《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 13 Invasion of Gepleon


--------------------------Overmind POV-------------------

Sasha was getting ready for her role in the upcoming battle. She had taken rather well her role as one of my commanders. Now if she could only stop doing weird sound every time she sees her new toy, it will be perfect.

While the production of power armor was going as fast a possible, the revision of other models that marine needed times and not mentioning that any vehicles support would take a lot of time to prepare.

The maw and it escorts fleet were currently cleaning any orbital element of the UED and any civilian ship trying to make a run for it.

Sasha would take transport to the ground with her marine. The heavy infested human would take the expressway to the surface by drop pod..

Since it was a frozen world had integrated an appropriate mutation into my force. Unlike a certain Zerg, I keep useful mutation on hand in case I need to go to a hostile world. Those mutations were kept inside evolution chamber and are available to any Broodmother to use if they feel the need be.

The world have life supporting but barely, some fish that lived below the ice and that it.

The ground defense force was pretty good for a research base, but then my Zerg have been known for some time and they are pretty much hoping a bioweapon would kill me and my zerg.

As I wait for the news from the ground think will dedicate a bit of my time toward the Moderator, they have been complaining that only people with a radio could hear them, not counting the insane chatter they have in the hivemind, listening to that made me feel wrong. Basically, they wanted to drive more people insane, in as many ways possible. They still needed to be able to interface with technologies, internet or the local equivalent would be their preferred hunting ground once they get in.

-------------------Sasha POV-----------------

On the way to the ground.

Sasha was being transported by overlord like the rest her marine. And honestly regretting convincing herself to do it every second.

The Overmind did have captured UED transport but they were scrapped for him to reverse them. A shitty excuse was the thing that came to her mind.

The Overmind had ordered the infested to clean rumble and get machinery operational.

Which they did by melting everything with acid that looked like rumble. Many of the facility had suffered damage and needed repair, good thing that whatever that city was before had a lot of spare parts, but to make the city operational they needed grease monkey and egg head.

The production line for basic power Armour was operational so her army would have a steady supply for her marine corp.

Speaking of her marine, she had a couple of them do some combat drill to check their ability, She was impressed but only one downside, they only know how to fight and that it. In another case, someone could argue that they were the perfect soldier.

But Sasha keeps feeling they were missing something if you surprised them or put in a no-combat position and a problem happen, they would respond with violence. She would need to recruit for officer position to herd and manage the infested.


Good thing that she had an army.

Her order was capture as many humans as possible. Kill those that fight back but scientific and engineer need to be captured. Civilian personnel like children and spouse were to be captured as leverage, her plan for them to accept to be infested like her and keep their sentience or have their family turn into a mindless monster and eat them.

Brutal but she doesn't think many would take the second choice if any do well, she was always someone who keeps her promise.

Now for the minor problem, since she has been infested she raided the city local booze store for personal need. Well, she figured that zerg liver is stupidly strong. For research purpose, she had drunk quite the quantity of assorted alcoholic beverage, the result only medical alcohol which had a 70% concentration of alcohol in it gave her a mild buzz and tasted like crap.

Since her new position as infested general need her to command quite the quantity of troop, the Overmind had boosted her latent psi ability.

Her new headdress that glowed in the dark. Was a psi amplifier, it increased not the power she had but her range.

She was receiving information from the heavily infested, troughs the name was a bit long and zombies would better describe them.

They were launched from orbit all over the facility. And gave Sasha quite the information, the position of the defending troop, general mapping, civilian living quarter and what her main objective was the lab.

Honestly, after her infestation, she was wondering if biological weapons would do to the zerg, the Overmind had responded that even if they were to produce a virus that works on the zerg, we would adapt quickly and become immune to it.

But he strongly suggested to always send an advance force to look for this type of surprises.

Coming down with her were a bunch of flyings assholes that were there to cut communication and spread her demand for surrender.

As she was waiting to touch the ground, the technique the Overmind had taught her was becoming damn useful.

The third eye, as cheesy the name was for a commander it was a god sent. It was like hovering over the battlefield and any information was recorded on it. The map was shown with the eye of her units in real time and any place with a live view was not disposable was grey out. The positions of hostiles element were indicated as well as any of the noncombatant. Her units were shown in real time and individual order could be given.

The zombies were doing the most of the recon by throwing themselves at automated defense, locating and destroying anything that would pose a threat.

The marine waves would land at a secure site, both inside of the complex and outside of it.

