《My Thoughts Exactly》Chapter 8: Melting
For day two at Green Academy I arrived early. At the moment I stood outside of Livia's office with my hand raised, ready to knock, but I held it there as I thought.
Why am I doing this? I’m fucked whether or not I attend. Ah, right, it’s cause she’s hot-
The door flung open and a hand shot out, grabbing me by the shoulder and interrupting my thoughts. “You’re late.” Livea yanked me out of the hallway and into her office. “It’s eight thirty six Ryu. I have been here since eight am. Why are you late?”
I took a moment to fix my clothes, sighed and took a seat on the couch, but Livea kept standing, looking down on me from behind the couch opposite me. She wore the same clothes as yesterday.
“School starts at nine-”
“I instructed you to come directly to my office which implies you are to be here the moment it is open, which is eight am.”
I looked at her, my mouth slightly agape, and nodded my finger at her as I silently debated why I had ever taken such a lunatic so seriously.
“W-” I laughed to myself. “Why-” My mouth had trouble forming the words so I took a moment to reset myself. “Why are you such a bitch?”
Instantly, our visions collided as we stared each other down like two cowboys in a shootoff.
C’mon cowgirl, take me for a ride.
My thoughts shot off on a tangent and my body eagerly responded to the sudden stimuli. Blood rushed to my groin as my body readied itself to fulfil the goals of any other living organism. To breed.
It brought my attention to just how convenient of a position I was in. Here I was, alone, in a room, with a teacher, alone, who happened to be female and fuckable. Very fuckable. Unlike girls my own age Livia’s body was matured, and she carried herself in a way that only a woman comfortable in her own skin could.
If she wasn’t such bitch she’d be too good.
Her apparent lunacy made her all the more attractive as it made her more human. More attainable. It said to me: “She’s just as fucked up as you!”
Okay, that’s impossible, but the point is: we could fuck.
Livea probably aware of my change in perspective forfeited the staredown. She looked towards her desk, hurried over and took a seat.
“Perhaps it would be best if we…” Livia’s eyes looked around the room as she tried to find the right words. “Reintroduce ourselves.”
“Yeah, no. I think we’re past the point of pretending to like eachother so heal me or whatever so I can go. ”
Livia rested her chin on her palm as she thought for a moment. “Fine.” She removed her palm from her chin and started typing causing the display to pop up. “I suppose it’s more efficient that way. Though fixing your problem isn’t as simple as a healing spell. Those can only repair physical injuries, which yours is not.”
Livia typed on the glass desk for a couple seconds, eventually stopping as she found what she wanted and looked at me.
“You may not realise but I was in fact documenting everything I knew about you and your problem yesterday. At the moment your self defense mechanism is faulty. This isn’t actually an uncommon problem for young mages, but yours does go further than the norm. It’s like a dog that thinks it can get whatever it wants by barking.
So, what did you want from me yesterday Ryu? It shouldn’t be difficult to fix this issue if you tell me. I only have to teach your subconscious that you can A, get what you want without barking, and B, barking will get you hurt. Positive and negative reinforcement. Primitive, but effective.”
Once again, Livea propped her chin on palm of her hand. “Well?”
Yesterday was still fresh in my mind so I could easily remember how I’d felt. But what did I want?
Livea decided to offer some suggestions.
“Perhaps you wanted to hurt me?”
I nodded. It was easier than saying it out loud, but Livea wasn’t done.
“I don’t believe that was all though. You didn’t just want to hurt me Ryu, you wanted to hold me down. To control me. To… make me yours?”
My chest pounded with the words and I could hear my own breathing. The words conceived images in my mind. Livea, beneath me with her hands held down, breathing erratically and occasionally letting out a whimper. Her whole body jolting with every stabbing thrust from me relentlessly hammering into her-.
“I take it I am correct,” said Livia, cutting my fantasy short.
She’d found her answer. My engorged member ached as it fought against the restraint of my briefs, and without a doubt she’d spotted it and interpreted it as confirmation.
Livia left her seat and strolled towards the couch opposite me. “You don’t talk much do you?”
“You’re not very fun to talk to,” I said.
Livia sat down.
“I see, but I can assure you, Ryu, that I can be a lot of fun.”
She pointed her fingers towards the table between us. On it was that same black cube having never left its position from yesterday.
“Do you like games Ryu?”
Where is this going?
The question was simple enough so I replied without much thought. “Yes.”
“Well, let’s play one. Together.” She smiled and I shuffled around in my seat as my member suddenly fought harder to get out.
