《A healthy mind in a healthy body》25. Messenger.



The morning after the operation was a slow one for Gaius. After he had spent some time in an alien world he was immediately pulled into something like that without being allowed to rest. He also had to deal with the stress of being in the Tunnels, which had disappeared when he came back, making his body relax.

For these reasons Gaius slept in. And even when he woke he lazed around in his comfortable bed, not wanting to leave the warmth of his mattress. He may have not gotten up in the entire morning where it not for a call. The call was from Akai who informed him of a meeting that served the purpose of evaluating the operation, and he was to report.

He reluctantly left his bed and had to eat a quick breakfast since he didn't have too long. He headed to the Moon God Pavillion where the meeting was to take place.

In the antechamber of the meeting room a few dozen people were waiting their turns to report. Gaius looked around in order to find his teammates when a loud shout sounded.


Gaius turned to the man that had shouted and recognized him as one of the team he had fought against the other day.

“Oh, it's you. I hope you could get away safely.”

“Not thanks to you!”

Gaius raised an eyebrow and lifted his right arm. Reiko teleported in and posted on his arm.

The man was shocked but he understood what he meant.

“Why did you fight us then?”

“You had a way to escape, we didn't. We had to get creative since our escape relief on convincing the Blues we were on their side.”

“You didn't? That sounds wrong.”

Gaius was about to answer when he stopped and thought about it before nodding.

“At the moment I didn't think of that, but now? I want answers.”

They exchanged notes on how their missions went and then parted amicably.

Gaius eventually found Akihiko and Ryuunosuke and they waited together. Once they were called in they confronted the Head and the Elders and reported their activities.

Akai asked for clarification on a few issues.

“First things first. What kind of curse did you put in Rossi?”

“A berserk ki curse. It will infect the spiritual component of ki, or Touki in this case, and make it go haywire, it will be difficult to control and can even injure the cursed. This will reduce his Rank by a stage at least since he is Rank 6. Though depending on his ki control it may improve or worsen the effect.”

Akai grinned ferociously.

“It is never bad to have a card over those guys. Well done. Second, are you sure the guide said she couldn't carry even the cat with you?”


Akai’s face fell and he grumbled under his breath.

“That settles it, she betrayed us.”

“What?” Asked Ryuunosuke, confused. However Akihiko’s shoulders sagged down and Gaius clenched his hands.

“Does that mean she hasn't returned? What about the artifacts?”

“Thankfully while she tried to run with them our encirclement was good enough that she couldn't do it. We have them, but she hasn't woken up yet.”


“Then I guess she was our ticket out?”

While Akihiko had phrased it like a question it was more of an statement.

“In several rounds but yes. She can teleport people, she only has a mass limit.”

“That explains it.”

With the testimonies settled they had no more business in the meeting so they excused themselves and left. They were walking down the street to the entrance of the grounds when Kotone came running at them.

“Master!” She shouted before stopping to catch her breath. “Terumi, problem! Need to, come.”


“His home.”

Gaius nodded and turned to Akihiko.

“Can you drive me?”


The four of them run to Akihiko’s car without saying a word but once they got going they questioned Kotone on what was happening.

“In the raid yesterday both Terumi and I showed our heritage. He transformed into a super strong giant.” She paused to think how to say the rest. “But he turned, feral? Like an evil side or something. He injured his opponents heavily and then…” She couldn't bring herself to say the rest.

“I need to know Kotone.” Said Gaius gently.

“He took a bite of the arm of one of them.”

The car swerved a little when Akihiko lost control due to surprise. Gaius fell silent and began to think. The first to speak was Ryuunosuke.

“Terumi? The most timid man I've met.” While he didn't voice his question it was obvious.

“I don't know! Even if he is part giant he should only get cannibalistic impulses. Terumi would be able to control those and he would have already had them. Halfs don't get a sudden awakening to their heritage that changes our minds, we always have our non-human nature influence us.”

The car fell into silence while they tried to digest the information.

“If that is the case how did you get kitsune abilities?” Questioned Akihiko.

“I just got powers due to my training and being in a stressful situation. My mind is the same.”

“Then what happened to Terumi?” Ryuunosuke couldn't understand.

“II don't know. It's why I got Master, since he knows a lot.”

“You put too much faith in me. I've been aware of the supernatural for less than you.”

“But you lived in the age of myths.”

“That is true. What made you come now?”

“His mother called me. I think she tried to contact you earlier. Terumi has locked himself in his room and isn't answering her. The one time he did it was to tell her to leave a monster like him alone.”

“That's good.” Said Akihiko, relieved. “If he feels shame he hasn't changed too much.”

Kotone and Ryuunosuke looked at each other and nodded, relieved. They hadn't thought of that before and it reassured them.

Gaius’ eyes lit and then he narrowed them.

“I see a possibility.”

“What?” Asked Akihiko.

“He is a full blooded supernatural creature that hadn't matured until yesterday. That would explain his change.”

