《Katra》Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
4 Days After Mid-Summer
1 Day After The Ra’tok Attack The Border of The Traezar Empire
Edge of The Jungle of The Gods
I inhale sharply, bringing dust into my mouth. Coughing, I spit out the dirt.
It tastes of iron.
My eyes snap open. What greets me is a headless, mangled corpse. The bloody scraps of what used to be a nightgown left on it. The ribs are broken and pointing into the air, covered in blood. Entrails are stern around the body, a arm rests a few feet away.
I scream, pushing back. Then I scream even more at the pain in my shoulder.
I fall onto my back, crying in pain and terror.
Then I remember.
Curling up, I heave grieving sobs.
This can't be real. No, it can't be.
I stay like that for hours, till I can cry no more. Laying there, I look up into the smoke filled sky. Ash gently floats down, tiny flakes landing on my face.
I choke out one finale sob.
Then I sit up. I don't look at Karla’s corpse. I don’t think I could keep my mind if I did. But the sickly sweet smell of death and blood mix, filling my nose. I turn to the side, emptying my stomach till my throat burns.
Wiping my mouth, I look around. My pack is a few feet away from me. I crawl towards it with my one good arm.
Strapping it on my back, I shakily stand up.
I turn towards my village.
Piles of charred wood and stone greet me. Smoke billowing out of the skeletal frames of what used to be houses. I hear a loud crack and watch as one of the beams collapse, bringing a skeletal frame of a house with it. It tosses a few dying embers into the air.
Why? Why did this happen?
I stand there, looking at the remnants of my village, clutching the crusty wound in my shoulder. My arm hangs limply at my side.
I feel empty. My shoulder throbbing in time with my heart beat. My breathing ragged and my face twisted in pain.
I turn away, stumbling into the jungle.
I won’t make it.
I know I won’t.
I'm a cripple, stuck at the Lowbronze stage.
Stumbling into the underbrush, I get as far away from Karla’s corpse and the obliterated remains of Amia.
I set my bag down on the ground, fishing out a shirt. It is rough spun wool. Taking my knife to it, I cut it into strips.
I suppress cries of pain as I tie it around my still slightly bleeding wound, making sure it is tight. Then I scoop my arm up into a sling made of the rest of my shirt, tying it to my chest.
It’s hopeless. I can't cross the plains like this, and even if I could, I would run out of water. I might even head straight into the back of that army of monsters.
My only option was the jungle. There were medicinal plants and definitely fresh water somewhere in there. There was a slim chance that I might be able to survive.
I sling the backpack over my left shoulder, walking deeper into the jungle.
As I walk, I stand still and hide in bushes at every cry or roar that sounds close to me. Cowering in the shadows, afraid of what lurks in the forest.
There is a reason it’s called The Jungle of The Gods.
The Jungle is a massive mountain range that splits the southern side of the continent of Auren. It is a feared and respected place.
A gigantic jungle runs along the northern side of the mountain range and goes even deeper. Within this jungle all manner of creatures and sacred beasts lurk.
There are stories of ancient and powerful beasts living deep within the forest. Having absorbed millennia of Katra, giving them intelligence and power beyond that of any mortal man.
Tales of powerful dragons that could level a city in the blink of an eye, of beasts that controlled rare and powerful Katra. Of ancient ruins containing powerful sacred arts Paths and artifacts.
A long time ago, the Rua Kingdom, which shared borders with the Jungle, sent out an expedition to search the deep jungle.
It took them 2 years to come back, but when they did, only four men returned out of a party of 150. This was a party of High Diamonds and True Diamonds, powerful men said to be able to kill 100 soldiers in battle each.
The 4 men returned changed and not altogether sane. They spoke of demons and ancient ruins. Of mystifying animals and unimaginable plants.
But madness was not all these men had carried with them.
They had stolen a powerful artifact away from an ancient Sacred Beast.
This beast had followed them, seeking to regain its treasure and revenge. And when it finally found it, all that remained of the once proud Kingdom was smoldering ruins. Not even the ground was fertile, turning into a desert over time. The Desert of Rua.
