《Katra》Chapter 1
Chapter 1:
6th Year of Emperor Fergus's Reign, 3 Days After Mid-Summer
4 Days After The Assassination of The Chief of The Ra’tok
Edge of the Jungle of The Gods, Amia Village
I let out an exhausted sigh, my feet aching with each step. Wiping away the sweat from my brow, I hefted the bag of rice with a groan. Setting it on my shoulder, I slowly trudged back into the house.
I set the bag of rice within the small kitchen, next to the other bags. Stretching, I let out another groan.
Stepping back outside, I squint up at the sky. It is a bright blue, with wispy clouds floating here and there, the sun halfway down its descent. Looking down the small hill the house stands on, the village of Amia is nestled. Shouting and the braying of animals drifts in the wind. The Mountains of The Gods looming over the village, covered in a thick canopy of jungle.
Everyone is preparing for the trader caravan to pass by, heading to the capital. They pass through the village every year, trading goods, supplies and news.
“We’re all done here, you can go, Kardin,” Hektor said, smiling. He is a large man, muscled from hard labor. His black eyes blending in with his black beard.
He hands me 9 copper sparks. They are round with a open square in the center. I put them in the pouch around my neck.
I smile, bow and say, “This one thanks you, Elder Hektor.”
“You know you don't have to do that with me,” Hektor said sadly.
“It is proper and respectful,” I bow again and head towards the village.
I can feel Hektor’s gaze upon my back, his mumbled words carried very quietly over the wind, “15 years you might have, but we all owe you and your parents our lives.”
Following the path down the side of the hill, movement on the road to the village catches my eye. Squinting, I can make out a long line of wagons.
Despite my exhaustion from the heat, I start running. The caravan always had a plethora of items. From the mundane to that of the spiritual arts.
As I reach the village, there is already a gathering of a crowd, as people looked in anticipation of the arrival of the traders. There was a lot of talk about what news the traders might bring, and what kinds of items might be sold.
As the caravan trundle into the clearing around the village, they form the line of 18 wagons into a long crescent facing towards the village. The villagers start to scurry towards the wagons, like ants. The traders quickly set up shop and the air is filled with laughter, shouts and the sound of haggling. Caravan guards walk around, keeping the peace.
I walk through the crowds, looking at all the wares set up outside the wagons. People are pointing to things and traders are boasting about their produce. Delicious smells start to fill the air as a few wagons start cooking foods.
Looking at the items, I see a lot of bags of wheat, barley and other grains. There are bright silks, exotic livestock and tools of all sorts set out. But I am drawn to one wagon in particular.
It is made of a dark wood, with a white canvas over it. A flap is open in the canvas, allowing the trader to sit in the wagon. There are crates and blankets set out, atop them are a assortment of items. Scrolls, crystals, weapons and other intricate items.
This is The Sacred Arts wagon.
I look at everything laid out, trying to take in all the items for sale. There is a Technique Scroll of The Emerald Fist. A low end water Katra crystal. Laid over a sheath is a knife with runic symbols carved into it, though I couldn’t read them. In a small cage, a bird that looked much like a parrot, but with iridescent green and yellow feathers, squawked at me.
“See something you like?” The trader asks.
I look up at him. He has black hair, but his eyes are a amber color, almost glowing. His sharp features mark him as a foreigner and giving his gaze a sharp edge. He is young, maybe 20.
Could he be a Diamond? Could his eyes be his Diamond Sign?
“This one finds them all extraordinary, Sir. But he cannot afford any of it.” I say, bowing slightly.
“Looking is fine,” The trader says. He looks me up and down, pursing his lips. He hesitates for a second, but then nods to himself, mumbling something under his breath. “Come here, I think I might have something you might like.”
He vanishes into the back of the wagon.
Puzzled, I walk up to the window, glancing inside. I can see boxes of items and a pile of blankets in the corner. The trader himself pulls out a small, black box. It is inlaid with silver runes.
