《Have Scythe, Will Travel》Titans And Gods
Titans And Gods
My already incandescent rage was only spiked to new heights when I exited the burning shop and was immediately met with the sight of Rinri crucified and gutted atop a pile of burning slaves. The flickering shadows cast by the burning village deepened and writhed, my rage latching onto my connection to Jashin subconsciously.
My shark-like teeth ground together audibly, “Who ever fucking did this will beg for death,” I ground out, my powerful eyes permanently branding the image of the closest thing I have to a friend’s corpse. My typical sadistic humor was utterly lacking from my voice; never before have I been this genuinely infuriated in this world. This will not go unavenged.
My hands shot to my face, tearing my eyes from my skull. I purposely prevented myself from regenerating as I reached into the shadows and pulled out the jar containing Nagato’s eyes. I may not be as good of a surgeon as Rinri, but I figure Jashin could handle the finer details. Fuck, if Madara can just pop Obito’s eye in his skull and use it just fine with a significantly less powerful healing factor, I’m sure I’ll be fine.
I nearly shattered the jar in my haste to get it open, only noticing the minor tremor in my hand as I nearly dropped one of the slick orbs within. I took a deep breath, trying to cool the roaring fires of hate and something I couldn’t quite comprehend.
“Worry not, you will have vengeance, my dear. His killer is still here, still fighting the bounty hunters that were rather unhappy with the unprovoked attack on one of their hubs.” Jashin’s depthless presence settled over me, leaching away some of the pain in my mind and surrounding me with a comforting cold. I leaned heavily into her, letting the black void suffuse my mind, her icy power chill my veins.
“I didn’t know him well and we could hardly be considered friends, but... he was the only vaguely friendly face I had in this world and I suppose some part of me must have gotten attached somewhere along the line. I didn't trust him and I only barely liked him, but positive association is relatively easy when you're alone.” His death hurt more than I thought it would; I wasn’t going to break down in tears, but I was immensely displeased nonetheless. Truly, I was less upset that he was dead and more enraged I had been stolen from and could no longer enjoy interacting with him or exploiting his services; I wasn't sorry for him but angry for what I had lost.
Jashin didn't respond in words, only pushing more of her comforting weight upon me. Were anyone looking they would see my skin darken to look like the voodoo ritual, the bone like markings slowly fading to crimson. Unfortunately, drawing this heavily on Jashin’s power started to rapidly mutate my body.
As tentacles, eyes, teeth, and things I had no name for exploded across my skin, I quickly shoved Nagato's eyes into my head; letting Jashin, her influence greatly enhanced by the amount of her power flowing through me, do the work of rebinding the Rinnegan to the Mangekyou Sharingan. I have no idea what fusing the blueprint for two eyes together entails, but I do know that it felt like an old lady on meth was unweaving my eyeballs with sewing needles and putting them back together differently.
When the sensation was gone and I could release my white knuckle grip from my skull, I immediately began looking around. The very first thing I noticed was that my Sharingan sight still seemed present, though now I had gained slight x-ray vision. If I focused I could seemingly zoom my vision in to distant objects and look straight through things.
“Whatever Madara did to separate the Rinnegan portion of his eyes from the Sharingan part, I couldn't perfectly fix it. Rather than put the eyes back how they were, I just fused the end product.”
While that wasn't exactly what I was looking for, I wasn't about to complain. I cast my gaze to a broken window nearby, seeing my own reflection in the slightly blood stained piece of glass. Both of my eyes appeared similar to Sasuke's Rinnegan with three tomoe around each line. The obvious differences were the shade of purple being noticeably darker and that the lines and tomoe were a black so solid and dark they seemed to leach the light from the air like endless chasms in my skull. Not to mention, Jashin had taken the opportunity to carve her symbol into the third ring, connecting the tomoe in a triangle.
I grinned at my reflection, the expression looking slightly forced even to my own eyes. Letting the expression drop, I showed my true mien; a vicious scowl carving it's way across my face. The glow of my eyes brightened like purple spotlights in my fury; I'm going to carve out well over a pound of flesh for this.
Using my fancy new eyes I glanced through the burning ruins, searching for attackers. It didn't take long; all I had to do was follow the intensity of the flames. When they started changing from orange to blue to green and I found a man who seemed to have stumbled upon the brilliant technique of setting himself alight in indigo flames to enhance his arson skills, I had a destination.
