《A Slayer’s Diary》Day 4,533


Day 4,533

It has been a very long day.

For the first time in history, Varen's Hold was breached. We tried to hold the front gates and walls for as long as we could, but the never-ending horde of monsters was too much for us. In the end, we retreated to the keep and barricaded ourselves inside the great hall.

Governor Irainor fell during the retreat while holding off the enemy, but he took down five Magrahis with him. Though the giant monsters were easily thrice his height, he fought bravely and killed each one of them until the other monsters overwhelmed him, tearing apart his body.

By the time we were inside the great hall, there were only two hundred of us left. The common foot soldiers had lost all will to fight with the death of the governor, but we Slayers remained firm in our resolve to fight until our last breath; even Eina who had apologized to me for her behavior yesterday.

And so we waited until the doors were torn asunder by a pair of Ograma and the horde poured in. We fought hard, perhaps my hardest battle yet. The narrow entrance proved useful in limiting our enemies, but we are not limitless. We also tire, and soon many of us fell.

I was about to give up and charge head-on in a futile attempt to find the leader and kill it when we heard the horns, and the roar of an army so loud it nearly shook the walls of Varen's Hold.

Our reinforcements had arrived at last.

We routed the enemy afterwards, pushing them back until we joined with the Imperial army. The monsters fled back to the Untamed Lands.

And just for a moment, I thought I felt a chilling gaze sweeping over our forces, but it quickly passed. Was it just my imagination? Instinct tells me it wasn’t.

There are a lot of bodies yet to be buried, and damages that we need to repair before the city can return to its former state. Plans have to be made for a possible retaliation. I know not what will happen, but I know one thing.

The battle is far from over.

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