They had given the beast a name, they called it Iinik. Meaning great obliterator in the Old Tongue.
I stumble and catch myself on a tree trunk. I wince as pain flares in my shoulder, but I continue on.
Amia wasn’t too far into the jungle, just on the border. Hunters would go out and catch wild game when they needed to. But that didn’t mean that there wasn’t any dangers here.
Sometimes a hunter wouldn’t come back. And it was very rare for the body to be found.
If I can remember correctly, there is a stream close to our village. If I followed it for a couple miles, it would take me to a river that leads to the border of The Traezar Empire. Hopefully there I can find aid.
I take a large gulp of water from my water skin. The cool water washing over my parched and dry throat, giving relief. I tuck it into my belt, next to my knife. I will need to conserve water for as long as I can.
In the distance I can hear the chittering laughter of some creature. Birds sing in the canopy above and insects hum in the air.
I swat at mosquitoes that bite at my arms and neck, trying to draw on my already low reserves of blood.
Cycling, I manage to keep my body going past the point of exhaustion. Sending Katra to my limbs and keeping them from locking up.
Once I can’t move any further, I stop and sit down, breathing in the pattern of my cycling technique. My limbs ache and I’m covered in sweat and dried blood. My emotions are a wreck and I feel like curling up and dying.
I don't want to die. I can’t die here. I have to keep going.
With a heave of effort, I pull myself up and march on, my legs protesting.
Thoughts pinwheel through my mind.
What if I could have saved her? What were those things? Why didn’t I do anything? Why Amia Village? What did Amia do? What did Karla do to deserve such a grisly fate? Did Varick meaninglessly sacrifice his life for Karla and me?
Then the answer comes to me; nothing. They did nothing to warrant such horrible deaths. It was a random act of violence by monsters.
They were killed by demons.
I stop, looking around. I should have reached the creek by now. But I don't see it.
Lost. I’m lost.
Looking up at the thick canopy, I can catch glimpses of the sky. It is the orange of sunset.
I don’t want to be out here at night.
Looking around on the ground, I search for a straight stick. I find one that is close enough to being straight, cutting off the branches till I get a long length of wood.
Then I tie my knife to the end of it with a strip of cloth. Making sure it is tight and won't come off easily.
Standing back up, I lean on my makeshift spear and walk onwards, deeper into the jungle.
I set the spear in my lap as I huddle close to the meager fire I have lit. The night is dark all around me, strange and alien calls fill the thick, humid air. I can hear from a long way off the racket of something large moving past me.
Taking the small lizard I had painstaking hunted, I stab it on the end of my spear and hold it over the fire. It’s scaly hide dries next to me in the heat of the flame.
Turning the lizard slowly, trying to get an even cook, I stay alert. My eyes searching the darkness for any possible threats, my ears listing for even the slightest sound that sounded like it was coming toward me.
Once the lizard is done cooking, I take a large bite out of it, not even bothering to take it off my spear.
The meat is stringy and dry, but it is better than nothing. As I chew I hear a scrambling sound in the bushes behind me.
I am instantly alert, jumping up and bringing my spear to bear with my one good arm. The point of the knife at the end of the stick gleams in the fire light as I swing it back and forth.
What was that?
I stand there for several tense moments, then I start to relax, sighing heavily.
This jungle is messing with my head.
Then with a screech, a shadows bursts out of the bushes, flying toward my face. On pure reflex, I stumble backwards, swinging my spear up. I knock whatever it was away from me, sending it fly.
I also stumble into the small fire. I yelp at the heat. my pants leg is signed. But worse of all, the fire sputters out, leaving only a few dying embers behind.
More scratching and the sound of something running off.
Did it leave?
I bring my spear back in front of me, turning slowly. After what feels like an eternity, but is probably only a few minutes, I stop. That's when I notice that the lizard at the end of my makeshift spear is gone.
The creature had run off with my food.
Stupid! Stupid! Gods how stupid me!
