《The Accidental Archmage - BOOK 9 (THE DRAGON HOUSES)》Note: Free eBook (Book One of the Archmage Series)


Hi. Book 8 of The Accidental Archmage series is slated for release on June 30, 2020, and the manuscript has been uploaded/approved by Amazon.


To celebrate, BOOK ONE OF THE SERIES will be available for FREE DOWNLOAD on Monday, JUNE 29, 2020 (PDT). I wanted to extend the period but unfortunately, the date coincided with the renewal date for its inclusion in Kindle Unlimited (ends 29 June 2020, but will be renewed automatically). I’ll try to add a few days after it has been renewed in the Amazon program.


Finally, my thanks for the enormous support. A lot more have subscribed to my writer's site (soloflyte.blog) and followed me as a writer. It has been an invaluable positive vibe which helped and encouraged me to write more.

The PAVEL MAVETH dark fantasy series is also starting to have its own circle of readers to my (happy) relief. I intended PAVEL to be a counterpoint to the classical heroic mold (albeit quite human) of the Archmage. Even the ARCANUM series is getting people interested. I just might add a 3rd book. Plus the 2nd book of ANCIENT FANGS should come out this year.

I certainly hope more stories would be written. The ideas are there, but time and one’s environment are also crucial factors in getting neurons to get out of bed.

Thanks. Please stay safe.

The Writer.


P.S. The next books of the series mentioned would be –

Archmage Series, Book Nine (hopefully available within the year)

2. Pavel Maveth Series – Book Two (now on pre-order)


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