《D Days》2-7 Soar
The next two weeks quickly slipped into an easy routine for Rosalyn.
First, she would wake up in her bed and lounge in the warmth of the sun gathering ambient mana from the air as a sort of breakfast until her natural need to move and be active overtook her catlike desire for a warm spot in the sun, followed by a quick bit of exercise to get further used to her new body, usually in the form of some quick martial arts practice.
Rosalyn was quickly finding out that she was going to have to relearn everything she had already knew, but Cham had already promised to help her with that so for now she was merely content at using the familiar forms and movements as exercise. Her morning workout complete, she would then stand in front of a yardstick that Cham had tacked onto the wall as soon as they realised how fast Rosalyn was growing and using a bit of chalk in her mouth would very roughly measure how much taller she was that morning. She was currently more than twice as large as she had been when she was born and was still growing fast. Cham had expressed some worry over it, but Serena had assured her that dragons just grew as fast as food would allow.
Her morning routine complete she would then wander outside of her room to look around and see what the other residents of the household were up to that morning or explore the house and confines of the grounds. She had also taken to playing with younger kobolds in the breaks between their school lessons as a way to continue to stretch her legs, often under the discreetly watchful eyes of Cham and Serena plus a dozen or more suitably fretful adult kobolds. She found that the voice in the back of her head, her dragon instincts according to Serena, really liked to be pushed high in the swing. An act that one kobold in particular, a young female named Poh, really enjoyed helping with.
Poh was apparently the first of the kobold kids to approach Cham when she woke up and had been the only one of the younger kobolds to have the discipline to attend every single one of the halfling’s school lessons. She would chatter merrily at Rosalyn in the weird kobold tongue sprinkled occasionally with a few words in common and use a crude block and tackle attached to the back of the swing to really get Rosalyn frightfully high in the air. Birdie would even occasionally show up in between his trips into the forest with his crew and with their help use the block and tackle that had been set up on the swing to send both her and Poh in the swing way high up together, although he never really said much more than hello. Rosalyn got the impression that he didn’t know how to treat her now that she was technically an existence that he understood at a genetic level was superior to him, or that was at least what Dragon-Rosalyn in the back of her head told her.
After they were done playing for the day Poh would often drag Rosalyn into one of the afternoon lessons and force her to sit in her lap, despite the fact that the kobold was already a bit smaller than Rosalyn. Still, she would carefully pick whichever spot had the most sunlight and Rosalyn would doze in her lap while the kobold kids learned new things.
This would continue until around mid-afternoon when the lesson ended and either Serena or Cham would sit down in a rocking chair and feed her one of the potions that Serena had procured from the nearby city. Serena would talk and ask questions about her day and Cham, who she still couldn't directl converse with, would just sing. It was a surprisingly happy routine, and one that Rosalyn would have gladly continued for a lot longer. Unfortunately, life and time always does what life and time do. It marches onward.
“Well, I have lingered here for long enough.” Cham said, “I have recovered and Rose is safe. I have to report in to the nearest temple before they send a search party after me. I imagine the Abbess is quite worried after the letter I sent her. I also want to at least inform someone so that an investigation of the potential cultist activity that Serena spotted in the nearby city can start.”
“I told you that I wasn’t sure that they were cultists, they just smelled similar to that lich thing. There are probably a lot of reasons someone could get that death smell around themselves.” Serena said from her rocking chair. Rosalyn, now around the size of a medium-ish dog, was sitting comfortably in her lap listening intently while she drank greedily from the goat bottle.
“Regardless, I have things that need doing and if there is even the SLIGHTEST chance these are cultists then not only does the temple in Spite need to know, but WE need to know. They know that you are out there somewhere Serena, and they covet magical power.” Serena rolled her eyes at the small woman’s explanation which caused Cham to stomp over to where she was sitting.
