《The Legendary Heroes are Slacking Off [Isekai System LitRPG/Progression Fantasy]》13. It's Me!
The bushes rustled. A stick cracked, dry and sharp. Gale backed away, pushing Kino back.
A scaly head popped out of the bushes. Nictating membranes flicked over slit golden eyes. The lizardfolk stepped up beside them, blue and green scales wiggling out of the bushes. It looked at them and nodded.
Gale nodded back, somewhat offput. “Er, hello. Tysir, was it?”
“Tysir. Lady lizard. Humans can’t tell,” she said, offering a clawed hand.
Gale took it. “I’m Gale. A human man. If… you can’t tell.”
“Can tell,” Tysir confirmed.
Kino glanced at her, then nodded shyly.
“Beastfolk. You transform?” Tysir asked.
Kino nodded silently.
“Do you?” Gale asked, curious more than anything.
“I don’t. Not all beastfolk transform. Not all lizardfolk transform. Is a roll of dice,” Tysir explained. She licked a claw absent-mindedly. Blood flitted into her mouth.
Gale glanced at his hand, then made a quiet gesture. Blood lifted off his hand and vanished into his body. To his surprise, it also lifted the blood off Tysir and absorbed it.
Tysir frowned at him. “Steal Tysir’s snack?”
“S…sorry,” Gale said, as taken aback as she was.
Tysir waved a claw. “Does not matter.”
They walked along. Tysir walked quietly, her claws silent against the leaf-laden ground. Kino glanced at her a few times, almost curious.
“Do you not see a lot of lizardfolk?” Gale asked, leaning toward Kino.
Kino shook his head. “Not like Tysir. The ones who don’t transform live deep in the forest. They mostly speak lizardspeak. There’s beastfolk that don’t transform, and a beastspeak, too, but… I mostly speak the common language. I only know a few phrases, like… ‘bad man,’ and that kind of thing.”
So beastspeak is what he used to speak to the horse? Interesting. Gale nodded thoughtfully.
“Sarah is not always like that. You should forgive her,” Tysir said suddenly.
“Oh?” Gale asked, tilting his head.
Tysir nodded. “She was hurt. A long time ago, she made party and went on adventure, but… party abandoned her. Tried to put her in place she didn’t like. I found her after she ran away, and nursed her back to health. Since then, she lives in woods. Makes ice cream.”
Gale winced. “I hit a nerve, then.”
Tysir let out a dry laugh. “You could say that!”
“I’m sorry. I had no idea,” Gale said remorsefully.
“No, no. You couldn’t know. Though you weren’t, what is it… very delicate,” Tysir chuckled. She shook her head. “Come back tomorrow. I know Sarah will regret it. She will probably… give you free ice cream. As apology.”
Gale shook his head. “It’s very kind of you to say so, Tysir, but we were in the wrong. We’ll move on. There’s no need for us to bother her again.”
“Ah, if you’re sure,” Tysir said, bobbing her head.
Kino leaned out suddenly. He caught Tysir’s hand. “Tysir, how is the Beast Kingdom?”
Tysir tilted her head. “I live here, on edge of forest, now. I not know Beast Kingdom very well.”
Kino flinched. “Oh. Right.”
“Beast Kingdom?” Gale asked.
“Coalition of beastfolk villages. There is no Lizard Kingdom. We too independent for kingdom,” Tysir said proudly. She flicked her tongue out and closed her eyes, smiling.
Gale sighed happily. “I really am in another world.”
“What, you forget?” Tysir teased, poking him.
“No, it’s…”
Tysir’s pupils narrowed suddenly. She lifted her head and flicked her tongue, then grabbed Gale and Kino. “Off, off, off the path, now!”
“What?” Gale asked, frowning at her.
Kino sniffed the air, standing on his tiptoes. The next instant, his hair bristled, standing on end, and his eyes narrowed as well. He wiggled out of Tysir’s grip and grabbed Gale, rushing into the undergrowth.
“What’s going on? Please, one of you,” Gale asked, looking at the other two.
Tysir lifted her finger to her mouth. Kino shook his head emphatically.
Heavy boots thumped along the path. Armor clanged. The smell of sweat, leather, and horses mingled with the heady scent of incense. Gale fell still and peered through the bushes, holding his breath.
