《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Is A Rock A Type Of Plant? (Chapter 19)


"Huff... huff... huff."

In the outskirts of a forest, you could hear the panting of the dung golem who was leaning against a tree. Now that it was not being chased by the excited crowd, Poopy was finally able to ask the question it was curious about the whole time.

'System, what class did I just get?' it thought to itself.

Class: Druid

Type: Mage

Description: A powerful magician that draws power from nature to manipulate plants, fungi and animals.

Stat Bonuses:

+100 MAG.

+500 HP.

+1000 MP.

Current Skills:

Plant Control

Plant Growth

A plant? What's that? Apparently, it's innate knowledge did not include many obvious things.

'System! What is a plant?'

Additional System Input: A plant is something alive that does not move. Well, technically they do move as they grow but that's not really the point.

Poopy used Plant Control on a rock.

That's not a plant, haha. -10 MP.

Apparently, Poopy had no idea how to tell if something is alive or not. Thinking back about how the system said that plants were living things that don't move, Poopy decided that the rock must be something that is not alive. It recalled that the system said that 'plants' move as they grow. The golem looked around in vicinity and saw a ring of pulsing mushrooms. Aha!

That's not a plant, hahaha. -10 MP.

Poopy felt very wronged. Was the system just trolling it? Poopy got upset and decided to just ignore the skill for now.

TG: You do realise that you have the Scan skill, right? The scan skill with tell you what the thing you just scanned is.

(TG pitied the clueless Poopy)

Ah! Poopy felt enlightened. It mentally thanked TG and thought to itself about how much nicer TG was than the system Ai.

Delete Tutorial Guide? YES no


'Okay, okay! I'm sorry!' plead Poopy. The box disappeared right after the system got the threat across. Honestly, I don't see why the system would be so petty. It was almost as if it had the mentality of a young child.

With its new knowledge, Poopy decided to scan random plants and try to control them for fun. Unfortunately, most of the plants it targeted were too high levelled to be controlled since the golem was in a high levelled forest. It was able to control the saplings and grass however, but the control was quite limited and cost a lot of mana as well.

After a while of experimenting, Poopy realised that the green moss and the now sprouting truffle grass seeds that grew on it were plants too. It decided to try to get rid of them with Plant Control.

Remove bound plants: Moss? (-5 DEF) Yes No

Bound plants?

Normally, a Druid would need to go through a long process to link themselves with the plant. However, the moss and truffle grass have grown on you their whole lives so they are automatically bound. Bound plants cost no mana to control.

In curiosity, Poopy tried manipulating the truffle grass sprouts on it. They moved as naturally as the golem would with it's fingers. Manipulating the moss only resulted in small changes to the patterns of moss that grew on it however.

Realising this, the golem grew excited. Couldn't it grow a plant that was as tough as 'those hard tall plant things' (aka trees) on it's body and use the plant like an extra body part and to increase its stats? Poopy already had the experience of having its defence increased by the random plants that grew on it, so it didn't see what other stats would not rise as well. At worse it'll just rob more dung from poor creatures to support the plants, right? Poopy decided to try scanning the moss.


Bound Plants: Moss Stats Skills Level 1 STR 0 MAG 10 DEX 0 AGI 0 DEF 5 INT 0 HP 100 MP 100 Photosynthesis (Lv1) Generates 10 MP

per minute

while in the sun.

The moss seemed like an awful plant to Poopy. As the golem hit the yes button, the moss simply fell off it without wasting a single bit of mana. The truffle grass sprouts were disposed of as well soon after. The luminous mushrooms were spared however since the dung monster found their light useful. (But it doesn't matter either way because Plant Control wouldn't have worked on the mushrooms anyway even if it decided to get rid of them.) Poopy now decided to search for a plant that seemed strong enough yet light enough for it to carry around. Eventually, it settled with a woody vine that snaked around a random tree. With the help of the Scan skill, Poopy was able to figure out that those strangely flat lumps that grew on the vines were actually seed pods.

The golem held the seed pods and tried to get the seeds out. Unfortunately, it's fingers were far too soft and simply got mashed up when trying to open the seed pod. Poopy decided to use plant control instead, which did the trick nicely. It then planted the seeds from the single pod all over random parts of itself. Surprisingly, this was actually not uncomfortable unlike the time when the Bat King forced the truffle grass seeds on it. Perhaps it had to do with Poopy now being a druid?

By this time, it was night. Poopy decided to dig a hole in the ground and sleep there in case monsters attacked. Honestly though, I don't see any reason for a night predator to attack a pile of dung. The dung monster was pretty much asking for worms to crawl into it doing such a dumb action.

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