《omni-verse cleaning monster》Chapter 12 Her first day as a zerg commander.


—————-Sasha pov————-

Sasha woke up with a low buzzing sound in the back of her head, like a party in the room next to your but nothing concrete.

Her body feels heavy and her movement was restricted. She feels the warmth covering her body.

Maybe she is in a hospital in intensive care now, the last battle she was in was not a pretty one.

She pretty sure she had lost an arm blowing that monologuing alien, that would surely leave scars.

As she tried to move she opened her eyes. She almost realized that this was not a human hospital since she was inside of something living.

Panic soon follow. While she was not a woman that get feared easily, waking up in this situation, she could not help it.

As her panicked movement increased the chrysalis started to tear itself apart.

After her struggle, Sasha lay on the ground naked and alone in an alien facility. That buzzing sound became louder but she ignores it for the moment.

Looking around she sees her clothes on a regular table with her weapon next to them. On the corners of her vision, there is a full body mirror sitting innocently alone in a corner of the room.

She rushes towards her belongings using both hands to put her pants on.

Wait, both « hand »

She stops what she was doing. She takes a look towards her hand. Her right one still looking like a human one, only that her skin have a shade of gray to it. but her left hand look more monster than human, it looked similar with 5 fingers with an opposable Thumb but a lot larger than her right hand, it was covered in purples plates that looked like lizards scale. There was a hole in the middle of her hand that would open or close at her will.

She took a moment to look at herself, she knew the purpose of the mirror. She took an unsure step toward the mirror then a second, as she approached the mirror she had closed her eyes, doubt, and fear plagued her mind. But facing her fear was something she had done all her life.

Slowly opening her eyelids, she stood half naked in front the mirror.

Her body looked a lot younger, late twenty, same with her face, she now has the same face she had earlier in life.

Her hair had changed, they were a lot longer than the military cut she had for most of her life, they easily reach below her ass and had a hint of silver into them.

On top of her head, two delicate horn stood. They had a crystalline appearance. They had a pale color at the base but further to the top they would become more purple, at the tip it glowed.

Her eyes that used to have a beautiful emerald color now had two glowing purple colored orbs in their place.

Her skin had the same grayish color as her hand, it had no default in it, no birthmark nor scar that had no mark on it.


Soft looking breast that she could swear had grown in size.

Her left arms were the only ugly thing she had but it looked mean for battle, it looked intimidating with the scale plate forming an armored look

As she keeps starting to herself, she heard a voice.

(Overmind) Ah, you are awake.

The voice was heard inside her head.

(Sasha) where are you? Who are you? what are you? And what have done to me?

Fear was making her agitated, she knew it. While asking those questions she quickly searched the room if there was someone or something looking at her. She found nothing so she put her clothes in haste.

The voice had a laugh like a parent caught a young child doing something adorable (and embarrassing).

(Overmind) To answer all of your questions, I am the overmind of the Zerg swarm, where I am simply a collection of all zerg mind. And what I have done to you, I infested you.

Sasha still panicking but tried to not show it, she had a bad feeling about what infested mean.

(Sasha) What was I infected with?

(Overmind) Why, with Zerg hyper-evolution-virus of course, you ceased to be human the moment that’s broodmothers skull shard entered your skin

A Memory suddenly assaults her, it was the scene of her last stand. But something was wrong, it was not her point of view but something in the air view.

(Overmind) An overseer.

Sasha jumped in fear.

(Sasha) You read my mind?

(Overmind) Yes, and before you ask to leave, know that you’re connected to a hive mind, without me here to give you the time to adjust you will be flooded by billion of mind wanting to know you.

Sasha was cut short of what she wanted to say. A billion was more that could handle.

(Sasha) Just let me say the question of my sanity.

(Overmind) Ba sanity is overrated and honestly, you don't have to be shy, I already saw all your memory and embarrassing moment of your life. I must say that your husband has an interesting fetish, in sex life.

Sasha's face went for being pale gray to pure red from embarrassment.

She could not hold it back and yell like an embarrassed school girl.

(Sasha) Never tell anyone that !!!

After a moment the Overmind image in her head looked like a kid who had been caught with the cookie jar.

(Overmind) Hehe, it is funny that you mention that at this moment.

Sasha just knew her day will get worse and made the sign in the air to continue.

(Overmind) Hivemind, way too late to hide it, but if it can't help there only two sentient being that understands intimacy.

Sasha was feeling like she wanted to cry.

(Overmind) When your done regretting being alive for a moment? , let continue since we interrupted the flashback long enough.

