《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Summon O' Summons? More Like... Staff O' Foods! (Chapter 28)



Finally, the box opened, shooting out a ball of light that floated just a dozen centimetres atop the box. Poopy watched in excitement as the glow faded revealing a...

Congratulations! You got a Rare LootCrate!


The golem stared blankly at the duplicate floating in the air, speechless. Is this a joke?!

Poopy reassured itself. At least it got an extra empty metal box, right? It wasn't sure what it could do with it, but that's better than nothing...


The extra casing turned into a cloud of dust, fully disintegrated.

Poopy: ...

Open Rare LootCrate? Yes No


Congratulations! You got a Rare LootCrate!

Well that was it! The golem was now a hundred percent sure that this dumb box was a troll item.

In actuality though, it just got really lucky or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. The chance to get a Rare LootCrate from a Rare LootCrate was 1%, so it pretty much hit the 'jackpot' twice. But since Poopy was unaware of that, it got angry.

It mustered up all it's strength and somehow managed to lift it, tossing the box away as far as it could. It wasn't going to clutter it's inventory with something that useless!


"Whuat dat?" It heard somecat meow.

Well, that didn't go according to plan. Poopy quickly ducked behind a tree as it heard pawsteps from inside the miniature house.

As Yowi pranced out of his home, he saw a huge metal box (it looked huge to him, around half his size). And like any sensible creature in a LitRPG world, it scanned the metal box.

Rare LootCrate.

Open it to get some random goodies from Common-Rare! 0.01% chance to get an Epic item.

(May include joke items)

"Yew! Yue! Come look at dis!" Mewed the kitty. He wasn't sure why this box popped out of the blue, but he was definitely going to take it.


"Iam busy!" Replied the bunny.

"Chu come!"




After a few minutes of 'convincing' Yue (AKA meowing "Yas!" until she complied), Yowi finally got the bunny out of the house.

"What izzit?" Asked the very annoyed bunny.

"Box gib raare iteems!" Yowi answered enthusiastically as he pointed a paw to the dull metal box.

"Whut?" Yue scanned the box. "Noice."

"Whuo open?" Asked the cat.

"Up two yew." Answered the bunny.

So like the excitable creature he was, the kitten hit the 'Yes' button. The box started to shudder and shake like it's predecessors, but this time with a purple light. It then started to float a metre high in the air, high above the heads of the duo.


The box then exploded into shards, sending the kitty and the bunny into a panic. They started to bolt, only to soon realise that the shards were harmless, dissipating into powder upon contact with anything.

Congratulations! You got an Epic Staff O' Summons!

Staff O' Summons

LVL: 0

+50,000 MAG

Weapon Skill:

Otherworldly Summons

Summons a selected creature or plant from a random world!

(Charges: 2) (Charge Cooldown: 30 mins) (100-100,000,000 MP)

The staff then hit the ground unceremoniously. The two froze in shock for a second. In excitement, Yue rushed up first to grab it.

"Sammon karrot!" She squeaked.

Kajoh Carrot has been summoned from Selous! -1000 MP.

(Did you know Alan himself grew it in his farm? Awesome, isn't it?)

Kajoh Carrot

LVL: 0

Species: Carrot (Plant)

HP: 50

MP: 5000

MAG: 500

DEF: 5

INT: 3


+500 Max MP

+5000 MP

+10,000 EXP

A purplish carrot that smelled quite pleasant popped out of thin air and landed before the bunny. She quickly began to nibble on it, relishing it's taste. Seeing Yue's delight, Yowi prounced towards, the staff, wanting some of the action.


"Summon fesh!" Meowed the cat.

Angler Fish has been summoned from Earth! -200 MP.

(Beautiful isn't it? Hah.)

Angler Fish

LVL: 0

Species: Lophiiformes

HP: 500

MP: 0

STR: 200

DEX: 10

AGI: 50

DEF: 5,000,000

INT: 30

EXP upon kill: 1000

A ghastly fish with small beady eyes and a huge gaping mouth full of sharp teeth materialised in the air. Yowi screeched in horror, hopping back with his fur raised. But the creature died quickly since it was out of the deep oceans. The cat soon got over his fear, sampling the bizarre fish. The head was to hard to be eaten properly, but Yowi found the rest of the parts rather tasty.

As the two feasted, Poopy watched in shock, regret and anger. What nonsense is this? It was the one who earned it, so why was it unable to reap the rewards? Watching the two, Poopy had gotten the wrong idea of what the staff was used for, thinking it was a food stuff. It drooled as it thought of all the poop it could have gotten. At least Yowi was seemed to be enjoying the fish...

If the Monster Collector Guild were to know that the three were thinking such a powerful staff was only good for summoning foods, they would have been utterly outraged.

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