It is at that point I realize he has a sword strapped to his back, its hilt plain, but the metal is a purplish black. A black leather grip woven around the hilt.
“Here we go!” He says as he plops back down and sets the box on the small counter. The counter comes to just about my chest.
He unlocks the box with a silver key, flipping the lid open, a black sphere is nestled in a red velvet cushion. The sphere is about the size of a child’s fist. The inside is pitch black when I look into it, but if I stare closely, I can see shifting shadows within.
My reflection in the sphere stares back at me. Brownish, black hair and forest green eyes. My features are soft, but still have the exotic edge of my foreigner blood. A small scar runs along my chin and ends at my bottom lip.
“This is a special Highbronze beast core. I had it evaluated by a master Spirit Smith. They told me it has a low level of darkness aspect Katra, but some other properties were also imbued in it that he couldn’t identify.” The trader says quietly, his voice is flecked with excitement.
“It is truly an amazing item, but I would not dare even think about buying it,” I say, looking at the orb with reverence
The trader snaps the case closed and locks it again, but he leaves the key and box on the counter.
“I will sell it to you for 5 silvers,” He says, holding up five fingers.
For a second I am not sure what to say. Was he trying to sell it to me? But then before I can think I say, “5 silvers is far too much, like you said, it has a low level of Katra. I can do 2 silvers.”
The trader quirks a smile, “That is far too little! This is a rare core, imbued with unknown properties! I will sell it for 3 silvers and 40 copper sparks.”
“But those properties are unknown, they could even be harmful. I will give you 2 silvers and 90 sparks.”
“You are persistent, and I like your spunk. I’ll sell it to you for 3 silver and 20 sparks.”
I don't know what spunk is, but I say, “3 silver and 10 sparks, that's as high as I will go.”
The trader smiles and says, “Deal!”
I take the pouch around my neck off, opening it. Inside shines 5 silver dragoons, 37 copper sparks, and 1 gold zeni. Pulling out 3 silver and 10 sparks, I put them on the counter, counting them out.
It was expensive, but I had thought that I wouldn’t be getting anything at all. Even though it was pricey, it was a far better deal than I could dream of.
The trader sweeps them into a pouch he puts under the small counter and places the black box and key in front of me. “It was a pleasure doing business with you…?”
“This one is called Kardin.”
“A pleasure, Kardin. You can call me Cereus, but some call me Lost, I hope you have a good day!” Bowing, I turn around. He waves at me as I walk away. I glance over my shoulder, his smile slowly fades away into a grim line.
For a second, just a flash, I think I see something else in his place, an ancient skeleton. The skeleton’s bones are bleached white and its teeth are in a predatory smile. Amber flames glow in its eye sockets, seemingly staring into my soul. But then I blink and all I see the trader smiling at me.
Unsettled, I palm the box in my hands. Scripts are inscribed upon the edges with silver, imbuing the box with sturdiness.
I am excited, I got a beast core! No matter that it is low leveled, it would still have plenty of Katra in it for me to use.
Quickly heading through the village, I walk to the outskirts, where a small shack is. It is made of wood logs and paneling, the roof made of thick thatch. Opening the door, I take off my thin, brown boots. Stepping on the woven, bamboo mats, I walk over to my bed.
The inside of my shack is cozy, with bamboo mats covering the wood floor. A thin mattress and pile of blankets in the corner serve as my bed. A shelf on the opposite wall to the door is stacked with scrolls and other bits and bobs. A low, wooden table in the center has a ink pot and father set up next to a scroll. The small cabinet where I stored my 3 pairs of clothes.
Before my parents died, they had taught me how to write and read, saying that it was an important skill. They had also accumulated a small amount of scrolls about history and the world for me to read.
The entire village had pitched in to help build this small shack for me after my parents died. They had helped me get back onto my feet, and for that, I was eternally grateful.
I made a living by helping out around the village, with farming and other miscellaneous chores. I was paid enough to live by and also enough to save up.
