《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 29: The Devas Regiment & The Eidolon Assassin Guild


Author’s note: I wanted to clear the Queues first, so here’s the last sponsored chapter by our generous Shomari A!

Host’s note: I’m a host and the one posting the story here.

Early in the afternoon, a large group of children were crowding around in the yard of the Jin mansion. Everyone was excited and constantly chattering nonstop amongst themselves.

Then, a youth in white clothes stepped out from his room and entered the Jin Yard. THe moment the children saw this handsome youth, they all quieted down.

Jin Xia looked around as he gave a small nod. Fei Yu and Fei Qing followed right after him as they arrived within the yard a moment later. Jin Xia had a servant notify them to come.

When Fei Yu and Fei Qing saw the group of children, they were both surprised. They had sensed a type of aura that was unique to only cultivators coming from each of the children. But this Qi aura could only be sensed by those either at the mid-stages of the Spiritual Dan realm and above.

Although the Fei sisters were nearing the Spiritual Dan Realm, they logically should not be able to detect such Qi fluctuation. But after being taught by Jin Xia for the past several days, consuming luxurious herbs and practicing high-quality skills, the girls’ senses had prematurely heightened to a new level.

This improvement had allowed them to vaguely sense the Qi aura of others from around them, while still merely being at the late stages of the Wudan Realm!

It was because of this new sense that the Fei sisters had been able to begin differentiating the aura coming from a normal person as compared to a cultivator, allowing them to notice the different Qi aura that the children were faintly emitting.

“Amazing…this many young children and they’re all cultivators? Then…that would mean they should all have at least stepped into the 1st stage of Wudan! Just where did these children come from?!” Fei Qing muttered to herself in disbelief as she scanned the crowd.

While Fei Qing’s guess was not incorrect, it was not fully accurate either. The children had all indeed stepped into the Wudan realm, but they were, instead, already at the 4th stage of Wudan!

This is because the first three stages of Wudan are merely of cleansing the body. And with Jin Xia’s baptizing formations, the children’s body were all thoroughly purified, allowing them to effortlessly step into the 4th stage of Wudan.

In one go, they had attained a strength that many normal people could only hope to obtain.

If anyone was to know the actual cultivation level of these children and spread it, then it would instantly shock the entire country and would even alert those large clans from foreign regions!

Wudan 4th stage cultivators who are twelve years old or even younger!

This phenomenon had never happened before in the Great Azure County, and it is reckoned that only those super-leveled clans out in the world would possess the means to quickly nurture their younger generations to this degree. But even then, the speed of breaking through would not be as quick as Jin Xia’s methods…

With everyone assembled, Jin Xia spoke towards the group of children:

“From today onwards, you are all now a part of my Jin Clan. You will become the true backbone that would support the Jin Clan through its countless generations. You all, from this moment onwards, are commoners no more, but real cultivators.

I will not ask each of you to fight for my Jin Clan, but to fight for yourself. To Live for yourself. Train hard and grasp your own destiny in your hands. From this moment onwards, you now possess the identity as members of the Jin Clan.


If, in the future when you are powerful enough, and any one of you wishes to leave, my Jin Clan will not stop you. This place may merely be the starting point for some of you, while the last for many. My clan’s glory is your glory, and yours shall linked to our clan’s!”

A moment of pause. By now, many of the children who were old enough to understand Jin Xia’s words had a determined expression on their face. Some even had their tiny fists balled up at their side, excitement dancing within the irises of their eyes.

Then, Jin Xia continued: “And now, I will proceed to split you into two groups.”

Jin Xia had thought over the members that he would select for each group. After surveying the children’s soul on their way home, he had more or less grasped a few characteristics that would allow them to succeed either as a soldier or assassin.

Although his guess was no more than speculation, Jin XIa still chose to go by that gut feeling that was honed through aeons of experience.

Like this, the selection process went by quickly as the crowd was split into two batches, one which holds 108 members while the other group had a total of 99 children.

