《Realm Eternal》Chapter 1: Homework First
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Author’s Chapter preface
My original plan was for “Open Beta” to be Chapter 1, but as I read through it I felt that my Protagonist needed a proper introduction so I’m making Chapter 1 about introducing my primary Protagonist as well as introducing information about the Alternate Reality Simulation Realm Eternal.
I’m not fond of Over-Powered characters so don’t expect them; I find them far too easy to write and it makes the story unimaginative. Thus there’s no genius fighters or super mages here.
Part of the reason I’m introducing so much information at the beginning is to lock-in a canon in order to avoid the temptation of “Power Creep”. Also putting the SP=1 helps limit the effect an individual can have on the environment.
Everything I include will serve some sort of goal & purpose. I’m not gonna string 10 paragraphs together and call it a Chapter! So my Chapter target is set at 5000 words. Tables are a pain in the ass so I’m gonna try to simplify them.
『』= Info
《》= Attribute
『』= Skill
【】= Sub-Skill
Please bear in mind the concept of an Alternate Reality Simulation!
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Chapter 1: Homework First
Intently watching the joint press conference 27 year old 『Nabi Elrick』 is one of the many gamers from all over the world who had been waiting with abated breath for Realm Eternal. Nabi Elrick is the epitome of ordinary, average looks & athleticism he’s completely indistinguishable from the masses of people in the cities of the world. Other than the fact that Nabi Elrick is of mixed race with a Scottish Father and a Black South African mother Nabi Elrick doesn’t stand out.
Nabi Elrick had been in an epic slump as of late; a Deep depression brought on by Events from 25 days earlier, but the press conference related to Realm Eternal roused him from his melancholic abyss.
Nabi Elrick Carefully noted the key points and then hurried to the website to check out the details.
『Key points noted from the press conference』:
Realm Eternal is not a Game it’s an Alternate Reality Simulation.
The Race you choose is as important as choosing a class in VR games.
The skin tone is important; Pale skin tone will experience an attribute deBuff under the heat of the sun’s rays while the Dark Skin tone will experience an attribute Buff under the heat of the sun’s rays.
Gender is automatically set as Real world Gender.
There are no levels only experience
Every skill that is not Race specific is available to everyone; can be purchased at the Adventurer’s Guild.
Information about Every skill including race specific skills is available at the Adventurer’s Guild.
Everyone starts with the Basic Skills and additional Skills have to be purchased at the Adventurer’s Guild.
Magical Affinity & Proficiency are racial attributes and as such can never change
There are no Items that can raise Magical Affinity & Proficiency.
Magical Affinity is the additional initial starting value; Affinity is very important for the learning of MageCraft.
Magical Proficiency is the additional percentage gain in experience.
For Magical Affinity & Proficiency High = 5, Medium = 2.5 and Low = 1
There are no Legendary Items with unique properties.
Natives of the Realm Eternal are not game NPCs, they don’t give out quests; they are real people in the simulation.
Educated Natives of the Realm Eternal are aware of Earth’s history and VR games, and to them the Realm Eternal is as real as Earth and nothing Users do can prove otherwise.
Realm Eternal Monsters will behave like animals on earth; they will flee from a dangerous foe & situations.
There are no set goals for users in Realm Eternal; everyone has freedom of actions and will suffer the consequences for those choices.
『And on the web site』:
World Descriptions;
Alfheim: The planet is the original Home of the Elves
Gold Skinned High Elves also known as the Light Elves (Ljósálfar). High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Light, Fire, Earth, Wind, Sound, Psionic, Alchemy, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water, Ice and Plant Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Shadow Magic.
Dark Skinned Day Elves also known as the Dark Elves (Svartálfar) . High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Shadow, Psionic and Sound Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water, Ice, Earth and Wind Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Light, Fire, Plant, Alchemy, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
Pale White Skinned Elves known as the Night Elves. High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Ice, Wind Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water, Earth and Sound. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Light, Fire, Shadow, Plant, Psionic, Alchemy, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
Brown Skinned Elves known as the Wood Elves (Brown Wood Elves). High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Earth & Plant Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water, Ice, Light, Wind, Sound and Alchemy Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Fire, Psionic, Shadow, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
Blue Skinned Elves known as the Water Elves (Blue Water Elves). High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water and Wind Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Ice, Earth, Light, Fire, Sound, Plant and Alchemy Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Psionic, Shadow, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
Green Skinned Elves known as the Forest Elves (Green Forest Elves). High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Plant, Water and Earth Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Light, Wind, Sound and Alchemy Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Ice, Fire, Psionic, Shadow, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
Red Skinned Elves known as the Fire Elves (Red Fire Elves). High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Fire and Earth Magic. Medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Wind, Light, Sound and Alchemy Magic. Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Water, Ice, Plant, Psionic, Shadow, Appraisal, Enchantments and Rune Magic.
The planet is also home to the White, Green, Blue, Brown, Red, Black and Golden Elf-Dragons.
The Elf-Dragons were originally from Elf women that had been raped by White & Red Dragons in their Humanoid form; thus introducing Dragon blood into the Elven genetic-pool.
Like other Dragons Elf-Dragons have High Intelligence, High Wisdom, High Affinity & Proficiency in Wind Magic as well as High Affinity with the hereditary Element and High Proficiency in hereditary Element magic, and are able to transform and take a corresponding Elf Humanoid form.
World Descriptions;
Old Asgard: The original Home of the Asgardians. Asgard is the name of the planetoid, and its capital city was Valhalla.
Hell/ Niffleheim: Realm of the Undead. Ruled by Hela. Shadow Magic is their specialty.
Midgard is the planet of the Humans with many human Kingdoms and Nations. Humans have Low Magical Affinity & Proficiency.