I hunker down, working to relight my small fire in hopes of keeping the creatures of the jungle at bay.
I go the night without food and no sleep, only taking a sip of water from my meager reserve.
Crouching, I look at the crystal clear water. I want to cry, but can't muster up the tears. Cupping my hands, I scoop up a handful of water and pour it down my desert dry throat.
I gulp and then choke, spitting the water back up. Groaning, I drink it more slowly.
Once I have taken my fill and then some, I replenish my water skin. I look at the small creek running over smooth rocks.
Maybe this is the creek I'm look for?
I don't know. I hope it might be, but I have a sinking feeling it’s not. It seems too small for it.
Scrubbing my face clean with the water, I can see a distorted reflection of myself.
My cheekbones are sunken and my face haunted, emaciated. Large bags are under my eyes, with even more dirt and mud smeared over that.
It had been 2 nights since I had entered the jungle, and in all that time I had not gotten a wink of sleep. I spent the night the rest of my night that my food had been stolen in a hollowed out tree.
My second night had been worse.
Something had found me early in the night, I only got a few glimpses of it. A black furry tail here, or a wickedly clawed foot there. The entire night I spent running from the monster, till I eventually lost it by rolling in mud, covering up my scent. I hid up a tree as far as I could, which wasn't very far.
My eyes droop, but I fight the tiredness back.
I can't sleep here, too dangerous.
Hitching my pack over my shoulder and grabbing ahold of my spear, I search for a good place to sleep.
Digging a little, I manage to squeeze under a tree’s roots, providing myself with cover and staying hidden. I can see out onto the banks of the river.
Using my backpack as a pillow, I quickly fall asleep.
My dreams are haunted by Karla’s face and the destruction wrought upon my village.
I wake up drearily, but when I am coherent enough, my eyes snap open. Standing only a few feet away from me is an animal.
It is bent over, taking a sip from the river.
The creature is large, nearly as big as a horse. It is covered in a thick hide of grey skin. Two long horns protrude from its brow. It has four lithe legs built for running and jumping. It has a long neck, topped by a face much like an elk’s, but with a longer snout. A tongue snakes out, lapping out water.
Then I notice there is a whole herd of them, most drinking from the river. A few larger, more aggressive looking ones patrol around the group. The males.
I stare in both caution and wonder. Waiting for them to leave, I look around me. The roots keep me well hidden, my dirty clothes blending well with the ground.
As I pass my time by observing these animals, I contemplate what they might be.
I have never heard of a creature like this. But observing them, it looks like they might be sometime of prey animal.
What should I call them?
I start to think up of names.
Kardianartis. No, that's just dumb and sounds like a disease.
Horned Jackalopes? No.
My attention is grabbed as one of the creatures jumps up, snatching a bird flying past. The sound of crunching bones ring in my ears.
I stare horrified and taken aback.
Maybe not a prey animal then…
I let out a mental sigh. Why does everything in this place have a means to kill me?
A name comes to me; Agile Terror.
Yeah, that seems fitting.
I’m pretty sure that they are some kind of sacred beast, but I’m not sure.
As I was thinking, the herd of Terrors wander off up river.
I wait till I’m absolutely sure that they are gone, then carefully crawl out of my hidey hole.
My stomach growls at me and I clutch it in pain.
Time to get some food.
I cross the shallow river, searching for some unsuspecting prey to eat.
Taking a long draught from my water skin, I revel in the feeling of my thirst quenched.
I lean back against the tree and wince at the pain in my shoulder as I move my arm out of the makeshift sling.
Lifting up my shirt, I slowly unwrap the bandages. Blood has clotted, keeping some stuck the the cloth. I don’t attempt to remove it any further, for fear of opening the wound again.
Looking at the edges, I see it is a puffy red. I’m not sure if that is good.
It would really suck to die after having survived being impaled, nearly eaten, almost dying of thirst and starvation, and lots of animal attacks.
Rewrapping my wound and putting my arm back in the sling, I stand up.
Walking over to the fire, I pick up the stick I had impaled another lizard on. Looking at it with a critical eye, I start eating quickly.