A man in leather armor and white robes marched by, chest puffed, a hand at the sword on his hip, a whip coiled at his rear. A gilt starburst stretched over the front of the armor. Beside him, a massive, lumbering man girded with swollen muscles carried a massive broadsword on his back. Chainmail clanked against steel plate at his chest. Hammered into the plate, a golden starburst stood out in the sunlight. Two women followed them. One, like the lead man, wore leather and carried a sword, while the final one dressed in soft white robes hemmed in a blocky red pattern. Like the man’s plate armor, her robes bore the golden starburst across the breast.
“The Church of Light,” Tysir hissed.
“They hate monsters,” Kino whispered.
Gale nodded, understanding.
As they passed the three of them, the woman in leather armor stopped abruptly. She looked around and reached for her sword. Leather creaked, and her sword rattled.
“What is it, Felicity?” the lead man asked, glancing back.
“I sense… monsters,” she replied, turning slowly. Her eyes fell on the bush, and she stopped. She peered closer.
Gale held completely still. Beside him, both Kino and Tysir went stiff. No one breathed.
The man shook his head. “We’re in the forest. Of course there’s monsters. If we tried to destroy every monster in the forest, we’d be out here until the end of our lives.”
“It would be a holy pursuit,” the woman replied stiffly.
“A pursuit may be holy, but that does not make it worthy,” the woman in robes replied, a gentle note in her voice.
A tinge of guilt bit into Gale’s stomach. It’s a worthy pursuit! I’m going to… destroy the Demon King! Or at least get my body back, but that’s still a worthy pursuit!
“Yeah, listen to Lucretia! There’s no need to exhaust ourselves. We’ve got big game to catch, anyways.”
Felicity scowled. “The witch.”
“Our Goddess has bestowed her with unusual magic, but she is still blessed, and thus a holy mage, Felicity. Mind your language,” Lucretia returned.
“She fraternizes with monsters and—and demons!” Felicity snapped.
“She has been led astray. It is our job to guide the Goddess’ blessed Legendary Heroes back to the light. Especially one as gifted as her. If we could convince her to be a priestess…” Lucretia murmured almost to herself, licking her lips.
A shiver ran down Gale’s spine. What on earth was that?
“We almost had her,” the huge man with the broadsword grumbled.
Lucretia sighed. “Eunice, your… intentions were pure, but… how many times must I say it? Trying to lock her in the church’s dungeon was… inadvisable. If you hadn’t been so rash that first time, I wouldn’t have to come out with you now, this… what is it, the fifth time you’re trying to capture her?”
“She wouldn’t stay. I had to lock her up,” Eunice grumbled.
“Piero, please,” Lucretia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
The lead man in leather armor gestured. “You two. Shut up and march! Don’t trouble the priestess. She’s finally come out with us, let’s not scare her away. Come on, let’s get a move on before the sun sets. Even you two surely don’t want to spend the night in the forest this close to the fortress.”
Felicity harrumphed. Eunice fell silent.
Lucretia clapped her hands and patted the two warriors on the back, gently pushing them forward. “Okay! Let’s go!”
At last, the party from the Church of Light moved ahead. They vanished around the turn, travelling toward Sarah’s ice cream shop.
“Fwah!” Gale gasped a breath, finally moving again. Beside him, Tysir blinked and scratched her neck. Kino stood on his finger- and toe-tips and shook himself all over from head to toe like a dog, then climbed to his feet to stretch.
“They’re the ones who captured Sarah before,” Tysir said, scowling after them.
“Sarah’s in danger?” Gale asked, frowning after them.
Tysir hesitated. “Sometimes they come. Sarah scares them off. But never… so many. Never a priestess.”
Gale nodded. “I understand. Let’s go!”
“Wait, why?” Kino asked, tilting his head.
“If we can’t have Sarah, neither can anyone else!” Gale declared, rolling up his sleeves.
Kino and Tysir exchanged a glance.
Gale looked back at them and laughed. “A joke, that’s a joke. No, rather… I asked to forge my own destiny, when I arrived in this world. I know what it’s like to have others force their designs upon you. If Sarah doesn’t want it, they should respect her wishes!”
“That isn’t what you said with Arthur,” Kino pointed out, tilting his head.
Gale pointed at Kino. “People can learn and change!”
“You just tried to blackmail Sarah,” Kino added.
“And when she denied me, I backed down!”
“Was shitty blackmail,” Tysir said, gesturing at her head around where Gale’s ears were.