Nidavellir: Home of the Dwarves. Nidavellir has a very harsh surface. Dwarves are Short and Stocky but have very High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Earth, Fire & Appraisal Magic. They are excellent Craftsmen.
Svartalfheim: Colony of the Dark Skinned Day Elves known as the Dark Elves (Svartálfar)
Vanaheim: Colony of the Asgardians. The Vanir are the same race as the Asgardians though not as advanced in Magical technology as Asgard.
Jotunheim: Home of the Frost Giants (Jötunn). 3 to 4 metre tall Snow white muscular being who specialize in Ice magic due to their high affinity to the cold.
The planet Jotunheim is also home to the White Dragons: Over 100m long, High Intelligence, High Wisdom, High Affinity & Proficiency in Wind Magic, High Affinity with the cold and High Proficiency in Ice Magic, and are able to transform and take a Pure White skinned, pure Black Hair and Red eyed Humanoid form.
World Descriptions;
Muspelheim: Home of the Demons. Ruled by Surtur. Most demons have High Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Shadow & Fire Magic and Low Magical Affinity & No Proficiency in other areas.
The Demon Races are a type of Reptilian and include:
Goblin race; 1.4m tall with pale, green or brown skin. Hobgoblins; 2m tall with green or brown skin. Both Goblin races can equip any type of weapon.
The Orcs; 2.5m to 3m tall, muscular, green skin humanoids. They can equip any type of weapon.
Trolls; 4-5m tall, very muscular, likes heavy weapons
Lizardmen; humanoid lizards. They can equip any type of weapon.
Serpent races; 3m tall humanoid Snakes. They can equip any type of weapon.
Devils; winged humanoid that resemble humans with large bat wings on their back.
Vampires; humanoid with web-wings on their back, Red Eyes, golden hair and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth & over-developed canines.
Wyverns; 10-50m long flying winged creature with a dragon's head (which may be said to breathe fire or possess a venomous bite) and wings; a reptilian body; two legs (sometimes none); and a barbed tail. They have High Affinity & Proficiency in Wind Magic and High Affinity & Proficiency in Fire Magic.
Red Dragons: Over 100m long extremely powerful beings with High Affinity with Fire, High Proficiency in Fire magic, High Affinity & Proficiency in Wind Magic, High Intelligence, High Wisdom, and are able to transform and take a Red skinned, pure white Hair and Blue eyed Humanoid form. The Demon King Surtur belongs to this race.
Atlantis is essentially a result of the success of the 10 videos detailing the background story to Realm Eternal. The success of the videos lead to them being broadcast as a regular TV series on public channels all over the world, and this peaked the interest of large financial enterprises and financiers. The Phoenix Consortium gained a number of partnerships from the Banking & Financial sector.
The Phoenix Consortium Developed Atlantis using a free Access Model that uses Realm Eternal currency. Banks could build an Atlantis Branch with links to Real World bank accounts. Hoteliers could establish Hotels in Atlantis. The same applies to restaurateurs, fast food chains, spas and other entertainment facilities.
With the influx of cash the Phoenix Consortium received over $400Million in Funding to Develop Atlantis; thus purchasing 2 【AIVRE】 systems exclusively committed to Atlantis. The Paradise City of Atlantis is an Ultra-Modern Futuristic City complete with Flying Spheres that transports an individual anywhere in the City for a modest fee of 5 Copper Coins.
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Nabi Elrick Carefully used the website to register as a Beta tester which allowed him to order his Phoenix Consortium sponsored REM-Sleep Pod at $1500. Nabi Elrick checked out the details of the Open Beta and that’s when he noticed a special business offer to professional gamers taking part in Beta testing of the Alternate Reality Simulation Realm Eternal.
『Special Business Offer to Professional Gamers』:
• Register a Business that operates in Realm Eternal during the Open beta by paying $10000.
Buy 50 linked REM-Sleep Pods at $1100 each, 100 linked REM-Sleep Pods at $1000 each or 150 linked REM-Sleep Pods at $900 each.
The linked REM-Sleep Pods have settings that can be controlled by the owner; such as Items acquired by the Avatars belong to the Registered Business, Dedicated communication system, etc.
A Registered Business gains all the benefits of a Clan (similar to a Guild in other MMORPG).
A Registered Business is recognized by the natives of the Realm Eternal.
Nabi Elrick understood from the website that the Phoenix Consortium planned to make money through the Item mall and money going into Realm Eternal. Items have an automatic lock that can only be unlocked by auctioning the items at the Item mall for Real World Money (RWM). The Item Mall charges a 10% handling fee on all transactions.
The Phoenix Consortium set a fixed currency exchange of Real World Money to Realm Eternal money at 5 Copper Coins = $1 and RWM can only go into Realm Eternal and not the reverse. The Phoenix Consortium acted as a Reserve bank in this regard by being able to print new money.
The Phoenix Consortium made it clear that because of the rules governing the Realm Eternal simulation they won’t be able to print new Items to be sold at the Item Mall and that Items the Phoenix Consortium put for Auction on the Item Mall would be bought from natives of the Realm Eternal with newly printed money. In order to avoid inflation in Realm Eternal the printed new money for buying Items resold on the Item Mall will be restricted.
『Realm Eternal Currency』:
1 Platinum Coin = 100 Gold Coins
1 Gold Coin = 100 Silver Coins
1 Silver Coin = 100 Copper Coins
5 Copper Coins = 1 USD
5 Copper Coins being equal to $1 was based on the fact that in Realm Eternal 5 Copper Coins could buy 2 cheap loafs of bread and a cheap nutritional drink; enough nutrition to survive for one day.