Once I’m done, I start throwing dirt on the fire. I have learned that creatures in the Jungle of The Gods don't fear men. In fact it seemed they viewed me as just a tasty morsel. Fire tended to attract them.
Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I lean on my shotty spear. I casually walk forward into the night, my eyes adjusting to the low level of light.
It had been about 13 days since I entered the forest. Or so I think, it's hard to tell. The canopy blocks a large part of the light and the days have been a constant blur of fear, terror, pain and constant vigilance.
I stuff a medicinal leaf in my mouth. I grimace at the horrible, sour taste.
The humma leaf is about the only plant I can identify. It helps with infection and is a mild pain reliever. And I mean mild. The plant had taken the edge off the many scrapes, and bruises I have accumulated, but at the cost of making it slightly harder for me to think.
I dont eat alot of it, only about 2 small leaves a day. I have a limited supply, having taken every leaf from the bush and stuffing it in my bag.
As I walk, I can't help but think of Karla. I immediately push those thoughts away.
Her face still haunts me at night. What was left of her body. The life fading from her eyes. Her screams and pleas of help.
I shake my head, I’m doing it again.
Walking a bit further, I come to a short, cliff face. It is jagged and gently slopes up. The holes in the canopy here allow more light in, and so there are more plants here.
The terrain had been getting hillier and more rugged. I suspect that I’m nearing the mountains. I have tried to go back, but I always seem to keep going towards the mountains.
Moving onwards, I slowly make my way around the small cliff.
How long till I find my way out of this damned jungle?
Breathing heavily, I glance over my shoulder.
A large shape scurries through the shadows of the night, then another, and another. They come up to about my waist. Their fur is covered in stripes on their hind quarters. Their appearance is much like a tiger, but mixed with a hyena. I got a good look at their snouts, and knew that their jaws opened large enough to surround my head.
They make yipping noises, trying to flank me.
I call them Devil Hounds.
The beasts are incredibly intelligent, working together in packs to hunt prey. From my general glance over their pack of 4, I would say that they all might be at the steel or even silver stage.
I swing my spear with two hands, forcing the hound to my left to back off. I press my advantage and run to the outcropping of rock I can see through the dim light.
There’s too many to fight. I have to lose them somehow.
Scrambling up it, I stand as tall as I can and roar. I raise my spear above my head, trying to look intimidating.
It makes the beasts pause for a moment, but then they press their advantage of numbers. I don't let them surround me.
Running along the rocks, I scale a small cliff quickly, my pack banging against my back.
I have been steadily walking deeper into the jungle, towards the mountains. I have noticed that there are a few caves dotting the area, growing in frequency. I had tried to sleep in one tonight, till the pack of Devil Hounds had found me.
My eyes frantically scan the terrain, looking for some place to hide.
I can see a crevice in the rock face ahead of me, I might be able to squeeze in there.
More yipping, right behind me. I don't dare turn around, I can't slow now. I push my body harder, sending my meager Katra to my legs. I sprint forward as fast as I can.
As I reach the cliff face, I turn around, swinging my makeshift spear. The blade cuts into the shoulder of the hound on my right. But it is a shallow cut.
I keep swinging my spear wildly, keeping the beasts at bay.
They move back and forth, waiting for a chance to get under my guard and take a big bite out of me.
I let loose another roar, hopping forward a little and trying to stab one of them. It of course backs up, and I miss.
But this entire time I had been shuffling backwards and took my chance. I toss my bag into the crevice, squeezing in after it.
One of the beasts jumps forward, trying to take a bite out of my shin. I kick it, slipping into the crack in the rock face.
I pant heavily, still gripping my spear. I keep it trained on the crevice.
The devil hounds scratch at the rock, whining. One sticks its head through, but I stab forewords, the creature retracts it fast enough to avoid my attack.
That was a close one.
The beasts stay there a while, trying to figure out a way to get to me. Eventually, they leave in search of more prey.
As their yipping recedes into the distance, blending in with the sounds of the jungle, I let out a sigh.
