《Throughout the Ages》Age of Stone: chapter 35


( Jormund POV )

When all the tribes were gathered, the sovereign stepped forward and tells the story of her tribe, how they endured hardship together and how they promised each other that no matter what they would survive.

She tells of struggle and strife, and how they eventually found their tribe protected by a guardian spirit.

They call it the Pale Stag.

They who swear upon its name will receive its blessing so long as they don’t break their words of honour.

Then she offered all the other tribes to share in its blessings, and she swore upon its name that anyone who accepts her believe will receive the aid of both her and her tribe.

For a few moments there was silence.

Then a group of humans stood up and promised their allegiance to this Pale Stag, and promises medical aid to anyone who needs it.

The crowd’s reaction was mostly one of mixed confusion, what did this mean, should they follow the guardian spirit or allow things to remain the way that they are?

This reaction quickly turned from confusion to concern, when two young elves stood up and promised the support of their clan, and the death of any who refused to worship the Pale Stag.

Now I know how to repay my debt to the Jade Mother, with purpose I start stepping forwards.

But after a few steps I feel a hand gripping my arm.

"Jormund, don’t do this."

I turn and take one last look at her, remembering all those nights we spend together.

"I am sorry Altaï, but this is something I have to do."

I might not be able to fulfill my promise to you but you should know that I enjoyed our time together.

I turn towards Disor, a man who yesterday was an opponent and today one of the few people I can trust.

"Disor, I know this is much to ask from you but please make sure nothing bad happens to her."

For a second he looks confused, but then he offers me a warriors greeting.

"I will, and to you I wish good luck."


I accept his greeting, and then turn back to the center of the gathered mass.

Fully prepared to face whatever comes next.

A certain power seems to flow from within me and the crowd parts before me.

"I refuse!"

A silence falls over the crowd, and I feel the gaze of the many tribal leader shift in my direction.

"Your spirit might have helped you, but I already have a guardian spirit!"

She saved everything I ever knew, everyone I ever knew, from my mother to my sister, my entire tribe!

Without her I wouldn’t be here!

So I refuse, I will not bow before your Pale Stag, for my life belongs to the Jade Mother!

( Huron POV )

Now this is something I didn’t expect… someone else already has a religion founded somewhere else.

But there is something about this AI that seems familiar…

"Sir, I feel obliged to inform you that the individual before you was the very same that defeated your previous tribe leader."

"What! How is he here?"

"Unknown sir, however one of the dynasty heirs seems to have a feud with him as well, until now I was holding him back so that he didn’t do anything stupid."

Do you want me to change this?

"Yes, in fact make this a one on one challenge, I want him to suffer."

Even if I tried I wouldn’t have been able to stop a smile from appearing on my face, after all nothing is sweeter than vengeance.

( Toran POV )

Its Him!

How Dare He Interfere!

Behind him I see Altaï, trying to run but being held in place by one of his friends.

I Have Seen Enough!

I get up and move towards the middle shouting so that everyone can hear me.

"Who are you to come and disrupt this meeting of chiefs!

You are no chief, you don’t even have a tribe!"

The intruder turns towards me.

"It doesn’t matter that I am no chief, nor that I have no tribe!

This isn’t about tribes! This is about repaying a debt, I owe my life to the Jade Mother and now I am repaying her."


"Your life you say? Fine let it be that way!

We will proof which of these spirits is stronger!

I, Toran, challenge you, a duel shall be held under the watchful gaze of the Pale Stag to determine who is stronger only one champion shall leave the arena alive!"

"And I, Jormund, will accept your challenge, my the Jade Mother forgive me for hurting your family."

When his last words are spoken, the skies darkens and two groups of stars light up, a group of thirteen starts to shine.

The light resembling some sort of animal with the antlers of a centaur.

The other glimmering green appears a a pair of outstretched hands made out of a set of seventeen bright starts.

The light strikes down to earth sundering the ground around me and Jormund.

And then a ring of light forms around us.

As I reach for the fire within, Jormund pulls a set of two weird looking axes, one big enough to smash someone's skull with ease, the other much lighter but with a certain viciousness to it.

Not that it matters much, he will burn all the same.

( Litra POV )

What has he done…

We agreed to follow the Pale Stag and to his enemies driven before us.

But this is not what I had in mind, and I can’t help him!

He is my brother, I should help him.

A breath that I didn’t know I was holding leaves my body.

But why did he act like this?

Then I notice a small struggle near the front of the crowd, a human male holding a elven girl who is trying to approach the duel.

Off course, the girl.

I indicate that two of the guards should follow me while I head towards the struggling pair.

While approaching them I get a clearer picture of the two of them and I start to understand why Toran would fall for her.

"So who are you that my brother is willing to go to such lengths for your undivided attention."

The girl calms down, the tears still running down her face.

"You are Toran’s brother?"

I simply nod.

"He did this for me?"

Again I nod.

"I didn’t want anyone to die."

"But now someone will."

So do you love him?

When she looks at me confused I specify my question a bit more.

"Do you love Toran?"

"I love both of them equally, they both have qualities I like, but neither is perfect."

She seems to be regaining some control over her emotions, and I start to see hints of something else behind her eyes.

"You like the attention, wasn’t it? The idea of two people fighting over you, the power you felt that way?"

She looks away her eyes filled with guilty.

"I didn’t want anyone to die."

"Sometimes people get hurt no matter what we do, so I hope that you have said your goodbye to Jormund."

"How are you so certain?"

"Because nobody survives being set on fire."

( Jormund POV )

I can’t get close, whenever I do he dodges backwards while send a burst of fire my way forcing me to back off or get hit.

The only way I can win this is by charging straight through, hoping that he doesn’t see me coming through his own fire.

And I should do it quickly because this barrier that surrounds us seems to hold the heat inside.

Knowing that the only thing I can do is approach him I slowly get closer trying to get as close as possible without causing him to try and burn me.

Finally I reach a distance close enough for my strategy, and I charge.

But instead of moving backwards this time, he move towards me and sends out a wave of fire too big to avoid.

In my final moments, I see Altaï.

"I am sorry, I could not protect you in the end."

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