Nabi Elrick saw an opportunity and didn’t hesitate to Register a Business that operates in Realm Eternal. He had decided to escape his gloomy reality and enter the world of the Realm Eternal. Next he looked at the Attributes and characteristics of each of the available races. Phoenix Consortium had done a thorough evaluation of each Race.
『Key Attributes & Reviews on Designated User Races』:
『The Magic Skill is free but other Skills & Sub-Skill have to be purchased』:
Earth, Fire, Wind, Water Magic; considered basic Magic Sub-Skills Each cost 5 Silver Coins.
Ice & Plant Magic; considered above basic Magic Sub-Skills Each cost 100 Silver Coins.
Light & Shadow Magic; considered Intermediate Magic Sub-Skills Each cost 5 Gold Coins.
Appraisal & Alchemy Magic; considered above Intermediate Magic Sub-Skills Each cost 50 Gold Coins.
Sound Magic; considered an Advanced Combat Magic Sub-Skills thus costs 100 Gold Coins.
Psionic & Enchantments Magic; considered Advanced Magic Sub-Skills Each cost 5 Platinum Coins.
Rune Magic; considered an Advanced Ancient Magic Sub-Skills thus costs 10 Platinum Coins.
『Basic Attribute Stats』:
Strength; would determine your attack damage for melee weapons and the maximum weight that your body can carry.
Agility; would determine your movement speed, attack speed, as well your dodge rate.
Endurance; would determine abilities such as Stamina, energy, resilience & staying power.
Dexterity; would determine your nimbleness & fine motor control and affects Craftsmanship, hit rate as well as damage for range weapons. Can be augmented by the Aiming Skill.
Vitality; determines energy, vigour and liveliness which affect Defence Power.
Durability; would determine the toughness, robustness & hardiness of the Body.
Intelligence; would determine aptitude & astuteness affecting use of magic spells as well as your Mana Power.
Knowledge; determined by gained Information Mana points affecting use of magic spells as well as your Mana Power
Wisdom; determined by the application of gained knowledge affecting use of magic spells as well as your Mana Power
Charisma; would determine your interactions with Natives & Users.
Leadership; would determine your ability to lead Natives & Users and boosts given on anyone in your party that you are leading.
Reputation; would determine your accomplishments within the game this also increases intimacies with Natives. Reputation can have a negative value. Every Guild point earned at the Adventures Guild adds 1 mini-EXP to Reputation.
Awareness; would be determined by alertness, responsiveness & perception affecting knowledge.
Sensitivity; would be determined by compassion, sympathy & kindliness to others affecting how they see you and your Reputation.
Observation; would determine abilities in scrutiny, surveillance and inspection.
EXP = Experience
1 EXP = 1000 micro-EXP
1 micro-EXP = 1000 mini-EXP
Every footstep generates 1 mini-EXP in Strength, Agility and Endurance.
Every use of 1 Mana generates 1 mini-EXP in the Skill the Mana was used.
Every action taken in Realm Eternal generates 1 mini-EXP in any number of Areas for Natives, Users, Demons and Monsters.
Combat Experience generates a percentage increase in EXP gain of Active Attributes and Skills.
If Enemy HP - User/Native HP ≤ -10000 then percentage EXP increases 0.000001%
If Enemy HP - User/Native HP = 10000 then percentage EXP increases 100% (Double EXP)
If Enemy HP - User/Native HP = 0 then percentage EXP increases 50%
All other increases can be extrapolated.
Since EXP is based on the Activity of Attributes and Skills Experience is gained regardless of whether the enemy is killed. However Adventurer’s Guild points will require that monster carcases or parts thereof be delivered as proof.
Physical Attack Power 『Atk』 = 75% (Strength) + 25% (Agility) + 5% (Dexterity) + 5% (Durability) + 5% (Eyesight) + 0.2% (Intelligence) + 1.5% (Wisdom)
Physical Defence Power 『Deff』= 75% (Durability) + 25% (Vitality) + 25% (Agility) + 0.5% (Observation) + 0.5% (Knowledge) + 0.5% (Awareness) + 0.2% (Intelligence) + 1.5% (Wisdom)
Health Power = Sum of all Attribute EXP + Sum of all Skill EXP
Mana Power = Knowledge EXP + Intelligence EXP + Wisdom EXP + Magic Skill EXP + Mana Shaping EXP.
Skill EXP = Sum of all Sub-Skill EXP + Affinity bonus EXP
For Users Total initial Stats are:
200 = Sum of all Attribute EXP + Sum of all Affinity + Sum of all Proficiency.
『HP = 196』 『MP = 34』 『Atk = 11.92』 『Deff = 15.842』
《Strength = 10》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 15》 - 《Durability = 10》 - 《Endurance = 10》 - 《Sensitivity = 20》 - 《Vitality = 22》 - 《Eyesight = 10》 - 《Charisma = 15》 - 《Leadership = 15》 - 《Awareness = 15》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 10》 - 《Knowledge = 10》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 10》
『Magic Skill = 4』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】.
『Evaluated to be the simplest Avatar type for users』
『Beast Human』 : Evaluated to be the most Melee Combat capable Avatar type for users
Horned-Folk, Ape-man, Winged-Folk & Mer-Folk have nearly the same starting starts with minor differences. Rabbit-Ears have a higher focus on Agility, Endurance, wisdom and vitality.
『HP = 196』『MP = 28』『Atk = 18.236』『Deff = 25.566』
《Strength = 16》 - 《Agility = 16》 - 《Dexterity = 10》 - 《Durability = 20》 - 《Endurance = 25》 - 《Sensitivity = 5》 - 《Vitality = 25》 - 《Eyesight = 12》 - 《Charisma = 5》 - 《Leadership = 6》 - 《Awareness = 18》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 10》 - 《Knowledge = 8》 - 《Wisdom = 8》 - 《Intelligence = 8》
『Magic Skill = 4』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】.
