《Summoner with Warhammer 40K System/Dropped/》Chapter 27: Lovers in the valley


The next morning large armoured 12 vehicles surrounded by soldiers marching in formation passes the border of Dranait Kingdom. On a closer look, marching soldiers separated into two groups by colour by their uniform and pieces of equipment they use. The first group dressed in blue greatcoat along with metal boots and metal helm with a blue light shining from an eye socket as if checking it is surrounding in every step they take.

While the other group dressed in light grey thick creat coat along with creepy looking gasmask connected to their helmet making them look very intimidating.

They were Vance's army advancing towards an Azure kingdom escorting the third prince of Azure kingdom Fan Yu along with his follower Tao Xun. Vance and Whitey on the second Chimera in convoy, Fan Yu and his attendant Tao Xun are on the third Chimera in convoy along with Arnelle and her squad acting as a guard.

To prevent Fan Yu doing something unnecessary that makes guards angry Vance put Arnelle as a guard for few reasons.

First was it is more comfortable to travel with a person from the same world as you.

Second is almost always better to have a female companion than male.

The third is Arnelle was sergeant of famous Catachan Jungle Fighters making her perfect candidate for a guard and overseer. So without any worry about them, Vance continues to observe his surrounding using grapple hawk while giving a command to his soldiers.

Vance's way of thinking was particularly right except he forgot not everyone has a way of thinking and mind as him. In Chimera APC Fan Yu and his attendant having a hard time to move their body under watchful eyes of Arnelle and men of Catachan Jungle Fighters.

It is not Fan Yu, Tao Xun can't move their body but because they don't have the nerve in front of a woman leading group of muscular men wearing nothing but a dull green shirt showing all kinds of a scar on their copper skin along with skull tattoo and green camo pants and boots.


[I heard from the commander, you are a prince of a kingdom ?]

With a sinister look, Arnelle said while playing with her knife the Catachan fang with [Stalker] carved on it. It appears like a simple question but to Fan Yu it felt like he interrogated in prison. She was opposite of the women of Divine Pheonix empire who is pure and elegant.

Father women of Republic is scary she doesn't smell like a flower but dried blood and what is with that knife is that a knife or sword?

[Yes, I am the third prince of Azur-]

Suddenly Arnelle raises her hand front of him halting his word while touching her round black thing on her left ear a few seconds later she spoke with a smile.

[Looks like commander found some rats lurking around shadows. Who wanna take a fresh air]

Then Fan Yu saw a woman and hulking men in front of him began to play rock-paper-scissors between them. A moments later their game finishes and the winners leave Chimera with a scary smile.

Then a few minutes Fan Yu and Tao Xun saw that winners return with their body painted in blood while holding a bloody knife.

[How was it were they skilled ?]

[No ma'am they were just weaklings we have zero causality.]

Leading man said while wiping blood stuck on his body. Arnelle's sight lands on red flesh blob on one man's biceps.

[What is that thing ?]

[Ma'am that is the remainder of the brain matter of one poor guy that crushed between Swett's biceps.]

[Yeah ma'am I tell you bandits from this world is weak as hell, their skull got crushed like new Grox egg with weak squeeze with a pop! ]

Hearing people front of them talking to each other about torture or murder as if it is a normal thing gives shivers down the spine of Fan Yu and Tao Xun. Seeing their prince showing nonchalant look while trying to cover his shaking hand into his sleeve Tao Xun decided.


On the next stop, I definitely as to swap our transport. Who will know our prince's mind affected by those brutes?

10 days after they reached a broad valley that serves as the entrance of trade city Dury's border. Through grapple hawk, Vance notices something while checking the map. In between valley they about to enter he saw a large caravan that seems destroyed by some unknown beast.

[All units Halt!]

Immediately Vance gives an order to his army. After switching his chain sword with new power sword, Vance decides to investigate the destroyed caravan.

[Arnelle, check an area around the valley with your people and send me information if any chance discovers hostile immediately retreat. Whitey and squad 11,10. Chimera 3, 4 and Dug!]

[Ye Boss?]

[Your boys will go with me the rest of them prepare to camp here]

Then Vance saw Fan Yu and Tao Xun walk towards them.

[Please, commander Vance take me along with you]


A moment later, Vance stood in front of ground littered with corpses who are missing all kinds of their body parts. From clothes, they wearing Vance knows they are people of Divine Pheonix empire. Vance also found a corpse of the humanoid creature.

The creature had dark skin, an ugly face similar to ork with a long ear-like elf. Then Vance located the wreck of a carriage surrounded by many corpses.

In front of the carriage, Vance noticed corpse of male and woman in an elegant blue robe. Male was missing lower half of his body while a woman was with missing face laying beside of large corpse of a creature with an elegant looking sword stuck between it neck.

Suddenly Fan Yu standing behind Vance spoke.

[Brother and sister in law ?!]

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