I didn't announce myself, didn't roar in anger or promise vengeance; I simply appeared behind him, scythe already swinging. My massive blades cleaved clean through his legs at mid thigh. When the sharpened hunks of metal passed through him without resistance, I quickly realised he wasn't on fire, he was of fire.
I teleported in front of him just as the space behind him was bathed in green flames, affixing my customary psychotic battle smile even if it was lacking the normal humour behind it. Some part of the town behind me exploded as some other attacker battled with other bounty hunters and my smile widened as fires spread behind me; whoever was defending my town was officially in my good books.
I looked the fiery man in the space where his eyes should be, my Rinne-Sharingan (though, calling it such may not be entirely accurate considering it doesn't seem to match up to the real thing entirely…) working overtime to predict how a being of fire would move and how to read it. My eyes seemed to be struggling hard to predict how a being with no muscles, tendons, bones, or actual physical form beyond flickering flames would move; so far the only impression my eyes had of the man was “will probably move… somewhere”. Not super useful.
As soon as he started moving it seemed to click into place; while he had no tendons or other such things, the RS was too sophisticated and powerful to be fooled for long. The Sharingan needs existing data to make predictions, this is true even for the Mangekyo (though to a lesser extent); the Rinnegan however, has blatantly supernatural capabilities (even for this world, it defies the pseudo-science to some extent). Normally, the Rinnegan has no predictive abilities, but when fused with a Sharingan, it took it to a new level.
As soon as the fireman started to move, his foot barely leaving the ashen ground beneath him, the Sharingan realised he seemed to be moving just like a normal human. The difference however, seemed to be the Rinnegan finally “realising” what this new piece of it wanted to do and kicking it's magic into gear; where the Sharingan showed possibilities, the RS showed facts. The Sharingan would tell me that he's probably going to take a long step and slash his massive nodachi (fucking thing was ten feet long!) at me; the RS told me he definitely was going to slash, exactly what speed it would move at, and the exact angle of attack to the fucking atom.
I teleported behind him just before the blade made contact; even without touching me the shear heat coming off of that indigo blade seared layers off my skin and set my clothes alight. I closed my fist on the back of his head, my flesh burning to the bone as I made contact.
“Ningendo,” I called, pulling my blackened, skeletal hand away as I did. Why over complicate things? While I don't particularly like the idea of using that technique (too quick and clean, takes all the fun out of murder), I'm not about to hinder myself when I'm this angry. Unfortunately, my bones didn't have a soul in their grip and I came away with nothing.
My eyes narrowed and my pull became a thrust as flesh crawled back up my bones, my eyes glowing bright. “Shinra Tensei,” an omnidirectional wall of force blasted out around me, blowing the fire man and the sea of flames away along with mountains of debris and a few barely standing buildings.
I was left floating above a small crater with my arms crossed, levitating via the Rinnegan’s ability to manipulate gravity. My scythe floated above me, the cord wrapped loosely around my hovering body. I sneered at the ring of fire around me, my powerful eyes easily detecting unusual movement amongst the flames.
I shot into the air just as a tidal wave of green flame reclaimed the land I stole from it. The central flames swiftly turned purple, my fiery foe reforming to stare up at me. I met his gaze with half lidded eyes, nothing but bored contempt in my gaze; I was trying a new tactic and felt this expression was just too fitting for my current pose.
Evidently the fireman cared equally as little for my haughty disdain as he did my psychotic battle lust as he simply launched a massive fireball at me. There was no chakra in the fire according to my eyes, so the Preta path wouldn't work (yet, I have experiments in mind for that… need to get my hands on some snakes…)
I waved my hand, a small black orb flying off to the side rapidly. Just as the conflagration passed the ball, gravity seemed to shift, all save myself being pulled towards and into the small Chibaku Tensei. Wind picked up, swirling around the black hole and pulling hundreds of pounds of flaming rubble with it, sucking the fire ball away.
My arm shifts to aim at the fireman, another Mini-Chibaku Tensei in my palm. At the last second before I released the attack I shifted my aim, firing at where he would be rather than were he was. Even without true facial features I could feel the shock on his face as his attempt to apparently teleport through the flames failed spectacularly, the small black ball nailing him in the chest and rapidly absorbing his fiery not-flesh.
My smirk turned into a sneer as he once more reformed, though visibly unsteadily. Two extra sets of arms and two more faces bubbled out from my flesh as I activated the Asura path, firing little black holes at a machine gun pace. Before long I had carved the ground into a lumpy crater, the pieces forming little boulders floating around me.