『Raptors, Foxtails, Cat-Ears & Wolf-fang have nearly the same starting starts with minor differences.』
『HP = 196』『MP = 34』『Atk = 19.12』『Deff = 22.86』
《Strength = 16》 - 《Agility = 20》 - 《Dexterity = 8》 - 《Durability = 15》 - 《Endurance = 18》 - 《Sensitivity = 6》 - 《Vitality = 25》 - 《Eyesight = 16》 - 《Charisma = 5》 - 《Leadership = 5》 - 《Awareness = 18》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 10》 - 《Knowledge = 10》 - 《Wisdom = 10》 - 《Intelligence = 10》
『Magic Skill = 4』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】.
『Evaluated to be the most Compatible with the crafting profession.』
『HP = 185』『MP = 52』『Atk = 21.2』『Deff = 17.11』
《Strength = 22》 - 《Agility = 8》 - 《Dexterity = 25》 - 《Durability = 18》 - 《Endurance = 12》 - 《Sensitivity = 7》 - 《Vitality = 5》 - 《Eyesight = 7》 - 《Charisma = 5》 - 《Leadership = 7》 - 《Awareness = 7》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 10》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 12》 - 《Intelligence = 10》
『Magic Skill = 15』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】.
Halfling: Half-Dwarf inheriting the short stature of the dwarf; with medium Magical Affinity & Proficiency in Earth, Fire & Appraisal Magic the values for those stats are half of the Dwarf and that improves other initial stats.
『HP = 186』『MP = 59』『Atk = 16.205』『Deff = 12.67』
《Strength = 14》 - 《Agility = 14》 - 《Dexterity = 14》 - 《Durability = 10》 - 《Endurance = 10》 - 《Sensitivity = 8》 - 《Vitality = 5》 - 《Eyesight = 15》 - 《Charisma = 10》 - 《Leadership = 9》 - 《Awareness = 10》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 14』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】.
『Evaluated to be the most versatile Avatar type for users』
Half-Elf is by far the most highly recommended Avatar type for users; it is the most flexible of all the available Races.
『Elf』 : The Elf population consists of 7 clans and in order to avoid users distorting the composition of the Elf population users can’t choose the type of Elf. Users can choose hair colour and eye colour but the type of Elf they end up becoming is subject to the Probability of Selection.
For every 1000 users who choose the Elven Race there’s a random assignment of 285 Night Elves, 24 Dark Elves, 147 Wood Elves, 151 Water Elves, 240 Forest Elves, 152 Fire Elves and 1 High Elf.
Warning: Elves are tall, thus minimum height is 177cm for both male and Female. Elves have high body symmetry and Male Elves have a feminine like, hermaphrodite or androgynous face and body appearance so features will be automatically altered to fit this mould.
『Probability of Selection Percentages』:
High Elf = 0.1%
Night Elves = 28.5%
Dark Elves = 2.4%
Wood Elves = 14.7%
Water Elves = 15.1%
Forest Elves = 24%
Fire Elves = 15.2%
[*] Given that Nabi Elrick intended to be a Magic user in the Realm eternal he decided to do a thorough analysis of the Elven Race.
『High Elves』: Probability of Selection = 0.1%
Evaluators have named the High-Elf the Cursed Elf and it’s deemed to be the most difficult Avatar to raise. Ranked as the worst possible choice for an Avatar, and best suitable for merchants.
『HP = 141.5』『MP = 104』『Atk = 5.305』『Deff = 2.15』
《Strength = 5》 - 《Agility = 3》 - 《Dexterity = 5》 - 《Durability = 1》 - 《Endurance = 1》 - 《Sensitivity = 1》 - 《Vitality = 1》 - 《Eyesight = 5》 - 《Charisma = 1》 - 《Leadership = 1》 - 《Awareness = 4》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 10》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 58.5』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
『Dark Elves』: Probability of Selection = 2.4%
Evaluators have Ranked it as the highest latent potential magic capacity possible choice for an Avatar, and best suitable for shadow mages.
『HP = 168』『MP = 77』『Atk = 11.755』『Deff = 7.68』
《Strength = 10》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 10》 - 《Durability = 5》 - 《Endurance = 8》 - 《Sensitivity = 5》 - 《Vitality = 4》 - 《Eyesight = 15》 - 《Charisma = 2》 - 《Leadership = 2》 - 《Awareness = 12》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 32』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】.
『Night Elves』: Probability of Selection = 28.5%
Evaluated to be most user friendly choice for a Magic user’s Avatar
『HP = 173.5』『MP = 71.5』『Atk = 11.755』『Deff = 7.68』
《Strength = 10》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 10》 - 《Durability = 5》 - 《Endurance = 8》 - 《Sensitivity = 5》 - 《Vitality = 4》 - 《Eyesight = 15》 - 《Charisma = 10》 - 《Leadership = 5》 - 《Awareness = 12》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 26.5』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
『Wood Elves』: Probability of Selection = 14.7%
Evaluated to be most user friendly choice for woodworking crafters.
『HP = 169』『MP = 76』『Atk = 11.705』『Deff = 6.93』
《Strength = 14》 - 《Agility = 14》 - 《Dexterity = 14》 - 《Durability = 10》 - 《Endurance = 10》 - 《Sensitivity = 8》 - 《Vitality = 5》 - 《Eyesight = 15》 - 《Charisma = 10》 - 《Leadership = 9》 - 《Awareness = 10》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 14』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
『Water Elves』: Probability of Selection = 15.1%
Evaluated to be the best choice for Magic users.