Grabbing the flask of water from my bag, I take long gulps of water. When I’m done, I pick my pack back up and stow the flask away. As I look around, I find myself in a cramped cave. It goes back farther, but I don't attempt to go any further.
It had been many days since I first limped into this jungle. I had lost track about after 30 days, now I had no idea how long I had been on the run. Hunting for food and avoiding predators. In that time I had managed to regain use of my arm, the wound healing at an accelerated rate as I fed my Katra into it.
Though my shoulder still ached when I overexerted it. There was a nasty, rough patch of skin where my wound used to be, colored a light, fleshy pink.
The darkness is pitch black further in the cave. I can't see a thing.
Not for the first time, do I wish that I had light aspect Katra. My Katra was plain, pure. It had no properties other than helping strengthen and heal my body. WIth my shattered Katra channels, it was already extremely hard for me to cycle it and even harder for me to send it to parts of my body.
Katra could take on various aspects, like fire or light. It was literally a limitless energy. But it never really is fire that you form, or light that you create, its is Katra with an aspect that affects how it acts. Though once you take on an aspect of Katra, you can’t change it without breaking down your core all the way back to the foundation stage. I can take on a aspect to my Katra, but because I’m a cripple, I am not allowed on any Paths for that Katra.
Pure Katra has very little uses, especially for me. It couldn’t really heal, nor had any attack potential. It could be imbued into other Katra, but that's like watering down that Katra. Making it weaker.
There are certain elixirs that could heal me, but they are incredibly expensive.
I shake the thoughts from my head. This is no time to be moping around. If I want to sleep, I need to make sure this cave is safe.
With a flint and steel I carry in my backpack, I light a torch that I made from a stick and some scraps of clothes.
Taking a deep breath, I walk further into the cave. The tunnel is steeply sloped downwards, so I tread carefully. The light throws shadows on the damp walls of the cave, reflecting off of stalagmites and stalactites. Moss dimly glows on the rough, uneven cave floor.
As I walk deeper, I feel a growing dread.
Nearing the end of the tunnel, I can see it open’s up to a giant cavern. The outcropping I stand on let's me see the entire cavern. Giant, naturally formed pillars hold up the stalactite riddled roof. At the bottom of the cavern, larges, green glowing pools are surrounded by a variety of mosses and mushrooms.
In the center of the cavern is a larger pool, more like a small lake. It’s glow lights up a good 60 feet around it.
I gawk at the sight. I have never seen anything like this.
It’s… amazing.
Then I snap back to reality.
This is the Jungle of The Gods. Everything here wants to kill me. Even some of the plants.
I grip my tighter spear, holding my torch out in front of me.
Looking around the outcropping, I see a pathway that leads to the floor of the cavern. And I mean pathway. It is paved with neatly set stone bricks, a short wall along the side to keep you from jumping over.
I contemplate whether to turn back.
But the devil hounds might still be near and I need to sleep. It would be best to make sure that this place isn’t dangerous and decide whether to set up camp or not.
Plus, I think this might be an ancient ruin.
I walk carefully along the pathway, avoiding holes in the bricks. It is clearly ancient, the stone work eroded with time.
As I reach the bottom, I start to circle along the edge of the cavern. As I do, I check for any signs of monsters nesting here.
I don't find any.
What I do find is ancient smashed tiles, that I could guess might have been a floor. Broken pottery and piles of dust.
The entire time the dread keeps growing. I’m not sure what it is, but I start to feel the need to back away. Run, even. An incessant itch in the back of my mind.
No! I need to make sure nothing in here is going to eat me in my sleep.
Once I have made a full round of the cavern, I head for the big pool in the center.
As I draw nearer, I can see a small stone island in the center. I squint and think I can see something on it. A long line of stepping stones lead to the island from the shore.
I cautiously follow the stones to the island, glancing in the glowing water, but I can't see anything a few feet down.
I step onto the island, in the center is a small alter. A human skull stares back at me with empty eye sockets. The altar is simple, a bunch of flat stone shelves stacked on top of each other. Strips of cloth wrapping surround the skull, so brittle that it looks like they might turn to dust at any minute.