Once the company was organized, Jin Xia turned to the group of a hundred and eight children, saying: “You guys will be the main army of our Jin Clan. The army name, let’s see…“

Jin Xia thought for a few seconds before he continued: “…Alright, let’s call you all the “Devas Regiment.”

Turning to the other group, Jin Xia said: “And for you guys…your group will be known as the “Eidolon Assasin Guild.” Your batch will be in charge of finding and spreading information for the Jin Clan, and dispatching our enemies behind the scene. Well, you might not comprehend my words right now, but you will all understand in the future.”

After speaking, Jin Xia looked over to the Fei sisters who were standing behind the two groups and beckoned with his hand for them to come over. The girls nervously looked at each other before walking towards Jin Xia.

“And these two here will be your supervisors.” Jin Xia said to the children, once Fei Yu and Fei Qing arrived beside him. “This sister in light green clothes is called Fei Qing, she will be the commander of the Devas Regiment. The other sister in light blue dress is called Fei Yu. She will be in charge of the Eidolon Assassins. These two will be also be your training instructors. So, you are all to strictly follow their orders, or face serious punishment!”

“””Yes~! We greet Big Sister Fei Yu (Qing)i!””” The two groups of children all shouted together in a childish voice.

Jin Xia nodded as he smiled at them. On his two sides, Fei Yu and Fei Qing were both feeling completely lost at the sudden heap of responsibility being placed on them.

“Jin Xia…isn’t this…” Fei Yu softly said as she looked over at Jin Xia.

“Do not worry. As you both were once princesses of a large country, you girls possess greater knowledge on military arts and things such as assassins compared to our little Jin Clan at the moment. You and Fei Qing are the ideal people to take on such roles. Also, these young mortals, I mean, children, are still too young. They will have to wait until they’re at least fourteen before we can let them go out for experience!”


In WuDang, one is considered an adult at the age of fourteen. In a jungle-like world, children tend to grow up faster, especially mentally. They are helplessly forced to.

“But, giving us such responsibilities and power while we aren’t even your immediate family members…” Fei Yu said softly.

“No, the moment you both agreed to follow me, I have started to count you guys in as a part of my people. And to my people, it doesn’t matter even if I were to give you a few hundred more armies to control over. And like I already said, you girls have much more experience on this than any of my clansmen.

Moreover, did you not want revenge on those officials of the Great Azure Country? Guiding these children to adulthood would help you get use to commanding an army when the time comes…” Jin Xia said as he smiled faintly back at Fei Yu.

Fei Yu blushed as she lowered her head and gave a timid nod in response. A determined glint had once again resurfaced in her eyes, and Fei Qing, who was standing close and had heard Jin Xia’s words, also had her feelings likewise ignited.

Seeing that the two had finally decided to take on the positions, Jin Xia swiftly took out two golden embroidered bags and handed one of each over to Fei Yu and Fei Qing.

“Since you both have no objections, you will now be in command of these children. Here are two Spatial bags. In each of the bags, there are several dozens of medicinal herbs and martial pill along with multiple Symbol Artifacts and Graded Skills.

For the pills, pick any one of the bottles and distribute one pellet to each of the children, before they start cultivating. They’re all high quality pills anyways. And for each breakthrough they achieve, you may award them any amount of technique books or artifacts as you deem appropriate.

Remember, all the items inside, including skill books, are at minimum Mid-grade while the highest ones are Jade-grade. If you see any items inside that catches your eye, you may take it if you wish and inform me later.” Jin Xia explained.

The pills Jin Xia had placed inside the spatial bags were all 10-stars pill. Even with the high innate qualities of the children now, if they were not nourished with equally high ingredients, they would not be able to maximize their potential.

And what’s more, a 10-stars pill was already the most potent medicine a mortal could consume without any fatal consequences.

To consume any pills above 10-stars would require that person to be at least in the Xing Profound realm.