『HP = 167.5』『MP = 77.5』『Atk = 16.205』『Deff = 12.67』
《Strength = 8》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 8》 - 《Durability = 5》 - 《Endurance = 5》 - 《Sensitivity = 5》 - 《Vitality = 4》 - 《Eyesight = 12》 - 《Charisma = 8》 - 《Leadership = 5》 - 《Awareness = 12》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 32.5』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 10】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
『Forest Elves』: Probability of Selection = 24%
Evaluated to be the second best choice for Magic users.
『HP = 168』『MP = 77』『Atk = 11.555』『Deff = 7.68』
《Strength = 10》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 10》 - 《Durability = 5》 - 《Endurance = 5》 - 《Sensitivity = 5》 - 《Vitality = 4》 - 《Eyesight = 11》 - 《Charisma = 7》 - 《Leadership = 4》 - 《Awareness = 12》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 15》
『Magic Skill = 32』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof =1】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 0 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
『Fire Elves』: Probability of Selection = 15.2%
Evaluated to be the most Combat capable Avatar for Magic users
『HP = 172』『MP = 75』『Atk = 11.759』『Deff = 7.684』
《Strength = 10》 - 《Agility = 10》 - 《Dexterity = 10》 - 《Durability = 5》 - 《Endurance = 8》 - 《Sensitivity = 2》 - 《Vitality = 4》 - 《Eyesight = 15》 - 《Charisma = 8》 - 《Leadership = 5》 - 《Awareness = 12》 - 《Reputation = 0》 - 《Observation = 8》 - 《Knowledge = 15》 - 《Wisdom = 15》 - 《Intelligence = 17》
『Magic Skill = 28』
Magic Sub-Skills, Affinity & Proficiency
【Earth Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Fire Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 5 ~ Prof = 5】 - 【Wind Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Water Magic EXP = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】- 【Ice Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Alchemy Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Appraisal Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Enchantments Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 【Light Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Plant Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Psionic Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 0】 - 【Rune Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】 - 【Sound Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 2.5 ~ Prof = 2.5】 - 【Shadow Magic Exp = 0 ~ Aff = 1 ~ Prof = 1】.
- - -
Nabi Elrick Resolved to risk it and take the Elven Race despite everyone on the forums saying that the Half-Elf was the best all rounder & probably the best choice for a BattleMage. Nabi Elrick who went by his father’s surname Elrick had been online for over two days straight and once he made his decision he fell asleep. Elrick slept peacefully for the first time in weeks; something he desperately needed.
The next day Elrick took his first shower in weeks and then put on his business suit and packed the documents he’d printed the previous night then headed of to the South African Department of Trade & Industry (DTI). At the DTI Elrick completed changing the name of his Closed Corporation (CC) and upgraded it into Pty Limited Corporation named 『Starlight Spark』 .
Elrick had used his CC to sell hand made figurines at comic book conventions, Cosplay events and other related events. The hand made figurines business didn’t really make money and it was mostly a hobby, however the Starlight Spark Corporation was a proper business venture that would provide a livelihood for more than himself.
Elrick needed Starlight Spark to be a Pty Limited Corporation in order for it to be registered as a legitimate company with other countries; starting with Britain his other home country. Elrick had plans to capitalize on the opportunity provided by the Phoenix Consortium through Atlantis & the Realm Eternal. Elrick then went to the local branch of his bank in order to sign documents. Elrick then went to his Alma-Mater; the university where he gained his 4 Degrees.
- - -
Elrick was filled with emotions by the wave of nostalgia as he looked upon UCT; the university where he had spent the bulk of his formative years.
Elrick : " I still have friends in this place; it’s still Home!"
Elrick mutters to himself as he approached the Administration building.
Upon receiving his Academic Record Elrick went to the Science Buildings to visit his friends; Edwin Winston (PhD in Astro-Physics), Jason Zava (PhD in Experimental Astro-Physics) & Carol Ringani (PhD in Geology). Elrick could hardly wait to gaze upon the smiling faces of his friends; the people who Elrick considered his truest friends.
- - -
Theirs was a friendship forge in fire; formed when all the 5 of them were put in the same dorm because they were so close in age. The fifth member of the group Estelle van Onsling (PhD in Microbiology) was in New York working for the CDC. Together they were once known as the Fortunate Five; Fortunate in that they had all received full Scholarships to attend the University.
The Fortunate Five were lead through their first year at university by the oldest amongst them the 15 year old Estelle; the others being 14 years old. Only simple people use the word genius, and they do so because they don’t know any better. Academics don’t use the word genius because they understand that True Genius is a Myth, and to the scholarly of this world when you say a genius you may as well be talking about big foot.
Academics don’t misunderstand talent for genius. The Fortunate Five have talent, but talent is merely the starting point, it is the application of that talent that produces an acute intellect. Unfortunately the Knowledge necessary to produce an acute intellect cannot be spoon-fed, it requires the passion to seek that knowledge; thus the Five are Fortunate because they had the passion for acquiring knowledge.
When faced with a talented individual an IQ test can’t tell you the level of an acute intellect; IQ tests simply measure how well an individual is adapted to their environment. One of the things an IQ test can’t measure is If you’re an over 18 year old monolingual English speaker learning to read, write and speak a language like Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin or Russian poses a technical challenge equivalent to acquiring an MBA.
The Fortunate Five didn’t possess magical powers such as Eidetic memory commonly known as photographic memory; that is the stuff of fiction. The very Idea of a photographic memory is absurd, and only people who don’t understand that memory is stored in organic living Brain tissue would ever postulate such nonsensical hypotheses.
Yet another thing that made the Five Fortunate was that they had been born in the modern age where the best predictor of success in life is Education. In the modern world being Strong, able to Run-Fast & Long, able to throw/kick a ball, able to climb or able to fight is not as useful. What all countries desire and compete for is people with properly accredited Masters Degrees.