Sitting down on my bed, I cross my legs. Looking at the box in the center of my lap, I take a deep breath.
Unlocking it with the key, I gently take out the black core. It’s surface feels slimy, and almost like a ball of water. It is like holding jelly, but when I squeeze and let go, it snaps back into shape.
Cupping it in my right hand, I close my eyes.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I focus inward. I try to visualize my core.
After about a minute, I can see it. It is a hazy white ball, the edges not defined. It looks almost like it is ready to disperse at the slightest breeze. Thin, dim and undefined lines swirled out of it, going through my body. Parts of these lines were broken, but a trickle of Katra still flowed through them.
This was my Core. It was where I stored energy and could draw on it. The lines were my Katra Channels. They had been damaged when I was young, resulting in my body barely getting the Katra it needs.
My Core was stuck at the Lowbronze stage, the lowest of all stages.
The Foundation was first, but is more like a stepping stone.
There was Lowbronze, Highbronze and Truebronze.
Steel was next, giving improved stamina and a stronger body. This was also where most common people stopped. Within this stage were three ranks, Lowsteel, Highsteel, and Truesteel.
Fourth was Silver, providing the user with the ability to see Katra. It also rebuilds your body, making it even stronger. There is Lowsilver, Highsilver and Truesilver.
Fifth Diamond. This was the diamond realm, where you started to accumulate more power. To break into the diamond realm you had to bind a beast or it’s core to you, assimilating with it. It was more preferable that the beast be on the same path as you, or else it might have dire consequences. What you got was something called a Sign.
From there is went to; Highdiamond and Truediamond.
Anyone above Truediamond was to be feared, for they were some of the most powerful people in the country. Some were said to even have powers rivaling gods.
I can feel the Katra radiating from the core in my hand. Taking in a breath, I draw a little from the core. It is hard, like trying to grab onto a thin string and hauling a boulder with it.
After a time, I finally manage to wiggle it free, guiding the Darkness aspect Katra into my Channels. It an aspect I can't use, so I need to purify it by passing it through my channels and when it is ready, bring it into my core. This is called cycling, if you do it enough, you can make your own Katra, but it can takes years by doing it with this method.
I struggle with cycling it through my channels. I have to focus hard to keep it from slipping through the shattered and cracked parts of my channels. As I do this, it slowly starts to lighten, till it is a muddy gray. Even then, I keep purifying it, till it is a bright white.
Guiding that ribbon of light into my Core, I start to swirl it around, mixing it in.
Opening my eyes, I find myself covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Wanting to lay back, I barely stop myself from fainting.
Putting the beast core back into the box and locking it, I wrap myself up in my blankets, quickly falling asleep.
My cheeks hurting from the huge grin on my face.
I wake up slowly, blinking groggily. Yawning, I sit up. Looking around my shack. The bright light of dawn streams in between the paper shutters in the window above my head.
Opening the window, I can see the orange sky of sun rise.
Leaving my shack and going around the back, I draw water from the small well there. Lifting my shirt, I clean myself off as best I can. I cringe at the sight of the many long, scars across my body.
Grabbing another bucket of water, I bring it inside and heat it over the firepit in the front, left corner of my house. Once it is boiling, I throw in a couple handfuls of rice and a little bit of spice.
Once it is ready, I set it on my small table and grab a spoon. Shoveling food into my mouth, I’m done within minutes and are already out the door.
Heading through the village, I come to a small house made of wood and stone. Knocking on the front door, it is opened a few seconds later.
Reinha smiles at me, “Have you come to help in the fields, Kardin?”
Bowing, I grin, saying “This one has.”
“Varick is in the back, getting the wagon ready with Karla. You can go help them get it ready.” She points to the back of the house. I nod and start walking around it.
Turning the corner of the house, I can see Elder Varick harnessing his mule to the wagon with the help of his daughter, Karla.