“The game is simple. You will perform as many manipulations on the cube as you can within one minute.”
“That sounds more like a test to me.”
Livia tilted her head to the side and looked down as she slowly crossed her legs.
My eyes followed, naturally, to her leg as it raised itself over the other, and then to the space between.
I almost came right there as my member pulsed and struggled against its fabric restraint. I only got a glimpse but that was all I needed to imprint the image of her sweet lips in my mind.
What kind of teacher is this? Oh right. She’s “not a teacher”.
“It can be a very fun game,” said Livia.
So, I need to do as many things with the cube as I can using magic and we’ll have fun during, after…?!
“Wait, but you haven’t told me how to use magic?!”
Livia flashed me another smile. “It’s good that you’re getting into it. Now remember, you have one minute.”
Livia looked towards her desk and the display popped up facing our direction with a one minute timer.
I gave up trying to extract more information and aimed my sights at the seamless black cube. The damned thing was the reason for me being here and, more importantly, my ticket to heaven. One minute is double the time I’d been given in the exam, but it was nothing if I wasted it. I needed to be methodic in doing this.
What do I know?
I’d heard a few things so far which all pointed to the idea that magic is imposing one’s desires on the world. That meant the first step was creating a clear picture of what exactly I wanted.
Melting is a concept anyone can understand. Heat up a solid and it melts, but what is heating? Increasing the average kinetic energy of the particles. And how is it done? Add thermal energy.
Okay, so I have a clear idea of what I want, now I need to make it happen.
I centered the cube in my vision and blurred out everything else.
Add thermal energy.
There wasn’t any instantaneous result like in one of those fantastical animations I like to watch. But logically that made perfect sense. I’d have to inject an enormous amount of energy into the cube to make it melt instantly, and I doubted an amateur like myself could supply such a thing. So I waited. I didn’t look at the clock as the time didn’t matter. This would either work or fail, either way, it was my best bet.
Add thermal energy.
I repeated it in my head while continuing to observe the black cube, but it was difficult. For a teenage boy or, more specifically, a horny little shit like me, focusing on anything other than fapping and sexual fantasies is an uphill battle. It goes against my very nature.
Oh, the lengths I’d go to for the possibility of getting some action.
Add thermal energy.
I didn’t feel any different and neither did the cube from the looks of it. Had I chosen something too hard? But I’d done this subconsciously before, so I must’ve had sufficient mana to do this at the least. I wasn’t feeling anymore tired either so I doubt this was overdrafting me.
I repeated the phrase a couple more times in my head but there was still no visible effect. Was simply repeating what I wanted in my head insufficient? Or was I perhaps repeating the wrong words? Maybe I wasn’t being descriptive enough? But, most importantly, how was I finding the time to wonder all these things when I should be focusing on melting that damn cube?! Focus Ryu!
Add thermal energy!
Perhaps my understanding of physics is insufficient? I stroked my chin.
Part of me, though mostly my perversity, really wanted to take a peek at Livia, but I held myself back. If I did this I’d be able to do a lot more than look at her for once. In the grand scheme of things, the reason behind everything I do is to get me closer to fucking.
Repeating those three words in my head wasn’t fun, but if I changed them it would be unscientific of me. Changing the variables once the experiment has begin? Pft, get out.
So I kept at it, saying it another seven times in my head until I saw it. A slight, barely even visible sheen to the cube.
Beep beep
“That’s sixty seconds Ryu. You can stop.”
My eyes instantly jumped to Livia’s as she shifted forward in her seat to inspect the cube. From inside her coat she pulled out a pen and lightly tapped it against the cubes top, and as she raised it up I could see a small strand of the melted cube adhering to it.
“I suppose this is a start.”
Blood rushed to my groin and I shuffled in my seat as my dick pulsed. “Yessss! So…” I nodded my head towards my groin.
Livia raised one of her eyebrows. “Hmm? So?” She looked confused.
“You know…!” I said, widening my legs a little more and nodding more vigorously.
Livea shifted back into her seat and looked at me with her eyebrows pulled together. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. Is there something wrong, Mister Hyuni?”
I rapidly sucked in air as it hit me.
Fucking bitch.
I should’ve known from the very beginning that it was an act. A cruel act that abused my neglected need.
“I melted the mother fucker! Look at it!”
Livia smiled and I knew it wasn’t due to her being happy about my achievement. “I think you’re embellishing a fair bit Ryu. It’s semi-solid on the surface at the most. Anyway, I was hoing we’d have more fun but it seems we’ll need to focus on teaching you the absolute basics before that can happen.”
