《Throughout the Ages》More information about the Poll


Putting it simply after a conversation, I had in the comments of my last chapter I came to the realization that my naming sense for the options available were misleading and might have caused some form of misunderstanding, Thus I will repeat the poll here after giving a more detailed description of the two choices available.

Circles of Nature (previously shaman circles)

Member must have one elemental affinity or nature affinity unlocked Focus heavily in using nature to help what they view as the goals of their deity Any members have increase abilities for their elemental spells Only one circle will be able to exist within each community Circles gain their powers from large structures which aid them with their rituals (think Stonehenge), the more advanced and older the structure is the more power the circle can wield in each ritual. If their structure is destroyed the store power will dissipate and progress will have to be started anew The domain of Nature circles lies heavily within Prosperity and Vigilance

The Priestly sects

Anyone can join a priestly sect At the start they are a blank sheet, but they can be heavily modified to fit your playstyle Multiple sects can be present inside one community The sects focus heavily on support roles Sect are also influenced by the domain of the chosen deity Each religion starts with one sect Sect can have be specialized by spending tradition points (these are generated by the sect over time) Once a sect reaches a size of twenty priests they can be split by the religious owner If a sect splits then both sides will share the same specializations, but can be upgraded separately

An of how godly domains interact with the priestly sects:

The domain of the Pale Stag is Honour, so if they had a sect whose purpose was to support the order of paladins by maintaining their weapons.


Then that sect would do very well because they help maintaining the honour of the paladin by proxy.

While if you took this sect and made them follow the Jade Mother then they wouldn’t do well because her domain is Fertility, so her domain doesn’t lend itself well towards warfare, but rather towards growth and health.

Thus a sect whose purpose it is to take care of the sick will do better, and a sect whose purpose is to work the fields and provide food for the masses will do very well.

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