Little burning boulders Jashin reminds me as I scan the barren ground below me for any sign of the foe I'm almost certain isn't dead. I whirl, scythe raised to block the massive blade swung from the tiny meteor floating closest to me.
I grin as I lock eyes with my foe, only the top of his body protruding from the flames rapidly devouring the boulder. With a laugh I twist my scythe, locking his sword between two blades. With a sharp jerk I rip it from his grasp and snap it in two in one swift movement; the steel proving inferior to whatever metal forms my blade. The two still decidedly weapon sized hunks of sharpened metal fell to the now distant earth beneath us as I pointed at my foe, a massive grin on my face.
With a twist of my wrist my extended finger pointed to the sky. The fireman had just enough time to barely contemplate what I meant by that when every single tiny planetoid suddenly launched upwards at mach ten, shooting for the void of space.
My little black hole launching spree served more than to destroy much of the ground beneath me; it also conveniently relocated or put out every single fire in the village. Now, all this fire man had to travel through was swiftly rocketing into the sky and away from the precious fuel it needed to survive.
Not to mention, most people have some difficulties being in hard vacuum.
My eyes widened as green flames rapidly swallowed the sky, spreading from horizon to horizon. My jaw dropped, "Are you fucking kidding me?! Where the Hell did this fucker come from!?" To my surprise, rather than the obvious tactic of slamming all that fire down and consuming everything for miles in flame, a titanic face began to form just above me in indigo flame.
I had to teleport away as a monolithic pillar of a blade skewered the land I stood on seconds before, the flame titan moving faster than anything its size had a right to. The sheer heat produced by this skyscraper sized sword set what remained of the buildings alight for miles just by being in proximity to the purple blade.
I watched as this massive… creature? Slowly began to pull itself from the sky, revealing a vaguely humanoid being of fire so tall his head scraped the surface of the usable atmosphere ten miles up.
I couldn't help but laugh, even when faced with a hopeless circumstance; "Hahahahaha! Well, there goes any semblance of stealth we had!" I had figured the man was a fellow Champion, but this was well beyond the power I had seen or expected.
Jashin growled in my mind, "This is no Champion, this creature somehow devoured his patron God to become a False-Avatar, a Titan. "
I blinked, 'Wait, what! How!? Why!?" I had little interest in attempting to turn on Jashin, and I could tell it would be an abjectly stupid idea, but even the thought it was apparently possible surprised me.
"At great cost, and not willingly. The only way a false-avatar like this could form is if the Champion attempted to draw on all of their God's power before they were ready and their mind and soul burned before they could attempt to reverse the failing process. Such creatures usually go insane and destroy whatever world they're on or simply rampage until something stops them depending on the power of the Champion and God. That this creature hasn't done so and managed to hide its nature from me until now means that somehow, someone managed to get control over it before it rampaged."
I grimaced, "World destroying mindless rage beasts and someone potentially deliberately creating them from champions, fucking great…" A sigh slipped through my teeth, "Okay, one catastrophe at a time. How do I deal with this bastard?"
Only one technique came to mind, but it almost certainly wouldn't be big or strong enough to handle something of this shear scale without using dangerous amounts of Jashin's power and risking turning into something like this creature. Regardless, it was my only real option.
My eyes glowed and swirled as black energy began to waft around me, slowly coalescing into a black skeleton. It formed faster and faster, surrounding me in massive, solid black bones of pure energy before ethereal flesh formed over it followed by clothes that resembled mine, my jacket forming instead of armour and a massive version of my scythe forming in its right hand. While I had no practise in forming a Susano'o, Madara's eyes remembered how. As the ultimate defense reached down to push itself up, legs forming beneath it as it rose, I knew it wasn't nearly big enough. A hundred feet tall is nothing to scoff at normally, but compared to ten miles it was ridiculously underwhelming.
That changed when Jashin lent me her power and I let ludicrous amounts of the dangerous energy flow through me and into the construct. The line between me and my new armour thinned and blurred as the energy flowed between us, allowing me to see through its eyes as it grew larger and larger, an aura of darkness that seemed to eat the light growing around me, dark tendrils of liquid shadow radiating out around me and thousands of eyes of varying sizes forming across my titanic form's shadowy flesh.
