《Pangea: A New World》Chapter 4: An Endless Sea


The endless forest derives its name from the evergreen trees that make up the majority of its trees. The largest known forest in explored Pangea, yet despite centuries of exploration many secrets remain hidden in its depths. Dangers and opportunities in abundance are available for those brave enough to enter its heart.

Volume one of A History of Pangea, His Valor Enzyme

Waking up with a sore back, Jacob curses the stupid system that brought him to this world in which he has to sleep in a tree in the middle of nowhere. However, his mood quickly brightens when on reaching the bottom of the tree he spent the night on he receives a notification.

Congratulations Climbing Novice has levelled up to level 2 (1).

The acknowledgement of direct growth is one thing he prefers about this new world. With a newfound smile he sets out to the top of the hill at a run attempting to dodge around and over obstacles at the last moment. An attempt to imitate free running videos he saw on Earth, Jacob is testing to see if natural stat growth can occur by pushing his body, as well as hoping to learn a new skill.

After several breaks he finally reaches the top of the hill having made pretty good time and is afforded a stunning view, of an alluring endless sea of green to the horizon over the opposite side of the hill. With his heart in his throat just how alone he is hits home, the isolation weighing down upon him threatening to make him give up. Despite the beauty of this world Jacob is missing home, his friends but most of all his family.

Despite the overwhelming sense of loneliness that he initially feels, slowly a newfound excitement rises in Jacob. Staring out at this endless expanse Jacob begins to understand how old explorers on Earth must have felt, the thrill of the unknown, the chance to explore something new and the chance to learn of things beyond anything once could imagine.


With this almost hypocritical mix of emotions Jacob turns to look at where he came from and much to his delight can see the forest edge, appearing roughly two days travel away, back past the glade he initially entered this world in. Out beyond the forest’s edge is an azure river meandering across a plain which continues to the horizon and beyond, and despite the lack of civilisation in his view the river brings with it renewed hope both in aide of survival and in eventually finding civilisation of some sort.

This hope brings forward new questions, while Jacob imagines there must be civilisation on Pangea its form could be one of many. He wonders whether it will be of the form of ancient Earth, a place of brutality and rule by the strong, a world where might makes right or will it be more peaceful in keeping with the natural beauty of this land.

Taking a moment to settle his thoughts Jacob ponders his plan of action, deciding to head back towards the glade he arrived in and spend a few days there stocking up on food, setting traps on some of the animal trails he witnessed as well as finding a water source. With a sense of purpose Jacob begins the journey back down the hill again at run, met at the bottom with the lovely surprise of a new skill.

Congratulations! Due to your dedicated practice and agile movements through the forest you have gained a new skill, free running novice level 1. This is a dexterity and control-based skill. As your first control-based skill learnt you have gained + 1 stat to control.

Congratulations for reaching this milestone and learning your first two skills. You have been rewarded with 100 race xp.

The remainder of the trip back to the glade was uneventful, however because of his new-found determination to move at a run Jacob arrived there with plenty of daylight left to explore the surroundings. Expanding outwards in concentric circles Jacob managed to find four game trails on which he could set up his first traps thanks to his forestry skill.


Making use of wire he bought from the system store he first cut it into smaller pieces, of roughly 3 feet in length, with which he created a small loop at one end twisting it to allow it to hold its shape. Passing through the other end of the wire through the slip-knot loop, he fashioned a noose with four of these smaller pieces of wire.

Next he found four sturdy sticks which he secured the wire to leaving around a foot of wire between the stick and the snare. Tugging the wire to ensure it was properly attached, he placed the sticks in the ground nearby to each animal path. Lastly, he angled the noose at about 6-8 inches above the ground, aiming to catch a rabbit mid jump as they hopped a long. When caught the noose should shut tightly and kill the rabbit.

His traps set up he also managed to find a small stream to meet his water needs, finally content with a pretty successful day, Jacob headed back to the glade and as usual headed up into a tree to sleep in for the night.

Authors note:

Titles: Otherworlder

Name: Jacob Lockerby

Race: Human lvl 4 (400/800)

Class (lvl): n/a (unlocked at race lvl 5)

Second Class* (lvl): n/a/ (unlocked at race lvl 10)

Health: 100% Health Regen: 2.3% per day

Mana Points: 180 Mana Regen: 12% per hr


Strength: 12 Dexterity: 13 Perception: 11 Constitution: 13 Agility: 11 Endurance: 13 Intelligence: 15 Control: 8 Magic Power: 18

Skills: Forestry Novice (1/10), Trapmaking Novice (1/10), Fighting Proficiency, Climbing Novice (2/10), Climbing Novice (2/10), Free Running Novice (1/10)

Traits: High Grade Mana Affinity, Enhanced Health Regen Weak (1/10), Enhanced Mana Regen Weak (1/10), Tough Body Weak (1/10)

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