《A healthy mind in a healthy body》27. Aftermath.



In the Moon Go Pavillion the Elders and the Head had finished assessing the operation.

“So roughly 10,000,000,000,000 yen recovered in illegal goods. 236 liberated slaves. 400 apprehended Blue Leathers. 50 powerful independents also apprehended. The special goods have been recovered and given to the faction’s emissaries. The son of the niece of the Youkai’s leader has been rescued, accidentally to the remind me to thank Gaius, putting them against the Blue Leathers. There were no casualties. The young ones are starting to show the results of their training.

Finally the feared assault by the Cult on our facilities during the operation didn't happen. I say I am in the right when I declare this operation a resounding success.” Recapped Akai.

“You say that but I will be swamped with work between the processing of the prisoners and the weeding of the identified prisoners. We will have to send them to other cities prisons, they don't fit on ours.” Complained Funai Ai.

“Excuse me but the weeding is mine to do. I hate this position sometimes. Besides that spies should lay low after this so I will be able to relax.” Said Nakamoto Yubi.

“You ladies think you are the only only ones with excessive work? I'm the one that has to apprehend the spies and make deals with the organisations whose members we've captured.” Hamamoto Kioshi was not impressed by his female colleagues and friends.

Miyahara Mamoru smiled and drank his tea.

“And I have nothing to do since our external relations are at an all time high. I love my job our good reputation gives me a lot of free time.”

“Asshole.” Insulted Kioshi.

While only he had spoken it was obvious the others felt the same since they were looking at him as if he had killed their mothers.

“Now, now.” Intervened Akai to pacify them. “Let us all eat a warm dinner and get to bed so we can rise tomorrow fresh as morning dew.”

The Elders approved. They all quickly left to their rooms and Akai was left alone.

“And Gaius and I didn't have our Culture Sunday. Perfect, work without my weekly relaxation.”


Soon the room was empty. But the Pavillion bursted with life.

In Kotone’s house dinner was being eaten. Her father was a normal middle aged Japanese man. If there was something incredible about him it was how he had managed to raise Kotone so well by himself. And that he was Rank 5 but that didn't matter as much to him.

“And Master was all mysterious. Like I am the super enigmatic holy man style.”

“Is that even something that exists?”

“Yes. Along the I am the super enigmatic strong man style of Kishi or I am the super enigmatic timid man of Terumi.”

Tsunayoshi smiled at his daughters antics and was thankful to Gaius, Terumi and Kishi. While her daughter always had friends and was happy a month ago she had grown timid after learning of the danger her mother put her on. They had made her recover.

The thought of his absent wife made Tsunayoshi grind his teeth. He understood her motives, but was it so difficult to show her face from time to time. To show their daughter some love. He knew what he was getting in when he married her but sometimes he regretted it. The next second he looked at Kotone and that regret melted away. He could never regret the fruit of their love, ever.


He blinked and realised he had become lost in his thoughts.

“Sorry my little fox. You were saying?”

“Do you think Kishi and Terumi are going to be alright?”

“Terumi will be. He is a man that has suffered and is recovering from it, his will and your friendship will help him keep going on. The crucifix helps too.” He thought about what his daughter had told him about Kishi. “Kishi won't be.” He said bluntly. “He is too desperate for strength for him to handle you two developing powers before him.”

“I see. I feared that.”

Kotone felt down, her father had never been wrong before. What was Kishi doing that he didn't check on Terumi?

Despite her concern her evening was pleasant.

At the same time Kishi was training hard in his holdings.

He was in his gym practicing his martial arts against a sandbag. As he thought the intensity of his hits increased Neil the bag broke free and flied to the wall. Once it hit the wall it exploded. Kishi took a rest and went to the bathroom.


“Why?” Kishi looked at the mirror while clenching his hands. “Why am I so weak? Why do I grow so slowly?”

The empty house had no answers for him.

Terumi was on his room doing some ethics test with his mother.

“Three men try to rob you. You:

Rip them apart.

Subdue them with minimal force.

Call the police.

Break their legs.

Kill them.

Steal all their property.”

“Kill them. Agh no! Two and three.”

“Correct on the second try! You are improving Terumi.”

“Thanks Mom. I don't know what I would have done without the crucifix or the angel’s message.”

“Be alright. Even if you couldn't handle it you have your friends and that incredible master of yours. If only I was ten years younger.”


Besides mortification that evening was happy on the Date household.

Ryuunosuke was practicing with his sword while thinking.

Was how Gaius had acted truly how some people behaved in the Hidden World? And they got away with it? His very being told him that that was inadmissible. His heart screamed for justice to those trampled by those stronger than them.

“Yes that is it.” His sword cried.


“You finally understand our hatred. We despise evil and love good.” Said Glacies.

“Now that you understand us-”

“We are more synchronised than ever!”

““We grant you our true power!””

Ryuunosuke felt his body change. Corruption flowed into his body, breaking and repairing his cells. The constant destructiona don recreation forged Ryuunosuke’s further than ever until he felt energy filling his body.

“Isn't it too early for this?”

“If you mean for Touki, that is true.”

“But this isn't Touki. We have mixed your ki and our corruption to make something else.”

“The same thing as the previous spirit did.”

“A stronger ki that grows stronger the greater your desire for good and hatersd for evil are.”

““Take our power and destroy evil!””

Ryuunosuke smiled. They truly did have a flair for the dramatic. But this new strength was still something he welcomed. He would no longer be powerless, nor allow anyone else to feel powerless.

“Ryuunosuke it's bed time!”

“I'm not a kid Mom!”

“Listen to your mother kid!”

That night was filled with passion.

Akihiko was in his room after dinner in bed with his wife, but he couldn't sleep.

“What worries you dear?”

“I feel powerless. I can't help the kids I aponly fill a role that is never truly needed. I am the best investigator but they never need the best only a good one.”

“They don't judge you for your usefulness. Being their friend is all they ask from you.”

They felt silent and when his wife fell asleep Akihiko spoke his true feelings.

“But I do. Why did I make that stupid decision?”

That night was filled with regret.

Gaius was feeding Reiko.

“We need to see where you have improved. Tomorrow we'll test you, see if you can help me in battle again.”

Reiko caressed Gaius with his beak.

“I love you too boy.”

His gaze was tender, not only for Reiko but for all his friends.

That night was filled with satisfaction.

In a certain building.

“Sorry for my loss boss.” Said a bandaged Rossi.

The man he spoke to was a small Japanese man that looked more like a businessman than one of the city’s three greatest fighters.

“It is no problem Clark. You fought against three Rank 6, I can't blame you for losing.”

“You have my gratitude.”


Rossi bowed and left the room. The man took out a photo of Gaius in his Vissarion disguise and smiled at it.

“Akairyuu well played. To think you hid a Senjutsu user from me. Gaius, you shall be mine, as all worthy warriors should.” He took his desk phone and made a call.

“Iegasu is the project ready. That is good. It is time for Awakening’s first Real World quest to go live.”

That night was filled with ambition.

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