《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 18: Faster Than A Blue Hedgehog!


Let me just say this; my new form is very convenient. Even if I don't have any hands I can still kinda hold things by pressing my wings together. I can now open doors by myself and move around much easier.

Taro likes my new form. He says it looks really cool.

But there is one thing bothering me. When did I put these clothes on? Right now the only thing I am wearing is a regular too big white shirt. When I asked Ansgar about it he just looked away, pretending not to hear me. That made me really worried.

But what made me more suprised is that it now seems that Taro and I share a telepathic bond. We can now hear each others thoughts. It hurts my head a bit but Ansgar says that we will get used to it soon. And we can only hear what the other one wants us to hear, that is really good, I don't want him to hear everything.

Taro is really happy now that he is able to understand me. Apparently it bothered him that I could only communicate with Ansgar. Ruter and Julia-sama are still unable to understand me but that's Ok.

I try moving my wings. They can turn and move around easier now, despite being larger. My body is also much more flexible and despite me growing my body feels surprisingly light.

My feathers are the same colors as before, white with a subtle hint of blue. My bodybuild looks like that of a young child and I am about the same height as Taro. This is the only thing he seems unhappy with as he is no longer able to pick me up.

There's one more thing... My sleeping place. It was finally done and now I am able to sleep in Taros brothers bed. Ruter doesn't seem to mind but I feel kind of bad... We spent a long time building it and now... Well we can still use it I guess.


I decide I want to try out my new body.

(Taro, let's have a race! I wanna se how fast I am!)

"That sounds great! Mom, Ruth and I are gonna race, can you be the judge?" Taro asks.

"Yes of course" Julia-san answers.

Taro and I stand besides each other. I am putting my wings against the ground, similar to an athlete.

Julia-san is standing besides a tree 50 meters away with her hand in the air.


My muscles tenses up.


A tingling sensation fills my body.


I make a large leap. My talons dig into the ground, scraping up the earth when I take another step. It takes less than five seconds for me to reach Julia-sama.

I-I feel so full of energy! So powerful! Amazing! Huh? But why can't I stop?

Oh nonononono-


Ow... I couldn't stop and ran into a tree, headfirst. I fall down on my butt. I can hear Julia-sama, Ansgar and Ruter laugh behind me.

Oh, don't care about my feelings, use them like toilet paper if you want, I don't give a damn. Sniff! At least Taro takes my feelings into consideration. Thank you Ta-

When I turn around I can see Taro laying on the ground, trying to desperately hold his laughter in.

Taro you traitor...

I bury my face into the ground.

"S-sorry Ruth, but it just looked so funny!" Taro said while trying not to giggle. "But you were really fast, I didn't even have a chance!"

I look up from the ground.

(Hehehehe! I am pretty fast, yes? Pretty amazing right?)


(Wait! Don't try to change the subject! That actually hurt, when I hit my head! My face is probably destroyed now... What does my face look like by the way?)


"Oh, you are really pretty Ruth, right mom?"

"Yes, Taro is right, you do look incredible cute" Julia-sama says. "Do you want me to get a mirror so that you can see for yourself?"

I nod furiously. Yes please! Even if they say that, I don't know this world definition of "cute". I might look as an old hag. Or a toad. Maybe an old hag toad!

Julia-sama goes to get the mirror. Ansgar and Ruter starts to talk to each other, I don't know what. Spada is going to sleep. She really sleeps A LOT. Meanwhile I touch my face, trying to detect any possible injuries. No wounds atleast, only a damaged ego.

Taro sits down besides me. He's staring into the ground.

"I'm sorry that I laughed when you got hurt. I didn't mean it..."

It's Ok Taro, it must have looked really funny. I put my wings around Taro, hugging him clumsily.

But I was pretty cool right before I crashed into that tree, right?

"Yeah! You looked the coolest! Like a ninja!"

Hehehe, well I am amazing after all.

Julia-sama walks out of the cottage, with a mirror in hand.

Come on now, I don't demand much. Normal face please! She gives me the mirror and I place it between my wings.



What I see in the mirror is a familiar face. My old face, even if it appears younger.

I drop the mirror out of sheer shock.

"Ruth? Are you Ok?" Taro asks.

I'm sorry Taro but I can't answer you right now, my brain is busy lagging.

Name: Ruth

Titles: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One, Half Dead Wanderer, Healer Newbie, Familiar of Lentaro Blizt, Naive One, Songstress, Banshee, Earth Elementalist

Race: Earth Priestess Bird

Level 1/25

HP 33/33

MP 65/65

Vit. 17

Str. 16

Dex. 19

Int. 55

Wis. 40

Char. 85

Luck 3

Exp: 0/1000

Authors Note: Once again, this chapter is a little shorter because stuff got in the way and- HEY, NO, PLEASE DON'T GO!

(Thank you for reading!)

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