《I awoke as the hero of Oakvale》Chapter 14. A Serious Problem


With one last push from my Will, we entered into the void. There were some initial "oohs" and "ahs" from my kin after Nemo made his door transparent. Then after a few minutes of staring out into space Naia was like, "That's all", clearly already bored.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to work creating an invisible barrier around Nemo. I had hoped that by imposing my will onto the enchantments blue lines to make the invisibility barrier would make it act as a temporary part of the demon door. No such luck because it seems some sort of defensive function of the magical vault prevented any lasting change. So I was forced to constantly maintain the spell myself while my family trained their skills. The only thing I would be able to train is the size of my Will pool.

Theresa chose to learn an archery enhancing spell called "Multi-arrow" as her second spell. Our dad would continue to mostly train his physique and toughness. He would train these a little different than mine since pink muscle training would not work so well on someone his age. He would train his strength attributes first since trying to train Will spells had not been working for him. I believe someday I could get him to succeed but for now, let us focus on what works.

For scarlet, I suggested the Physical Shield spell since she's a frontline combatant and our main healer. Our dad would be the main heavy armored tank and she could heal him should he somehow get injured. If her will is low or she's occupied I can lend a hand but my healing is less effective.

The physical shield is a somewhat mysterious spell. A blue glowing outline surrounds the user's body. This does make a sound and appear to be light magic related but there's a part to it that is too different for me to replicate. The barrier blocks anything that would harm the user. Whether its magic, weapon, or poison gas the shield stops all of them. Yet, somehow the user of the physical shield can still breathe. So one of two things is happening. Either the barrier filters air and lets it through or it recycles the air inside. Either way, it has its own kinda ozone like area inside the shield of breathable air and this is what I have no idea of how to replicate. Its always at the right oxygen percentage and how is it replenished/maintained?


Several weeks of training passed like this for the rest of my family. I would maintain the invisibility of Nemo for days before moving us back into Albion's space for a break to get some sleep. This would significantly decrease the amount of time we could remain here. Especially since I had to do some other training myself that also required me to be outside the void.

Somewhere around five or six weeks into training, Scarlet got sick. At first, I didn't think much of it. Then when it didn't stop after a week I knew something was wrong. Once I got to thinking about what I knew about the common cold and the flu. They only incubate for less than four days and Scarlet didn't get sick until she was here for weeks. No one else got sick too so it definitely wasn't contagious.

Then the realization hit me and I knew what was wrong. What takes 4-6 weeks to make a woman sick? Making my way towards where scarlet was bundled up trying to wait out the sickness with a bucket nearby in case she loses her lunch.

"Mother I think I know what's wrong with you. This is going to sound weird but I need you to put some of your pee in an empty potion bottle. That way I can test it and we will know if you are pregnant for certain," I explained to a surprised and wary Scarlet.

"Pregnant?" Brom's face lit up. The man seemed to love being a dad.

"Wha... Wait... Pregnant?" Scarlet seemed surprised by the revelation.

"Well, you see when a man and a woman love each other in a very special way and they bang like rabbits. Sometimes the man's seed impregnates the lady and a baby gets born," I jokingly ranted.

"I KNOW WHERE BABIES COME FROM!!!" Scarlet shouted at me frustrated.

"Look if we add a little vinegar to your pee and shake the glass bottle up we can tell if you are indeed pregnant," I further explained.

"Fine, Brom will bring it to you later," She exhaustedly conceded.


About 45 minutes later I had a small pink glass bottle on the ground in front of me. I had at least two layers of gloves on. Hey, I'm not touching my mom's piss. Gross! I just have to be the one who does the test since I'll know what I'm looking for and they won't. I gave the bottle a shake confirming that no bubbles formed in the pee. Then after adding the vinegar, I repeated the same action. Yep, bubbles formed like crazy.

The method of testing was really old but still reliable. Scarlet was pregnant which means we got another problem. How can a pregnant or recently pregnant woman fight Jack of blades? Scarlet was our most experienced fighter, our healer, and our secondary tank. Which means we'll have to change the roster a little. Since Scarlet will have the physical shield spell she can remain in the back lines as our healer.

Well, it looks like it is up to me and dad to hold the front line. I was always going to be the one who fought Jack anyway. I wonder whether I'm going to get a little brother or a sister? Well, now I'm stuck in a confined space with a hormonal pregnant woman for at least the equivalent of 9-10 months. Well, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Taking a moment I thought about what this must feel like for Scarlet. She's a first-class hero and in another timeline failed her family. Now she is pregnant and unable to protect us again. Honestly, I can't imagine what that would be like for her. Pregnancy just isn't something I'll have to deal with personally. Unless some crazy wizard comes up with some kind of male pregnancy curse. I'd rather die first but not gonna deny that anything is possible.

Walking over to Scarlet I explained, " Mother it appears you are pregnant but don't worry it's go in to be okay".

I could see the disappointment on her face, "How is it going to be okay?"

"You can still fight, we just need to adjust our strategy a little."

"I've failed you again haven't I?"

"No, you have not failed us. This pregnancy is not your fault and you have never failed us. Not in the other timeline and not in this one. It's not your job to protect us from life and death takes all eventually. Jack is also not your fault," my speach started out comforting but it turned serious near the end. I hated that she doubted herself and it was partly my fault.

I've been trying to save everyone's lives but I've ignored how it affects them personally. My family are people and sometimes they too need reassurance.

Why did it feel like my own emotions were missing? I knew I should care about things so I acted the way I knew I should. Everything I felt was like it wasn't my emotions. Like I was hearing music in another room instead of where the party is at. I'm starting to have my own suspicions of what this may mean...

"You're right. It's best not to focus on what cannot be changed," Scarlet replied now standing next to me. "I love you son", she added.

"I love you too mom," I said even though I felt bad saying it. Part of me still believed she wasn't really my mother and I wasn't her real son.

I called everyone over so they could hear me all at once. "Now let's go over the strategy for the Battle of Oakvale. Also let's start picking baby names. How's Granok destroyer of worlds?"

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