《The Empyrean Overlord》Chapter 30: One Month from Now


Host’s note: Going to post 3 chapters in succession to make up for how irregular things have gotten. I’ve been busy with college and other stuff and I’m having a hard time keeping track of even simple things. Remember, I’m not the author but someone hosting this here.

After explaining the usage of the pills, skill books and artifacts within the Spatial bags, Jin Xia left Fei Yu and Fei Qing to allow them to begin training the children immediately.

The Jin Clan needed to get stronger, as soon as possible, if Jin Xia wanted to travel to the outside world without worry.

When Jin Xia returned to his own yard, he saw a middle-aged man in brown clothes waiting for him.

Walking up to the man, Jin Xia greeted: “Father.”

Jin Liu Dan smiled when he saw Jin Xia coming towards him. “Ah, Xia’er, you are back.”

“Mn. Is there anything father needs from me? You could have asked the servants to notify me, there was no need to personally wait for me.” Jin Xia said.

“Haha, it’s fine, it’s fine. I have an important matter that I wanted to personally tell you.” Jin Liu Dan laughed.

“Oh? What is it?” Jin Xia asked curiously.

“It is this: As you should already know, next month, the Great Azure Country’s Annual Clans Gathering will be taking place.” Liu Dan said as his face was replaced with a serious expression.

Jin Xia’s eyes slightly narrowed as he searched his memories on this particular term. After a while, he found it.

The Great Azure Country’s Annual Clans Gathering was a kind of competition that takes place between various clans from the twelve provinces.

Each clan would send forth three of their best younger generations, under the age of twenty, to compete in a friendly bout, showcasing off their clan’s strength to the entire country.

The competition was always hosted by the royal family of the Great Azure Country, the Azure Imperial Clan. They were also the overlord of all the twelve provinces within the Great Azure Country.

It is said that the top three winners of the Annual Clans Gathering would receive unimaginable benefits and a status boost from the royal family.

Moreover, the competition was also a way for other clans to test each other’s ability, allowing them to decide whether to conquer, submit, or ally themselves with one another.

These were the two main reasons why many clans and people across the Great Azure Country would travel over a day’s worth of journey to attend this event, which was hosted in Azure City of the Azure Province! The location itself was comfortably situated in the center of the entire country.

Each province was separated by a small patch of forests or woods, with only around ten cities in each area. But the amount of clans in the Great Azure Country combined was still a lot, numbering at around a hundred.


The Azure City was also one of the two ranked Noble City, being home to the powerful royal family.

“As you already know, the last few years when our Jin Clan had attended the Clans Gathering, we were not even able to place within the top 70 out of the hundred clans that attended. Though it was not bad, it could not be considered any good, either. Only those within the top thirty matters.

But this time, with our newfound strength, I believe getting into that top 30 ranking would be no issue!

It’s just that..” Jin Liu Dan said as his voice trailed off.

Looking at Jin Xia, Jin Liu Dan slowly continued: “..It’s just that, would Xia’er be interested in…participating in this event as well?”

In the previous years, whenever the date of the Annual Clans Gathering neared, the Jin Clan would carefully select a batch of the brightest clansmen from the younger generation to represent them in the competition.

The decisions were usually anonymous and the chosen younger generations would have no say in whether they would like to participate or not. This was the same for many clans in WuDang.

After all, it was matter that concerned the prestige of the clan itself; saying no would only bring a flood of scoldings from the elders and other family members.

And since Jin Xia was a part of the younger generation, it should have been given that there was no need to ask for his opinion, had the elders in the family selected Jin Xia for the competition.

But because of Jin Xia’s incredibly high status within the family nowadays, neither Jin Liu Dan nor the elders dared to make a decision for Jin Xia without asking for his consent.

Although even without Jin Xia engaging in the Annual Clans Gathering, Jin Liu Dan was still confident that with their current younger generations, it would be easy for them to snatch a spot within the top 30.

But if they were to put Jin Xia into the mix…it would be hard for them to imagine just what sort of ranking their clan could place within the Annual Clans Gathering!

This was why Jin Liu Dan had decided to personally inform Jin Xia of the Annual Clans Gathering. He wanted to ask if Jin Xia was willing to participate.

Moreover, it could even be said that this was first time that Jin Xia was directly informed of the event, as in the previous years, Jin Xia had never been selected as a participant. His previous strength was simply too low.