“But that is impossible! His mother is human and the test showed she was his mother.” Countered Kotone.


“Unless the father can't have children normally and the children he does have are born of a new supernatural race.”

“That happens?”

“It does Ryuunosuke. I understand what you are talking about Gaius. Nephilim?”


“What are Nephilim?”

“What do you know about angels Kotone?”

“They serve God.”

“The basics then. What you need to know is that angels are spiritual, asexual and do not marry or reproduce. The weakest angel is also more powerful than some gods.”

“Then they can't have children.” Commented Ryuunosuke puzzled at the contradiction.

“Normally they don't. I have heard of some circumstances in which a mortal develops angelic traits. But they aren't true children of angels, so to speak.

There is a way though. If an angel has sex, something unnatural as to them as to bacteria, with a mortal a child may be born. There are two problems.

First the only angels willing to go to such depraved lengths are fallen angels, since this is an act that goes against what angels are. It's about the same as pedophilia for humans in terms of deviousness. Another reason why only fallen do it is due to the second reason.

The children of such a union are unnatural. They are aberrations. They are humans biologically and supernaturally, however that possess great physical and magical might, sharing the might of their progenitors. They are also giant and handsome or beautiful. There is a grave problem however. Something that makes birthing them a sin unless you didn't know about it.”

“What is it?” Asked Kotone fearing for her friend, and unwilling to believe that Terumi was so terrible.

“They have an immense craving for human flesh.” Responded Akihiko.

“Actually that is not all. If you said that humans naturally tend to good, but can still be evil, by comparison Nephilim tend to evil, but can still be good. The crimes that humans consider grave are fun to them. Crimes against humanity will bring them enjoyment. It takes immense dedication and a solid moral compass for a Nephilim to not be a complete monster.”

“How difficult is it?” Whispered Ryuunosuke

“God, in alliance with other mythologies, flooded the Ancient Middle East in order to kill them, and the depravation they brought. They were the cause of the Great Flood. Since then not many have been born, but of the three hundred I've heard of only ninety were like normal people, and seven good people. The rest were pretty much evil. Nephilim have troubles resisting their heritage, in part because their parents whisper in their ears to follow their example. Depending on how evil is the fallen the Nephilim might end up becoming a monster that makes genocidal masterminds to look like Mother Theresa.”

These news made a somber mood fall upon the car, with all occupants fearing that the nice Terumi they knew might disappear leaving a monster behind.

This mood lasted the rest of the travel until they reached Terumi’s street. Akihiko parked at the end of it and they began walking to the house they were seeking.

When they were near Terumi’s home they saw a man leave it. They tensed, prepared to spring into action, but the man just walked to them without signs of hostility. As he walked past Gaius he spoke.

“Keep the good work. The Lord is happy with you.”

Gaius was startled and turned his Senjutsu on, but he couldn't feel him. It was as if nothing was there. Kotone did the same and they stared as the man walked to the end of the street and vanished.

At that point the Senjutsu uses doubled in pain as they felt as if their heads split open and their eyes bleed. When he saw red drops in the ground Gaius realised that it was not an if, his eyes and nose were bleeding, and judging by the taste on his mouth so was it.

“Are you two alright?!”

“Shit your ears are bleeding!”

Kotone looked and Gaius and trembled.

“W-what w-wa-as th-that?” Her voice trembled from fear and shock.

“No idea. But it was the most powerful being I've ever encountered.”

“Wait! Greater than the Head?” Asked Akihiko.

“There is no comparison. He is candle before the Sun.”

“Then what are we to him? Why did he attack you?” Asked Ryuunosuke.

“Dirt that he walks upon. If he wanted to harm us we would already be dead. We are injured because we nearly saw his true form. His current shape is only to blend among us, his true essence could kill us.”

Akihiko’s mouth dried.

“That is ridiculous. Was he a god?”

“I don't think so. He felt humble, as if he was a human. He is of great power, above some gods, but he'd probably take offence at being called one.” Answered Kotone.

“Wait. That sounds a hell of a lot like those guys.”

“Yes Akihiko. I think that was an angel. Aren't we lucky?”

Ryuunosuke panicked.

“Then isn't Terumi in trouble?!”

Gaius finished cleaning his blood and shaked his head.

“I don't think so. Come on let's go in.”

They headed to the house, the uninjured members helping Gaius and Kotone move, and ringed the bell.

A middle aged woman of great beauty despite her age welcomed them in.

“Kotone, Master Gaius! What has happened to you?!”

“We looked into something beyond us. Never mind that what was that man doing here?” Was Gaius’ response.

Terumi’s mom, Yukiko, smiled brightly and led them to the living room. In a sofa sat Terumi, still giant but with a peaceful look on his face.

“Hey guys. Sorry to worry you, I'm fine now. That man helped me see that.”

“Angel bit man.” Said Kotone.

Terumi nodded and put his hand on his head sheepishly.

“That makes sense. So, Master, what can you tell me about Nephilim?”

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