Glancing around, I can feel the dread growing even fiercer. Then it hits me.
Like a tidal wave, a flood of fear and terror hits me.
I am driven to my knees, gasping for air that won't come.
Karla’s dead eyes flash in my mind. Her tortured cries for help echoing in my head.
Varick’s last moments, standing on his one good leg and fighting a hopeless battle. The lizardman cutting him down after only a minute.
The scorched skeletons of what used to be my village. Cinders floating in the air with smoke, stinging my face.
The screams and pleas of help from all the villagers.
Of Karla’s hand reaching out to me as her head was torn from her body.
The bloody claw that clutched Karla’s bracelet.
I won’t give in!
I push myself up, glaring at the water. Another wave of fear hits me and I crumple.
You can't push me down!
I glare at the altar, crawling towards it.
Another wave crashes into me.
I won't give up!
I stumble to my feet, breathing heavily. My muscles are tensed, fitting me all the way. I take a shaky step towards the altar.
I can’t die here.
Another step.
I have to get vengeance. For Amia, for all the villagers, for Karla!
I take another shaky step forewords. Another wave of fear.
I refuse to give up.
I reach out a shaky hand, gripping the skull in my hand.
Raising it above my head, I let loose a scream.
The brittle skull shatters on the stone floor.
The waves of fear cease instantly. I collapse to the floor, taking lungfuls of stale air.
I can hear the splashing of water, of it cascading down something large. A shadow rises above me. With effort, I raise my head, looking in both fear and wonder at what looks down at me.
It is covered in thick, black scales. It has a long neck, ending in a reptilian head. It’s giant, hands rest on the island I lay upon, with wickedly curving black claws. It’s head has two horns flow behind its head, like a crown. Large spikes protrude from it’s back. Huge, slitted, purple eyes stare down its snout at me.
The monster towers above me, at least as big as a house.
It’s nostrils flare as it cranes its neck to look down upon me. It sucks in a huge lungful of air.
The only word that I could describe this creature as is; Dragon.
I want to curl up, but I don't. I have the feeling that if I do, I will die.
‘You are strong willed for a child. And you carry something powerful with you.’ It’s voice booms around the cavern and inside my head. It is a weird sensation, I’m not hearing it speak with words.
I stand to my shaky feet, and bow as deep as I can, staying like that. I don't dare look up again. I stutter out in a choked voice, “Th-this one is-is but a surv- survivor.”
‘You are damaged. Unable to use vital energy.’
It was phrased like a question, but said like a statement.
“I-I am but a lo-lowly cripple, you-your magnificence,”
The beast is quiet for a long time. I don't dare say anything, for fear of being killed.
I know for certainty that this is a Sacred Beast. An ancient and powerful one.
‘Tell me, little brave one. What is it you fight for? What is it that lets you stave of absolute fear?’ The dragon rumbles in my mind.
I try to think of an answer as quick as I can. Images of the attack flash through my mind and my resolve steels.
“I fight for vengeance.” An image of Karla flashes through my mind, “I fight to protect the weak till they can stand on their own feet. I fight to stay alive.”
I hear a deep rumbling in my mind and quickly realize it is the dragon chuckling.
‘You do not fight for justice? You do not fight for peace, good or evil?’
I’m starting to think I might have said something wrong. I try to stay calm though. “Justice is honorable, but it is not my job to act it out. Neither is good or evil.”
‘But it could be. You could bring justice to evil and uphold what is considered good.’
I am shaking, but I keep my voice calm and level, “It is not my path.”
‘I can see that you do not walk any of the many Paths you humans have. You walk your own Path.’
I stay bowing, even though my shoulder has started to burn and my back aches. “This one is a cripple, he is not allowed to walk any Katra Paths. Nor is he allowed to learn any techniques.”
‘Yet you still continue to stride forward. Weak and helpless to fate.’
“This one is but a village boy. A survivor of an attack and a cripple. He does not wish to be helpless again.”