Some of her transports were shot down trying to land inside of the base. But it pretty told Sasha where to send her units.

After landing outside the base Sasha took her marine through the vehicle door.


The research center was not designed like a fortress but it had good security. The external defense was built to hold off pirates raid but it can’t go facing an invasion force.

Inside of the garage she came across scared mechanic who pretty much called her a devil, her response was a punch to the gut and had a marine drag his sorry ass towards the holding area.

The holding area used to be the local starport, large enough to hold a lot of captives and her marine could keep an eye on them from high spots as they get transferred to the maw.

They were two major holdouts inside, the security center where most of the armed forces were holding, and the secured lad build to withstand whatever dangerous stuff was inside to not get out.

She was going towards the security center first since it was much easier to deal that lockdown lab.

Hearing gunfire coming from ahead, she slowed down her march, using her ability to see what was happening ahead and she could clearly see some of the zombies charging into barricades, a mental order had all of them retreated.

The security guard cheered at the sight.

Until her voice raised, spreading into their radio.

(Sasha) Surrender, you are surrounded and outgunned.

As she was speaking her marine took position readying their weapons.

The security forces were surprised at the sight of the infested marine.

One of the securities, an officer or the equivalent rose his head above the barricades to shout insults towards her.

The marines shot him into pieces right away with pinpoint accuracy, this time Sasha ordered a rodling to hit the ground at maximum velocity to an outpost several kilometers away.

The vibration could be felt and the debris flying up in the air could be also seen outside.

Now Sasha repeated her threat.

(Sasha) if you don’t surrender next one hit the living quarter.

That had some effect since most of the guard had family living there.

One by one they came out hand in the air.

Sasha had her marine search them to make sure they didn’t hold a hidden weapon.

She and a couple marine entered the office looking for a security pass. Using them would make the capture of the people hiding in their closet easier.

There a sound coming from behind her, a heartbeat, she could hear it with her enchanted sense. But she purposely makes no sign that she was aware of it. giving a discrete order to her marine to give space while not watch her back.

Like a predator she wanted to play with her prey, the heartbeat was becoming louder, she was preparing herself to pounce on her prey.

She could hear the sound of making soft step circling behind her, and then she reacted spinning herself, her arms swiping at the unknown.

Whoever was there received the blow launching it into the wall, Sasha took a moment to look at her opponent, it looks male but had no hair nor body hair, its skin was pale white, the man face had no distinctive features aside from that white skin.

Her swipe was a lot stronger than her frame would suggest, while not a pure combat form, she was far from defenseless. In addition, of her training, the mutation given by the Overmind made her five-time physically stronger than a regular human.

With those combined, no normal based human could survive a hand-to-hand combat situation.

The white man rose up, she was pretty sure her blow should have broken something but it showed no trace of discomfort on his face, just a blank expression.

It rose on its feet and resumed the attack.

Sasha had pulled her pistols in her right hand and waited for the blank guy to jump into her range.

Once again her left arm hit the blank guy full force, sending it through a window. The blank guy hit a landing pad, this time Sasha shoot it twice in the knee.

The blank man still tried to get up and attack, Sasha lost interest in it, it acted like a machine. She had fought children that were more interesting than that.

As she approached the blank still keep trying to get into range by crawling. Two more shot into the shoulder immobilized the pale man.

With her left hand, she grabbed the face of the blank, lifting easily up above the ground and she just crushes it. blood and brain matter escaped her grip as the blank fall to the ground.

Sasha just smiles at her deed. Breaking a man with her hand had given her a sense of satisfaction.

Reconnecting with her force she found that the blank had a lot of friends that were pouring out of the lab engaging everything and everyone.

Civilians that were caught by them were ripped in pieces. Her infested fought them everywhere they meet but zombies were overwhelmed by sheer numbers and marine had taken choke point to keep them off the prisoner.

But they just keep coming like a never-ending tide, she ordered overlord to grab the prisoner and transfer them to the maw and bring back more marine for the assault on the lab.

Six hours of battle Sasha had developed a particular hatred for those bastards. They had forced her to call reinforcement twice and multiple supply drop, at one point she had ordered a rodling to drop on the lab where they came from. But the overmind counter commands her saying he wanted to study how so many biological units come from.

During the battle as side objective, she secured many of the lab and those pieces of equipment which were transferred to the maw almost immediately.

After all this time the outside of the facility had a severe case of infestation. All civilian personnel was evacuated and put in holding cell.

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