《The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic》Episode 15-Missiles.


"Dave we are currently working with the military to develop homing missiles…" He carried on explaining while pushing forth a few documents which I quickly read and understood.

"So, you want me to check what is wrong with the software or rather the missile itself?" I asked him.

"Yes." He nodded.

"We can provide you with a permanent contract if we find your work satisfactory." He added thinking I would be interested.

I thought for a while thinking how long it would take me to develop a missile like this perfectly with the help of my abilities and mind.

"Dr Fargen I am a freelancer and would like to stay as a freelancer. As for this project, I can help you with it but it is going to cost you $100 million dollars in return for developing a perfectly function homing missile." I told him.

"$100 million? That is ridiculous!" Dr Fargen made an outburst.

"Dr Fargen whoever designed this missile had barely any idea of how to do object tracking in programming. Not only that from what I heard these kinds of missiles are outdated due to Stark industries. So even if you were to develop these missiles no one will buy it.

If you were to hire me instead, I will completely revamp the whole missile and develop a missile that will make the military drool after you. And the good thing about hiring me is that I need no credit. Hammer industries can take all the credit for developing the weapon." I told him.

However, he seemed unsure. "I also have another offer for you. IF you provide a review on my website, I will slash the cost of hiring me by 50%. You only need to pay after you are satisfied with the product." I told him as I stood up.


"Call me back when you are interested." I prepared to walk out.

"Wait…" I stopped hearing Dr Fargen calling me out.

"If you were to redesign this missile how long will it take you?" He asked me.

"If I am to be given access to all your resources and facility, I can make a prototype for you to test within a week," I told him.

"1 week!?" He was surprised.

"If I take more than 1 week you need not pay me Dr Fargen," I said as I left the room.

Just as I was walking out of the building the guards refused to let me out. "I am sorry sir, but please wait a minute."

I smiled at this and just waited by the side.

2 minutes later Dr Fargen came running out. "Dave *huff* thank *huff* God you didn't leave." He said while heavily panting.

"Mr Hammer would like to see you." He said to which I smiled.

"Sure, let's go," I told him and motioned for him to lead.

We took the elevator and soon reach a door labelled 'Justin Hammer- CEO'.

*Knock* *Knock*

Fargen knocked on the door. "Come in!" Justin shouted.

I entered through the door to see the first character from the marvel world right in front of me.

"Dr Fargen said you are able to develop a missile that will rival the Starks in a week?" He asked me with a frown.

"I told him I will develop a missile that can make the military come drooling after you in a week. If I can't develop it in a week you don't have to pay me." I told him.

"The way I see it both sides are beneficial to you. You get a missile either way. So, make your choice." I told him.


Justin thought for a while before looking at me with a nasty grin.

"Give me a few minutes." He said as he went out with Dr Fargen.

They came back 20 minutes later with another person holding some paper. "Sorry for the wait."

I knew he was probably gone to check my reliability by calling up the companies I offered my expertise to.

"I agree to your demands. Read these contracts and sign it." He ordered me and pointed to the woman holding some paper.

I read through the documents and saw a clause saying if I were to fail to make the missile in a week then I will work in Hammer industries for 5 years for the minimum wage.

I threw the paper on his desk and walked out.

"Mr Dave please wait." Dr Fargen came after me.

"Dr Fargen as much as I trust in my ability, I frankly don't trust Hammer Industries. There have been countless negative rumours about this company floating about.

Then suddenly Mr Hammer provides a statement in the clause saying I have to work 5 years with minimum wage if I failed to develop the product within a week.

It does not take a genius to work out he is planning something to sabotage me and get my services for free. So goodbye." I told him and turned around to leave ignoring the people who were looking at me annoyingly after stating the company they work for was shit.

"Dave please waits. I can arrange something on the middle ground for all of us. Please give me 10 minutes I will talk to Mr Hammer." Dr Fargen pleaded.

"Ok but 10 minutes. After that, I will leave." I told him and waited there.

I could see Dr Fargen running back to the office and talking with Justin. Both the woman and Dr Fargen were trying to convince Justin who had an ugly expression as if he just swallowed shit.

The woman called someone on the phone as Justin walked around the room throwing a tantrum and occasionally pointing at me while shouting.

Soon Dr Fargen came out of the office just as another woman came running holding a few stacks of paper.

Dr Fargen took hold of the paper and handed it to me.

I read through the contract, seeing there was nothing wrong with it this time I signed it.

Dr Fargen sighed in relief seeing me sign it and quickly handed me a copy and quickly moved me away from Justin before he did anything more to piss me off anymore.

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