said that if you refused me Loc that I can blow up your precious ship and kill everyone besides you and the Witch Tier. So if you know what’s good for you then you'll let me stay and go on your adventures with you!

Hannah looks at Loc with wide enthusiastic eyes. Hrist looks defeated.

Hrist: I have no words. But I will certainly confirm this matter with Mother. So for your sake Hannah this better not be a fabrication.

Hannah hides behind Loc.

Hannah: Go on already! You’re spoiling the fun, Hrist!

Hannah sticks her tongue out at Hrist. Hrist sighs.

Hrist: I can’t wait until you grow up.

Hrist looks up at the Ruby Hornet in the distance. To everyone’s surprise an explosion goes off inside of it. Hrist is kicked off the Flying Broom by a tall man in a full body suit with metal wings as he lands. He aims his electrified metal gauntlet at Loc.

Armored Man: You all are uninvited.

Chapter End

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