《Summoner with Warhammer 40K System/Dropped/》Chapter 22, Execution


Right before a clash of two force priest on Vance side screams "Let me preach his name!"

Moment Vance and his people hear the word their body starts to glow in the light.

Vance, priest and brawlers received a charge in head-on.

Brawlers just ignores blades incoming them and begin smashing the head of enemy soldiers front of them with the weapon they hold. Enemy soldiers tried to cut them but light surrounding people of Vance block their attack.

At same time Vance swings his roaring chainsword to soldiers front of him soldier tried to block his chainsword but there is just no way to normal sword can block chainsword that can cut through power armour.

WIth roaring sound, Vance cuts first soldier's head clean of and with bolt pistol kills second and third soldier before they close on him. Before he aims his bolter pistol to the fourth one closes on him.

Vance quickly got hold of soldier's arm and throws on the ground and finishes him off with his bolt pistol.

In all out melee fight, soldiers of Kitt start to lose because of a weird shield of light that blocks their attacks. But ten seconds later shield of light slowly disappears and casualty starts to appear on Vance's side.

But that ten seconds was enough to Vance's force kill almost half of attacker.

Through the eye of grapple hawk, Vance saw all Kitt's force except mages caught in melee battle.

With a smile, Vance cuts apart soldier wearing good quality armour along with his sword. Suddenly he hears

"DIE" behind him appears another soldier while saying that prepared to swing his sword but with *Bang!* sound turns into meat pieces by a shot from Whitey.

"NOW!" Vance gives the signal to Arnelle Rivers.

Heavy bolter placed in forest starts to spew bulled to arrogant mages that didn't expect a thing and along with jungle fighters opens their fire to enemy soldier's flank.


*PANG PANG PANG* with sound last mages was attacking Vance's force dies without an intact corpse.

Along with his soldiers Kitt with his dragon trapped between Vance and jungle fighters.

In the last depression, he tries to rush to Vance to kill him but suddenly priest holding Eviscerator rushes to him screaming 'Glory to emperor' while ripping apart soldiers that try to face him.

Suddenly dragons wing that Kitt riding hits by heavy bolter round and rips apart into pieces.

While roaring pain Kitt's dragon rushes to Vance.

*BANG!* with sound Kitt's dragon hits by something heavy and from pain throws Kitt that from the back.

Dragon completely ignores Kitt laying on the ground and rushes to smiling girl wearing a red robe with smoke rising from hand who hit him.

At that moment Vance dodges hammer coming to his head and tries to rise his bolter pistol but his opponent knows the danger of bolter pistol so quickly changes his aim to Vance's arm holding bolter pistol.


With sound bolter pistol on Vance's hand hits away with a hammer along with breaking two of his finger.

Vance clenches his teeth from pain holds chainsword with his two hand attacks his opponent. Seeing obvious strike his opponent uses last bit of his mana and reinforces his hammer and tries to block the chain sword.

But it was no wail while creating roaring sound Vance's chainsword cuts through reinforced handle then head of his opponent.

Suddenly Vance hears *BU!* sound behind him and he saw one brawler punches guts of a soldier that aiming his back now brawler breaking soldier's neck.

Then Vance saw Kitt battling against the priest. With the smile, Vance takes short axe from the ground and hides on his great coat then walks towards Kitt while holding his bloody chainsword.

"Stop I will kill this heretic," said Vance after arriving front priest.


Priest leaves Kitt to Vance after he spits on Kitt's face.

"As expected one who ready to die for his emperor shows no honour to you who called their emperor an idiot," said Vance lifts his chain sword against Kitt.

Kitt looks nothing like one was in kingdom his proud summoned army crushed, his shiny armour mixed with blood and soil along his clean face.

From his ragged breath and white face, Vance knows Kitt's first time in real battle. Kitt on held against a priest because he used body strengthening magic recklessly.

"I am not lost I have my dragon, I only have to kill you," said Kitt rushes to Vance while denying his loss.

Vance deflects Kitts sword meanwhile he takes short axe with his hand with a two broken finger from his great coat and stuck on the left side of Kitt's armour.

Kitt staggers to left while holding his sides in pain before he opens his eye Vance hits his face with the handle of his chainsword.

"DOn't Underestimate ME you pleb" while saying that Kitt stands up while his eye starts to shine in blue colour and his sword starts to give lightning sparks.

But with mocking expression, Vance just kicks short axe that embeds on sides of Kitt said "Are you some kind of idiot? preparing technique right front of my eye do you think I just wait for you ?"

At same time mouth of dragon Whitey fighting against also lightning begins to collect then dragon sends thick lightning bolt to Whitey.

But Whitey just absorbs lightning to her body said "Thanks for charging my core". Suddenly speed of Whitey increases tremendously and rushes to a dragon.

Because of low energy, Whitey can't fight against dragon more effectively. She can't use lightning so she tried to finish off dragon by firing 'meat hammer' on point blank range.

But by luck, her opponent dragon used lightning against her and charged her core.

Dragon tries to fight back using his claws against Whitey. But Whitey just ignores claw coming towards her prepares to pierce dragon's hearth using her mechanical arm.

*Tang* with sound dragon claw hits Whitey didn't even pierce her skin even didn't send her flying like in a previous fight.

With a smile, Whitey pierces dragon's skin and pulls out its hearth for research because mana mixed in lightning damaged her chaos core.

*A few minutes later*

Vance, Whitey and his men teleport back to the stadium along with lone Kitt.

Seeing this Eurydice said "Then I declare leader of 'Imperium' Vance is winner so you have full control of Kitt's life what will you do"

"Please don't do this Vance I give you anything you want let Kitt live" pleads Dru Ironhide.

"Will say that if i lost ? you know the answer! with this I cut our connection" said Vance points his bolter pistol to pleading Kitt.

"Don't you dare kill Kitt if you do entire Ironhide family will hunt you down DO YOU HEAR ME" screamed Dru.

Moment Dru finishes his sentence with roaring sound Vance cuts Kitt's head off and shows Dru said "This is the end"

Seeing this even king's face changes.

Before Dru says something Eurydice lits his cigar and said"As winner Vance have full authority to decide life and death of Kitt so it is okay. But threatening or attacking after the duel is against rules just like you." points Dru.

"Vance must receive my guard for a week during that time don't even think to attack him if you don't want your kingdom standing on the ground," said Eurydice with the stern voice.

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