《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 14: It's Called Falling With Style


Spada and I am currently training. Training what you may ask. Well magic of course!

Thanks to her I learned how to use both a psysical buff spell and earth magic! Right now I am training the spell Earth Armor. It works in the way that is it gather the earth around me and the puts itself over my body, lika an armor.

When I use the spell, it becomes harder to move an I become heavier, but my defense increase like crazy! This will come in handy when I meet a stronger enemy and have to drag out the fight.

Suddenly an idea strikes me. What if I activate Physical Buff while using Earth Armor? Let's try it out! Physical Buff!

Instantly a light gathers around my body and most of my stats go up while MP goes down 10 points.

Now let's try moving around in this thing!

My first steps are wobbly, I am not used to this unusual weight balance. But thanks to my boosted stats I quickly gets used to it. Soon I walk around like it's nobodys buisiness. This is great!

The screen pops up all of a sudden.

//Because of your experimenting your are now more proficient in dual casting spells! This takes away most the side effects that comes with using more than one spell at the same time. Higher level spells still cause side effects like nausea and stunning.//

Kekekekekeke, excellent. I can't help but turn into a cliche villian and cackle menacing. Maybe I should aim to become the next demon king? With these skills and spells pilling up I will soon be invincible! Muahahaha-Ha?


A huge weight suddenly attacks be and squeezes me towards the ground.

It's Spada. She is sitting on me. If not for the Earth Armor I would probably be as flat as a pancake right now.


I start flapping my wings. Let me go Spada! I-I can't breath! Damn, you're heavy!


Wait, did she just laugh!?!? I don't know what is more shocking, Spada laughing or Spada being a sadist.

Ahhh, Spada is finally getting up... Huh? Why is she growling? Spada, I didn't mean to call you fat befo-

Leaning towards the house is the elf, Ansgar, we saved yesterday. He is watching me and Spada, smiling. God, he is handsome.

"Well, thank you young lady" Ansgar says and bows deeply.

Hm? Is there anyone else around? I check my surroundings. No one's there.



"Hahaha, yes who else would I be talking to?" Ansgar answers, smiling gently.

H-h-h-h-huh!? How is that possible!? No, more important than that. Did you hear me when I said...?

"Ah, yes, and once again, I thank you for your compliment" he says and gives me a charming smile.



Spada actually seems to think about it for a second.

Ansgar looks shocked but then he looks sad. He looks down and starts fiddling with his hair.

"Oh, I didn't mean to fluster you! I'm sorry..."

No, you didn't do anything wrong! I was just suprised! I mean, I have had no one to talk to for, oh since I was born!

"Then I understand. No wonder you reacted like that. Also, were you the one that took me here?"

Umm, yes... I'm sorry if I did anything wrong! I just found you sleeping in the forest and I didnt know what to do. I couldn't wake you up either so I paniked a little and then Spada and Ruter arrived and helped me and we took you here but you refused to wake up so we just let you sleep because nothing seemed to be wrong with you. I am sorry if you wanted to stay in the forest or if you were supposed to meet with someone, I didn't know mister-sir Ansgar-san-sama!


For a second he seems as shocked as before before he bursts into laughter.


"Hahahaha! I-I'm sorry but you are just so adorable! And don't worry you did nothing wrong, actually, I want to thank you."

Ansgar went down on his left knee in front of me and looke me in my eyes.

"Your kindness is extraordinary. Please say anything, I want to repay you."


Is this the start of the legendary reverse harem? I hope not, I have no interest of being in a relationship right now.

But now that he mentions it there is one thing he can help with...

Well, now that I think about it there is one thing you can help us with.

"Really?" Angstar says, smiling even more brilliant than before. I swear I can see rose petals falling in the backround. Please don't turn this into a shoujo manga...

Well you see, mother-sama sent after a magic teacher a while a go but they are a couple of days late and we are worried. Can you perhaps help us find them?

Angstar goes silent for a few seconds. Did I say anything wrong?

"I'm sorry but it's impossible for me to do that" he says.

Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought that...

"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that I can't find what is no longer lost."


"Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Ansgar Litherki Gerth, from the forests of Wherlien. I am the new teacher in magic arts to Lentaro Blizt and I am pleased to make your acquintance. What's your name, if I may ask?"

... I should have known this was the case from the beginning. It is the convenient powers of the protagonist again.

'My name is Ruth, from nowhere and I'm the pe- I mean COMPANION of Taro.

When he gets my name Ansgar smiles wider and puts his left hand on my head.

"Well then, Ruth from Nowhere, I am sure this will be a fun time for the both of us".


Yeah, well it will be interesting atleast. Suddenly I feel very faint and remembers one thing. I never disspelled Earth Armor or Physical Buff. Crap I'm stupid.

As I fall into Ansgars arms in a cliche type of fassion the last thing I can see is his worried expression and words. Sorry Ansgar but I will just rest for a while...

Then everything goes black.

Meanwhile Spada have lost interest in us and is currently snoring loudly under the tree.

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