Rosalyn instantly recognized the look in Cham’s eyes and started to chuckle as she did something that stunned the ancient dragoness. She flicked her in the forehead. “You. Are. Magical. Power.” she continued, punctuating each word with another flick. “I swear, you are just as flippant and reckless as this child,” Cham pointed at a still laughing Rosalyn, who was making a soft chuffing noise as she finished off the bottle, “Also, I have another child to check in on. War is on the horizon, I can feel it, and she was drafted by the Kingdom. I want to see Janie and give her some more details in private. She has a right to know, we are family after all.”
A pensive look appeared on Serena’s face as she digested the last bit of Cham’s tirade, but she nodded her head after but a moment, “I am not worried for myself, there is little that can be done to actually kill me at this stage of my life… it is for my little duckling here and any future daughters I bear that I must say I am worried about anyone else knowing. I wish to maintain a low profile.. However, both of you seem to trust her so I will extend that same amount of trust. Oh! Give her the address of the bank! They accept mail so she can send letters and they will hold them in trust until we can collect them. I opened an account in all three of our names for such mutual use. It even has money in it in case you need something while in the town!” Serena beamed while examining the now empty bottle.
“... How much money? What did you do?”
“Well, I mean… It was only a medium sized gold nugget…”
Facepalming at what Serena had done, Cham gave an exasperated sigh before looking sadly at Serena, “You really have no common sense do you? What part of pulling a “medium-sized” hunk of gold out of your bag screams low profile? It’s bad enough you buy flats of obscenely alcoholic mana potions that no normal person can even drink without falling on their ass, but you can’t just whip out huge sums of money like that! That is how you get a Thieves’ Guild watching you! Do you want thieves? That is how you get thieves!” Throwing up her hands in exasperation she marched out of the gazebo and to the house. Rosalyn leapt out of Serena’s lap and made to follow while Serena sheepishly did the same.
Yelling behind herself as she walked across the lawn, Cham said “I will be back in around two months, three at the latest and will contact you if it looks like it will take more than that…” Stopping suddenly, her red hair gently swaying in the breeze she sighed and turned around to look at both of them her face and voice suddenly soft, “Please be careful while I am gone.”
A week later, Cham had already left to make her initial report and then book passage to see Janie and the Abbess, who apparently was near the RMA at this time of the year with several other high ranking members of their branch of the church to teach a class about combatting undead and other unnatural creatures, and the mood of the estate had noticeably gotten more melancholy without her presence, the kobold kids especially were much more subdued without her around and did little more than lay around in a funk.
Rosalyn too had found herself missing Cham as well, but the feeling had done little to alter her daily routine. Still, she was in for a shake-up of her own as one morning as she walked outside Serena was standing there waiting for her in her full dragon glory.
Staring up at the shining silver scales and spread feathered wings made Rosalyn feel acutely aware of how small she actually was when compared to her mother despite the fact that she had grown to be almost three and a half feet tall now. Dragon-Rosalyn started panicking and running around in circles in the back of her skull screaming facts about how some mothers ate their young, and despite her best efforts it did start to get to her a little bit. Thankfully, Serena spoke before she could truly break and run.
“You are growing nicely, although again you are a little on the small side for the amount of mana you have ingested, but you have grown and retained enough for me to start teaching you things.” Craning her long neck down to be on Rosalyn’s level she looked to the right and then the left before dramatically whispering, “Do you want to learn how to fly?”
A few minutes later they were standing on the cliff face and Serena had entered into full blown lecture mode as she looked down at the attentive form of her daughter. “Today we are going to start the first lesson in a class I like to call ‘How to Dragon: a Beginner’s Primer’... what do you think? I have lots of lessons planned!” In response Rosalyn stared blankly at her mother.
“Oof, tough crowd, and that look… I can tell that Cham raised you until now. Well, regardless… today we are going to teach you to fly!” In response an excited look blossomed on Rosalyn’s face that made Serena giddy with joy. Suddenly her younger self’s desire to avoid having children seemed like foolishness. Whelps were so adorable!