With an accredited science orientated Masters Degree one could theoretically be accepted by any country. The Fortunate Five are such people; they didn’t waist their childhoods playing sports for they had the passion to seek that knowledge. There is a reason why individuals with an acute intellect are not particularly athletic, and that is because there’s a limit to how quickly humans acquire information.
A child who studies and a child who plays sports develop along divergent Brain Development paths. A young child who reads books stimulates a brain development path that creates an acute intellect. As the old saying goes; you are your information. Thus a child with a passion to seek that knowledge develops a brain that acquires knowledge faster, and that creates an insurmountable gap with other children that is eventualy perceived as prodigy.
Even with the development of VRMMORPG most game developers could not cater to the needs of the intelligent, and thus most games gave an unrealistic so called ‘Balanced’ scenario where game construct favoured Braun over brain; mêlée over mage.
- - -
Elrick smiled as he saw his old friends at the café in the science buildings cluster.
Elrick : " sup!"
Jason : "Ahh! If it isn’t the black sheep of the Illustrious Five"
Edwin : " The prodigal son returns!"
Carol : " Nabi!"
Elrick : " When did it become Illustrious?"
Jason : " Well; the four of us are Illustrious, but you on the other hand are ….”
Carol interrupts Jason
Carol : " Lacking"
Elrick : " Ohh! Is that how it is?"
Edwin : " How are you?"
Elrick : "Better as of 2 days ago"
Carol : " Ah! Realm Eternal?"
Jason : " You always did like your MMO games!"
Edwin : " We’ve also signed up for Open Beta"
Carol : " We’re currently trying out Hipno pod games looking for the best fit for the four of us and our spouses. Want to join?"
Elrick : " I missed the craze over the Hipno Pod games due to the mess in my life, but now I’ve decided to focus all my efforts on Realm Eternal. So I’m gonna pass on your kind offer."
Jason : " Besides your crafting play style doesn’t really suit our adventuring style. What do you mean by focus all your efforts on Realm Eternal?"
Elrick : " Ohh! I’m starting a Farming company called Starlight Spark; look for it! I’ve submitted an outline of my Operations Research Doctoral thesis on VR Commerce to the Atlantis University; I’ve been provisionally accepted pending submission of my Academic Records."
Edwin : " Bachelors Honours in Engineering, Honours in Operations Research, Masters in Applied Maths and another Masters in Operations Research. You’re all over the place aren’t you?"
Carol : " Are you finally settling in on Operations Research?"
Elrick : " No! Since I don’t intent to do any post-Doctoral work I’ll do the Applied Maths Doctoral thesis after I complete the Operations Research Doctoral thesis; the REM-Sleep Pod time dilation officially called time compression should be very useful in this regard."
Edwin : " Very useful indeed! Maybe I should consider another PhD?"
Jason : " I think I’ll do one too"
Carol : " Count me in! Estelle is gonna love this!"
Edwin : " The old gang back together"
Elrick : " Wait! This wasn’t an invitation!"
Jason : " It’s gonna be Epic!"
Nabi Elrick’s friends completely ignore his protests while excitedly talking about how to combine their fields of studies in their PhD’s at Atlantis University.
- - -
Elrick’s reunion with his friends greatly lifted his spirits and thus gave him the confidence he needed to face the members of his guild. Elrick returned to the home of his uncle; his mother’s youngest sibling. Elrick’s uncle James had always been fond of Elrick, and when Elrick’s life fell into disarray he amongst the first to offer a helping hand.
And James Dirang having been through a similar trauma offered Elrick the small apartment above his garage rent free while he got his life back together. James had used the small apartment above his garage as storage for junk, and if Elrick cleaned it up it was his rent free. James Dirang is a senior Engineer in the employ of the local Provincial government and so has some travel requirements therefore having Elrick around to potentially aid his housekeeper was a benefit for James.
- - -
And so Elrick logged onto the long running MMORPG game 『Ancient Magic』 his favourite online game to meet up with the 27 members of his guild. He had sent a message to all of them to meet him at the guild hall upon reviewing the documents he had couriered to them a day earlier. Elrick knew that the support of the somewhat quirky members of his Guild was crucial to his plans.
One of the eccentricities of the guild members is that they all have names that indicate some sort of crafting specialty; Bowden, Hammerin, Blade, Swordin, Daggerin, Rapier, Staffen, Spear, Chester, Boot, Arrow, Armlet, Ring, Grinder and Axil amongst others. Elrick himself went by Elrick Craft in 『Ancient Magic』.
Upon Elrick’s avatar entering the conference room of their guild hall Elrick saw that everyone was already there.
Bowden : " Leader; praise be!"
Yet another of their peculiarities is the way they address each other and their mannerisms at the guild. This is all part of their role playing.
Swordin : " Hail Guildmaster!"
All the members repeat the words “Hail Guildmaster!”
Hammerin : “ Welcome back Guildmaster!”
Elrick : " Thank you master Bowden, master Swordin, master Hammerin"
Grinder : " We have been waiting Guildmaster!"
Swordin : "Indeed "
Bowden : " We await your guidance Guildmaster"
Hammerin : " Lead us!"
Elrick : " I suppose I owe you all an explanation about the packages you received and undoubtedly reviewed"
Grinder : " Yes!"
There is a slight murmur as the others agreed with Grinder.
Elrick : " That you may understand the path I’ve chosen for myself I will tell you of the events of the past 2 months"
They all sense that their Guildmaster is about to say something deeply personal and hesitate.