Of course, even mindless, my enemy wasn't going to sit back and let me power up unhindered (or, at least whoever was pulling it's strings wasn't going to), and that near twenty mile long sword slashed out to cut me in two as I began to grow rapidly in size.
My scythe, still not nearly as massive as this beast's blade clashed with the pillar of flame, the power of my god showing itself to be superior as the eye filled shadows licking around the glowing crimson blades easily ate away at the much larger weapon.
I knew I couldn't handle this much of Jashin's power, even flowing most of it through my Susano'o. The amount of power flowing through me was not even close to the full scale she could bring to bear, but as my titanic and visibly mutated avatar made far too fleshy to be pure energy rose to the size of my foe, as insignificant as it felt, it would have to be enough. I knew that no matter how quickly I dealt with this, my real body would be a mutated wreck beyond use regardless; it's the remnants of my sanity and soul I need to hurry for.
The red light glowing out from my eyes shifted as giant version of my Rinne-Sharingan overtook the building sized space. I didn't hesitate, slashing my enormous blade forth to take the false God's head clean off; the excruciating pain that was building throughout bodyparts I'm sure I didn't have before was a more than decent enough reason to want to hurry this up even disregarding the potential risk to my mind and soul.
The fire-beast ducked under my swipe, lunging forth like a wild animal in a bid to drive it's blade through my chest. Luckily, even when encased in thousands of tons of shadowy flesh, I was still more than capable of teleporting. Appearing behind the mindless brute, I slammed my foot into their back, throwing them forward what must be dozens of miles as my shadows ate their flame. Before they could hit the ground my scythe caught their shoulder, slicing their blade arm off with a single backwards jerk.
Even through the literally unthinkable pain this whole process incurred, I couldn't help the smirk that spread across my many mouths as I reared back a scythe thousands of times the size of my actual body; for as massive and imposing as this creature (for calling this a man would be giving it too much credit) was, it lacked the intelligence and skill to even approach being a threat to something cable of combating it on its level.
Or so I thought.
Just before the tip of the blades on either side of the flame titan's neck could dig in, it whirled around, catching its fallen blade in its remaining arm, batting away my scythe, and plunging his blade through my right eye (the one that's supposed to be there).
Staring into his hollow eye sockets I saw a flash of sky blue eyes glaring hatefully at me as the mindless husk twisted the blade; I felt nothing from the injury, so any spiteful attempt to inflict pain was entirely pointless on their part.
I grabbed the blade as they attempted to pull it out, putting my scythe between us as I pulled the blade further into me. I slammed my blades forward through the puppet's chest as I wrenched them towards me and with an echoing, multi-tonal laugh I tore my blade to the side and cut them in half.
I almost relaxed as the indigo flames dispersed, almost let my fleshy Susano'o collapse. Almost. And that 'almost' is the reason my true body didn't get a pillar of flame through it.
I leapt to the side, scythe whirling to deflect the hailstorm of arrows the size of skyscrapers raining from even further above me. I grit my teeth as I saw my foe, having abandoned his lower body to heal his gaping chest wound and form what appeared to be a rocket flow beneath him; I don't have time for this shit, I can feel my soul screaming and my sanity dribbling out of my ears.
My jacket bristled before exploding, forming massive purple wings that would have been majestic were it not for the thousands of eyes and tentacles and teeth contaminating them. I gave my brand spanking new wings a few experimental flaps (flattening the ground beneath me and spraying blood and liquid shadows for miles, likely contaminating the area forever) before leaping into the air, scythe trailing behind me.
The flame titan rocketed up to avoid my horizontal slash, firing massive arrows from above and behind once again. Not very creative, is he?
I teleported behind and above him (just to mix things up a bit), my scythe already swinging for his neck. His bow shifted back into his massive blade in an instant, blocking my scythe just before it took his head. My darkness was quick to overwhelm his flame, but before I could carve through his blade he slid under mine, slashing deep between my artificial ribs as he passed behind me.
A grimace stretches across my warped face, twisting off into the distance through all the writhing flesh I have become. That hurt. That shouldn't have been able to hurt. This body is starting to become uncomfortably real… I don't have time to play games here and this dodging asshat isn't making this easy. Uncouth bastard. Doesn't he know I'm on a timer here?
Maybe that's exactly the problem…
While I'm sure this near mindless engine of hate doesn't know much of anything, but whoever's controlling him may at least suspect that I can't maintain this transformation for long. I don't know the extent of their knowledge, but even someone merely observing could make the rather simple guess that this was an unstable technique at the very best.
