《Summoner with Warhammer 40K System/Dropped/》Chapter 21, Battle End


Inside the forest soldiers of Kitt starts to disappear one by one as if forest slowly eating them.

Mages tried to scan the area around them using their magic but the moment they stop their movement they killed by some kind of way.

One time mage used mana shield and stone dome himself. Then he tried to use his scan but a moment before dome rises from the ground and take shape of dome one jungle fighter thrown an explosive into it.

With*BOOM* sound poor mage died like a fox hiding in his hole.

Just like putting salt on wound earth attributed mages can't use earth sense because there are no one enemies on the ground except traps they planted.

At first, they get happy at there will be no death because of traps but they were wrong because even they move while avoiding mines they met even evil traps on their way.


With sound few soldiers walking front drops on the ground while holding their legs. When commander checks their injury he saw their toes missing.

Without a healer, they have to drag injured together with them but in the forest almost there are almost no lethal traps all traps are aimed to hurt or injure them.

More time goes on soldier's morale starts to drop and some of them start to desert them but there was no wail except quiet forest.

Then a few minutes later again with wailing sound some soldiers injured by toes buster poison needle. All of the soldiers can use mana to strengthen their body but their mana not infinite so they need conserve their mana for a critical moment but because of that, they hurt by those traps.

And because of more than one mage can't use their mana search when they close to each other Commander can't choose two mage use mana search same time because of that he commands his soldiers to create wall surrounding mage that most good at using mana search using their enhancement.


But that moment he doesn't know his enemy let him not they can't kill the mage.

"I Got them that way" at last mage points direction that most their enemy hiding.

With vengeance their hearth commander and their rushes direction to their enemy while ignoring planted traps using his mana enhancement.

With red-eye commander and their soldiers arrives their enemy location but they met heavy bolter facing them.

*BANG BANG BANG BANG* With sound heavy opens it fire against soldiers that using the mana enchant to strengthen their body but because of mental and body stress plus the power of rocket-propelled explosive round flying to their body.

Just like a hot knife through butter massacres soldiers of Kitt. Commander theirs to scatter his soldiers but surrounded by jungle fighters holding flamer and frag grenade dies without an intact body.

Seeing this death of commander mages of Kitt tried to run away and some of them tried to fight back. Even they rise wall or cast mana bubble they just killed by shooting from all sides.

Arnelle Rivers sends the last message to Vance" we finished the job what is your order commander?"

Vance answers "Prepare to flank the enemy we must finish this before they send another reinforcement"

Arnelle Rivers "Roger!"

*Back to Vance's side*

After finishing half of Kitt's force Vance quickly gives order give a status report.

Moments later Vance receives a status report and knows his options are limited.

Ammunitions of las rifle are now very limited, grenade launcher and flamer's ammo are exhausted and heavy bolter ammo is good but not for long. And there is a frag grenade and some frak grenade.

Quickly Vance starts to organize his people. First, he pushes heavy bolters very forward and asks Whitey to connect armours of orks and build a small bunker around heavy bolters.


Whitey already uses a high amount of energy by blocking magic so now she doesn't have the high amount of energy to fire a lightning.

But first Vance need to trick Kitt for earn time for creating bunker.

Then he quickly found Idea.

He gives his men order to wear intact armours of fallen soldiers of Ironhide family and arms themselves with their swords and shield.

When Kitt saw what Vance doing he smirks gives hi command "This idiot thinking charge us using weapons of our fallen comrades prepare for their pitiful charge"

A few minutes later Vance and his people finish put armours of their enemies on their body.

"Charge" with sound Vance charges towards Kitt with his people.

With a smile, Kitt sees Vance as if he looking dead man and waits for Vance coming towards him.

But a little bit after running over half of their way all of Vance people drop their armour front of two heavy weapons team and two heavy weapons team starts to prepare their heavy bolter right before Kitt's eye.

Whitey quickly connect armours using her 'repair' ability and help of her six mechanical hands builds a bunker around two heavy bolters.

"Prepare for volley fire on my signal," Vance screams loud that enough to be wake up on dumbfounded Kitt and his force.

Then Kitt knows he tricked and Vance now preparing to attack him quickly give an attack to his force.

"Heavy bolter team aim their mages," said Vance.

As expected mages that protecting Kitt, they quickly start to cast all kinds of protective spell.

In reality force of Kitt was out of range from their las rifle but now they enter their range with smile Vance said "FIRE!"

This time the first volley only succeeded to kill front line of rushing Kitt's warriors using body enhancement.

Seeing the third volley is too late Vance" Throw frag grenades, prepare bayonets"

With his order, all of his men throw their frag grenades to incoming enemies and puts their bayonets on their rifle.

*BOOM* with sound some them blast apart with magic that escaped from suppressive fire from heavy bolters.

*Slice* with sound part of Vance's left cheek disappears leaving bloody skin that showing Vance's teeth.

Vance spits some blood collecting on his mouth and said to his men: "Wipe off that blood on your armour and show these bastard holy symbols on our armour"

Then charges against incoming magic warrior while firing his bolter pistol screaming: "COME ON LET'S SHOW THOSE BASTARDS WHO WE REALLY ARE!! CHAAAARGE!"

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