《The Demon Lord is Bored》Chapter Twenty-Four: Three Dragons


The lightning that came down from the sky struck the side of the demons. After the first strike, thousands more came raining down.

In the area that the lightning bolts struck, the bodies of the soldiers were instantly incinerated to blackened corpses.

Absolute carnage.

Massath wasn’t expecting to be able to have this much power at only 60% of his original strength.

But Massath wasn’t done. He raised his hand a sword made out of electricity appeared in his hand. “Let’s try this out~”

He swung the sword, and when he did so, the sword grew in size until it was about a mile long. The sword sliced cleanly through the elves that were in its path. The sword then dissipated, upon that, waves of golden electricity passed through the elves.

The elves that were in the ‘splash-zone’, were also electrocuted to a crisp. Their bodies collapsed.

“What are you doing?” the Commander of the Elves shouted, the man was currently being held down by Azure. She had him pinned on the ground and held his hands behind his back. “Stop, I surrender! We surrender!”

Azure smacked his head on the ground. “Be quiet.”

Massath ignored the angry elf and continued to slaughter the thousands of men that were gathered single-handedly. He was taking his time, though, unlike Erebus, he wanted to test out his abilities and how much he could do without being exhausted.

By the way, Erebus had left earlier to capture the Commander of the Demons so that he wouldn’t be accidentally killed during Massath’s attack. That’d be troublesome. Honestly.

“Hm...” Massath stretched out his hand and expelled a shot off a ball of electricity. He was using Erebus as an example. The ball landed in the center of the elven army. It exploded and electrocuted everyone. The ones farther from the epicenter, however, didn’t die.

“I see... so the voltage decreases with the distance. Strange... maybe it is because the electricity is just mana in another form... It has properties like electricity, but it truly isn’t.”

Massath continued to mutter his findings under his breath as he slaughtered all of his enemies. They were proving to be great subjects to test his power on. There were a lot of them, and the large field suited Massath’s ability the best.

During this time, a very angry Erebus appeared holding a demon by the scruff of his neck.

He tossed the bruised and bloodied commander onto the ground while wearing a disgusted face.


Azure quirked an eyebrow. She thought the plan was to bring him here unharmed, not to beat him until his face

“He tried to attack me,” Erebus explained.

“Bad decision,” she laughed. Erebus wasn’t known for being the calmest person of them all. He didn’t like being underestimated, such things angered him. It was like the time when a couple youngsters attempted to challenge Erebus to a duel. Rolut had to pry Erebus off of them...

“These damn impudent brats, they’re getting on my nerves.” He gave the demon another kick to the stomach.

“True.” Azure looked down at the one she pinned down easily. “They’re really weak, though.”

“Or perhaps we’re too strong.” The tone of Erebus’ face had a tinge of sadness to it.

“Perhaps we are.” Azure, too, sounded dejected.

Even if they were meant to be the protectors of this world, it was lonely standing at the top.

Erebus turned his attention back to Massath, who had annihilated about 80% of the two armies combined. “He’s taking so long.”

“I apologize,” an unapologetic Massath said. “Should I speed it up? I was just testing the extent of my power.” Massath grasped the head of a brave soldier who had gotten past the heaps of blackened corpses and shocked him with lethal voltage.

“If you would so please.” Erebus waved his hand and sat down on top of the demon commander. The demon commander made a wonderful chair, the wings were a little uncomfortable but other than that it was a great place to sit.

Massath tossed the soldier aside and let out a sigh. “Let’s see... how should I handle this?”

“Quickly,” Azure supplied with a smirk. Even though she said this, Azure didn’t really care about how long he was taking. She, too, planned on enjoying her job.

“Hah.” Massath scrunched his face up in thought.

He raised his hand up to the sky and shot up a volt into the sky. Lightning started to rain from the sky. The lightning rain did not fall onto the small group, though. It was a rather interesting sight, the lightning would jeer off its path before it fell on them. It was like they were holding a very large umbrella.