Varick was black hair and dark brown eyes. His features are strong and slightly blocky, marking him as a native. His beard engulfs half his face, covering up his scars from his time as a soldier.
Karla shares Varick's same dark hair, her eyes the same brown color, but softer. Her hair stops at her shoulder and frames her soft face. Her skin is tanned from working in the sun and her frame is toned with muscle.
With a radiant smile, Karla waves to me, yelling, “Kardin! Have you come to help us?”
I grin back, “Yes.”
Walking up and I help attach the harness to the wagon. Varick smiles and says, “Thank you, Kardin. Hop up in the back and we will head over to the fields. I assume you want your going flat rate?”
“This one thanks you. And yes, just 3 sparks for every hour of work. I’m prepared for a long day in the fields.”
“Alright! That's the spirit! Let's get going.” Varick hops up on the bench, Karla hops in the back with me. Directing the mule out into the road, varick starts the wagon towards the crop fields.
“The caravan came through yesterday. Did you buy anything?” I ask Karla, striking up a conversation.
“Yeah! They had so many more things than last year! I bought this bracelet.” Karla holds up her wrist, showing off the intricate weaving of beads and string. There is a small, blue rock woven into the bracelet, adding more onto the intricate design. “Its pretty, right?”
“It's beautiful,” I say, looking back at her and smiling. I may have a crush on Karla, but I swear it's only a little one! I don't even think she likes me in that way, much less has even thought of it like that.
“Did you buy anything?” She asks, eying me with a grin on her lips.
“Only one thing,” I say, trying to avoid the answer.
“Oh, come on! Tell me, Kar! I promise I won’t tell anyone else,” She says leaning in with curiosity.
Looking around in with wide eyes and an exaggerated look of suspicion, I lean in. “I bought a low Katra beast core.”
Karla’s eyes go wide with surprise. And then she smiles, but I still catch the look of pity in her eyes. “What aspect is it? Do you know what kind of beast it came from?”
“It has a darkness aspect, and I have no clue what type of beast it came from. But the scared artist I bought it from said it had special properties.”
“Cool, do you know what they are?”
“I'm not sure, but it seems to resist me pulling on it’s Katra.” There's that flash of pity, “But that’s all I can really tell about it.”
“Maybe when we’re done, you can show it to me. I want to see what it looks like!” Karla says, leaning back and propping her head up with her arms, trying to look nonchalant. Then we hit a bump in the road and she hits her head on the side of the wagon is a, “Eep!”
I laugh hard, and she starts laughing with me.
By the time we are done, we are at Varick’s plot of farming land.
He turns around, looking into the back of the wagon. “That's enough fooling around, it's time to do some hard work.” He has a grin on his face and looks lovingly at his daughter.
“Alright Dad! Come on Kardin! If we finish early, you can show me the core!” Karla hops out the wagon and I follow her.
Looking out over the fields, I prepare for a long day uprooting potatoes and other root vegetables.
I stretch my arms out to my sides, groaning as I walk with Karla to my shack.
Opening the door for her, I invite her in. Walking to the shelf, I grab the scripted black box and key. I set them down on the table in the center of my shack.
Karla looked up close at the box with a critical eye. “This is some pretty intricate scripting.”
I shrug, “You would know more about it than me.”
She hums and unlocks the box with the key. The lid opens with a pop and her eyes twinkle when she looks at the core. She picks it up.
Kala then squeezes gently, the surface giving way. Letting go, it snaps back into place.
“I’m not sure this is a beast core. Maybe an eyeball?”
It takes a second for what she says to sink in, “It's not a core?”
Karla gives it another squeeze, “I don't know, usually cores are hard, maybe misshapen. Not perfect spheres. How much did you pay for it?”
I wrinkle my face in worry, “3 silvers and 10 sparks. For a Highbronze core.”
She winces, “That's not a lot for a core, but it's still about 3 months worth of living.”
“He said it had special properties he couldn't get identified. And I can still draw Katra from it. Do you think he cheated me?”