“See? It doesn’t even count,” Gale said.
Tysir gave him a look. Kino crossed his arms, unconvinced.
Gale sighed. “Okay. Those guys pissed me off and I want to beat them up, does that work?”
“Yeah, that’s Gale!” Kino said, grinning.
Tysir nodded. “If Sarah there, you may have chance.”
Gale nodded, clenching his fist. They piss me off… because they’re doing exactly what I did, but when someone else does it… it’s so obviously wrong. I didn’t want to admit it, but… dammit, it’s true. I can’t blackmail or force people to come along with me. It won’t work even if I do! They won’t fight for me, or stand by my side. It isn’t worthwhile.
But I don’t have the resources an organized religion does. I can ask, but I’m a level four, no threat at all. Arthur and Sarah have no problem saying no. If the Church of Light tries to force Sarah… they can actually imprison her and force her to do what they want. That’s bullshit. I won’t sit back and let it happen.
“Sarah! We’re coming,” Gale said, stepping back along the path.
Tysir grabbed his shoulder. “Wait. I know other way. Avoid knights.”
Gale nodded. “I’m trusting you, Tysir.”
Tysir grinned, revealing sharp teeth. “Silly soft elf shouldn’t.”
Kino leaned in and whispered, “Some lizardfolk consider elf- and man-flesh a delicacy.”
Gale’s eyes widened. He stiffened subtly, casting a glance aside at Tysir.
“Not Tysir. Was joke,” Tysir clarified.
Snorting, Gale shook his head. “Alright. Let’s go. Tysir, lead the way.”
Tysir shot him a thumbs up and darted into the undergrowth on all fours. Kino wiggled after her, transforming as he went. Left in the dust, Gale jogged along as quietly as he could manage. He panted as he ran, jumping over the branches and roots. His elvish instincts kept him from stomping on any obvious dry twigs, but compared to Kino and Tysir, he simply couldn’t keep up.
Ahead, Tysir and Kino paused, waiting for him. When he reached them, they bolted off again. Gale paused for a second, bracing himself against his knees to catch his breath, then ran off after them again. Damn beastfolk! They’ve got too much energy!
The cottage appeared once more, but this time, they approached it from the rear. The deer from earlier dangled from its rear hooves, head cut off, blood dripping from its severed neck. Tysir patted the neck as she passed and licked her hand.
Gale hesitated, then gestured at the carcass. The blood rushed from the corpse and flew at him. He closed his eyes, absorbing the blood.
Tysir frowned at him. Gale shrugged. I can make better use of it than the corpse can!
Kino crawled up to Gale and offered his hand. Lost, Gale took it.
In an instant, Kino grabbed ahold of Gale and leaped at the wall, scurrying up onto the thatched roof. He wriggled up the roof and peeked over the top, lifting Gale so he could see as well.
Gale grabbed onto the roof frame and snuck a glance over the top.
The four figures from the church stood at the edge of the path. Piero and Felicity stood in front in their matching leather armor. Eunice and the priestess, Lucretia, stood in the rear.
Opposite them, Sarah stood in the doorway, her arms crossed. She shook her head firmly. “No.”
A fierce wind blew. Despite the late-spring warmth, a sudden chill rushed past. Something cold and wet touched the back of Gale’s neck. He raised a hand, and a snowflake landed in his palm. Flakes of snow danced on the wind, flurrying around them. Frost rimed the grass around Sarah’s feet and climbed up her dress.
Lucretia stepped forward, her hands to her chest. She shook her head. “Sarah, you are beloved of the Goddess. The Church of Light means you no harm. Even in the past, that was merely a misunderstanding—”
“I said no!” Sarah snarled. Ice surged over the grass, charging at the group from the Church of Light.
Felicity thrust her hand out. Twisting golden light burst from her palm and drew a shimmering, paper-thin wall in front of the party. Despite the seeming thinness of the light, the ice melted where the two met.
Sarah’s brows furrowed. She scowled, frustrated.
“Please, you misunderstand. Your party member didn’t sell you to the Church. That isn’t even possible! He merely recognized your potential and—”
“Bullshit. I saw the gold. Get the fuck out before I turn you all into ice sculptures.” She snapped her fingers. A shimmering white crystal grew over her hand, growing brighter and bluer as it grew. Intense cold radiated from the crystal. When it reached the size of a fist, icy smoke seeped out. It swirled around the crystal as if a miniature snowstorm raged around it.