I looked at Livia, then at the cube.
“So it has to melt?!” I said.
Livia stood up and headed towards her desk. “I’m afraid so. You did well though for an amateur.”
“So if I melt this, we can-”
“Sure. If you can melt it.” Livia sat down in her seat, still taunting me with that smile as she started typing.
She was probably documenting my progress. Perfect. I had an opportunity here, and I was going to take it.
The last attempt succeeded to a degree, but I need the effect to be more potent.
Now was the time for me to modify one of the variables. Test another theory to be specific. I placed the cube in the center of my sight and initiated the operation.
Add enough thermal energy to convert to a liquid.
There was no immediately visible impact, and right now I considered that a fail. I needed the cube to melt right now. What was I missing? That woman in the exam had instantly solidified the sphere, so it was possible, at least in that direction.
What do I know?
Wait, that was it. What did I know? Who the fuck would know how much energy to add to a random cube to make it melt?!
Keep adding thermal energy until the the cube is completely melted.
At that instant, what happened felt better than diving balls deep into a girl and filling her with my seed. Okay, to be honest, I don’t actually know what that feels like but it probably came close. Heh.
The cube melted so fast gravity had to catch up, and so for the smallest unit of time it was as if it was being contained by an invisible box. The viscous fluid then began to collapse into a pool on the surface of the table, growing until it reached the edges and poured onto the carpet below.
I grinned. Oh yes. I’d beaten her.
“Livia.” That was it. I only needed to grab her attention.
She looked at me and then the pool beside me, and just like that the flood collected itself into a cube and solidified.
“I would prefer if you didn’t make a mess.”
I got the feeling she wasn’t talking about the cube.
“So I take it you swallow?”
Livia sighed and left her seat, walking towards me.
“If you think melting a cube will get you that far, you are going to be disappointed.”
Livia sat down to my left, shoulder to shoulder, and placed her hand on the middle of my thigh.
Livia snapped her hand back. “Remember that I don’t have to do this. I’m doing it to teach your subconscious that you don’t need it to get what you want. This is a lesson. Nothing more.”
Bitch. Call it whatever you like, but this ain’t no “lesson”.
I nodded my head enthusiastically and her hand returned to my thigh. My eyes watched as her index finger drew circles on my skin.
Her breath skimmed my ear. “Do not tell anyone about this. Understood?” Her index finger stopped and her hand squeezed my thigh.
“I promise I won’t, just… please?”
The only thing on my mind was how close her fingers were to my dick.
“Of course. After all, I am a woman of my word, aren't I?”
I guess it’d be out of character if she didn’t at least make me suck up to her.
“Yes you are. Now…” I left the rest to her.
Livia’s hand squeezed my thigh and began to slide along my leg towards my groin. My heart that was already pounding against my chest somehow beat harder, and after what felt like an eternity, her fingers grazed over my throbbing member. Even with my shorts in the way it caused me to twitch and close my eyes as my breath staggered.
“You know,” Livia spoke in a low voice. “I’ve never done this before.”
As she spoke her hand kept teasing me. Each of her fingers grazing over my member left me on edge, until finally her hand came to a rest just above my groin. Once again, I could feel her breath brush my ear. “So I suppose we’ll both be learning something today.”
Without warning her hand plunged into my shorts and beneath my briefs. The action was hasty, no- it was efficient. She wasted not a second and coiled her fingers around my member, clutching it as her other hand got to work. In mere moments my shorts were undone and practically flew off as she teared them from me, with my briefs following immediately after.
“Teach me, Mister Hyuni.”
The title she’d previously used to provoke me now sounded soo sweet and I knew she had control. I was nothing but a toy to her, something to be played with.
Livia leaned forwards and began to lower her head towards my tip while her hand ever so slowly pulled back my foreskin. A strand of her hair fell down, but she ignored it and spread her lips, breathing lightly onto my most sensitive flesh.
Suck it...
She dribbled her saliva onto my dick, coating the tip in a layer of makeshift lube, and her hand slid up to assist, catching some of the fluid that trickled down. She then curled her fingers around the aching tip of my throbbing member and, at a painfully slow pace, spread her saliva down to the base, causing my dick to glisten a little under the light. But her hand didn’t stop. It slid back up, and down, and up…
“Fuck…” I moaned.
Livia started pumping me, progressively getting faster each time her hand switched directions. In that time she sat back as well, simply watching me writhe beneath her. She’d found her joystick.