Sasha felt that her emotions are turned off for a moment allowing her to recover from her previous emotional self.

(Overmind) Before you ask, no I won't play with your emotions for fun just when I feel someone needed to recenter himself.


Sasha feels the aversion that the Overmind had to play with the emotions of his children.

Then it hit her that the Overmind also considers her to be one of his children. As if confirming she felt the love the Overmind had for her like Alexis had when he looked at her baby when nobody could see him. Proud, affectionate, warm. Like a father, like a mother.

(Overmind) So the flashback? It will answer the question you're asking yourself.

Sasha nod while still trying to process the image of having a father figure.

In that battle, she realized that the zerg did not aim to kill her during the fight nor use their claw to rip her apart. There was the scene where she said the one-liner, to her embarrassment. And what followed when she fell, when her body started to mutate, to the zerg grabbing her and putting her into a cocoon, to the work the Overmind had done to her body, to the moment she woke up.

(Sasha) What do you want from me overmind?

(Overmind) Ha, this good acceptance of us is a good step forward. What I want is you to lead one of my armies.

(Sasha) An army? Why me, there are better commanders out there.

(Overmind) I am just preparing to counter somebody plans and I need an actual competent commander.

(Sasha) Wait the monologuing broodmothers was your creation.

Sasha could feel a wave of embarrassment and shame coming from her link.

(Overmind) Don’t mention that.

Sasha burst of laughing. She had realized that her emotions were hard to control ever since she had woken. Seemly knowing her concern the overmind spoke again.

(Overmind) hormonal balancing for a sentient human was a first for me, so say hello to puberty again.

That would explain why now she was literally crying.

(Overmind) Now I need to remind you of the negotiations we did, with your subconscious mind.

Sasha had her mind flooded with knowledge, the Zerg objective, Amon, Kerrigan, the Protoss. And a piece of possible future, her husband that was still alive, the end war, Narud.

(Sasha) Alexis is alive and that fucker is doing what to him ?!

(Overmind) Yeah, the entity named Narud had been poking him with plenty toy. Damn shame he was completely cured too, he could have come back to you if that thing had not been here. Now he lives as an infested waiting for the chance for revenge.

As short silence, choosing her mind and the possible fate of billion of human life.

(Sasha) I accept.

————Overmind POV————

Well, that went great. Convincing her subconscious first was a good idea, complicated but save trouble.

Her view of the directorate was not the greatest after what they did to her, and the infestation always takes some humanity away. She agreed to become one of my commanders but I have a list of people to hunt down, loose end, like her family murder.

I may have gone overboard redesigning her. She having a second puberty.

New organs and rejuvenation process like this had caused the experienced military officer, who was a woman who stood her ground in front of my zerg with nothing but a knife, now act like a scared schoolgirl.

If I was honest I didn't even need to read her mind, her face told everything. But well it is temporary so she will get better soon, the hormone will flush out of her system after a while.

I wish I could wait for her to adjust but I have to send her to the new army to take command.

And because we are reaching the place that shall become her proving ground.

I love all the zerg like my children, but I am a zerg too, the weak shall die the strong shall prosper was something that came often to my mind.

I may have chosen the wrong target or too much prepared for this war. The Dominion had experience fighting the endless horde of the swarm. The Protoss could match hundreds alone.

When am done with the directorate I hope to find a beloved enemy that will force my Zerg to become ever more powerful and dangerous later.

The targeted facility I choose to send Sasha and the infested irregular was the research facility on the ice world of Gepleon to conquer and assimilate anything useful, also the tech there was nice, some looting has never harmed the Viking so why not me.

The infested irregular came in two form at this moment.the variant that was full blow mutations over its body as a pure shock troop, literally bullet sponge that exploded on command. Those variants came from fast acting HEV only useful if someone wanted disposable troop fast. Before my work on the virus, anything infested with this version would die after a couple of weeks of over mutation. Now like the rest of the Zerg is an immortal creature that forever be one of mine.

The second infested troop was infested Terran in power Armour. Using the hive mind anything infested could learn the skill of an another infested in a matter of minutes. Combat training of elite marine was transferred into infested that received a low mutation variant. Put inside of the power Armour that received a second dose of the virus transforming into a combat form. Increase muscle mass, 360 fields of vision with new eye added. Regenerative ability added. And some extra limb for melee combat.

Other forms of power Armour was in production or needed major modification, I could not in good conscience let my children play with fire, acid is much more useful since you can reuse the melted enemy as pre-digested food.

The frozen ice ball that the research center at had an orbital defense force but with the maw going there it's just decoration.

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