Karla shrugs, “I don't know, I'm not a sacred artist. It's still cool though!”
I feel anger bubbling up inside me. If I was cheated, I had just spent a large sum of my money. Then I remember the skeleton and suppress a shudder.
Karla gets up, placing the core back inside the box and locking it. “Well, thanks for showing me. Have a good day, Kardin!”
I see her out, wishing her well.
She turns back and pecks me on the cheek. I can feel heat rising to my face, and she giggles at my expression, then runs off.
Shaking my head, I close my door.
Sitting down at the table, I stare at the box. For a long time I glare at it, a ember of anger glowing hotly inside me. I fan it with more anger as thoughts run through my mind.
I think he cheated me. My hand curls into a fist. I angrily swipe up the box and key, stomping out the door.
I blaze a trail to where the wagons are still. Its starting to get dark, the sun setting behind the mountains.
When I reach the wagons, the traders are already starting to close up shop. They will probably leave tomorrow. I make my way over to the sacred arts wagon.
There is a small man packing up the wares, his bald head glistening with sweat. He looks to be about 40, maybe older.
The man looks up as I approach, squinting. Strange circles of what looks like glass rest in a wire frame atop his nose.
“How can I help you?” He asks, standing.
I give a shallow bow, “This one would like to speak to the trader of this cart.”
“That is I,” He says, in confusion.
I look at him. This is definitely not the person I bought the core from. I glance at the cart, it’s dark wood. The same cart.
“Does someone else man the cart when you are busy?”
“No, it is just I.” The man dusts his hands off, “What is it you need?”
I lift the box up for him to see, “I bought this core from here. I believe I was cheated, but you are not the person I bought it from.”
The man wrinkles his forehead in confusion. He runs a cloth over his head. “I don't know, you sir. But I have never seen that box before, and have stayed at my wagon the entire day. Only closing it for lunch.”
My anger starts to deflate, then a thought arrives to me. I walk over to the wagon, the trader starts to protest. But I quickly lift the flap into the wagon.
Inside is crates, a bed and other items. No one.
The trader grabs my arm in a iron grip, pulling me back. His face burns with anger, “I don't know what you are trying to pull, but I want none of it. Get lost!” He tosses my arm, pulling me along with it. I go tumbling for a few feet, landing in a heap.
I groan, pulling myself up. “This one apologizes, he thought you might be lying to him. He sees now that he was being foolish. I apologize and beg forgiveness .” I bow, touching my head to the dirt. The trader snorts, but doesn’t do anything else.
Quickly moving off, back to the village, I contemplate what has happened . As I limp my way back to my house, the trader watches me till I enter the village.
That had been foolish of me. I should have known that he would be at least steel, maybe more. The higher rank they are, the more prideful some artists can get.
I look down at the box in my hand. I have no idea what is going on.
Who was the person I bought this from? How had he gotten into the wagon? I hadn't gone during lunch, just when they arrived.
Was this a core, or something else?
Opening my door, I plop down on my bed, to tired to cycle or draw energy from the core. I soon fall asleep.
I wake up slowly. As I sit up, I try to find the reason I woke up.
Looking at my window, there is a bright orange light flowing through the paper shutters.
Then I hear it.
I rush out of my bed, throwing open my door.
What awaits me looks like hell. The village is on fire, people screaming and pleading for help.
Large shapes move in the fire light, their scaly backs glistening in the light. They walk on two legs, but the legs are bent back. Large claws adorn their hands, meant for tearing, spears, axes and swords clutched in them. A large, crocodile like head, a maw of teeth. Large tails swing behind them and they are covered in a thick, scaly hide.
I stumble backwards, away from the door. What the hell are those?
A man yells, running out from behind one of the houses. One of the lizard men runs behind him, quickly gaining distance. It pounces, landing on the man’s back. It brings a knife down, stabbing him in the back.