I whirled around, driving my longest blade through the side of the cretin's head. Given that he was made of flames and had already survived being cut in half, I had no expectations that merely stabbing his head in half would kill him; so I was mildly surprised when all his flames flickered before being sucked into my blade in an instant, the sheer speed of the flames creating a sonic boom from their passing that likely deafened anyone who was foolish enough to stand around and gawk at a fight like this.
I was left blinking, stupefied at my sudden victory. I wasn't expecting to lose, but… seriously? Was it really that simple to kill a titan? Just aim for the head? Really?
Jashin spoke as I allowed my massive Susano to collapse, tainted flesh flooding over the land below me as Jashin's power and my eyeball granted skill cutoff. "No. While destroying the head is a serious blow, he was barely alive even before we started fighting and this battle tore what little was left of his life force away. Whatever means were being used to restrain and control him were extremely harmful; they kept him just barely alive enough to move. In all likelihood, even had we not fought him at all, merely taking his true form would have eventually killed him by itself."
So… that wasn't even the true strength of a Titan, let alone an Avatar? That… makes sense, honestly. I could barely draw on a somewhat appreciable fraction of Jashin's power, and while this fuckwit may have had a lesser god, it was still the full power of a god.
My true body dissolved with the blackened flesh of my pseudo-titan form, though my spirit seemed mostly undamaged. I walked back towards the ruins of the village I had been avenging as I slowly reformed from nothing, too exhausted to put together the focus required to teleport back. And frankly, I wanted to take my time. This desire to take the long way back led to an interesting discovery: the still barely living human body of the titan I just fought.
Apparently, they still had just enough power to live, if barely. I watched them for a moment, feeling nothing as their amber eyes slowly moved from the sky to me. There was nothing in those eyes; no hate, no fear, no anger, no intelligence, no pain, nothing at all. They were empty inside. I almost pitied them, almost. I didn't know who they were or how they became this wretched thing before me, but they had either reduced themselves or been reduced to nothing, not even truly worthy of being called alive let alone a man.
Still, that wouldn't stop me from quickly performing the ritual to feed them and their god to Jashin before they could either die or regain enough power to get up and hassle me. Their god didn't even put up a fight, not even possessing enough will to struggle even a little against Jashin's ethereal jaws.
As my new power settled over me, I simply observed the world around me. The land was either on fire, being warped by Jashin's corruptive power, or both for miles in every direction; the tidal wave of mutated not-flesh had swept over everything and my rabid foe had not exactly been overly concerned with collateral damage when he was shooting flames everywhere. Before my eyes twisted abominations of uncountable mutations were rising from the deluge of sludge; some had likely been survivors or corpses from the raid and my battle, but many more were possibly made entirely of corruption and some even rose from the flames, seemingly formed of smoldering ashes. This singular display of power between two gods had likely created a scourge upon this world that could last decades. Amusing.
I simply observed as what few survivors that and somehow managed to escape (mostly) untainted where hunted down by slathering demons, defiled and murdered or somehow fighting them off in some rare cases. Flames and shadows swallowed the land, creating a warped hellscape that could never be reclaimed by men; were I an Inquisitor, I'd have this world cleansed from orbit and destroyed absolutely. Luckily, I'm not.
A comforting warmth encompassing me drew my amused and slightly melancholic attentions away from the ravaged land around me and back to myself. A single backwards glance was enough to wipe me from my slightly dour mood; my jacket was on fire! No, my feathery coat had somehow transformed into a feathery coat made of indigo flames! That alone was cool enough to be worth whatshisface's life, let alone the equally beautiful purple flames I could now conjure at will!
At least something useful had come from this fucking disaster, though the twisting, branching tentacles that stretched into the skies in place of trees around me was pretty cool on their own.
I grinned, energized both by the ritual and my new and improved swag. I whirled around, watching my coat trail flames from the flickering feathers in delight before I teleported back to the crater I made in the little bounty hunter village. To my surprise, much of the village's outskirts was actually mostly intact and untainted, if a touch on fire. My fight with the flame Titan must have taken me far enough away to leave the village outside the tidal wave of actively evil meat my corrupted susano created. There was even still combat ongoing in some sections; apparently these raider fucks were either brave or stupid enough to see two absolutely massive humanoid monstrosities duking it out above them and just keep fighting.
