《The Kitty Litter (LitRPG)》Poopy To The Rescue (Chapter 2)



The bunny grabbed a hose attached to one of the walls and pointed it towards the golem as she screamed. Out of the hose shot a concentrated jet of water, hitting the pile of dung with pinpoint accuracy.

You have hit by a powerful jet of water. -5 HP.

Due to it's literally shitty composition, the water caused the golem to melt into a puddle of poopy goop.

"Mreow! Wha haz chu dun to Poopy?"

Drugged Yowi panicked at the sight of his smelly friend "dying", collapsing onto the floor in a pile.

You have been named Poopy by your owner.

Poopy felt really annoyed as it collapsed, why did this blue panel keep popping up? It kept ruining the mood with it's interruptions!

"Yowi, I guing to stap yur catnip addiction! Nu mor catnip forever!"

"Nooooooo! Yue bad fren!"

Yowi cried as he rolled on the ground, how was he going to survive without catnip? Yue ignored the "drunken" pleas of her friend, she had enough of his catnip episodes, the poop statue driving her pass her threshold. She pulled Yowi out of the room, preparing to place him back in bed until he recovered.

Meanwhile, the murky puddle on the ground rippled as it struggled in panic. Poopy felt terrified at the loss of its limbs, how was it going to follow the commands of its master now? Master was going to be so disappointed!

You have the requirements to learn the skill Poop Control.

Learn it?

Yes No

Whatever! Poopy didn't know what exactly the skill did, but it might just help in this situation!

Poop Control

Info: Your innate talent allows you to control poop.

Effect: Enables user to control poop for a small amount of mana.

The user can also change its shape, shifting into the desired form for a larger mana cost.


As Poopy had hoped, the skill was of use. The golem found to its surprise that it could shift it's body back into it's humanoid form with ease.

You have shifted into your default form. -5 MP.

Poopy felt ecstatic, it wasn't going to be stuck as a puddle, unable to do Yowi's bidding! The water had mostly drained from the golem while it transformed, so the golem didn't collapse back immediately after the shifting. Poopy was still wet, but that was better than nothing, right?

The servant glanced around the room, finding to its horror that its master was missing. Wait, maybe its master left it on purpose so it was supposed to keep waiting? Poopy thought back and tried to recall what had happened. First a scream from someone it didn't know, then it got shot down into a puddle. Then Poopy recalled Yowi shouting "Nooooooo!" before departing from the room, meaning that its master for dragged out of the room against his will, likely kidnapped!

In panic, Poopy charged out of the room, ready to take down its foe and save its master!

The golem charged out of the bathroom, doing its best imitation of a roar in anger. I tell you, it sounded exactly like a good flushing when the silly little turd roared. Just imagine this, our brave hero Poopy charges into battle, roaring like the flush of a toilet! Yes, an awe inspiring hero indeed.


Yue tucked the struggling Yowi in his bed, tying him down with ropes. The ropes were specially prepared for when the kitten got too intoxicated. Yue sighed, did she always have to tie him down when he got out of control?


The loud sound of water getting sucked down a pipe interrupted her thoughts. What the heck was that? Yue was about to investigate when the door slammed opened in a violent fashion.



Yue screamed in terror as she saw and smelled the horrific monster before her. Well, mostly smelled to be accurate. The pungent scent of the golem had only gotten worse after the soak in water. Yue ran and hid under the bed and cowered, hoping the poogeyman would soon leave. Unfortunately, the pile of dung got enraged the moment it saw its master screaming and yowling, trying to get his limbs out of the constraints.

"How dare you capture my master! I will destroy you!"

"Ples no hurt me! Yue gud bunny!"

Yue plead as she continued to hide. What the heck was the monster talking about?

"You dare lie with the evidence before my eyes? Die!"

Poopy reached out its arms, prepared to shower Yue with a pile of shit. Admittedly it wasn't that threatening, but you wouldn't like to be spattered with dung, would you?

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