Spreading her wings outward, Serena continued her explanation, “Not all dragons were fortunate enough to be born with wings. Generally speaking, only the nobility had them among the larger dragons. There were some smaller breeds that had wings and could fly short distances, but only the greatest among our kind could soar high among the clouds.”
In response to Serena’s excited words the tiny whelp started furiously beating her wings trying to achieve lift, but sadly nothing happened. A puzzled look appeared on her face and Serena heard her unspoken question. “No, it isn’t because I have feathers on my wings. I have feathers on my wings because I like feathers. I do not know if you noticed duckling, but we are not very aerodynamic creatures. We fly with magic, not physics.”
Another unspoken question as Rosalyn tilted her head, “Physics are... not really relevant to this lesson. Ask Cham when she returns, she likes to teach stuff like that.” Ignoring the cross look on Rosalyn’s face she continued, “Different winged dragons use slightly different specifics on how they flew, but that isn’t really relevant to how you and I fly so I am going to skip it for now. I fly by using my mana in two-fold ways. First, I extend the reach of my wings with mana, basically forming a larger set of invisible wings and I also push up on my body from underneath to create artificial lift to help me get off the ground and also stay in the air. However, since this is your first lesson and you do not seem to be extraordinarily good at manipulating mana outside of your own body we are going to just try and augment your wings today.”
Reaching down Serena looped a cord made of her own mana to Rosalyn’s torso and attached it to the tip of her tail. Again Rosalyn’s head tilted and she gave a questioning look, “No, it isn’t a leash… Well, okay it is a leash, but it is just to catch you if you fall. Cham would literally find a way to murder me if you died while she wasn’t here.”
Coughing into her claws, Serena started back into the explanation, “Look inside yourself and feel the mana. I know that you have gotten pretty good at moving it around inside of your own body, but today’s practice is about extending it to be outside your body in a controlled manner. I want you to move it to your wings and picture it coating them, extending them, making them lighter and stronger. Try and match the shape of your own wings… just bigger! I will let you know when you have it.”
A look of intense concentration crossed the little dragons face as she started shaping the mana from inside of her center and pushed it out of her wings. The invisible force was clear to her eyes and she watched the misshapen forms take shape on top of Rosalyn’s small bat-like wings. Nodding in satisfaction for her first attempt, she gave the young whelp a critique and some pointers and then forcefully dispelled the mana surrounding them with a wave of her own wings, much to Rosalyn’s chagrin, so that she would have to try again from the start. “Don’t give me that look, this is important practice. You need to be able to shape mana child. You do seem to have a gift for the internal stuff and you can direct mana fine as long as you don’t have to maintain it, but maintaining forms is arguably the most important skill you have to master and there is a long divide on what you can do now and what I can do. There is no rush, but we do need to make sure that you can do it quickly, correctly, and most importantly safely.”
Another cross look from the whelp, and Serena rolled her eyes at her daughter in return, “You do remember I can hear you right?” In response the smaller dragon stuck her tongue out.
Rosalyn was thoroughly frustrated. It had been almost six hours of non-stop failure and she was starting to get hungry which was causing Dragon-Rosalyn to get excessively grumpy in the back of her head. It didn’t help that she seemed to be incapable of actually shaping the mana in a competent fashion once it left her body.
“Again! This time focus more on making them uniform. You are making the one on the left much too large.” Crossing her tiny arms Rosalyn concentrated as hard as she could on the image she had in her brain, an invisible pair modeled after what Serena had on her back. The process was surprisingly like working with mud or clay… if you were using sticks from forty paces back to shape it that is… but she was getting a better handle on what she was doing.
Overall, the exercise was so wholly foreign to what she had learned about the movement of energy during the, at the time, purely theoretical lessons that Cham had given her when she was younger. Still, it those lessons had allowed her to surprise Serena and better circulate and absorb the mana that she was being fed into her heart thus speeding up her own growth significantly.
