《A healthy mind in a healthy body》24. Assault.



Before Gaius infiltrated his disciples prepared for the mission. Kishi meditated. Kotone was excited, this was her first important mission. And Terumi went to a shrine.

At 21:30 in the evening Kotone, alongside Terumi and Kishi, went to the place she had been indicated by the coordinators.

It was a place in the old town, in one of the few high rise buildings in it. Once they reached it they saw a few thousand people entering the building.

“I-is this it?” Asked Terumi.

“”I don't think so. A little bit too easy if it was so. Keep your eyes open.” Answered Kishi while examining the surroundings.

“Got it.”

They went into the building. The change in scenery was drastic, instead of a normal lobby an auditorium with the capacity to house ten thousand people unfolded.

The auditorium was shaped like a cinema, with seats raising the further from the podium they were. And like a cinema it had a massive screen at the bottom of the room. But just as fantastical were those within. There were a lot of humans but several Elemental Spirits could be seen, as well as a few white skinned women that froze their surroundings.

Gaius’ disciples searched for some seats in the upper part of the auditorium. When they seated Terumi noticed the women.

“I didn't know there were Yuki-onnas in the association.” Commented Terumi while staring around.

“Not only Yuki-onnas.” Said Kotone. She then began to signal different creatures.

“Those are oni, tengu and kappas.” They were burly red men and women with horns and hammers, winged beings with long noses, and turtle like humanoids, respectively.

“But everyone knows those. We don't have many more youkai, since there is an independent youkai faction. The beings made of different elements over there are Elemental Spirits, most are familiars but some are sentient ones that joined the association. Like that salamander over there!”

The being she pointed at looked like a massive salamander, except orange of colour with sparks flowing within its breath.

“On the right are various translucent beings, do you see them? There are wolves, birds, bears and humanoids.”

“Yeah I see them, what are they?”

“They are the onmyoji’s shikigami. The ether construct ones not the familiar ones. Their shape and abilities differ based on what the maker wants them to do. The translucent ones are weak. Those that look real are the strong ones. Shikigamis can go from Rank 0 to 9, in the case of Abe-no-Seimei.”

“Which one is the strongest?” Asked Kishi.

“Let me activate my Senjutsu.”

Kotone winced under the wave of emotions that hit her. While her training in the Mouth of Yomo had prepared her for it the real deal was still unexpected.

“Are you alright?” Asked Terumi, worried for his friend.

“Yes. Don't worry.” Kotone smiled mischievously. “But still Terumi~ you have grown, to show concern for this big sister~. How have you progressed from the silent kid that didn't speak when Master took us out to eat.”

“Well, we have hanged out enough to be friends right?”

Terumi couldn't help but be nervous. He didn't know what he'd do if they said they weren't friends.

“Obviously.” Stated Kishi like it was nothing.

“Of course!” Kotone hugged Terumi and tried to pet his head, but he was too tall for her.

“Aww.” She pouted when she noticed that.

Terumi smiled and bowed his head. Kotone perked up and began to pet him furiously.

“You're the best Terumi. Most people are weirded by my teasing.”


“I have been wanting to ask, is that due to your kitsune nature?” Asked Kishi.

“Yep. I simply get the urge to tease and flirt. We kitsune are seductive creatures.” She slurred the last words and pushed up her breasts.

Terumi blushed and averted his sight. Kishi on the other hand frowned.

“Are you using some kitsune technique on us?”

“No, I don't have kitsune techniques. The attraction you feel is because I'm beautiful, and these babies.” She fondled her breasts while saying babies. “Are the perfect size and shape.”

“I see.”

“No reaction Kishi? I feel offended. Look closely.” Saying this she struck her chest up and traced a line through her lips.

Kishi stared for a moment before turning away.

“Indeed I have no reaction.”

Kotone smiled satisfied.

“So you are heterosexual, I was having doubts since you never stare at women.”

“Anyway.” Kishi spat the words with strength. “Can you answer my question.”