Swordin : " Leader; we will hear you out"
Elrick : " Two months ago, no exactly 11 weeks ago I came upon some information that my Fiancé was seen acting cosy with another guy; I won’t get into the details of the how I found out except to say that it was a picture taken by someone connected to the spouse of a colleague. I suppose the reason it became such a big issue is that the other guy was my supervisor at work. Elise and I worked for the same company, worked in the same building; in fact she got me the job. She was in the accounting department and I was in the quantitative role. Anyway I find out this thing, and instead of confronting Elise I do the cowardly thing and hire a private investigator to get me physical proof."
Bowden : " Of course!"
The others nod in agreement with Bowden’s exclamation.
Elrick : " At the time I didn’t know that the guy that my Fiancé was seeing was Jack Irving my supervisor. So when the pictures and videos came in I was incensed, and as such acted before I fully comprehended the consequences of my actions. I posted the videos online and sent copies to Jack’s wife via a courier!"
Hammerin : " Huh!"
Grinder : " I suppose it couldn’t be helped!"
Elrick : " That’s what I said; it couldn’t be helped!"
Swordin : " Hahahaha!"
Somehow understanding Elrick’s point of view the others give a soft laughter.
Elrick : " The next day the proverbial poop hits the fan! Jack punches me in the face in front of everyone at work and calls me a little shit. Fortunately the security restrains him before I get a serious beat-down. God only knows how I stayed conscious throughout the whole thing given the pain from my broken nose!"
Arrow : " We’re not built for violence after all!"
Bowden : " Some of you!"
Most of the others seem to agree with Arrow.
Hammerin : " I never imagined your life was so … "
Grinder : " Exciting!"
Elrick : " Oh! It gets worse"
Bowden : " Really?"
Elrick : " It turns out that Jack’s wife was so pissed-off she waived a gun around, and apparently fired a few shots. The police were called and the whole thing became a legal mess; massive bribes will have to be paid to make the thing go away. As luck would have it Jack’s wife turned out to be the granddaughter of the owner of the corporation that is our company’s biggest client, and Jack himself belongs to one of the two families that effectively own the company I worked for. The whole thing became far larger than I had anticipated; I was too Naïve!"
Grinder : " Naïve?"
Elrick : " Naivety is the curse of the intelligent; especially more so for those of us in South Africa. You see South Africa doesn’t have sophisticated sports infrastructure in its schools; so the only way schools can distinguish themselves is with the academic performance of its learners. As such kids with high academic aptitude are the pride of their schools. Thus as you might imagine any attempt to bully such a kid would bring fourth the wrath of God so to speak; by that I mean there would drastic consequences for anyone trying to bully a child with high academic aptitude. I was such kid!"
The others are surprised to learn that smart kids are at the top in SA schools.
Swordin : "You were sheltered?"
Elrick : " Protected and Sheltered to the point where I became Naïve about the behaviours and reactions of the common man. So when I learned of Elise’s infidelity I took action without the capability to understand the entirety of the consequences of such actions; my forecast was to Naïve!"
Bowden : " What happened?"
Elrick : " Needless to say the company that I worked for lost its biggest client! Other clients panicked; Everyone Bailed! As the saying goes; no one wants to be the last man on a sinking ship! No one wants to be left holding the bag! I was blamed, and of course was summarily Fired! Fortunately my attorney pointed out that since I didn’t contravene the terms of my employment it amounted to unfair dismissal. Jack’s punch to my face was the Coup de Grâce that forced the company to pay out the 3 remaining years of my contract at $80000 year amounting to $240000, and Jack paid me $50000 to avoid assault charges and a damages lawsuit. But of course it’s a Pyrrhic Victory!"
Grinder : " You burned your bridges!"
Elrick : " Yeah! I scorched the Earth!"
Axil : " Scorched the Earth?"
Elrick : " Officially I’m Innocent! However unofficially I’m the Quantitative Analyst who engineered the near collapse of the major corporation I worked for just to settle a score with one of its major shareholders. And to add insult to injury I left on a Golden Parachute!"
Armlet : " Golden Parachute?"
Swordin : " It’s like a Golden Handshake except you get a massive payout and leave while the company is in crisis; other lower level employees leave with nothing."
Elrick : " Hundreds of people will loose their jobs, and because of my Naïve actions I’ll never be able to find work as a corporate Quantitative Analyst. After Tax the $290000 payout was barely enough to cover the balance on the $400000 apartment I had bought to serve as a home for Elise and me after marriage. Revenge really is a double edge sword!"
Bowden : " Which brings us to the reason for this meeting?"
Elrick : " With no employment prospects in my field I have no choice but to branch out. Fortunately the Bifröst Portal open up and I saw the Glow of the Realm Eternal. I’ve been accepted into Atlantis University to do an Operations Research Doctoral thesis on VR Commerce. To that end I launched Starlight Spark Pty Limited to operate as an Item farming Corporation in Realm Eternal. As a bonus for being amongst the first 100 to register a business I got free office space in Atlantis Tower; 2 rooms of 4m X 4m & One 10m X 10m room free forever. Starlight Spark is not restricted to Item farming but I expect this to be the primary business. I’ve sent all of the relevant documentation, and I now ask you to join me; become my business partners!”
There is a slight murmur causing Elrick to stop and look around.
Elrick : " This is undoubtedly a difficult choice, and I’ll understand if you decline, but consider it carefully! When I started playing MMORPG games I chose Ancient Magic as my favourite online partly because of the wide spectrum of its users. When I formed the guild Society of the Invisible Background Characters it brought me into contact with 27 like minded people, and the guild became affectionately known as SotIBc, but now I ask you to abandon every thing we’ve built in Ancient Magic. When I formed SotIBc I put the restriction that members had to have at least 2 Degrees from an Accredited University in order to guarantee that there’d be to stragglers; I was looking for people who would be able to understand me. That restriction was a curse. Locked away in our workshop we create sought after high quality Items at our leisure, but isn’t this yet another mirror of our real live? Is this not yet another place where we geek out on game science and tech? RPGs are an opportunity to do things differently, but we’ve somehow reproduced our reality. When the VR breakthroughs were announced I began selling my Ancient Magic Items, and by liquidating everything I raised $35000”
Swordin : " Ah! But at the time they said VR games would take 5 years?"