Panting heavily from the extended exertion, Rosalyn finished shaping the mana and extended her wings tiredly for inspection to her mother. “I see you like the feathers too. Good job! You pass the first lesson. Jump off and listen to your instincts. They will tell you how to fly. I will be above you, so do not worry about falling.”
Rosalyn looked at her wings, noting that she could see the faint outline of the shaped mana and then peered over the edge of the cliff for a safe spot to land, but none became evident. Suddenly worried that she had not done a good enough job at shaping her wings, she hesitated as an odd sense of Déjà vu washed over her.
She didn’t know how long she would be able to maintain the wings, so without thinking about the consequences too deeply she lifted her wings and made another rash decision. For Mother Cham and Serena who had blessed her with this second chance she flapped her wings once, twice, and three times and re-affirmed the decision that she was going to work as hard as was in her own power at this being a dragon thing and made up her mind.
She jumped.
- In Serial28 Chapters
Warning: This story is purely for practice. Do not expect me to finish it. Do not expect it to be good. Do no expect regular updates. Do not expect perfect grammar. Do not expect good story-telling. Do not expect innovative ideas. This will be very ameturish. Also there will be profanity, possible light-sexual content and possible gore. All criticism is welcome. Kenta is a 17 year old who on his way to a grocery store sale, dies and is reincarnated into a world of fantasy, where magic and mythical beasts exist. Everyone in this world has a status menu, like a game, which tells a persons name, title, skills and attributes. In this world the strong rule and the weak fall behind. As a baby people start out with 0 skills and 0 attributes. Everyone in this world can build up their attributes, learn skills and earn titles. A select few a born skills and raised attributes. Kenta having died in his previous world, is shocked to learn this, but quickly adapts to this game like reality and uses his knowledge and training to help survive in this new world. Upon opening his status menu, he notices he already has a skill. Skill: Eater: Allows one to consume any singular item (excluding proper food) to gain skills/attributes. Consuming dangerous substances will not kill you.
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Lord of the Apocalypse
The book is now available on Amazon. You can get it here. After being falsely accused of murder, Nicholas Dread finds himself losing not only seven years of his life, but also his son and wife. Fate further kicks him in the chest when he finds himself in the middle of an unannounced Apocalypse, witnessing death by the thousands. After a desperate struggle, he dies only to be reincarnated as one of the beasts that caused the bane of his race.
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Adventure to the Stars
The tale of a young boy that drops into a small pond, only to find himself in a complete new world! Brandr has to figure out where the familiar blue light that guided him has lead him to, and more importantly, how to get back to his homeworld as quickly as possible!
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Legend of the Lost Star
[More placeholder space for the next Writahon...] [Completed the October 2020 Royal Road Writathon challenge] [Completed the April 2020 Royal Road Writathon challenge] Book 1: First Light Synopsis: As a war of epic proportions enters a ceasefire, a soul from another world enters a dead boy's body. Without any memories of who he was, with only a little companion by his side, the lost soul begins his long, arduous journey to recover his memories, while unraveling the mysteries of a war-torn world. Why was he sent here? And where will he go now? Even he himself does not know. But one thing is for certain: the world will never be the same again. Book 2: Foredoomed to a Rendezvous Synopsis: As war continues to break out between the Five Lands, Gaius finds himself inheriting a legacy of ancient times. With the flames of battle spreading through the South once again, the lost soul throws himself into battle over and over, in an attempt to protect his home and those he holds dear. How will the boy, nearly unrivalled in martial might, fare in a web of conspiracies beyond his ken? Book 3: The Last and the Lost Synopsis: The boy has set himself an unbelievable target in a bid to save someone precious