《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 19: Ruler of Earth


((N-no... more. I can't... do this.))

"Come on Ruth, I know you can do it!" Taro shouts.

((I'm feeling weak... If I don't make it... I want you to know...))

"No Ruth! Don't say that!"

((Farewell... Cruel world...))

"Stop being such a whimp and stand still" Julia-sama suddenly says.

This may be my hardest challenge yet. Julia-sama has been trying out new clothes on me for hours now. She has taken some of her old clothes and hasbeen trying to remake them to fit me.

It would be Ok if not for one tiny little detail; she cannot sew for shit. Constantly sticking me with tiny needles and being too hasty with her actions, forcing her to redo it later.

Ignoring my pleads for mercy completely, she truly is terrifying.

She also denies that she is bad and gets angry when something goes wrong; which is all the time. Not even Ruter dares to get close to her right now.

Ansgar is currently resting under a tree outside together with Spada, so they can't help me. Taro didn't even try to calm Julia-sama down; apparently he has experienced this before.

When I asked him about it he went silent and stared into the distance. That made me kinda terrified, considering that Julia-sama loves Taro more than anything else in this world.

Ouch! Another needle pierce my skin.

"Stand. Still!" Julia-sama says with a scary voice. I have never been easily scared but this... Brrrrrrrrrr!

Suddenly Julia-sama turns around, making her back face me. She is doing something but I can't see what. I can see Taro getting pale.

((W-what is happening Taro?))

... No answer.

((Taro please tell me.))



I start sweating. My heart is pounding. Julia-sama turns around. In her hand is a giant needle. She is smiling.


"Now Ruth, I need you to stand perfectly still."




My body hurts from the countless needle-strikes. I am laying on the floor, exhausted. Taro is sitting besides me, patting me on the back.

"I know the feeling..." is the only thing he says.

Julia-sama is ignoring my pitiful state and is currently humming, satisfied with her work. She drags me up on my feet and puts a mirror in front of me.

Even if her method was not the best, the result was not the worst.

I was wearing a green, longarmed shirt with a hoodie and a pair of long pants the same color as the shirt. If I folded my wings they completely dissappeared into the sleeves, making it look like I had normal arms.

The clothes were made out of a cotton like material except for the hoodie that was made out of light brown leather. I noticed that when I pulled it up it covered my whole head. I don't have any shoes but that is fine.

I look pretty good if I may say so myself. But the price... was way too high. Did Taro go through this every time? I have a new kind of respect for him.

Because Ansgar was sleeping Taro and I spent the rest of the day playing. We decided to make my sleeping place into our own place. We decorated it with feathers and other things we could find.

We hanged up some shiny objects in the ceiling and covered the floor with dry grass. Ruter gave us a wooden box we can put whatever we want in. Right now we have nothing to put in it but whatever.

While we were decorating I decided to check out my new status. Taro is busy decorating (he really seems to enjoy this!) so I take my oppurtunity. Show status!


Name: Ruth

Titles: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One, Half Dead Wanderer, Healer Newbie, Familiar of Lentaro Blizt, Naive One, Songstress, Banshee, Earth Elementalist

Race: Earth Priestess Bird

Level 1/25

HP 33/33

MP 65/65

Vit. 17

Str. 16

Dex. 19

Int. 55

Wis. 40

Char. 85

Luck 3

Exp: 5/1000

Mhm. Mhmmm! I like what I see. I really, really like it. Look at my MP! And that Int! And that... Charm. I don't know how I feel about Charm being my strongest stat. And my MP is still pretty mediocre. But that is Ok, I ain't complaining. The only thing that I hate is... My luck. It is really low... Mehh, who cares? Look at me. I am freaking awesome!

Now let's check out my new abilities!

Healing Aura Lv. 1

Activating this spell heals the allies closest to you. Not only does it heal their physical wounds, it also heals their mental scars and calms their minds. Can also dispel curses. The higher the spell level the greater the effect. Costs 20 MP.

Divine Aura Lv. 1

When using this ability beings around you instantly respects you. Non-aggressive creatures will also refrain from attacking you unless you attack them first. Earth-and Nature Spirits will also obey you. Passive ability.

Quake Stomp Lv. 1

To use this spell you need to hit the ground with your foot. Using this creates an earthquake, that temporary stuns the people around you, even your allies. Enemies above ground are left unaffected. The higher the skill level the greater the effect. Costs 10 MP.

Earth Golem Lv. 1

This spell allows you to create a golem made out of earth or other elements belonging to earth. The golems can be shaped according to your will. The higher the spell level the more golems you can create and the stronger they become. Current avaible golems; 1.

Earth Sight Lv. 1

Activating this skill allows you to see the memories of the earth. The higher the skill level the more and longer back you can see.

Ohhhhhhhh! OP OP OP! This is good, really goooood! And this Golem skill... It will come in good use in the future. Hehehehe-He?

Under my new abilities another text appears, But this one has a golden screen.

Ruler Skills

Thanks to you being a Royal variant, you have special abilities that are unique to the Royal variants. These abilities will remain even if you evolve to something different.

-Ruler of Earth Lv.1

Thanks to your connection to the earth you have the ability to mold the earth around according to your will without restrictions.

You are only able to use it for a specified amount of time before it immediately deactivates and a punishment will be bestowed upon you. The higher the skill level the more powerful this ability becomes and the longer it can be used. Current time limitation; 1 minute.

Obs! More skills will be unlocked the more experience you gather!


Excuse me what?

Nah mate, nah. I must still be sleeping. Yeah, that must be it. There is no other possibility. Hahaha.

I slap myself. Still here. I slap myself again. Nope, still here. Again. Nope. Again. Nope. Again. Nope. Aga- No stop it now. This ain't helping... I pinch myself. Nah, seems like I am awake.


But isn't this a cheat skill?

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