“Sure. The strongest one is… No fucking way.”

Kotone put her hand before her mouth in surprise.

“W-what is it?” Questioned Terumi.

“A Shiki-Ouji.”

“A Shiki-Ouji?! Those are the most advanced of shikigami! Who is it?!”

“That elderly man to the right of the Phoenix Branch Head.”

“Is that Okumura Hiroja?”

“The Department ahead of the Department of Onmyodou? That makes sense.”

“What is so impressive about a Shiki-Ouji?”

“The answer to that Terumi is simple. Making a Shiki-Ouji requires onmyodou skills of at least Rank 3. But a Shiki-Ouji will kill an unworthy master. It is recommended to at least be Rank 6 to make one, and just controlling one makes you a Rank 6. If Hiroja has managed to make one he is the eighth Rank 6 of the association. The others are the Elders and the Branch Heads, as well as the Librarian.”

“Wow. Wait who is the Librarian?”

“He is what it says, the man who guards the associations library. Concretely the Forbidden Sections.”

Terumi was about to answer another question but the screen lit up.

The Head appeared in it.

“Welcome and thank you for coming everyone. The mission will commence as planned. Those charger with ward breaking go to the right. Combatants to the left. Capture specialists to the front. Goods retrieval teams to the back.”

He waited until everyone had moved. Kotone, Terumi and Kishi had joined with an transporter and a ward breaker for goods retrieval.

Once they were all organised Akai spoke again.

“I will give a rough review of the operation. For specifics go to your assigned coordinator.

Once we arrive there the ward breakers will team up with the combatants to break through their defences. Once we are in capturers will restrain as many of the Blues and guest as possible with help of a third the combatants headed by Ma Jian. Another third of the combatants will encircle the building and intercept any escapees, they will be headed by Ma Jiang. The rest will go aid the good retrieval teams, they will be headed by Okumura Hiroja. Their mission is self explanatory. I want you to give priority to slaves, that thing has no right to exist.

As an addendum I want to notify you that Clark Rossi will be within the premises. If you encounter him tell the three leaders and run. You can't win.

Finally I want you all to run if possible. Others can do your job but your life is invaluable. Good luck.”

The screen went black and the hall was filled with murmurs.


“How are we getting there then?”

“Simple, Terumi. We teleport.”


“Don't worry. It is safe, this big sister guarantees it!”

As Kotone finished speaking a bright light filled the conference room. When it died down no one was left on it.

In front of the auction house about a thousand beings appeared.

Ma Jiang stepped forward and began to talk with a shadowy figure that was already there.

“Is everything prepared?”

“Invisibility, notice me not, mundane repelling and spatial separation wards have been established. Unless Rank 7s battle the mundanes will notice nothing.”

“Good. Dismissed.”

“Yes ma'am.”

The figure went back to his position maintaining the wards. Ma Jian patted his sister’s shoulder and lead the close combat fighters ahead.

Ma Jiang smiled and ordered her subordinates.

“Prepare to destroy the first barrier! Begin Grand Ritual God’s Roar!”

At those words thirty mages in a magic circle began to cast a spell.

Meanwhile Ma Jian had reached the building and engaged the guards on the outside. The battle quickly turned on his favour since the danger of the Blue Leaders rested solely on the higher ups, with the grunts being rabble. However he was stopped from going further by a barrier that enveloped the building.

“Jiang we need to get in now!” He shouted across the battlefield.

Jiang nodded and gave the magicians the go ahead. Once they completed the spell the sky lit up and a giant ball of electricity and plasma appeared. It became a massive lightning strike that fell to the building, shattering the barrier and making it tremble.

It was now that Gaius knocked out Namba.

With the first obstacle broken the ward breakers charged in and began undoing the wards. They were interrupted by reinforcements from the Blues but the combatants quickly engaged them.

Back with Kotone’s team Terumi was growing nervous.

“Don't worry Terumi. You are strong, that I guarantee.”