But with Jin Xia’s new status and strength, he was naturally qualified to earn the clan’s admiration and attention.

Seeing his father’s awkward countenance, Jin Xia laughed as he said: “Haha, why would father need to ask for my opinion on such a small matter? As a member of the younger generation, it is my duty to bring honor to our Jin Clan. If father wishes for me to participate in the Annual Clans Gathering, I will of course follow father’s decision.”


Jin Liu Dan was, after all, technically Jin Xia’s “father” in this world. Jin Xia was wholeheartedly willing to support those whom he deem worthy of trust and companionship.

Anyhow, Jin Xia was confident that he would be able to regain back his previous cultivation by then. Though, even if he was unable to recover enough by then, it would still be sufficient to bring honor to his clan..

Jin Liu Dan’s eyes lit up when he heard his son’s words.

“Bwahaha! Good! Good! This is how my son should be! Alright, since you are not against it, we will have to trouble you to attend the Annual Clans Gathering in a month’s’ time.” Jin Liu Dan smiled widely as his eyes seemed to radiate stars of joy.

Jin Xia smiled as he nodded his head in response. “I will do as father say. Oh, but I also have something to discuss with father.”

“What is it? If you need something, just say it. Even though your father is useless now, I will do my best to meet your request!” Jin Liu Dan said with a pleased expression. His mood was extremely good.

These were the words that he had not been able to say for years. Being suppressed by the Jin branch families and the patriarch himself, the lack of attention and love he had given his son had filled him with regret and guilt.

Even Jin Xia’s mother was unable to provide Jin Xia a proper childhood, with herself being kept busy dealing with those vile women from the branch families. They did it to protect their weak son. But in return, they only made their son more spoiled and further highlighted their helplessness.

But it was not so now! Now, Jin Liu Dan could finally let go of his worries and properly take on his duty as a father now. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for his son at this point, and nothing that he and his wife won’t dare to sacrifice for Jin Xia!

“It’s not so much of a materialistic desire, but I want to leave Tian City for a month. I will be leaving immediately tonight.” Jin Xia said.

“Huh? Why would you need to leave so hastily? You have just returned back yesterday, after all..” Jin Liu Dan asked with a puzzled expression. This was an unexpected request.

“It is nothing important. It’s just that I merely wish to explore the other cities and areas outside of Tian City to get some experience.” Jin Xia replied with a calm face.

Jin Liu Dan slowly nodded his head as he thought for a moment. “Mn. Getting more experience is always a good thing, Since your cultivation has already passed everyone in this city, there is not much you can learn here anymore. Alright, you may journey outside for a while.

But remember, you must be extra careful outside. The world is a big place and there are many dangers lurking by. If you ever feel something is not right, you must quickly leave and…”

After several long minutes of lecturing on the “cruelty of the outside world”, Jin Liu Dan finally gave his parting speech, albeit with a bit of reluctance:

“And Xia’er, before you leave, you should visit the Jin Treasure Hall to stock up on some protective armors and pills and money and…”

Before Liu Dan could go on another tangent, Jin Xia quickly interrupted: “I understand, father. You do not need to worry so much. I am merely visiting another province; nothing major.

“Eh? Ah..alright, then I will not keep you for long. As long as you remain safe. I will tell your mother about this, so do not worry,” Jin Liu Dan awkwardly replied with a smile.

“Exactly a month from today, we will meet in Azure City. Everyone will be waiting for you inside the Blue Imperial Colosseum. With how lively that day will be, I am sure you can simply follow the crowd to the location.”.

“I understand, father. I will come find you guys then.” Jin Xia said.

Jin Liu Dan had a pleased smile on his face while he nodded gently at Jin Xia. The two father and son stood chatting for a while in the middle of the yard before Jin Liu Dan finally left to take care of some business in the clan.

Afterwards, Jin Xia entered his room and sat down promptly on his bed.

“I have to quickly raise my strength up again…with my current level, traveling across provinces is fine, but I’m afraid there would be much danger if I were to travel outside of this country in the near future..” Jin Xia thought wryly.

Moments later, Jin Xia closed his eyes as he began to cultivate in silence. The air around him visibly twisted as it gradually gravitated towards Jin Xia’s body.

Soon, night fell.

Jin Xia slowly opened his eyes.

He slightly frowned as he stood up from his bed.

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