Elrick : " I admit that at the time my decision was driven by pure excitement! Anyway by selling all your Ancient Magic Items you should be able to raise 5 to 7 thousand USD. The minimum buy-in into Starlight Spark is $5000, and as a shareholder you’ll have to buy your own Pod, but fortunately open beta Pods are $1500. After paying off the Apartment in Jo’Burg I was able to sell it for $450000 tax free because it’s my sole residence, and so I’ve already paid $10000 to Register a Business that operates in Realm Eternal during the Open Beta, $135000 for 150 linked REM-Sleep Pods at $900 each, $5000 to register the business in 7 other countries, $1500 to an employment agency to find me 150 unemployed youths between the ages of 18 & 25 willing to work for $200 a month."
Grinder : " $200 a month? That seems a bit low?"
Elrick : " $200 a month is the going rate for unskilled workers in South Africa given the high unemployment. In any case $200 a month is only the baseline; they’ll also get 10% of the final value of any Item they recover. My expenses on Starlight Spark so far amount to $151500 and I have to keep $90000 in reserve to cover at least 3 moths in salaries for the workers."
Bowden : " That’s $241500 in total?"
Grinder : " That means you could theoretically operate on you own! Why bring us in on a potentially lucrative project?"
Elrick : " More than the money what I’m in need of is your gaming experience in the management of Starlight Spark. I want to devote all the workers to the combat role, and that leaves the management to the crafting role in support of the fighting force. Crafting skills are the most expensive skills in Realm Eternal, followed by Magic Skills and then lastly Combat Skills. Initially there will be a necessary investment in Crafting skills, Magic Skills and Combat Skills in order to give us a head start in Realm Eternal. Since the Employees of Starlight Spark actually own their avatars we can’t invest Real World Money in their Skills; we are restricted to equipment in that regard. Expensive skills will require vested interests like that of a shareholder. All this is in the business plan I sent to all of you, and I can’t share any further details until I have more than your verbal commitment!”
They knew that Elrick would not reveal any further the tactics he’d planned to use in Realm Eternal until they invested money and became shareholders of Starlight Spark.
- - -
- In Serial23 Chapters
A D&D Gamer in Garweeze Wurld
He doesn't know how he got here, and while the trappings are familiar, he doesn't actually know where he is, either. From the perspective of those around him, Duromar is a half-ogre barbarian, an uncivilized brute by any standard you care to use. But from his perspective, he's a character created in a gaming system. From either one, he must live within the rules of that system. This is the story of a gamer who ends up in a game that's just a bit off from what he knows. ---- I wanted to write something a little bit old-school. Most of the LitRPG I've found seems to be based on computer RPG styled stories. Progression through levels is fast, and depending on the game, skills and even attributes can be trained with or without class levels. This wasn't true with the older pen and paper games, and that's the style of leveling I wanted to write.
8 189 - In Serial15 Chapters
Warrior's Oath
What did the past forget and what had history remembered? Witness the memorable stories of three ancient warriors from distant lands: Norway, Japan and France. Connected by fate spinning webs that tie to many other kingdoms, controlled by a god lurking in the shadows. An 11th-century tale of truths and lies, the misdeeds of humans. A viking from the north guilty of sins swore an oath to live. A samurai from the east hungry for revenge swore an oath to kill. A knight from the west desiring strength swore an oath to protect. Answer me this, not as a feeble mortal but a disciple of war whose fame is immortal. Are you brave enough to swear the warrior’s oath? Edit: I do not own the cover, weekly updates on Tuesday and Saturday
8 523 - In Serial9 Chapters
Demon Of War
Aaron, dejará su nombre grabado, mientras viajas a los miles de mundos.
8 147 - In Serial26 Chapters
Are You Okay!?!? (Wrong number PJO and Avengers crossover)
After a wrong number texted Tony does some investigating but the answer to his question only make him more concernedOn the other side of the phone Percy and the other Demigods try's to find Nico after he runs off but as time goes on they only get more concerned for his safety and well-beingThis work is currently being edited so things might not line up right#1 in Percy on August 24 2020#1 in PercyJackson on September 27 2020#1 in Hoo on January 31 2021#5 in tony on February 8 2021
8 220 - In Serial123 Chapters
The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world
After excreting golden eggs for a number of months, Robert is visited by a talking goose who informs him that he's been selected to go on a pilgrimage to awaken the earth's Guardians and stop the machinations of the Raven. A novel about the nature, manifestations and dangers of belief set against the backdrop of environmental apocalypse and global political turmoil.
8 207 - In Serial27 Chapters
Diary Of An Archaeologist - Wattys 2019 Non-fiction Winner
As a little girl I loved Indiana Jones, not Harrison Ford, no, Indy. I dreamed about one day exploring ancient temples just like him. Now, as an adult, many say I am a real life Indiana Jones. I'm an archaeologist with a masters degree in Cultural Heritage who works in museums and goes to excavations. I've seen the temples, held the skulls, encountered the creeps who only want the treasure, and yes, IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM. But I'm not Indy, I'm no hero, no finder of priceless treasures; I'm just one person in a team of amazing experts who's job it is to try and uncover the truth about our past.And these are my stories.🎖2019 Watty Award winner Non-fiction🎖#1 in autobiography 11-09-2019
8 193