“This works, doesn’t it?” Massath asked.

“I guess,” Azure and Erebus both said.

Massath sighed once again. Tough crowd.

Within another ten minutes, the rest of the soldiers were killed. A few had deserted, not wanting to be murdered, but the job had still been done. That much was to be expected, so they didn’t go out of their way to chase the deserters. It would be in the dragons favor if the deserters told others of what they had seen, too.


The commanders were lucky to be alive. That man, who looked so scrawny, was capable of destroying two armies of more or less ten thousand men. And he didn’t look exhausted from the effort.

“Well, then,” Erebus said to the commanders. “Go tell your kings, your generals, whomever, that both armies were killed by a single dragon. And if you lie,” a vicious smile appeared on his face, “trust me, I will know.”

The commanders nodded their heads in semi-understanding. The three had been speaking in a mix of a strange language that the commanders didn’t know and the common language. They could only understand the main idea of what the dragons were saying.

It was a similar situation for the three dragons. They only understood bits and pieces of the common language, but it was enough for communication.

“Erebus, you’re rather sneaky,” Azure said as she watched the two men scramble away.

He quirked an eyebrow. “How so?”

“You killed their king earlier. You destroyed the Elven Capital earlier, remember?” Azure answered.

Erebus laughed, he tossed back his head. “Oh, I did do that! What a shame, it seems he’ll have no place to go to.” Erebus bent over, clutching his stomach in hysterical laughter.

Massath frowned. “And we’ll be headed to Tartarus soon... we’ll obviously get there before that commander does either. Don’t tell me, Erebus, you planned for this to happen?”

“Not at all. But what an entertaining turn out. Haha!” Erebus continued to laugh. That was funny.

A real knee-slapper.

Erebus finally gained his composure and stood up straight. “We’re heading out. Azure, it’s your turn.”

Azure smiled and curtseyed again. “You’ll have to let me do this my own way, I have a taste for dramatics unlike you two.”

The two men agreed. They didn’t care how she did it, as long as she got it done.

She clapped her hands together. “That’s good! Very good.”

The three dragons shifted back into their original. Massath looked much better in his original form, he didn’t look as if he’d been living in a basement for his entire life in this shape. Electricity was crackling off of his golden body and a small beard was on his chin. His arms were small enough that he could be mistaken as a wyvern at first glance.

Azure was larger, which was a plus for her. The reason she was named Azure was obvious, as her curvy body, except for the flesh on her wings, was a deep azure in color. She had an elegant look to her, perhaps it was the way she held her head high and tilted her chin up ever so slightly.

Erebus nodded at the two. “We’re leaving.”

They flapped their wings and lifted up into the air, flying away from the bloody battlefield.

As per usual, they moved at a blinding speed. Their bodies were perfectly designed to optimize speed. They weren’t even moving at their full speed, as they had no reason to rush.

The trio flew in a triangle formation: Erebus in the front, Azure behind him to the left, and Massath the right.

If one were to look up from the ground at their underbellies, it would be a rather awe-inspiring sight.

Three majestic beast jetting through the air.

But their intentions were not pure.

They were out for the blood for all those who had endangered this planet. They wouldn’t stop until they reigned complete dominance once more.

It wasn’t like the dragons had any interest in ruling this planet, they just wanted to protect it. And it’d be the safest with them in the top.

The dragons flew over the ocean.

Tartarus appeared before them. Its appearance was similar to the Dragon Continent, but it was a joke compared to the original. There was a far smaller amount of violent volcanoes and tectonic plates here. The ground was composed of the black solid lava that had been cooled quite some time ago.

It was a small continent, it was more of an overgrown island if anything.

“So, what are you planning?” Massath asked as they flew over an army of demons that were headed towards the ships on the coast. He questioned her because she showed no intention of going down to attack.

“I don’t want those small fries, not yet, at least.” Her golden eyes glinted eagerly. “What I want is the heads the of demon rulers.”

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