Lucretia shook her head, her eyes shining with conviction. “Sarah, no! You are a Chosen One. A Legendary Hero amongst Legendary Heroes. I do not know what happened in the past, what happened between you and your party member, but the Church would do anything to help you. We only want to see you thrive.”
“If you don’t know what happened, then shut the hell up and get out,” Sara growled. She lifted her hand. The crystal throbbed with light, pulsing cold through the clearing. Frost coated the grass and the trees.
The wall of golden light trembled. Felicity flinched, falling back a step. Lucretia’s eyes flashed. Her hands moved, and she chanted something under her breath. Piero and Eunice reached for their weapons.
“Wait!” Gale leaped out from behind the roof, standing atop the thatch.
“Why should I?” Sarah snarled, eyes locked on the Church of Light party.
“Sarah, you need to let it go. I know you don’t want to hold it back anymore, but these people have nothing to do with your grudge! Your party member might have banished the perfect girl you were, but there’s no need to go this far. Though the snow blows cold in the clearing right now, there’s no need to wipe these people off the earth! Think about your cottage, your business. Do you want this to be a meadow of isolation, and you, the queen?”
Sarah glared at Gale, annoyed. “Are you done?”
“I could keep going, honestly,” Gale said, shrugging.
“You shouldn’t.”
“Ah, well…” Gale said. He grinned, pleased with himself.
“Young boy, please flee! This—I don’t want to see you hurt,” Lucretia said, her eyes big and sad.
He jabbed a finger at her. “You fuck off! Leave Sarah alone. She isn’t coming with me, and she doesn’t want to come with you, either. I won’t let you steal her away.”
Sarah snorted. “You’re a weird kid.”
“Yeah, and you’re a weird girl yourself,” Gale shot back.
Lucretia stepped back, taken aback. Felicity glared fiercely at him. “Stay out of this. This is between us and Sarah. If you don’t want to get hurt, you should leave.”
“What do you care?” Gale asked. He lifted his hat, revealing his ears.
“A monster—” Felicity hissed. Her eyes narrowed. Waves ran through the golden wall, shivering as Felicity trembled. She tensed, tendons standing out on her neck, her wrists, everywhere.
Piero raised his hand in front of her, warning her back.
Sarah shrugged mockingly, holding her hands out to them. “It’s true. I’m fraternizing with monsters. So? Am I still a Chosen? Or are you going to throw me in your dungeon again?”
Lucretia shook her head. “Sarah, please. You’ve been led astray, but there’s still time…”
“Sarah! I’m desperate. The damn trolls won’t leave me alone. They think they can beat me after this stupid Blood Mage piloted one to victory… ugh, yuck. I’ve had to fight so maaaaany. Their energy tastes like pooooop. I need ice cream to heal my broken tongue!” Theo cried, tossing her door open.
All eyes locked on Theo. On his blackened limbs, his coiling horns, his spade-tipped tail. Everyone in the clearing froze, completely still. He glanced around at the Church of Light, at the vicious ice crystal in Sarah’s hand, at Gale on the roof. He licked his lips and nodded. “Yep, looks like you’re busy. It’s a bad time, no? I’ll come back later.”
Theo backed away. Before he could shut the door, Felicity’s face twisted into a snarl. “A filthy demon!” She charged for the door, breaking the wall of golden light.
Icy wind slammed into the other members of her party. Lucretia staggered back, hands raised against the fierce wind. Eunice caught her before she fell.
Piero reached after Felicity, brows furrowed. “Felicity! Calm down!”
“She’s colluding with demons! Assisting the Demon King! Unforgivable!” Felicity shouted, hoisting her sword high.
“She’s not colluding with anyone! I just like ice cream!” a muffled voice sounded from the far side of the door.
Sarah threw the ice crystal.
Oh, shit! Gale jumped down the far side of the roof, yanking Kino with him. They plunged from the roof. Kino wrapped around Gale, protecting them as they tumbled to the earth.
“Get down!” he shouted at Tysir.
She dropped to the ground, hands over her head.
White light burst out. A wave of frigid cold washed over them. Gale and Kino hit the ground and rolled, bouncing over suddenly-frozen earth. Every part of Gale’s exposed skin froze, suddenly coated in ice.
Warning! You are Freezing. Death in 1:30.
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