《Apocalypse Override: Zombieman》Chapter 6: Crossroads


Ray came to with a jerk.

What happened? Ray thought immediately. His mind automatically flashed through the events that had recently transpired, trying desperately to catch up.

His car had tilted, slamming its entire left side into the dirt road. It had skidded across the ground for a few seconds before coming to a stop.

It seemed that the airbag popped in time to save his life. Ray couldn’t feel his left shoulder or arm anymore, lying there sandwiched by the airbag and the left side of the car. There wasn’t much pain, only shock as his brain tried to process what had just occurred.

Ray needed to check himself for injuries. He found his phone once more. It had survived the crash, still awaiting a song selection. The flashlight blinked on as Ray quickly scrolled through the apps, using it to illuminate the car and himself.

He would need to unbuckle his seatbelt in order to get out of the wrecked vehicle. Ray slowly reached towards button to free himself from his temporary prison, bracing himself for an impact that would come afterward. The movement freed his body from the seatbelt and the deflated airbag.

Ray grit his teeth and used his bloody right hand to pull himself up, placing his phone on his chest and using the joystick of the car as a handle. He fumbled for the handle of the right door, trying to get it open.

His left arm was completely useless in this endeavor. He managed to open the door just a smidge before the door was forced back down by gravity.

Given this, there wasn’t enough strength in his arm to open the far right door. His left leg’s movement was also severely impaired. Ray looked around for more ideas, racking his brain.

The windshield was semi-broken from the impact. Maybe that was his way out of this mess?


But what could he use to break the laminated glass? It was still somewhat intact, a mess of sharp edges and spider cracks. He could potentially use his right arm as leverage for his injured left leg to somewhat stand on the door.

Ray decided to try.

He positioned himself, ready to release the fury of his kick at the damaged windscreen. Ray took a deep breath. He took aim at the weakest part of the cracked glass. With all the might he could muster, he let his right leg fly towards the window whilst holding onto a door handle with his good arm. The force of his kick broke through the busted windscreen, cracking the already damaged glass even more.

Got it!

Ray felt relief.

There was now a manageable escape path. He could finally get out of this confining deathtrap. Ray carefully kicked away the sharp edges around the breached opening to avoid any further unnecessary injuries. As he was mentally preparing himself to crawl out of the vehicle he heard a loud thud above him. A sense of dread and fear pervaded his mind.

What was that noise?

There was something on top of his car. This much, he knew for certain. Would it attack? Was it the goblin’s companions from earlier? Ray wished he had just run over the figure he saw earlier. His instincts made him swerve to the side, and he now regretted everything.

Ray knew instinctively that he absolutely could not make any noise otherwise it would attract the attention of the creature above. He could still hear the creature on the top of the right side door walking around.

Maybe I could just wait here until that thing leaves, Ray hoped. Maybe it won’t kill me?

However, the worst-case scenario happened. Ray heard another thud coming from the top of his vehicle. He heard tapping after that. Then came the multiple footsteps, each one crushing his hopes.


I’m surrounded!

The tapping made it worse. It felt like the monsters surrounding his car were taunting him, banging softly on the car hood and sides. They played with his mentality, the fear gripping his mind and shattering his thoughts.

He didn’t know what to do. What was there to do? Ray was stranded in the middle of no man’s land, heavily injured, and surrounded by hostile monsters from another world.

Before he could make a decision, one of the creatures jumped down from the top of the car in front of the windshield and slowly twisted its head and body towards Ray’s direction. It had sensed his presence.

And it definitely wanted to eat him.

Ray knew what the creature was the moment he locked his eyes onto it.

It was another goblin. However, this one was larger and more frightening. The goblin had a menacing and grim smile, reminding Ray of a sinister clown. Its eyes were bloodshot red, looking at Ray with murderous intent. The worst part was that this specific goblin wielded a blunt club.

It looked poised and ready to smash his head open.

Ray didn’t need a second opinion to know what was about to happen. He quickly scrambled towards the back of the vehicle to find if there was anything he could use as a weapon. Before he could do so, the goblin leaped towards the windshield opening trying to breach its way into the vehicle.

Ray watched as the goblin got stuck around the edges of the half-broken windshield. He felt that the goblin wouldn’t get through and scrambled towards the back of the car once more.

If I can just get some cover, I can buy myself some time.

He made it to the back seats after much effort. Ray dragged his injured arm and leg with his healthy right side. He settled in, and not a moment too soon.

The goblin finally used the club it was wielding to bash through the windshield. A four foot tall dark green monstrosity forced its way into his broken car directly towards Ray. The goblin had rows of sharp menacing teeth bared, looking to bite off Ray’s face should he get close enough.

Ray’s panic had reached its peak.

His heart was beating out of his chest, pounding away with a ferocity he’d never experienced before. The adrenaline was back, pumping through his veins and powering his actions. Even so, Ray felt extreme fear as he was accosted by the savage hellish goblin.

There was a choice here. Would he lay down and die? Or would he fight to the death?

Ray steeled his eyes and made his decision. He would go out with a bang. There was no giving up.

The goblin had almost reached him, as it was having trouble fitting in its club into the wreckage of the car. It had already deemed him as a pathetic adversary, based on the way Ray was retreating.

Ray would have to correct that belief.

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