to him. With his former home now out of reach, he stalks the Southern Continent, inciting rebellion and revolution where possible to lure his prey out. Meanwhile, in the heart of the South, embers of war begin to rekindle. Will it be the death knell of yet another nation millennia old? Book 4: The Unravelling World Synopsis: Time is not on Gaius' side. Everyday life, already disturbed by the flames of mortal war, falls apart entirely as beings of legend once again appear on Orb. Forced to a foreign land to treat his injuries, the boy must confront the outcomes of his actions, directly and indirectly. But the tide is rising. Countless enemies are throwing themselves against the nations of Orb, cleaving a path of blood wherever they go. Gaius has to hurry...or drown with the rest. Book 5: World's End, Divines' Rondo Synopsis: The great gods of Orb have staked their claim on the world itself, killing all in their way. Each of the Cardinal Continents are fighting their own battles and making their own peace, but none are aware of the growing threat from the Wildlands, where a self-exiled legend continues to gather strength. Meanwhile, a new threat stalks the whole of Orb, killing whatever remains of the Constellation Heroes. Against such a chaotic backdrop, a boy continues to protect a semblance of daily life for his loved ones, but will he be successful when the curtains finally open? Book 6: The Frenzied Tide Synopsis: A sword hangs above the Eastern Territories. The Human God, progenitor of all life, the direct cause of the beastfolk genocide, has made his will known to the rulers of the East — make peace with the God of Water, or be destroyed in three months. Gaius, who has left the battlefield to return home, is once again called to fight, to support a do-or-die offensive upon their foe's territory. But in the background, the threads of destiny are beginning to come together. Plots set in motion long ago are coming to fruition... Book 7: Limina of Ruin Synopsis: The chalice has broken. The East is beset with turmoil, as factions turn on each other. The Great Divide, however, brims with a setting radiance, ensuring a final, transient peace. And in the midst of it all, one young boy follows the fettered winds and the unshackled waters, heading to a new land to uphold a promise. For him, the days of fighting will be a distant memory before long...and a daily event in the years to come. Uncovering ancient memories, putting to rest regrets, enjoying the last of a peaceful life...the people of the Five Lands will live to their fullest. Yet, this is but the calm before the storm. Book 8: Power Talks Synopsis: Fate. A curious word to most...and a frightening word to Gaius. Alongside the rulers of the North, Gaius witnesses frightening truths, proof of an inevitable future. Spurred by a myriad chilling revelations and urged by a god's killer, the Mortal Light Dynasty gathers both mortal rulers and divine sovereigns, covering past conflicts with a offer of cooperation of an unprecedented scale. However, can this unity, first of its kind, stand up to time, fate and mortal nature? Or will it burn, along with the Five Lands? Book 9: Homeland Song Synopsis: Gazing out at the Orb of old, Gaius ponders his destiny and the great stakes with it. Time and again, he has led a life of choices, making one after another for the sake of those he cares about. His latest choice, however, carries implications of an immeasurable scale. Charged with the protection of the future, all that awaits him is an eternal solitude... On the other side of the false world, a single star shines, one whose light is meant to protect. Gemini, who has long found a homeland in the form of Ark City, has spent years defending it with friends and family alike. However, an inexorable end is approaching. The day the Great Divide falls looms ever closer. At the crossroads of destiny, when the chains of fate bind him fully, what will the last Constellation choose? And what will his choice mean for the rest of the Five Lands? Book 10: Immortal Indignant Synopsis: As the Five Lands reel from an unexpected revelation, Gaius continues his struggle to accept his immortal destiny of eternal vigilance. Mortal fetters continue to tie him down, with the prospect of breaking them a heart-rending prospect. There is little light for him in the darkness; his emotions seemingly a poisoned apple. For him, the days ahead are one of balancing his emotions; his immortal destiny is antithetical to the aspects that make one mortal. However, he