《I awoke as the hero of Oakvale》Chapter 13. Jokes & Serious Stuff


Adding insult to injury after Naia's question about our parent's lovemaking, it led Nemo into giving a lecture on the birds and the bees. I really didn't need that right now and other than Naia who found the subject intriguing none of us wanted to hear it.

"How do you know about that kind of stuff Nemo? You don't even remember being human. You could have been a virgin for all we know," I interrupted the old door.

"Trust me, boy, this tongue is a thing of legends," Nemo said sticking out his tongue. Had he a hand I bet his fingers would have been a backward peace sign that infers fellatio when a tongue is placed between it.

"Yeah, in that you never shut up!" Theresa added giving Nemo a sick burn.

"That's just rude. Some people just can't enjoy the presence of a well experienced and educated door!"

"That's an oddly specific thing to say," I responded more confused by his statement about how people like their doors. I mean I've never really thought about how is I'd prefer my doors. Hickory? Maple? Mahogany? Yes, the last one!

"Look, Nemo, Theresa was only messing with you. Both of us are older in our minds than our bodies suggest. Theresa has lived countless lifetimes through her future sight. I have memories of living in another world. The one where Captain Nemo is a character in a book called Thirty Thousand Leagues under the Sea." I said comforted the Demon door who if he could blush would probably be red-faced now.

"Fascinating Master Arn, Tell me what do you recall of this world? How did you come to be here?" Nemo asked curiously finally changing the subject from our parent's romance.

Adjusting my seated position to be comfortable I began my story, "I don't remember who I was or how I ended up here. I just woke up here one morning with memories of living two lives. The other world I lived in had no magic, might, or skill powers. Instead, we were really good at crafting things. We called this technological method [Science] and with it, we advanced the world in ways thought impossible without magic"


"Is there no war in that world?" asked the also curious Naia.

"No, there we also fought over sometimes the stupidest things. Over who was standing on what piece of land. Who owned it. Where we defined its borders. Some even thought the color and shades of our skin were reason enough to fight over. For a few it was enough to kill over", I answered.

"That sounds stupid, why would skin color matter?" Theresa cut in equally shocked by the world I came from not being a paradise.

"Because humanity always needs someone or something to fight or abuse. It is something in our nature that we cannot seem to overcome. If there are no slaves, then we make indentured servants. If there are no indentured servants, then we have lower-class minimum wage families that are forced into credit card debt by too high a cost of living. If it's not abusing/torturing men, then its women. There is a sickness within us and few ever try to do something about it," I answered Theresa's question and even though I didn't mean to in turned into a bit of a lecture. How did I know all of this? Had I been some humanitarian? No, All of this information was readily available for those who watched the news regularly and kept up with modern history.

Theresa met my gaze and there was a seriousness in her eyes and asked, "Did you try to do something about it?" She was searching for something in that gaze. What was it?

My whole body shivered to the point of it practically spasming but all I could say was, "I... I Don't remember". Yet somehow I knew that in the memories I'd lost there was an answer to that question. I'd spent most of my young life living and letting live. I kept to myself and never bothered others. Something must have happened near the end. Somehow, I must have died and I just can't remember my death. I'd stood and fought for something. I'd fought so very hard I just know it! No matter how hard I try to remember, I just don't know what it was I'd fought for.


"..." Theresa was silent and contemplative.

"Were there delicious sweets?" Naia asked excitedly changing the subject without realizing it.

"The best, there were so many kinds. Someday I'll make you some," I offered.

"Yay!!!" Naia flew around happily.

"So in such an advanced world, there is no hunger?" Asked Nemo.

"There is plenty of food to go around but many still starve. I'm not entirely sure why other than a lack of money being involved. We also have health care but people still die of diseases. A world being advanced doesn't necessarily mean it is a paradise." I stated both answering Nemo's food question and adding Disease as that maybe his next question.

"Do you miss it?", Theresa questioned.

"Miss what?"

"That world you came from?"

That was an interesting question. The world had fun things like games but it also had its own troubles. If I could remember my old family I'd bet I would miss them terribly. Although maybe we were estranged. Also, maybe I had no family. On earth, the average person spent most of their lives working. Few had time to really go out and do whatever they wanted. I know I spent a lot of my time playing games...

That question seemed to make everyone else stiffen a little. Were they worried I'd abandon them? Purposefully giving off a relaxed demeanor I said, "I can't remember enough about my life on earth to really miss it. I do know That I would miss the life I have here with you all."

"You're a silver-tongued smooth talker if I've ever heard one," Theresa accused but a smile covered her face.

"You know you'd miss me," I arrogantly proclaimed.

"Naw I'd just get a cat or something," Theresa joked.

"Oh, so I'm at the same level of affection one has for a pet?"

"Yep!" She lied.

"Haha, you are a terrible lier just like me. Must run in our terrible at lying family," I joked back.

"Meh," Theresa shrugged her shoulders.

"So, Theresa how long had you known I had memories from another life?" I questioned her since I noticed she wasn't as surprised as the others.

"I suspected it for a while but I hadn't known for certain. There were many things in other timelines that pointed in that direction. You just know too many weird things as well that people here don't. Where could you have learned it if no one here possesses that knowledge?"

"That's a fair point," I replied. Maybe I need to be careful with what info I pass around in the presence of others.

Scarlet came out of our parent's tent first. She readjusted her clothing a little and fixed her hair. After she was content with her appearance she came over to our fire pit with a big frying pan. We still have eggs since non-pasteurized eggs keep for weeks without refrigeration. We also still have bacon since it can keep for a while after being cured. After lighting the fire she started making breakfast. Got the munchies huh?

Brom wasn't far behind leaving the tent shortly after. He stopped by Scarlet giving her a hug from behind and giving her neck a kiss.

It was sweet they were still so in love but with a wicked grin on my face, I couldn't help myself. "Do it," said a voice in my head. "So Naia tells me you two put on quite a show early this morning. What with removing your clothes in front of her and getting busy," I said pointing out they should have probably waited until they were in their tent before disrobing.

There was simultaneous stuttering from both of them and my mother scarlet dropped the hot pan with its sizzling hot contents right on my dad Brom's foot. What followed was laughter from everyone but them.

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