《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 38


( John POV )

We have been discussing for a good half-hour now and in that time night has fallen over our community. A clear night sky hangs above us, the stars shining down and lighting the surrounding savanna.

“Let’s just keep going with the long term strategy we are planning and take Priestly Sects.”

“Really? I was considering Circles of Nature, because there defensive nature would help us get into the late game where our current strategy will start paying off.”

“Yes, but we already took care of most of the nearby threats.

In addition we have Zane nearby as an ally, so everything should be fine unless you think he will betray us?”

“No! Off course not!”

I am just teasing her, Zane doesn’t have it in him to betray us. He also lacks the experience to finish us of in a single move so there is no reason to worry.

Anyway, let’s select the Priestly sects.

You have unlocked Priestly sects.

You will have to choose a founder for your sect.

Sect founder gain a -50% cost on blessing placed upon them, as well as a 25% decreased chance of leaving due to player interference.

“You seeing this Jade?”

“Yes I am, before we choose our founder we should look over the details.”

She pulls up another screen and casually throws it in my direction.

I hold out my hand to catch it and start going through the provided information.

Priestly Sects

Sects are a simplest form of religious orders, but also have the highest potential.

Sects grow slowly over time gain both members and traditions, your sect will grow with the ages. And like the people you govern they might even multiply.

Current requirements for splitting: have more than twenty active Sect members

Current amount of Sects: 1

Sect of The Jade Mother

Enlistment requirements


Tradition points

1 (+1 monthly)



Add new tradition ( 1 Tradition points)

Aligned domain


“Seems like we can already get one tradition, what are the limitations on these?”


“They are very broad yet limiting at the same time.

Each new tradition can do only one thing, which can be almost anything, but if you want to specialize then you will need to pay again to add a specification to it.

For now I would advise that we take something broad like taking care of the sick.”

“Why not make it broader and make it provide aid to those in need?”

“Because then the sect would try and provide any kind of aid instead of just medicinal aid, which is what you had in mind.”

“So specifying that the aid is medicinal in nature would cost us one more tradition. And how much does a tradition cost?”

“The cost seems to double for each tradition you add so the next one will cost two, afterwards any tradition will cost 4.

But once you split a sect the tradition cost will be equally split between the two cults.”

“Alright let’s go with taking care of the sick then.”

I add the new Tradition to the cult, and see that the cost for a new tradition is now indeed two as Jade predicted.

Priestly Sect Tips!

Certain tradition will be able to increase the speed at which your sects gain tradition points, for example forcing everyone in the sect to take a vow of silence will double your output of tradition points.

Well useful to know, but not really worth it currently.

“So who do we choose as a founder?”

“Looking at the Tradition we took I would say we go for one of our two healers, that being the old goblin we took from the raid or his apprentice, a human girl from our village in fact she is the same one who got that artifact from last week.”

“Well the choice seems simple, we take the girl because she already has a better base with the artifact and she will live longer so blessing will be of more worth on her… Jade can you show me the details of her artifact?”


“Just a moment I am getting the details.”

*Shoreline’s Bounty*

Item awakens Nature affinity while worn

Item awakens Water affinity while worn

Functions as a focus for Nature magic

Negates loss of charisma on wearer due to old age

Durability: 91/100

That’s true she does have access to that artifact, could I do something with that?

“How many points do we have available?”

“We have access to 34 currently, why do you ask?”

“I was thinking about giving her some minor blessing, something that synergizes with her artifact.

I will need to do some testing first see which is the most efficient combination of effects that I have in mind, and how much I will invest.”

“You better make sure we still have points to spare afterwards, and that she doesn’t run off!”

Finally I am finished with the blessings I want for… what was her name again?

It doesn’t matter.

“Jade I am finished, you wanna do a look over?”

“Off course I will! I am not letting you just put some blessing on another one of our people, especially not on someone who's actually important!”

Mystic Hoarder

The blessed person will seek and collect magical Foci.

Magical Charm

The blessed person will gain a small boost to charisma for each magical Foci he/she carries on his/her person.

“These are surprisingly... mundane? I thought you were trying out something spectacular.

But I do see the use of these blessings, and the cost is but 6 points if we keep the discount in mind.”

“So, you are fine with applying them?”

"Yes I am. I will promote her to sect founder and then apply the buffs."

The two screens burst apart into a thousand shining lights and gather into two glowing orbs hanging above Jade.

She then send selects the girl as the sect founder and guides the two orbs down towards their intended target.

"I haven't seen you do any action inside of the game without atleast a bit of flair, but that one was the tamest one so far.

you finally gonna stop adding all the Glamour to everything?"

"And leave everything cold and lifeless like a spark level AI? Where would be the fun in that?"

( Nym POV )

I watch with a cryptical gaze at the Bok-tar that Kali brought in.

He and Jor seem to have finally managed to calm the beast enough so that it doesn’t ramage over them after they leave it for a while.

Currently they are busy ordering around a group of volunteers into making a makeshift pen.

I don’t see how they intend to keep a bug that eats entire trees inside of a set of wooden fences.

I decide to walk closer anyway. They seem to be in control of the beast, for now.

“Kali! You are just who I am looking for!”

The goblin quickly turns around with a desperate look in his eyes.

“Nym, how are you doing?”

His eyes are constantly darting around, as if he is looking for something.

I click my fingers together and draw his attention back to me.

“I know what I want as my last favour, I want you to make me more of these.”

I hold up my left arm showing of the bracelet he made before.

“I will get the materials and you make me more jewelry, sound fine to you?”

“So all I have to do is more crafting with rare materials? Yes, I can do that, off course I can do that!”

His eyes start shimmering with a mania that I haven’t seen before.

“Good, in that case have fun with your beetle. Also if that thing hurts anyone I will hold you and Jor responsible.”

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