《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》The Secret Boss Of The Dungeon (Chapter 9)


The ceiling of the cave shattered right after the screech. Rumble fell from above as the majestic creature landed gracefully on the ground of the cave. Draped in thick greyish fur, with terrifying glowing red eyes and as tall as a man, it was.... THE BAT KING! Okay, I suppose that was rather obvious.

Staring at the fiendish creature that brandished its fangs and snarled. Poopy did the first thing its instinct told it to. It fell backwards and played dead, much like any other dumb beast.

Meanwhile, the Bat King swished his head left and and right, trying to find the intruder. Didn't the system tell him someone bullied its subjects and he was to destroy the offender? Where was the person or monster? There were only rocks scattered all over ground and a weird pile of crap covered in some kind of grass. And the grass smelled amazing! The Bat King bent over and ripped out a portion of the grass, savouring the unique flavour of the Truffle Grass.

A part of a parasite has been forcefully ripped out of your body! -20 HP.

Warning: Only 176 HP left!

"AHHHHH!" Poopy screamed. That hurt like heck!

The Bat King hopped backwards, slightly freaked out. It wasn't everyday grass started screaming the moment someone eats it. In fear, Poopy tried to bolt back into the tunnel where the abomination hid, but the beast gripped the golem with its claws! How could he let such a tasty meal get away? The Bat King had been stuck in the hidden compartment above the ceiling for weeks ever since the dungeon made him into a secret boss. The mana provided was enough to keep him alive, but he was very hungry! If the COD Community (Council Of Dungeons Community) were to see the actions of this dungeon, they would surely make the unnamed dungeon suffer a hefty fine for SCM Abuse (Self-Created-Monster Abuse)!


Faced against such conviction, the golem could only struggle haplessly as the beast ripped off all the Truffle Grass that grew on it.


The parasitic plant that grows on you has been forcefully removed! -21 HP.


Yum, truly a tasty meal! The Bat King thought of himself quite lucky to find Truffle Grass the moment he was let out. He had realised long ago from when he was still allowed to scavenge that Truffle Grass only grew in soil rich in mana. However, he could only replant the grass a few times on the same spots before the mana ran out. It just happened that this living pile of dung was very rich in mana as well, so the beast decided to plant the seeds he collected earlier while eating and planted them into Poopy. He then summoned a cage of earth and threw the golem in, afraid that it would escape.

Phew! Now that that was done, the Bat King laughed merrily (it was inhuman and creepy sounding) and flew out in search of more food. Poopy was stuck wallowing in despair. What was it going to do now that it was stuck in a cage?



"Mom! Me and Edward found a rare monster!" Shouted Charles to his mother as he returned from the forest, drenched. He had jumped into the Forest River to wash the dung off himself.

"What, a rare monster? Are you sure about that?" The woman sighed as she sat before a table, taking a sip of tea. Looks like Charles was engaged in another 'fantasy roleplay' of his yet again. Since when could a Lv5-Lv15 area spawn rare monsters?

"Yes mother! Look, I got its entry on the Scan Stone as evidence!" He said, taking a shiny white stone out of his pocket and passing it to his mother.


Entry 25: Unknown monster

Average Level: ?

Species: Elemental++? Golem

Element: ?

Ability Talents: ?

Skills: ?

Rarity: At least Epic, possibly a Legendary or Unique monster.

"PFFFFTTT!" Charles's mother spat out her tea. It happen to hit the unsuspecting Edward.

"An Epic monster! Oh my god!" She squealed in excitement unbefitting of a middle aged woman. "We need to call the Monster Collector Guild right now!"

In excitement, she completely forgot about how she spat a mouthful of hot tea at Edward. She reached out a hand to drag Charles, accidentally knocking the wooden table over and running straight out of the house. The table then crashed on Edward's feet.

"WAAAAAAHHHH!" Poor Edward couldn't take it anymore. First, he was called an idiot by Charles and ignored like a third wheel . That was fine. Edward was used to it. But now he was hit in the face with hot tea and smashed in the foot! He held back his trump card for so long in forgiveness, but now he reached his treshold and will take revenge!

"I will tell my mom!"

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