‘You have impressed me with your strength of will. What is it you desire?’ I can feel the dragon’s piercing gave on me.
This can't be real, can it?
Get ahold of yourself!
What is it I desire?
I don't want to be weak.
I want to walk my own Path.
I want to be strong.
“This one wishes to no longer be a slave to fate. To be able to use Katra. To walk a Path”
I can feel the dragon moving, the water crashes onto the stone island as it moves. I glance up, and that’s when I realize that what I’m looking at is just it’s top half.
I feel so incredibly small.
The dragon bends close to me. ‘Look me in the eye,’ it booms.
I obey with hesitation.
It’s eye is bigger than my head. It pierces through me, looking straight to my soul.
‘You wish to walk a Path?’
I nod, then say “I wish for my own power. I wish to walk my own Path.”
‘Then you shall have it. But yours will be a Path filled with pain, blood and death. It is one of no mercy, no love. You may lose your very own humanity. Do you still wish to walk it?’
I think long and hard about what it has said. I never want to be frozen like I had been when that lizardman had killed Karla. So weak that I can't even defend myself against the lowliest creatures of this forest.
“Yes, your majesty.”
The dragon shifts its head back. ‘I warn you now that I do not hold the power you seek. I hold no power that you would be able to use. You must walk your own Path. But I can aid you in the start of it. But I require something first.’
I nod. “What is it you require?”
‘It is in your bag. A powerful Artifact. Give it to me and I shall aid you.’
Powerful item? I scrape my head for what the dragon could be talking about.
Then it hits me. The beast core.
I quickly pull it out of my bag, unlocking the case. Inside, nestled in the velvet pillow, is the core.
I had completely forgotten about it, too occupied surviving to draw from it and cycle. I never had the chance to do anything with it.
The dragon looks at the core. It lets out a long gust of wind that I think might be a sigh. ‘It is truly a wonder to behold. So much power within it, yet it is masterfully concealed. Whoever made it was far more powerful than even I. Maybe even more powerful than a god.’
I am startled by these words and glance back down at the core. What was this thing?
‘Hand it to me.’ The dragon reaches out a large paw, opening it. I place the pitch black sphere on its scaly palm.
The dragon lifts it closer to its eye level.
I feel a flash of power and all light is sucked out of the room and into the small orb.
I can actually feel something pulling at my Katra, trying to steal it. There is also a pressure in my chest, like something is trying to rip my soul free.
Then is is over as fast as it began.
The sphere in the dragon’s hand has grown, now it can easily clutch it with it’s claws. Now it has light inside it, but also shifting shadows. It is in constant motion, the light shifting with the shadows.
‘It contains some much power. And…’ The dragon is quite for a long time. Then it speaks again, ‘Yes. It is like I thought. I think it is also quite a fitting item.’
The dragon lowers the sphere over the stone altar. A part of the sphere seems to melt and a single drop lands on the altar. The dragon retracts the sphere.
The drop moves by itself. It leaps into the pile of skull fragments and bandages. It soaks into the cloth, staining it black and bright white. It quickly spreads across the pile, enveloping it in shifting light and shadows.
For a few seconds, nothing happens and I stare in confusion at the mass.
Then it suddenly retracts, shrinking till the liquid is gone. What is leaves is a neat roll of black bandages.
‘Put your hand over it, little brave one.’ The dragon says quieter than before.
I do as it commands, holding my right hand over it, unsure of what is happening.
The bandages uncoil, like a snake. They stretch questing limbs up to my hand, feeling along it. Then they move as quick as a cobra, wrapping my arm in them.
I jerk my hand back and watch as the black bandages curl around my forearm, then my hand, and finally my fingers. They wrap tightly, squeezing my hand.
Then silvery script starts to appear along them, glowing faintly against the black.
I scream as my hand and arm start to burn. It is such an intense pain, like having all the skin flayed from my hand at once and dipping it in acid.
I drop to my knees, screaming in misery as I desperately try to rip the cloth from my arm.