The man screams in pain and terror, the monster stops stabbing him. It opens its jaws wide, clapping them down on the man’s head. His screams get louder and more desperate.
I look away as the screams are cut short, the sound of flesh and bone ripping. The gurgling sound of breath escaping his throat.
I have to run!
Shutting my door as quickly as I can, I gather everything that I can in my bag. I stuff some clothes, food, two scrolls, ink well, feather pen and a water canteen in the bag, Glancing at the table, I grab the box too, stuffing it in the bag.
Clutching my old dagger in hand, I open my door a slit, looking out with wide, terrified eyes.
I see shapes running in the fire light, people scattering. They cling to their belongings and children, the monsters chasing behind them.
I wait till they are past, then quickly step out of my house. I start heading toward the jungle.
Then I pause.
What about Karla?
I drift between running into the forest and going to see if I can help.
I can't, i'm nothing but a cripple. I’m no sacred artist. No warrior or hero.
But I’m not a coward.
Turning around, I run towards the village. As I get closer, dying embers land onto my face, stinging it. I ignore them, running through back alleys.
A large, hunched over shadow creeps up on the wall to my right. I duck behind some barrels as the lizard man stomps past. Looking in between the cracks of the barrels, I check to see if the coast is clear.
Running out from behind them, I run through the street, crossing it in a crouch. My heart is in my throat and I toy with the idea of turning back.
But I don't.
Creeping into the next ally, I hear shouts up ahead of me. Looking around the corner, I see several men huddled together, weapons drawn.
They face down a host of 5 lizardmen.
One of the lizardmen charges, roaring. It hammer’s into a man’s shield, bowling over him.
I look away, there’s nothing I can do for them. Ignoring the screams and shouts, I sneak around the fight.
I’m nearly there.
As I run into the final alley to Karla’s house, I see shapes limp through the alley.
It’s Varick and he’s being supported by Karla.
“Kardin?” I hear her say.
“It’s me. We have to go!” I run up to them, grabbing Varick’s other arm. I stumble under his weight.
He’s so heavy!
I'm only a bronze and Varick is at least a Highsteel. Looking him over, I can see that there is a large cut on his forehead and he has burns and slashes all over him. His foot is twisted behind him, in the wrong direction.
What kind of monster could do this to a Steel?
Steels were incredibly durable and strong, their bodies cleansed of impurities and their lives extended. They could punch through stone if given enough time.
“Why did you come back, Kardin?” I hear Karla say, but I can't respond. Looking out of the alley way, I see that there is a patrol of lizardmen headed our way. And they are blocking our way out of the village and into the plains.
“We are going to have to go into the jungle. It’s closer and we can't carry your father all that way without being spotted.” I say as I drag us back through the alley and towards the jungle.
“But that's suicide! If the beasts don't kill us, the jungle will!” Karla says, fear written on her face.
Varick forces me to stop, “You will die if you go in there. Leave me, that way you can cross the plains.”
“No! We won't leave you dad!”
I desperately scrape my brain for some solution to this problem. Maybe we ca-
A roar rolls across the ground behind us. I look over my shoulder. One of the lizardmen is running towards us, it’s spear raised high.
Varick grunts, he pushes me and Karla forwards. He leans on his good leg as he turns around, drawing up his shield and sword, the blade glowing with acidic Katra. The spear crashes into the shield with a dull thud and Varick goes flying backwards.
Karla lunges forward, trying to grab for her father. I grab her arm, it's all I can do to stop her.
Varick pushes himself up, stumbling to his feet, he hisses out, “Run!”
Karla has tears streaming down her face, but she lets me pull her back. We start running for the edge of the forest, across the meadow around the village.
I hear Varick cry out, screaming in agony. Glancing over my shoulder, I see as the lizard man impales him on it’s spear. Then it wrenches it out in a spray of blood. He gasps for air, blood flowing out of his mouth.
Varick’s figure in the fire light falls to its knees, but he still swings at the Lizard man's legs, leaving a deep gash.