Kishi assuaged his fears. Terumi smiled at him with appreciation.

It was then that the wards were broken and they were ordered to go to the building. The ward breaker took the lead.

“Follow me! Our objective is in the basement.”

They run into the building and crossed the lobby into the syairs, however there were no stairs going upwards.

“What is going on?” Asked the transporter.

“The stairs down are further in, we must first go up.”

They went up the stairs and found themselves in the hall Gaius had been dropped in. There were many battles going on at the same time, the place chaotic and constantly breaking. In the middle of it Rossi and Jian were fighting.

“I see you have learned new tricks. It was finally time you updated your repertoire you mongrel!” Shouted Rossi.

Jiang answer was to punch him, this act resulted in an explosion that threw him to the auction hall.

“I have a good teacher.” Jian quipped, trying to look cool, before pursuing him.

As Kotone’s team went deeper they began to see other teams carrying chained people out, these were the slaves. They reached the warehouses and Okumura ordered them to loot a certain area.

The door to one of the warehouses broke and Kotone, Terumi and Kishi engaged the guards while the ward breakers and transporter followed. The ward breaker breaking the security on the products and the transporter getting them on his mobile pocket dimension.

Kotone had seven enemies. Two ki users and five mages. She opened by throwing lust and pleasure curses to the mages, incapacitating them. She tried the same with the kiusers but they managed to dodge them. Seeing this she casted an anti-magic barrier over herself and attacked the men.

She started by dodging the first ones punch and grabbing his arm, before dislocating it with her Touki and transforming it into electricity to shock him. His muscles tensed up and he lost his consciousness. The second managed to punch her in the back but she rolled forwards to weaken the punch. She then turned and thrower a lust ball to his face. She took advantage of his distraction to tackle him to the floor. Mounting him she was about to punch him in the face when she jumped backwards to dodge a plasma lance from the first mage to recover. Registering the mages as the greatest danger she run to them and took out the four that hadn't fought off her curse. The remaining mage enhanced his speed, defence and strength and began to fight in melee. Kotone kicked him in the leg but he pivoted into her inner space and elbowed her in the chin. The hit disoriented Kotone which the mage used to his advantage by taking a page out of her book and electrocuting her.

She began to convulse but something weird happened. Fox ears and two tails appeared in her head and back and she burned with a white flame that caused the mage to relax his grip. Noticing his mistake he tried to grab her again but when he looked at her eyes soothing changed on him and he saw a pair of jaws bisect him.

It was an illusion but the shock made him faint. Kotone had awakened her kitsune heritage. However she was confused by the change and didn't notice the remaining ki user charge at her. She saw him too late to get out of his way however she didn't need to. Kishi who had finished his fight against three others had come to her help.

She smiled at him as he help her stand and was about to thank him when they heard a loud roar.

During this short period Terumi had managed to fight well enough, but against three enemies of close skill if not strength he was losing ground. One of his opponents managed to break through his Touki and break one of his ribs. It was then that he felt something bubble up within him and he changed.

He grew an additional meter and his muscles bulged. His power had increased massively. He roared and punched his enemies throwing them away. However something dark had awakened within him, he approached one of his downed enemies and bit into his arm. He ripped a piece of flesh and was about to swallow it when he heard a voice.

“Terumi stop! This isn't you!” Shouted Kishi while getting the man away from him.

Terumi who had temporarily lost himself into his hunger managed to regain control and spit the flesh.

“What have I just done?”

He shrieked and fell to the ground, sitting and sobbing. Kotone embraced him and simply held him for a while. Kishi protected them.

They stayed like that until the transporter came to them.

“Sorry to interrupt but we are done. We must get out now!”

Kotone nodded and dragged Terumi upwards.

“Terumi, you can freak out later, but now we must run. Do you understand?”

Terumi didn't say anything but he nodded feebly and allowed himself to be dragged outside. The team managed to run outside without problem.

Once they were safe they were pulled to a vehicle and led back to their homes.

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