Why had I trusted the dragon? I didn’t think I would survive, and I was right. It’s torturing me before it eats me!
The cloth moves easily away from my arm, but then it snaps back. I cant remove it.
I thrash at the burning sensation, screaming my throat raw. It feels like an eternity of endless pain.
Then the pain slowly starts to fade, and I come back to my senses. My eyes are watering with tears of pain, my breathing erratic.
I’m not dead?
“Wa-what…?” I manage to get out.
‘You have bonded with it. It is now a part of you, and you it.’
“What-what is it?”
‘It has no name. And as what it can do, only you can find out.’
I hold up my arm. The cloth has completely enveloped my hand and goes all the way up to right below my elbow. The silvery script is still there, shining dimly and reflecting light.. Several strips of cloth hang off the top of the glove, dangling in the air.
I squeeze my hand. I don't feel any resistance. Almost like…
It's my hand.
I reach down and touch the stone floor with it. I can feel the rough surface of the floor like it was my real hand.
This is so weird.
Then I close my eyes and look inward, at my core. From what I can tell, nothing has changed. I look at my Katra channels, they are still as shattered as ever.
I sigh.
I’m still a cripple.
I look up at the dragon and bow. “This one thanks you.”
‘Little brave one, you best be going. I rarely tolerate humans for long. Leave now. I have started you on the first step down your own Path. Now you must walk it alone. Only return when you think you will be a match for me.’
Yeah, I don't think i'm ever coming back.
I bow again and grab my backpack and spear. I bow three more times, backing up till I’m to the edge of the island. Then I stop and turn around, keeping my head bowed.
“May this one ask you what your name is, your great absoluteness.”
‘I am called Adrize. You humans have given me a name as well. You once called me by the name Inik, destroyer of kingdoms.’
I flinch at the name. But bow again and walk across the water, sweat pouring down my face and back.
The dragon’s eyes follow me all the way. Even when I leave the cave, I can’t still shake the feeling of those purple, slitted eyes watching me.
As I exit the cave, I squint in the bright light of the rising sun.
I realize how close I had been to death.
If it wasn't for the orb that the mysterious trader had given me, I think I would be dead.
That's when I have an even more startling thought.
Did he know that this was going to happen from the start?
The question sits in the back of my mind with all the others. But one thing is for sure, whoever that man was, he is a truly terrifying being. Inik had been mesmerized by the black orb, treating it like the most powerful thing in the world.
I hold up my right hand.
What am I supposed to do now?
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What can a hero do when he is the only one that can save humanity? What can he do when he was born blessed by darkness but must try to hide it? What can he do if his loved ones are taken away from him? He fights until he is the last one standing…And occasionally eat some souls.
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The Five Elemental Sages are the most powerful humans who had ever lived. Reaching the absolute pinnacle of cultivation, each of the Sages embodied one of the Five Earthly Elements, and their teachings have guided cultivators for hundreds of years after their disappearance. When Nimrod Hunter, a mundane villager who'd only ever dreamed of becoming a Disciple of one of the paths of the Sages, ran away from a pack of wolves led by an essence enhanced Beast, he had no idea he'd be forced to find refuge in the long forgotten home of a Sage. One whose name had been struck from the legends, And who seemed to have no connection to the Five Element, and who had left tomes of lore the rest of the world had never even heard of. Cover image by Wyndagger
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Kiyu was born as a simple child of the Kushik tribe. Neither was she anything special, nor did she anything special. The only thing special was the time in which she was born and grew up. Humanity was in an age of calm, which followed each age of chaos in the Spirit War. For Kiyu, there was neither war nor suffering, and even death was foreign to her. But after each age of calm, chaos follows again, and each time it sweeps over the realms of humans like a wave. As one of the few people who had to witness the beginning of an age of chaos firsthand, she and her best friend Rika get caught up in the conflict of spirits and humans. Will she be able to adapt to the circumstances of war, or become just another victim?
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Oh Honk | MCYT preferences
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my art
My art and pls don't steal any thin from it also if you want to use some thing ask me first
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