Otherwise, the backlash they may face could very well lead them to immediate death!

Fei Yu and Fei Qing unconsciously swallowed as they stared wide-eyed at the bag in their palms. The items and pills that Jin Xia had given them to nurture the young ones were simply unbelievably precious in their eyes.

He truly cared about his clan, so much that he was willing to give up such rare possessions…

A person who valued families over riches, was a person to be highly respected, regardless where they go.

With these thoughts flashing through the Fei sister’s’ mind, the girls looked up just in time to see Jin Xia turning around and leaving the courtyard.

A strange light was present in their eyes as their emotions were stirred.

Naturally, Jin Xia did not know how the two girls felt. While the items and medicines that Jin Xia had gave out were indeed worldly precious, that was only in the perspective of those who live in this kind of mortal plane. To an ex-deity like Jin Xia, those “rare artifacts” were barely worth any in his eyes. But even if they did worth something in his eyes, he would still likewise give it to his families and friends.

If not for Jin Xia trying to secretly nurture the children, he would have already taken out much higher leveled artifacts and laid several more great formations to help their cultivation. But alas, he did not want to attract any attention from those truly strong ones outside of the Great Azure Country, so early on.

He was sure that the last formation he had laid back in Kaitech Mountain had already brought over some problems. He was forced to lie low for a bit.

With his weak ability right now, if Jin Xia were to reveal any unusually precious artifact or have any of his formations leak, and the news of this was to spread, then misfortune would definitely come rushing towards him. Although he himself could escape without much problem, Jin Xia was not confident in being able to protect his entire family.

And if a true expert came…then, even protecting himself may be an issue, much less his close ones!

While the chance of this was naturally quite slim, with Jin Xia’s ageless experience, he knew that anything was possible among the Three Great Realms and over.

And he was unwilling to take even that one percent of a chance.

Jin Xia was determined to raise the children in strong warriors by the time they are grown up.

Walking away, Jin Xia had on a pensive expression.

“Hmm…three years…I will have to wait three years before some of these children reach adulthood. But then, there’s also a few young mortals who’re only 11 years old. So, if I wish to employ them, I would have to wait four years total. By that time, in mortal age, I would be 20 years old?

This time frame can be already considered quite short in comparison to the longevity cultivators. Ahhh, I really want to use some more formations to help them grow stronger! If only I was strong enough to not worry about those old hermits who may be lurking somewhere…” Jin Xia grumbled in his mind.

Although some strong cultivators from other nearby countries may have also seen his pillar of light, he knew that they would not move towards the Great Azure country so brazenly.

There are power checks all across the Great Azure country and even within those foreign countries, preventing some clans from carelessly leaving and going to investigate.

Thus, not many true experts could come investigate. But the ones who could afford to do so…are the real ones that Jin Xia were wary of.

At this time, if he were to carelessly attract those old mortals over to his Tian City, or even his Tian province, then he was in for some trouble.

Fortunately, many of these cultivators did not know Jin Xia was the cause, and thus had only searched within the vicinity of Kaitech Mountain. Some had indeed even searched the Tian Province, but for a weak area like that, they had merely given a lazy glance and found nothing.

As for the other three weaker Fao Province, You Province, and Gen Province that bordered southwest, southeast and northwest respectively of the Tian Province; the expert barely gave it a search. These provinces were nearby of the Kaitech Mountain, but they were simply much smaller and even weaker in comparison.

As such, Jin Xia was able to evade detection as expected, and focus on training the children in secret.

Little did Jin Xia know, that in near future, the Devas Regiment that he had created to be the personal aides to his Jin Clan would become one of the most feared army within WuDang.

It would later be called by many, as the “army of gods.”

While the Eidolon Assassins would strike fear into the hearts of those who inhabit the mysterious underground societies.

These two private troops of Jin Xia would inevitably push the Jin Clan into unimaginable heights of fame, glory, and power.

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