《My Thoughts Exactly》Chapter 9: Saturday
It was Friday evening with the sun just beginning to set. Three days had passed since Livia’s “game” and four days since Ruri’s tearful night.
At the moment, I sat on a wooden bench in a park away from my apartment. It was limited in size, just barely being large enough to give the sense of being surrounded by nature. One of the disadvantages of living in a walled city.
I wasn’t thinking about anything, and I didn’t want to.
Within these walls that contained a young and bustling populace, the park became a silent oasis. It was my escape from the uncomfortable atmosphere at home and the aggressive nature of Livia’s advances. Those in the park must’ve sympathized, as they paused their conversations while passing me.
Ruri still avoided me. Leaving for school before I awoke, and fleeing to her room when she got back. Livia had no regard for her position. Working me into the ground every day and defining all my coursework as homework. Without an actual tutor, I was already falling behind on my assignments, and tests would be in my face all too soon.
So I came to the park, where the only thing I could feel was the cool air against my skin.
Tomorrow would be the weekend, a chance for me to get some rest and catch up on my schoolwork. Maybe even have some fun.
Saturday morning. I woke up at 10:00 am, and, being the weekend, I couldn’t wait to take a long and relaxing shower.
I rushed to the bathroom and enjoyed myself for what must’ve been twenty minutes before hopping out and stopping. I’d forgotten to grab a change of clothes so grabbed the only towel on the towel warmer, wrapped it around my waist and headed for my room.
“That’s my towel.”
I jumped up a little in surprise, having barely taken two steps out of the bathroom.
I knew that voice. Ruri stood before the sink, filling a jug with water. She had on sportswear, an aqua t shirt and black compression shorts, so it was obvious she’d been out on a run.
“Sorry. I didn’t realise.”
I’m not the fittest person, nor am I unfit. I’m in between, and my body showed it. I didn’t have abs, pecs or any other superficially visible muscles on my body, so I did feel a little insecure standing in front of Ruri who happened to exercise vigorously.
Ruri’s eyes skimmed my body before returning to the jug, and she mumbled.
I smiled and zipped off to my room to put on something more comfortable. I wasn’t really in the mood to continue the conversation with nothing but a bath towel covering my crotch, but I was happy that Ruri was behaving how I knew her. I threw on a shirt and shorts.
When I stepped into the living room I could hear the television playing the news and the jug in the kitchen boiling. Ruri was still in the kitchen and adding some pre made hot chocolate mix into a mug. I’d gone shopping for some of the basics a couple days ago, but Ruri had ended up going shopping anyway to get things she liked.
“Good morning,” I said, heading for the kitchen as well.
I normally had cereal for breakfast, so headed for the cupboard. I scooted behind Ruri, paying careful attention to not grind my crotch against her behind, but I got a whiff of her sweaty scent anyway which caused me to pause behind her a little too long. She turned her head to the side, and I immediately moved. Luckily she didn’t say anything.
Once I’d passed her, Ruri went to take a seat at the couch, and after a few minutes I swallowed my nerves and took a seat beside her, facing the television and holding my bowl in my left hand. She looked my way and our eyes passed each others for a moment, but neither of us said anything.
The news filled my ears.
“....So what you’re saying is the east is at fault?” said a neatly dressed female reporter from her station's studio.
On the other side of the screen was a burly looking man sporting a french mustache. He wasn’t in the studio but streaming himself from home.
“No no NO! I’m sayin, that if we sit on our assses sippin tea all day they’ll be knocking on our-”
“It’s a good thing you drink hot chocolate then.”
Ruri let out a single suppressed chuckle and took a sip from the mug between her hands. She sat with her feet on the couch and knees together in front of her.
“I always have,” said Ruri.
“Ah, right. Yeah, you have.”
We sat in silence for a couple minutes, until I spoke up.
“So how’s school going?”
Ruri still held her mug, half full. She liked to sip it slowly. To feel the heat against her skin.
The most overused response in the history of mankind.
“Ah.” I stuffed another spoonful of cereal into my mouth and Ruri continued.
“The lessons are interesting, but it’s… boring.”