I guess titanic battles aren't all that unusual amongst shinobi, but even still I'd think two gods having a punch up would inspire some mind shattering terror.
A kunai to the neck only served to heighten my irritation. I teleported backwards exactly four feet, my blade already swinging to cut whatever bastard had taken a shot at me in half, only for said noticeably blonde bastard to vanish in a flash of yellow light.
Fucking great.
"You bear that vile mark around your neck and upon your chest… are you the so called "Red Harvest" marauding about, raping and torturing as you please, cretin?" A voice laced with disdain called out from behind me as a familiar whirring began.
I turned, a grin so wide even my unnaturally widened mouth tore at the edges and bled upon my face as I confirmed who exactly had the fucking balls to attack and spit in the face of not just me but all organized bounty hunters. "Ah, Minato Namikaze. I wondered who was arrogant enough to slight the entirety of organized bounty hunting; why am I not surprised the Leaf was behind this." Just one more reason to reduce that village to ashen ruin; I did still have a wedding gift to hand over to Jashin after all. "Still, I have to say; "Red Harvest"? Now that's an amusing title. Did you give it to me, hmm? Or perhaps," I writhed lewdly, fondling myself in front of him to his visible disgust and revulsion as my serpentine tongue slithered out lick my lips, "was it that pretty little wifey of yours? Mmmm, I'd quite like to get to know her."
He snarled in fury, flinging a blade at me as I hip thrusted at him. I grinned, grabbing the blade out of the air just as he flashed over to grab it. I whispered into his ear as my hand slammed into the back of his head, burning my brand onto him, "Don't worry, I'll let you watch. I might even let you join in if you beg me well enough." I licked his check, slicing him open with the poisoned bone tip and drawing more blood than such a wound should inflict by the grace of anticoagulant stimulants.
He responded with a roar of disgusted fury and a rasengan to the gut, shredding my muscle and bone filled abdomen with ease. I was, of course, entirely unbothered by the gaping hole where a large section of my body used to be and simple began to clench my fist around his skull.
Only for him to simply vanish in a flash of light. I frowned, I wasn't intending to actually kill him (I wouldn't have branded him if I was), but him escaping was annoying nonetheless. I skipped the actual whirling process this time, blasting flames the colour of power directly behind me preemptively.
Interestingly, the bastard was actually intelligent enough to expect me to expect him to teleport behind me and instead teleported right back to the blade in my hand at a different angle, rasengan darting towards my head.
I grinned, eyes glowing as his technique was devoured by the Preta Path and my fist met his face. Or, almost did as he once again vanished before I could hit him.
I'm beginning to understand what my enemies feel like when they fight me… I'm not amused and I don't appreciate the object lesson.
The blonde bastard I intended to feminize and brutalize in front of his wife and future daughter flashed into being to the left of me, said signature flash giving away his teleportation. I flung my scythe out to meet him as I turned with a grin and a contemptuous remark on my lip, only for him to not be there when I turned.
A furious snarl had me whirling back around to see him bearing down on my with his special kunai in both hands. I would grant him an ironic death by using my voodoo ritual and letting him slit his own throat, but then I couldn't fuck her later.
My tongue shot forth, intending to put a lovely little hole in a less than vital section of his guts and toss him away, only for a black hand on blacker threads to slam into him, wrap around his throat, and drag him across the crater for a few fractions of a second before he warped away.
Kakuzu, his strange eyes almost glowing with fury, stepped from the ashen ruins on the edge of the battle field as his arm slithered back into place. "Not only did you burn the bounty I came here to turn in, you burned the bounty office and all the money it was going to give me, and all the local stores I was going to spend some of the money you burned at. I cannot express my irritation in mere words." He cracked his knuckles, his already dark skin turning obsidian black as threads writhed about around him. "Minato Namikaze: Rank: Kage, blood-type: B, bounty: 1.3 billion in Kumo, 1.6 in Kiri, 2.1 in Iwa. So once more a Hokage faces me in battle; I don't intend to let this one live."
I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, now this looks like some fun! Hahahahahahahahaha!"