Right now the only thing on my mind was the firm grip tugging me off. It was hypnotic. The sound of her breathing over the sloshing of her saliva and my precum, the motion of her hand climbing up my shaft only to fall back down again, and again, and again…
Fuck I’m gonna cum.
For a moment part of me thought, this is it? Isn’t she going to do more? But that thought passed in an instant. My hips started to move instinctively, as I tried to thrust into her hand as if I could impregnate it with my seed.
I didn’t want it like this. I wanted to cover her. To mark her. To make her mine. My hips pushed harder as I tried to turn myself towards her, but her other hand held me down.
“Go ahead,” Livia wore a sly smile. “Cum.”
My balls tightened, and my head tipped to the side as air vacated my lungs in a deep groan. Like a geyser, ropes of white hot semen shot out from my pulsating dick and into the air, and my back arched upward as I finally got the release I’d been craving. Rope after rope, drop after drop, I kept cumming until the pressure in my balls seized, and I collapsed onto my back, eyes closed and chest heaving.
“Holy shit…” I managed to murmur.
Livia’s hand never stopped, continuing to pump me dry and squeeze out every single drop of cum. Without the pressure to back it up, my cum flowed out like a river, drenching my cock in thick semen which her hand used for lube. But even then, as my orgasm faded she didn’t stop. Oh no, her self imposed speed limit vanished, and her hand started to accelerate until it was running laps up and down my shaft each second.
My hips immediately started to buckle as Livia relentlessly tortured my overly sensitive dick. Her eyes focused on my groin, watching my body thrash against the sensory overload.
“It must hurt. Being forced to contain such a large cock. So let it allll out.”
Like electricity, pain surged through my nerves, causing my toes to curl and my muscles to contract.
“Sto-!” My voice left me as she suddenly sped up her pace.
Livia leaned her head over my dick for the second time today and drenched it in her saliva. It helped to reduce the amount of friction, but it also allowed her hand to glide along my shaft with ease. Her pace went up and she started to assault my tip with her touch.
“Fuck!” I shouted.
Swearing is therapeutic to a degree, and it was all I could do. It fucking hurt but at the same time it felt soo good. This was territory I’d never dared to tread.
“Is this what you wanted?” said Livia.
Out of energy, my hips no longer buckled and my body no longer thrashed. I could only twitch and squirm now.
“Come on Ryu, I need you to teach me.”
“Stop!” I shouted, between gasping breaths.
Livia’s other hand rested on my thigh.
“But you’re still so long and hard. Is this even normal for a boy your age?”
Stop it…
Too tired to speak anymore, I could only lay back and idly watch as her hand slid up and down my shaft. Her words turned me on. Even in this state, having a women compliment my cock excited me.
“You must be at least ten inches.”
My dick throbbed within her grasp as blood poured into it. From my groin I felt something rising, like a dam on the verge of bursting.
Livia narrowed her grip in response, and her other hand slid up my thigh.
“This really is the first time I’ve held a cock, so cum for me Ryu.” Livia’s hand squeezed my dick as she sped up and leaned into my ear.
She whispered words only I was allowed to hear. “I want to feel it.”
Her left hand grabbed my balls and squeezed, pushing me over the edge, and like a tsunami my orgasm surged through me. With enormous pressure cum gushed out of my cock, showering Livia in my thick seed and marking her in entirety as mine. None of her was neglected, with my cum coating her beautiful face, her voluptuous chest and her long luscious stocking clad legs.
At that moment, everything belonged to me.
Like before, she kept milking me, both hands working eagerly to extract every drop. Her right hand continued to jerk me off, and her left squeezed my balls, and with one last lengthy spurt, she drained me of everything I had.
Both of us were breathing audibly, and, for the first time since she’d started, her hand released my cock. She held up her cum coated hand and gazed at it, playing with my cum and admiring how my semen formed strands between her fingers.
“Swallow it,” I said, through laboured breaths.
Livia’s eyes linked with mine for what seemed like a minute before her lips parted. Maintaining eye contact, she inserted her index finger into her mouth, wrapped her lips around it and pulled it out, sucking off the cum. She smiled at me, lips together, before tilting her head down and opening her mouth. Her tongue poked out for a moment, giving me a view of the the thick white seed resting on top before it rolled back inside and her lips touched together.
Her head tilted up, putting her neck on display, and she swallowed, taking my seed inside her.
I couldn’t think of anything else to say as my dick twitched and grew erect.
Livia looked down at me, slowly licked her lips and smirked.
“Wasn’t that fun?”
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