Ruri took a leisurely sip from her mug as well as a pause. “I don’t know.”
Anyone else would’ve been fooled, but I knew her from before she’d learnt to lie. Tactfully, she spoke before me.
“How about you?”
I let out a breath as I tried to think of a way to summarize my troubles. “It’s hard.”
Ruri froze, and it occurred to me that the last time I’d used those words she’d been straddling me and about to commit some less-than-sibling-like actions. It hadn’t occurred to me that the experience could have such a lingering impact on her.
Should I say sorry? No. Then she’ll know I know and she won’t want to talk.
Ruri moved and I seized my thoughts.
“My teacher sucks,” I smoke smoothly, trying to make it seem like I hadn’t noticed.
“For what subject?” said Ruri, picking up on the lack of plural.
“I’m being taught one-on-one by this useless teacher called Miss Hopson, well Livia.”
“Oh… so you use her first name?”
“She doesn’t like to be called Miss Hopson.”
Ruri took a sip from her mug but didn’t reply afterward, so we entered another break of silence. I was somewhat pleased that we were talking again so decided to leave it there. No point in rushing things.
Since the news was on I could see the time, 10:48 am. Still fairly early.
I kinda wanna do some exercise now.
It was probably because I was feeling insecure about my body after seeing Ruri. Though, I did need to get into an exercise routine, and I already had a location in mind. The gym three or so blocks away from my apartment. I’d heard about it while out and about.
I couldn’t be bothered to change, so I wouldn’t. My clothes weren't exactly sportswear but they would work. Shirt and shorts, the most adaptable clothing combination.
I did the right thing and washed my dishes, before telling Ruri, “I’ll be back in like half an hour.”
I actually only had a general idea of where this gym positioned itself relative to my apartment, so I did end up having to whip out my phone to look it up. Modern technology, so wonderful yet so unappreciated.
The gym popped up on the map with a not so satisfying tag.
“Pool & Fitness Centre (Female)”.
Now yes, I am a guy. I have a dick. I have wild fantasies everyday and fap almost every night. But that requires a vividly creative mind and a deep appreciation of female anatomy. No way in hell would those remain in equilibrium if I entered the literal maidens quarters.
It only says female, that must mean female only right?
With that in mind, I expanded my search until I found another gym.
“Pool & Fitness Centre (Male)”.
I’d have to take the train to get there so I turned around and headed to the station. Twenty five minutes later I stood outside a building with a tall roundish front and massive clean glass panels. Modern is how I would summarize the architecture.
I stepped inside and was greeted with a typical foyer. A reception desk, a couple of benches, decorative plants, and they even had a vending machine with a few snacks inside. Opposite the entrance was a wall and a large glass revolving door with “ENTRY” lit up in green above. It caught my eye, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where the door would lead, so I walked towards it and tried to push the door forward in order to enter.
The door didn’t move at all, and I heard two low pitched beeps.
It must be one of those doors. I probably just don’t have access.
A little embarrassed, I walked towards the reception desk where a young guy sat, legs up on the desk and playing on his phone.
“Hey I can’t…”
What in the fuck.
The young boy who I could now easily recognise as Caleb, looked up at me and smiled.
“Ayy lmao, it’s…!”
I snorted at Caleb’s inability to remember my name.
Guess I should be grateful he remembers me at all.
“Ryu.” I helped ma boi out.
Caleb went blank for a moment, internalizing the complicated situation. “Yeee, what’cha need ma man”?
“I needa get in.”
“Eh?” Caleb laughed like I’d said something stupid. “You just gotta push the door.”
“I’ve tried that. It’s locked.”
Caleb scratched his head. “That’s weird. It should unlock when you touch it.”
Caleb took his feet off the desk and rolled up to it on his chair. There was a keyboard and mouse on it, which he started typing fiddling with. “I’ll check if you’re enrolled.”
Caleb worked awfully slow as he left me waiting probably five minutes until he spoke again.
“Uh… wut?” Caleb’s face turned sober, and he spoke quietly. “Are you like, err, undergoing a sex change?”
“What?! No.”
In true Caleb fashion, he returned to being cheerful in an instant. “Oh, haha. It says you’re a girl here, well, it doesn’t say that exactly, but they put you into all the girls buildings.”