isn't the only immortal indignant at the current state of affairs. Behind the scenes, huge powers push and pull, tussling in an insane game of wrestling sanity. The Five Lands and the great gods prepare in the background, awaiting their time to strike... Book 11: Cause Convergent Synopsis: As Orb reels from an unexpected turn of events, the crumbling of the Great Divide speeds up. With time now at a premium, Gaius travels the world, addressing a particular personage's last will, while ensuring that he leaves no regrets behind. Revisiting the Five Lands with his beloved one last time, he casts his eyes to a new future, a world full of a peace forged by collective resistance. Far away from Gaius, at the very borders of the Southern Continent, soldiers train day and night, awaiting the day the rift between worlds crumble. But the battlefield there isn't just between the Five Lands and the Wildlands... Book 12: Boundary Belligerent Synopsis: The rift between worlds crumble. The moon, the sun and the sky shatter, revealing the vast expanse beyond. The cold light of the stars gaze down upon Orb, illuminating a bloody battlefield at World's End, where gods and mortals wrestle. Immortal troops charge the Five Lands, over and over again, only to be repelled by vast engines of war. For many, the moment of destiny has arrived. The Third Extermination has begun. However, Gaius gazes not at the present, but at the future beyond. What does he see there? And what will he do? Book 13: Destiny Divergent Synopsis: Bells ring, and destiny veers. Mortal miracles, having pierced a divine destiny, now turn their light of annihilation upon the legendary land of dangers and dark myth. A single being who should have slept forever reawakens, carrying out a inherited duty to protect. Under a dome of absolute law, the hulks that darken the skies are grounded, forcing the Five Lands to move ahead on foot. Hidden differences erupt, comrades turn upon comrades, and the alliance begins to crumble. What should have been a happy ending begins to fall apart. Watching from high above, the Abyss Sovereign laments his weakness, cursing the new destiny laid upon the world. And yet, he will never give up. Book 14: Abyss Ascendent Synopsis: As a future of never-ending conflict draws closer, Gaius stands at the centre of Orb, his will tempered and set. What the Wildlands has ceased to be, he will inherit. Divine Kingdoms and mortal nations clamour for peace to prepare for greater wars, but Gaius will no longer stand for that. For the sake of his dream, the Five Lands — and now, the Wildlands — must be unified against a common enemy. Gaius himself. Raising the flag of rebellion against mortal nature and destiny, the Abyss Sovereign commences a festival of creation for his new world, a paradise unimaginable to both mortal and divine minds. With his intentions made known now, there is no going back. He will succeed. Or die trying. Book 15: Terminus Transcendent Synopsis: ??? This is a story that may, depending on how impatient you are, take some time to spin up. I have enough in my mind for a long run, so it's essential that I lay out a great deal of groundwork at the start. Eleven books have been released so far, and this work will end at Book 15. Be aware of late arrival spoilers! My Patreon link is here, which allows for up to sixty-five advanced chapters ahead of the free releases, or if you'd just like to support me. Release schedule: My original promise was 2 a week, minimally, but it's been a daily release for a long time. So yeah...
8 835 - In Serial21 Chapters
Arm of the Demon
A normal life. That's the only thing Damien has ever wanted after the loss of his parents. Unfortunately, life has other plans for him. When his arm becomes possessed, Damien will be dragged into something he never wanted to be a part of.
8 172 - In Serial5 Chapters
|Convert| [Hiện Đại, Showbiz] Yêu Thương Tốt Nhất - Lục Manh Tinh
Truyện này lúc trước mình có edit nhưng lỡ tay xoá hết mà vẫn chưa lưu lại nháp. nay mình đăng convert cho bạn nào đang theo dõi để đọc tiếp nhé. Tác giả: Lục Manh TinhThể loại: Hiện đại , ngôn tình, showbiz, sủng, sạch, HETình trạng: 74 chương - 4 ngoại truyện - HoànTrích:Tại hiện trường họp báo:Phóng viên: Nghê tiểu thư, cô với Hoắc tiên sinh kết duyên từ bộ phim 'Mê Thành' sao?Nghê Hạ: Xem như là vậy.Hoắc Thiệu Hàng: Chắc chứ? Vậy cô bé 8 năm trước quấn lấy anh là ai?Nghê Hạ: ....Phóng viên: 8 năm trước? Chẳng lẽ Nghê tiểu thư là fan của Hoắc tiên sinh?Nghê Hạ: Không...Hoắc Thiệu Hàng: Ừ, vẫn còn là fan
8 104