- In Serial111 Chapters
Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]
[Participating in Royal Road Writathon] [Volume cover by Aslikova] [Fic cover is a wombo] A lonely girl finds herself transmigrated into a book she had dropped as a villainess. Now she must play Xianxia politics, run a duchy that really doesn’t want to exist, handle an overzealous MC with far far too many ‘love interests’, make sense of a System that really shouldn’t work all while making sure she doesn’t die because of simply existing. Are we sure dying is not an option? What you can expect from the book 1) Kingdom Building 2) A person becoming a book villain 3) Xianxia Setting 4) System, stats and skills with Xianxia realms as levels 5) Weak to Strong 6) Female MC 7) Light Comedy, not the focus of the story 8) Non-Loner MC. 9) Action is a sub-theme of the fiction but is not the mainstay.
8 201 - In Serial45 Chapters
The Mystifying Diviner
Content warning, there is cursing in the story and there will be some pretty heavy sexual innuendos in it also. I don’t really plan to write gore, but there will be fight scenes. Fair warning to readers, it is a slow start. But hopefully it is enjoyable for you to read. Follow the story of an old chef who was lucky to be selected to become a system host. Well maybe not so lucky, because gaining the system killed him. He will be given a system that might not be the best match for him. While also having to deal with a snarky system monitor who might not be that helpful most of the time. He will also use his new found powers to enjoy life in a new younger body. What you can expect from this story is bad writing, poor grammar, and slow pacing maybe. Food, cooking, comedy, slice of life, fighting, exploring, tournaments, scamming and probably face slapping. I mean who doesn’t like a good face slapping? This is my take on a cultivation story, a lot of Eastern stuff will be crammed into with a mix of Western. This story started as a goal for myself to write 60,000 words in a month for NaNoWriMo. I was able to do it even with taking days off and not writing. I plan to keep writing the story, but at a slightly slower pace. I am aiming for 2-3 chapters a week now with about 4-7k words written. This is only posted on RoyalRoad currently, and I have no plans to change that for now. Cover art is by Jack0fheart [Participant in the 2021 Royal Road Writathon Challenge for the month of November 2021]
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Pirate Nemesis - Telepathic Space Pirates
A smuggler running from her past, Mercy desperately wants answers to her mother’s disappearance. All roads lead her to the one place she can’t return: home. Killers. Thieves. Pirates. Family. Mercy has spent her life evading the Pirate Queen who attempted to murder her as a child. Now, living as a smuggler with the outlawed Talent of telepathy, she keeps her head down, takes jobs that keep her moving, and searches for answers about her mother’s disappearance fifteen years ago. But living outside the law has consequences. Tricked and captured, Mercy must choose between two rival factions: the terrorists who will do anything to exploit her gifts for themselves, and the pirates she’s been eluding since childhood. Her only ally is the most dangerous killer of them all, and trusting him may be her final mistake. Please note, this is a completed book published elsewhere, if you don't want to wait for the chapters on RR. You can check it out on the author's website , or anywhere ebooks are sold.
8 106 - In Serial8 Chapters
El's Revenge
“Revenge is not for the dead- we, as the living, take revenge to relieve the burden we feel,” I whispered into the air. “Salvation for the people who suffered because of you,” I watched as the city burned in the flames. “Salvation for the people like me, who believed in the proclaimed heroes when in reality they were the devils.” I smiled faintly as the ‘holy land’ of those ‘saints’ was destroyed. I heard rustling sounds as Charlotte came to stand next to me, grabbing my hand. “El, are we the bad guys?” If I was still the same as I was before, I might’ve broken down and started crying. Now, it was different. “A villain is just another victim. They cry and mourn, it’s just that no one heard, leading them into madness. It’s one of the reasons why we know the most, but care the least.” I took a deep breath. “We may be the bad guys in other peoples’ eyes, but in my story, we’re the heroes.” Charlotte took in my words for a while and pondered, before nodding in agreement. “As children, we loved the heroes, as adults we understand the villains.” I looked at her and bonked her on the head, earning an angry glare from her. “Hey! You’re barely an adult yourself you know,” she grumbled. I laughed and ruffled her hair, before countering her. “At least I’m not 12. You can’t even be considered a teenager at that age.” After that, we silently watched the flames ravage the land, before leaving.
8 116 - In Serial21 Chapters
The Alpha And The Shy Girl?
He was intimidating, rough and serious. She was shy, clumsy and cute.Not a fairytale but not an impossible love either...
8 68 - In Serial59 Chapters
Adopted By Ariana Grande
Bella lives in an orphanage with no friends and has no family. She has a bit of a wild side and does something unexpected. Something no one would ever guess.
8 192