Oh shit.
“Can you change that?”
“Uh, no. I’m only really here to welcome people.”
I rubbed my forehead and told Caleb, “Alright. Thanks,” before heading to the train station again. It would’ve been useless for me to put up an argument.
I’d had my doubts. Transferring a boy into a girls dorm? Hah. As if it was so simple. I didn’t know if it was my Mum’s intention, but it seemed to me that the dorm I was assigned to meant significantly more than just the location I would be living. The whole system of facilities I could access depended on where I lived, which happened to be a female dorm, so logically the system had assigned me to a female gym and most likely a boatload of other non-y-chromosome things.
So I guess that means I won’t be using the gym.
I wasn’t going to play into whatever stupid cliche gary stu harem shit story this world was trying to draw me into. So, upon getting off the train near my apartment, I walked until the number of people around me was null and started running.
I don’t need a gym to get fit.
I returned home a little later than I expected, 11:55 to be exact.
Once again, I spotted Ruri in the kitchen, cooking something on the stove this time. Whatever she was making had a light smell, not the kind which could fill a room, and it tickled my nose and made my stomach grumble. I’d only had breakfast a bit over an hour ago, but since I had gotten back at prime lunch-eating-time I saw no issue with indulging myself.
That is, if Ruri had made enough for the two of us.
“Hey. What are you making?”
Ruri looked back at me and then returned her attention to the pan. “An omelette. Where did you go?”
“For a run around the block.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket for a moment, notifying me I’d received a message.
Must be mum.
I pulled out my phone and walked over to my room to find a change of clothes. My current ones weren’t noticeably sweaty, but that wasn’t any excuse for poor hygiene. My eyes glanced at the notification on my phone’s lock screen.
“Hello Ryu, this is Saya. You didn’t contact us so I thought perhaps you were busy, which is fine. Kana, Akina and myself will be having lunch at 12:30 pm in the inner district today, so we’d like to invite you to join us if you’re interested.”
I’d completely forgotten about the royal trio in the ridiculousness of this week, but I really was busy. After all, the coursework Livia loved to drop on me wasn’t going to do itself.
I quickly replied back, “Yeah, sure. Just give me the address.”
Woops, forgot to apologise for not contacting them.
“And sorry about not contacting you. It’s been a very busy week for me.”
I put my phone down on my bed and hopped into the shower. I didn’t spend long inside as I was only washing off any sweat. Five minutes later I stepped out of the bathroom cleanly dressed in none other than shorts and a shirt, and I looked to the table.
Ruri was seated eating an omelette on rice, and opposite her on the table was another plate with the same.
Aww fuck me.
If I didn’t eat it I’d feel like an asshole.
“Uh, is that for me?” I said, walking towards the table and putting my phone down.
Ruri’s mouth was full so she nodded her head.
“Thank you.” I took a seat and started eating.
The moment that omelette touched my tongue I couldn’t stop myself from shovelling in more. Part of this could’ve been attributed to me having just gone on a run, but even then the omelette tasted unbelievably good. Within minutes my plate was blank, and I stared down at it somewhat ashamed I hadn’t taken the time to enjoy it more, but mostly wishing it could magically refill itself.
Once I’d overcome my grief, I looked up to find Ruri was still eating. The smile on her face caught my eye, and I understood why. Anyone would’ve. She could tell I’d enjoyed it.
“Since when were you such a good cook?”
Ruri’s smile strained, and as she spoke it gradually faded.
“I’ve never shared my cooking with anyone so I wouldn’t know.”
“What? Why?”
Ruri looked down at her plate before speaking.
“Anyway... I’m full, so if you like it you can finish mine.” Ruri pushed her plate towards me and started to leave the table.
“Wait -” My phone vibrated, interrupting me at the perfect time, and allowing Ruri to dash to her room.
I took a breath and breathed out for a good second or two.
Now what have I done?
I didn’t want to think about it too much at the moment, seeing as I was already up to my head in shit, so I checked my phone. Unsurprisingly, Saya had replied to me.
“We’ve sent someone to escort you.”
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