The monster roars as it clamps it’s jaws around the warrior’s head, wrenching it off in a shower of blood.
Karla screams in agony, grief and terror, tears streaming down her face. I pull her towards the jungle. She follows limply.
Glancing over my shoulder, I see as the lizard man runs towards us, ignoring the gash in its leg that Varick left behind.
It roars in rage, holding up it’s spear.
The monster launches it, tip spinning in the air. I watch in horror as it flies as fast as an arrow, heading straight for Karla’s back.
I throw myself in front of the spear.
I watch in slow motion as it rips through the air towards me. It punctures my shoulder.
Then it blasts through me, and into Karla’s back.
We both scream at the same time. I slam into the ground as Karla lands a few feet away from me.
I feel the blood pumping out of me, staining the ground crimson around me.
Is she okay?
I try with all my strength, weakly rolling my head so I can see her. I spy Karla crawling towards the jungle, the spear embed in her back. She is crying and pleading for help. Calling for her mother and father.
Then the lizard man stomps past me and pounces on her. It lets loose a roar of hunger and glee as it lands on her back. It pushes her to the ground, grabbing onto the spear.
Karla screams in pain as the monster twists the spear in her back, ripping it out.
I can only stare in horror as it stabs the spear back into her. Karla’s screams puncturing every time it stabs.
No! This can't be happening. We were supposed to have made it. Varick couldn’t have sacrificed himself for nothing! Karla can’t die!
I see Karla look at me, she reaches out a pleading hand towards me, the crystal on the bracelet glinting in the light. Reaching for me.
Then the lizard man bites down on her head. I can still see her brown eyes as the life fades away from them. The terror, fear and pain inside them.
I watch in horror as her head is ripped from her body.
I try with all my might, but I can't move towards her. My body is frozen in place.
The lizardman spits out Karla’s head, launching it into the tall grass. It hunkers down, taking a bite out of her body. Then another. And another.
When it is done, there is only a mangled corpse left. Blood drips from its jaws as it turns back to me, it’s fangs gleaming in the light of the burning village.
It’s reptilian eyes burning with hunger and rage turn toward me.
I feel anger and fear mix inside of me. I try to scream, but it catches in my throat.
The lizard man picks up it’s spear, lopping towards me. It swipes it spear through the air lazily.
The last thing I see as darkness consumes me is it’s claws stained crimson. Karla’s bracelet clutched in its hands, glints in the fire light.
Then there is nothing.
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The Beginning of the End
Daphne Rhodes would tell anyone: being ‘the one’ sucks.At least, she would if there was anyone left to tell. She’s the one who’d survived. The one with the magic immune system that saved her.The only one left on this whole miserable planet.Daphne spends her days alone and craving answers as to why it had to be her. Why did she have to watch everyone she’d ever known and loved die a horrific death?On her mother’s deathbed, Daphne learns long-hidden family secrets that send her on a quest across Canada to not only discover where she came from, why she survived, and who she is…but what she is, as well. BOOK 1 IN THE BLOODLINES SERIES
8 141 - In Serial12 Chapters
Try Again
How do you picture the phrase, incapable of dying? Invulnerability? Invincibility? Immortality? Whatever word you choose, it seems like a useful ability to have, right? While others might think it would be great to never die, I think it might just be a curse. Would you choose to be incapable of dying if it meant that every time you were going to die you just restarted your whole life all over again?
8 133 - In Serial8 Chapters
Lucille Vildes: The girl who taught Milo Jacobs
Lucy was one of the kids of Bughuul. She was born to train a boy. A neat boy. Religious one.She found him interesting, considering to have an Asian and French blood.And his name was Milo Jacobs.And the journey begins...
8 164 - In Serial3 Chapters
♡Daminette One Shots♡
One Shots of Daminette
8 78 - In Serial37 Chapters
Jungkook is 25 and taehyung is 35.
8 207