《Hunter x Hunter: Gon Freecs, The Multiverse Gamer.》Chapter 2: Whale Island x Restart


Third Person POV:

Gon woke up with a start. As he shot out of his bed and looked around, he realized that he's not in expanse anymore.

"I wonder what is happening to me?

He placed back the sheets on the bed before hunkering down and beginning some more speculation on the matter. 

"Ouch!" When his bottom brushed the bed, Gon suddenly felt a jolt of pain in his spine.

"That thing played around with my body; I don't know what else it did when I was cold. I was left unguarded at that time. This situation can't be good."

"Hmm...Now that I think about it, that robotic tool keeps doing things out of its own choice. Rather, didn't I die because of it in my last life? When I was trying to release my nen pledge, it stopped me from doing so. I don't know if I would have been able to defeat Neferpitou, but I sure as hell was ready to take my chances."

Gon sighed as he thought back to what happened. "Nen vows" were restrictions or commitments that nen users could impose upon themselves to gain higher power through sacrificial bursts. In the case of Kurapika, he swore a death oath, which warranted that if he ever broke the rules that were set upon himself when faced with the Phantom troupe, he would suffer punishment. In exchange, he gained the power to kill several of its members.

Gon was curious and asked Kurapika how nen vows operated. Kurapika was skeptical about doing so, but he still taught him.

"I was about to mess up seriously, wasn't I?" Gon smiled in ridicule. "Sigh, there's no use thinking over what's happened already. The only thing left to do is to avoid this situation from repeating itself.

Since I got a chance to make up for my previous mistakes, I guess I should get to work. I know I shouldn't be saying this, but the most fun I had in my past life was when I trained nen with Killua on Greed Island."

Gon reminisced about his old friend and sighed once more. In essence, Gon was still the same kid, but having died due to his silliness and lack of precautions, he understood he couldn't be as rash this time.

"In a way, what is happening to me is my fault. Hisoka may have placed something in me, but if I were stronger and more attentive, he wouldn't have been able to."

Gon finally let go of all his misgivings as he got up from his bed and stretched to get rid of the soreness. When he finished, he sat down on the floor to unwind. His expression was thoughtful, and he realized something essential.

"I don't have my nen anymore."

"Hmm...talking about nen, I think I remember that box stating about it." Gon mused before having a sudden revelation.

"Don't tell me?!... Maybe, just maybe..."

Gon stood up anxiously and tried to call the box back.

"Hey, mysterious thingy, can you come back? I need you." To his dismay, however, nothing happened.

"As expected..." Gon thought it was too good to be true. "Come to think of it, that thing didn't answer yesterday either."

"But then, what do I need to do to call that thing back? Perhaps going to sleep could work." Go remembered why the box showed up in the first place and laid down to try and sleep some more.




"I can't sleep."

Gon looked at the timer. He spent an hour and a half trying to sleep in vain.

He eventually gave up. He was still on the mattress, but as he sat at the corner of the room, reposing his head against the wall, he wondered what he could do to call back that box.

"Let's try that!" Gon was finally able to remember some of the obscure words from the dream.

"Status!" Gon yelled.

Seeing that nothing was happening even after he did that, Gon sighed in disappointment. But just when he was planning to leave the bed and have breakfast downstairs, something came to pass.



Name: Gon Freecs

Titles: The Fisherman

Classes: Gambler


Strength: 3

Fitness: 3

Wisdom: 2

Dexterity: 6

Perception: 9

Versatility: 4

Composure: 2

Charisma: 3



Titles Increments:

The Fisherman: Rank F


Classes Buffs:

Gambler: Level 1



Enhancement Nen: Level 0

Fishing: Level 1


"Yes, it finally cropped up!" Gon rejoiced as the status box finally materialized out of thin air. "So cool."

"As I thought, the enhancement category is still there. What does level 0 mean?" Gon's mind wandered.

"Maybe it just means unawakened? I have yet to practice or feel a shred of nen; however, in this life.

What I want to do the most right now is practice nen and see if the words change, but that might take a lot of time."

Gon continued with his experimentation. He tried to touch the icons and was pleasantly surprised again. As he clicked on the fitness attribute, the words showed:



The body's natural endowment but can progress with proper training. Fitness refers to resilience, stamina, resistance to tiredness, pain, tear, poison, damage, and sickness. People with high fitness can also endure more strenuous activities, both mentally and physically.

"Hmm..." Gon stayed as he finally started to get clues.

"I don't like to read books, but even I am not an idiot. That box can assess people's abilities if I'm not getting ahead of myself." He concluded at last.

"So, in other words, that fitness number is supposed to be a representation of my stamina and resistance to pain.

I wonder how other people fare against me then." Gon asked himself if there was a way to assess other people and compare himself to them.

He clicked on the "Go back" icon. As he checked his status once more, he looked at the different characteristics, such as Charisma, dexterity, and wisdom. According to that device, Charisma represented the ability to attract and seduce strangers and leave a good impression naturally. When used along with aura, it could enhance hypnotic, hex, and coercion effects.

Dexterity was the ability to use limbs with precision, speed, and technique, as well as make difficult moves. In essence, it allowed someone to maximize the potential of strength and perception.

