《Witch Tier》Chapter 23: Reflection


Rivna is standing at the bow of the Flying Broom gazing into the distance of the moving skies. She is wearing a beautiful, feminine, and regal dress. She is alone and looks healthy. She produces her M.O.D. and examines it.

Rivna: (The year is apparently 2543 A.C.C.(After Crystal Cataclysm) However, if you were to ask someone who worships the Queen of Queens then the answer you would most likely be given is 1043 Q.R.(Queen’s Rule). According to Prince Gideon’s estimations, I was born just prior to the Queen’s Rule. However, somehow, through divine intervention, my body was turned to crystal and safely preserved out of the Queen of Queens’ reach for over a thousand years. Upon being given the news, I had believed Prince Gideon had lost all means of reason. After all, how could I have been in slumber for so long? I have no memories of being swept through an endless land of dreams. I was given the impression that I had blinked from a brief night’s rest. Not many nights of rest.)

Rivna pauses to gaze at two Iarlan dragons flying by the vessel in the distance. She takes a deep breath.

Rivna: (However, the strange new laws and nightmarish customs of this new world I had awaken to only served to give credence to his pontification. Even though I am a chief’s daughter I had always felt I was in command of my destiny. My future was bound only to the whims of the moment. But in this age, my life is no longer my possession. I suppose one could say that it is chained to a force that sees me as nothing more than a mummer in a grand play of bouts between good and evil.)

Rivna produces her Steam Sword and examines it.

Rivna: (This world truly has its fair share of marvels. However, I can’t help but feel that it too is all a dream. All that I see and touch is but a mere illusion. I suppose it is only natural to assume so, given recent events. Is this my longing to wake up in the past at play? Or is it something more? Something far more sinister at work?)


Steam emits from Rivna’s vyrkracite at the base of her neck, and she swings out a wave of icy mist from her sword into the sky. The wave travels for miles as it disappears into the distance. Rivna has a slight look of pride.

Rivna: (At least my talents hold up. However if I’m going to solve the riddle that is to defeat Queen Clockwork then I’m going to have to master the new Vyrkra Art Prince Gideon taught me. The road ahead will be truly tiring.)

Rivna swings out another wave of ice, but it quickly evaporates just a few yards ahead of her. She looks around perplexed.

Loc: You really like this spot don’t you?

Loc approaches from behind. His eyes return to normal from glowing. He’s wearing normal everyday clothes. He leans on the railing of the ship and studies the sky.

Rivna: Your Majesty--

Loc: Once again, just call me Loc.

Rivna: But you’re the king now.

Loc: I was always the king Rivna. However, I will only truly live up to that title when I behold the severed head of the Queen of Queens in my hands. Until then, simply Loc is fine.

Rivna smiles. Loc glances at Rivna’s dress.

Loc: I see you’ve taken a liking to Massadan garments.

Rivna: They are truly wonderful. In a bizarre way it reminds me of home.

Loc: Well don’t get too used to them just yet. The world isn’t ready for you to prance about in our homeland’s regalia just yet. Tamar is preparing the finishing touches of your new getup for when we’re in public.

Rivna: I pray she doesn’t make me look like a buffoon.

Loc: Nonsense, if there’s one thing she’s good at it’s making garments. Believe it or not you’re wearing one of her many wares right now.

Rivna looks surprised.

Rivna: She’s the one that made this?

Loc nods.

Rivna: Now if only her culinary skills matched.

Loc: Hey watch it. She’s a woman of many talents. Cooking may not be one of them but--

Tamar: What do you mean cooking may not be one of them, Loc?

Startled, Loc turns to Tamar who’s behind them with a guilty look. Gidget is beside her and hides a snicker.


Loc: Oh uh, what I meant was that your talent as a seamstress is so prolific it far supersedes your other talents. Which just so happens to include cooking.

Rivna: In other words, he means to say your cooking is awful in comparison.

Everyone looks shocked by Rivna’s bold words.

Loc: Rivna!

Tamar: Hey watch it, Ears! Just because you’re the Witch Tier doesn’t mean I’m gonna take any free jabs from you.

Loc: Rivna, please.

Rivna: All I did was state your sentiment, Loc.

Loc sighs.

Gidget: Anyway… Tamar and I have a gift for you Rivna! It’s your new getup. Go ahead and give it to her Tamar.

Tamar: You know, I’m suddenly not in the gift giving mood right now.

Rivna: Fine by me.

Loc: Tamar, please.

Tamar rolls her eyes and sighs. She reluctantly produces folded leather clothes and a purple cloak and witch hat. Rivna and Loc look at it in fascination.

Gidget: Go ahead and scan it into your mod, Rivna!

Rivna holds out the Axis and a blue light scans the materials. They dematerialize and rematerialize onto Rivna’s body. She dons leather leggings, arm guards, a tunic, and skirt. She has on a beautiful purple cloak with small gold fringes with a border of blue at the hem that goes down to her waist, a reddish bandanna around her neck, and a large purple witch hat on her head. Everyone looks at it in marvel. Rivna smiles.

Rivna: It fits perfectly.

Loc: That looks wonderful. Well done Tamar.

Tamar: You’re welcome, Rivna.

Gidget: If you ask me she looks like a tall Caster Academy student now.

Rivna curls her lip.

Rivna: Thank you. I suppose it looks… decent.

Tamar leaves with a snooty face.

Tamar: Well, I’m going to prepare supper now.

Everyone frowns.

Gidget: Anyway, this getup should be perfect for getting around while concealing most of your Tahlyan features. And the best part is that the tunic is custom made to easily let out steam from your chest.

Rivna feels the vyrkracite on her chest.

Rivna: Yes, I can see now. It doesn’t feel constricting at all.

Smoke: You looking fine, sugar.

Alerted, everyone turns to Smoke. He approaches them with a cigar in his mouth. He blows out steam at Rivna.

Rivna: Would you quit doing that?!

Smoke smiles.

Loc: You know you didn’t have to come with us to Tep-Tep City. My uncle could have made sure you were well accommodate back in Massadah.

Smoke: Nonsense, you can’t fool me kid. You’re nation’s funds are virtually all but depleted. And you still owe me a great deal for helping you out in that little scramble against the old queen. So until I get paid, you--

He gestures to Rivna.

Smoke: And you, are gonna keep seeing my pretty face.

Loc sighs.

Loc: (Did this guy interrogate our old national treasurer or something? How does he know our nation’s funds are lean right now?)

Gidget: Well I’m certainly not against it. The more firepower we have the better. Especially since Aldrog and Kenjiro are gone.

Rivna: Why can’t we just pay him off so he’ll leave?

Smoke: Hey now, I know you don’t want to get rid of me that badly. After all you’re a lot safer with me around.

Loc: Unfortunately he’s somewhat correct, Rivna. Since Massadah is no longer receiving funding from the Queen of Queens, the nation has to resort to its old agricultural ways to earn profits. And due to all the damage that was caused by the coup d'etat we’re especially lean.

Gidget: Basically, we’re broke sweetheart.

Loc: Uncle Gideon has his hands full with all of the country’s affairs so we basically have to fend for ourselves as we set out to find the next ancient relic of our kingdom.

Gidget: Which means, back to bounty hunting! And thank The Will your bounty was called off Loc. Otherwise we’d really be in a pickle.

Loc sighs.

Loc: Honestly, I thought money would be the least of my troubles upon becoming the king.

Hannah: Well if money is all you need then you can just ask me for it, Big Brother.

Hannah is standing behind everyone in a pout. They all turn to her in shock.

Chapter End

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