《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 36


Program B-01 for subject Hu-00-14803 activating

Checking Conditions

Condition 1: subject state = Terminated.


Condition 1 fulfilled

If Condition 1 fulfilled activate Condition 2

Condition 2: time since last activation greater than 270.


Condition 2 fulfilled

If Condition 2 fulfilled activate Condition 3

Condition 3: subject defend and/or community/bloodkin.

Checking first rule….

Error: subject not part of community

Checking second rule…

Bloodkin found 4.

Subjects: Hu-00-14521, Hu-00-14587, Hu-00-14879 and He-00-3 fulfill condition for bloodkin.

Checking state defend for subject Hu-00-14521…

State does not apply.

Checking state defend for subject Hu-00-14587…

State does not apply.

Checking state defend for subject Hu-00-14879…

State does not apply.

Checking state defend for subject He-00-3…

State does apply.

Condition 3 fulfilled

All Conditions fulfilled.

Subject Hu-00-14803 state changed from Terminated to Active.

Providing temporary state Regen.

( Toran POV )

"Why am I still stuck in here!

I have won, now let me out!"

On the other side I see the many tribe leaders and behind them the crowd, and there are clear signs of confusion going around.

I see my brother walking up to the barrier while the two other tribes that follow the Pale Stag also send their representative forward.

"Why is the duel not ending!"

"Because the conditions of the fight aren’t fulfilled yet."

"He is probably still alive, the fire might have caused a lot of damage but it can take a while longer to kill."

So I need to go and make sure he is actually dead, dying is not good enough.

Since I used up all my remaining power in that last attack I decide to just take my knife and slice his throat.

I walk up to the remains, crouching down next to it while pulling out my knife.

The next thing I know is sudden burst of pain in my jaw.

I feel myself hitting the ground and rolling until I hit the barrier.

Confused I try and right myself.

"You have no absolutely idea, about the pain I just went through or the suffering I feel right now."

That’s... not possible.

( Huron POV )

Again! How did he do that again!


"Oh no, I am not letting you go, that’s one time too much you have thwarted my plan!"

"You will let him go."

In my anger I forgot that I joined Lissandra and Gregory upon the front dais, there AI assistants standing by their sides.

But what I don’t remember is the transparent barrier surrounding us, from its grey colour I can determine that it was the butler that erected it.

"I will repeat this once, you will let him go."

"Why though! I have all the advantages I have him surrounded and overpowered!"

"Because he won, and if you were to turn on him now then you would break a promise made upon our shared religion.

Not only will this disgrace us in front of all these others."

The butler waves his arm in the direction of all the other players that still sit in the stands.

"You will also show to them that you are an unreliable ally and willing to backstab people just for your own good.

Thus you let him go, other chances will show themselves."

"Although you did good so far I have to agree with Gregory, and we can’t have the other choose for this Jade Mother instead of us.

This duel already shoved some of them towards Her but it also showed that you have the power to make up on that oath of yours."

I breath deeply looking down once more, seeing the cause of all my problems pummeling one of my heirs to death with his bare hands.

I can see the skin regrowing on his arms, and the muscles on his back knitting back together.

"Fine have it your way."

( Jormund POV )

When the barrier finally disappears a breeze finally blows away the smoldering heat and the stench of burning flesh.

I just hope I never have to go through anything like that for a very long time.

Before I even manage to gather my bearings someone knocks into me.

"Don’t ever do that again!"

"I can’t make that promise, after all I have a debt to repay."


She hits me hard into the chest with her arms.

"You just died! How can you still have a debt!"

"Because I live."

She is quiet after that but still refuses to let me go.

I simply accept and slowly walk up to the nearby tribes leaders.

When I reach them three of them have placed themselves at the front.

the Sovereign, the brother of this Toran fellow and a certain group of elders, in other words all those who swore upon the Pale Stag.

This will not be easy.

"I see that there are other guardian spirits, not that it matters, I owe my tribe to the Pale Stag, and without him I wouldn’t be here today, just like you wouldn’t be here without the Jade Mother."

Now that I am close to her for the first time I can see how the signs of hardship showing, grey hairs can be seen in her otherwise golden fur and lots of small wrinkles all around her face.

Her life must have been hard because her antlers show her to be only between five and six decades old.

"I am sorry for the commotion that I caused, but I couldn’t just sit by and watch."

"We understand, young champion. After all you were chosen by the spirits."

"My brother underestimated you, and so did I.

But next time our paths cross I will have my vengeance."

With this the elf leaves, as does his tribe.

"I wish it could have gone differently, after family is important to the Jade Mother."

"There might have been another way, but not with that oath.

Is there anything else we can do as an apology for their actions?"

"No, I will take my leave in the morning.

For now all I need is something to eat."

I stretch myself when exiting the tent, and become aware that all around me the busy sounds of people preparing to leave has quieted down.

Unnerved I look around until I notice Disor.

"Disor! What is going on here?"

"Nothing much people are preparing breakfast and packing in order to leave the gathering, after all all the interesting stuff already happened."

"And where are you going?"

"I decided to come with you, I mean why wouldn’t I your blessed by the spirits! Many great adventures await you and I will be part of it!"

"And I will be there to tell them!"

Surprised I find a centaur standing close by, his dark gray fur covering his massively build body.

"I am Bronn, I came looking for you yesterday in order to hear your side of a minor tale, where you defeated a cousin of mine in a wrestling match.

But now!

Now I will follow you and I will be there to spin the tales and sing the Legends of Jormund the Wanderer.

He who conquered death, challenger of the Flame.

Not a single herd or tribe will not have heard of your tales, this I, Bronn the Thunderous, swear upon the Pale Stag!"

I blankly stare at Bronn.

"And this here is Bronn, the centaur I told you about yesterday, he is a teller of tales and decided that you are the best thing to ever happen. A living breathing legend to base his tales upon."

"Is there anyone I else that’s going to be following me!"

All around me arms raise up, not just individuals but in two cases entire tribes.

I can’t tell whether to laugh or cry.

"But why?"

"Is it not clear?

You are a champion! Nothing can stand in your way and these people are willing to follow you, not simply because they can but because they believe in you."

"And now that we are done with that, where are we going?"

I look around surprised at the looks I get from people, and I feel the burden of leadership settle on my shoulders.

I turnto the west, from here I can’t even see the mountains which were always there when I grew up, just the plains and the great river that flows through it.

"We go west follow the river up stream."

"And what is in that direction?"


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