Wisdom was the capacity to grasp abstract concepts, think, and learn faster and feel with more creativity. Wisdom also helped with mental or psychic tasks by reducing strain.

Gon guessed that composure was the ability to keep one's calm. As for versatility, he didn't know what the word meant...

He understood more or less what most of these figures referred to, but the one he was the most interested in so far was his highest characteristic.



Awareness, vision, smell, hearing, etc. 

Higher perception enhances sensorial abilities.

"I think I kinda get it now. I guess all stats are important, except maybe for Charisma, that is. If it works like I conjecture it does, then its use is not up my alley considering my previous life." Gon said with ignorance since, in his past life, he passed the last trial of the hunter exam thanks to his charm. Most of the reason why Hanzo was convinced to withdraw from the battle was due to his speech.

"I guess my most important characteristic is perception then. I have three times more of it than strength.

Too bad I didn't use that to my advantage in my last life. Biscuit wasn't particularly versed in detection or radar skills like Nobunaga if I think about it."

Gon then opened his title and his class description:

The Fisherman: Rank F

Rewarded to the holder for fishing "lord of lakes."


Gambler: Level 1

Class Obtained by the holder thanks to the risks taken during his past life.


Gon was overjoyed after reading his title description but went speechless after learning about his class.


He decided not to dwell too much on the matter. After familiarizing himself a bit more with his status panel, he clicked on the go back button to exit the submenu.

Main Menu




>>Challenge Hall

>>Dimensional Gate (locked)

"What are those? Let's open that storage option first." Gon looked curiously before choosing.



"Well, there's nothing inside. The name suggests it can store things, though."

Gon took his timer and tried to make his hand pass through the box, but nothing happened. However, when he yelled:

"Store!" He was shocked to see that his clock disappeared and was stored and displayed inside the storage box.


-Electronic timer x 1 (Black Sands Corporation-Magnus series E4)

"So cool!" Gon finally took a complete grasp of how magical the box was. "This is going to come in handy."

Gon then exited the storage and opened the shop. Inside the shop, the boy had found all sorts of things. Items, weapons, armors, but they all had price tags on it and descriptions.

He didn't have any money to buy those, and when he tried to click on them, the options were blank and unresponsive.

"Well, let's not ask for too much. I don't have money, so I naturally can't take things that don't belong to me."

"The good thing is that Jenny seems to be the other currency this thing takes. 

I don't know where this thing comes from, but it's trying to make my life better. I can't ask aunt Mito or great-grandma for money as we only have barely enough for our daily needs already. I'll leave experimentation for later."

Gon then leaves the shop menu and opens the challenge hall menu. Inside he sees countless types of trials and rewards for completing those. As he looks around, he sees a challenge that picks his interest, so he quickly decides to exit the box menu and prepare.

Gon brushes his teeth before he takes a quick bath and heads downstairs after putting on some clothes. He didn't want to pick the clothes he wore in his past life, but he only had a set of three clothes, and they were all the same. Since his family was unfortunate, there was no way around being parsimonious. He was extremely thankful, however, and loved his aunt to death.

Once he managed to pass the hunter exam, he would make sure to give her and his grandma a better life and also teach them how to use nen. People who used nen could find jobs more efficiently so they could take care of themselves in the case of urgent needs or accidents.

"Good morning, Gon."

"Morning, auntie, morning, grandma."

"Did you sleep in? you're usually up so early." His great-grandmother remarked. She was reading with her back turned and asked calmly.

Mito was dressing up the table for Gon and turned her head in Gon's direction when her mother mentioned the subject.

"I guess so, the battle with the fish yesterday took a toll on me." Gon told a white lie. He didn't want to harm those two. The less they knew, the better. Gon remembered something Killua told him in his last life. "You're too easy to read, Gon." He knew it himself, and since he was planning to get involved with a dangerous person like Hisoka, it was better if he didn't need to hide anything at all.

Mito smiled and looked at her child with pride but also worry. For some reason, Gon always felt like she could read him like an open book. He didn't know whether she smiled because she was happy due to his recent achievement or because she suspected something, so he just quickly changed the subject.

"Aunt Mito, is there a guy you like?"

"Why do you ask this?" Her hands quivered as she stirred the soup.

"Well, you know, you're at the age you should think about those things."

"I don't have anyone." She answered and added. "I'm not even 24, yet so I still have time." She continued as she gave Gon a bowl of fish soup and a piece of bread.

"..." Abe, who was listening to them talking the whole time, just sighed silently.

When God bid them goodbye and headed for the forest, she approached her granddaughter, and the two of them started to argue over something.


Gon, who was walking inside the forest, looked at the challenge he had chosen to test in the box menu. He had settled on one of the easiest ones for further tinkering.


-Awaken Nen inside a foggy forest



Ethereal Priest: Rank E


After he comprehended the floating boxes adequately, the whole plan was to learn nen, meet Kite, and bounce from the Island as quickly as possible. There were a lot of people he wanted to reach ahead, and those included the man known as Zepile. Given his current circumstances, befriending an appraiser would be wise.

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