《They said I could become anything so I became a _____!!!》Chapter 13: It's not called flying...


Elves. These magical creatures are known for their longlivety and elegance. They look similar to humans except for their larger eyes and pointed ears. They live in the forest and are a sophisticated species who values literature and art more than anything.

The elves are truly... The most evolved and incredible creatures there is.

And now one is sleeping right next to me!!!

I this a dream!?

Calm down Ruth. Calm down. I need to breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breath out. Breath in...

Ok I can't do it because let's get real, there's a freaking elf right next to me and elves are awesome and whoamIkiddingIloveelvestheyareawesomeandcoolandprettyandfabolousandOMGthisisthehappiestmomentinmylife!


I slam my head towards the wall in order to calm down. Sorry, it's just that I have a thing for elves. I wouldn't call it a fetish but I do wanna touch their ears all day long. Some people like catgirls, I like elves. It's just that simple. But if a catgirl suddenly showed up wanting me to pet them... Well who am I to refuse?

But still, are all elves this impossible to wake up? He have been sleeping deeply ever since I first found him yesterday in the woods. I don't know what I would have done if Ruter-sama had not appeared to help me.

It took about 10 minutes for Ruter-sama to tie Ansgar (the elf) to Spadas back and another 10 to return to the house (Spada couldn't run at full speed because of me an Ansgar. When we got back mother-sama and Taro got surprised when they saw the sleeping elf but they quickly carried him to a bed.

Taro asked mother-sama if Ansgar was sick but after careful inspection she came to the conclusion that he was only asleep and that we should let him rest.

I am actually not allowed to be here right now. Mother-sama said that all of us were forbidden from entering the room unless situation called for it.


When night fell and everyone was asleep I slipped into the room, using my Stealth skill just in case. Quite sneaky yeah? Maybe I should aim to become the Hokage?

Uhum, sorry. But I wonder when Ansgar will wake up. I mean, he can't sleep forever... Can he?

*yawn* I'm getting tired too. I should probably go to sleep. I pat Ansgar on the head. Good night.


Ansgar is still sleeping when I wake up but I can't spend the whole day watching him, I've got work to do. I have decided to finally learn how to fly! So while the others are working on my sleeping spot I shall train. Behind the house is a large tree, because the branches nearly touch the ground it is easy to climb. Spada is resting under the tree but doesn't seem to mind me training. I will jump down from the tree and try to fly while falling.

Anyway, it should go fast. I mean, it cannot be that hard, I mean, I'm a bird and this should be natural after all.


This is may take a while. How does one fly? I try flapping by wings like crazy but I can't. I always end up in a mess on the ground. I have been trying for atleast half an hour now but I am no where closer my goal. I try once again. Failure. I land flat on my back and my feet sticks up in the air.

Spada seems to find this amusing and growl-chuckles (don't ask me how, I can't explain it). You dumbie! Do it better yourself!

Spada seems to realize that she hurt my feelings and bows her head down in apology. Then she seems to think of something.

She stands up on her hindlegs and makes herself a large as possible.


W-wait Spada! I didn't really mean to call you dumb, I'm sorry!

But Spada just stands there. Suddenly her body emits a fait white light. Spada walks towards a boulder nearby. Suddenly she smashes it with her paws and the rock shatters into like a gazillion pieces!

H-how!? Even if Spada is strong, it is impossible for her to be able to shatter a rock with her paws. Unless...

A screen pops up.

//Spada the War Bear have shown you the spell Physical Buff. Do you want to learn it? Y/N //


Yes! Thank you Spada, I forgive you for laughing at me! Now lets look at that spell!

Minor Physical Buff Lv. 1

Allows the user to momentarily heightened their strength, speed, attack and health with +20% of your current stats. Costs 5 mana per minute to use. The higher the spell level the stronger the effect becomes. No cooldown time.

This is great! Even if the mana cost is a little high I can still use it for 6 minutes straight until my mana runs out! I immediately try it out. I can feel my mana drain but also how, what feels like a warm coat, strengthen my body. I look at Spada. She looks happy. The light around her disappears only to be replaced by another faith light, this one with a hint of yellow.

Slowly the earth around her starts to change chape and lumps of earth and stone sticks to her body. When she's finished it looks like she is wearing an armor.

On her arms and legs she's got things that looks like gauntlets, making her claws longer and the rest of her body is simply coted in stone. The only openings is around the mouth and stomach area.

A screen appears in front of me again.

//Spada the War Bear have shown you the spell Earth Armor. Do you want to learn it? Y/N //


But instead of learning the skill that I expected another screen showed up.

//Earth Armor belongs to the earth element. You do not know Earth magic. Do you wish to learn Earth Magic? Y/N? //


Yes please.

//You have learned Earth Magic and the spell Earth Armor! You can now use spells belonging to the earth element! As an reward for learning an elementar spell you have gained +10 MP! You have also gained the title Earth Elementalist which gives you higher affinity with the earth element plus it gives you stronger defense, attack and health! This title will also unlock more evolution paths! Thanks to these achivements you have gained +10 levels!//


Spada, can I call you senpai?

Name: Ruth

Titles: Reincarnated One, Wannabe Phoenix, Lonely One, Half Dead Wanderer, Healer Newbie, Pet of Lentaro Blizt, Naive One, Songstress, Banshee, Earth Elementalist(new!)

Race: Siren Bird

Level 13/20

HP 20/20(+5)

MP 30/30(+10)

Vit. 15

Str. 12(+2)

Dex. 15(+2)

Int. 50

Wis. 35(+1)

Char. 80

Luck 2

Exp: 600/1000

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