《Reborn as a Magic Firefly, Help?》Chapter Twenty-three: Just a quick assessment of the situation before everything goes south


Um, uhh, uhhhhhh-,,,

I don't-,,

I clench my hands, staring at their wrinkly visage and how they move, now more fluid than they did under his own control.

...What kind of guy was this?...

These... these skills are, uh...

The magic skills are self-explanatory, but the rest are just... The first one, with the localization and all, that must have been what let him know I was there, being and existing and all, but...

It's written in the same way that the SRI skill is written, all professional and with system in it. Like it's all meta and shit.

I haven't... thought much about it, about how the system worked. My stats and how I can see details about other people and monsters. This system... It has something to do with this guy. What's his name-, rob, brob.... Okay I have no idea, but I do remember it was the same name as one of the skills I've been allowed to borrow.

So, the suspect skills I have are...

Wait, am I allowed to view them? And their details-?...

Okay hold up,,,

Temporary Skills

Monster Radius Localization(Village(Toum) 133m)

Allows the user to locate (monster) when inside the specified parameters.

System (Quest) Interference

The primary tool of the Quest-giver, this skill allows the Quest-giver to issue quests in regards to threats or needs pertaining to a local community. Rewards may be issued in accordance to threat level.

Gulliver's Input(Brobdingnag)

A skill issued directly to Quest-giver Mister Brobdingnag, this skill is part of the Gulliver's Input series, model: Brobdingnag. Allows the user to increase in size at the cost of mana. Stats do not change to match size.

...What the shit. The first one? The second one? The third one-??

This is all-,,,

I feel sick. Who exactly was this guy? Why has he been, I dunno, recognized by the system?... This skill, the, uh, Gulliver one... it was given to him Specifically-? And it's-, it's even named after him, I just don't-,,


The effects of the skill aren't even impressive. Change size? It costs mana, but it doesn't even give any increase in stats, so I really just don't see the use of it. It just... makes him big. And only him, by the sounds of it.

The first one explains his behaviour when I popped up, but the second one...

I don't understand it. I'm guessing it means something like... that this guy can make people go do things for him? Maybe even go into the dungeon to get him things. What is even special-?

...But, if the skills I gained were anything to go by, this guy was - is - strong. Probably the strongest guy in the village.

...So... If I go into his village in his body...

...They'll have no way to banish me.

Which is-, is very very unethical and not right but,, neither is anything else I can do! This is the best thing I can do, the thing that harms the fewest people possible!

I clench my old and wrinkly fists. I have no mana right now, so I'll need to wait for that to fill back up.

Until then, I'll bide my time.

I sit down, and wait for the sun to rise again.


Man, this is boring.

-Oh, right! Let's check my new spells, I can't believe I almost forgot about it, again...

All Available Spells (You are currently able to use 15 Spells)

Heat Lv.2

Used to heat an area by 1 Mana/0.1 Celcius and 1 Mana per cubic diameter. Increase in level lowers the amount of mana needed.

Flare Lv.5 Causes a small explosion. Depending on level, size and properties may be manipulated. Spell can be charged to cause one large explosion or spammed to create many small ones. Ward Lv.1 Creates a ward, defending the user from harm. Size, cost and power increases by level. Whip Lv.1 Allows the user to create and control a flaming whip. Power increases by level and/or mana usage. Armour Lv.1 Creates armour around the user, due to element being (fire), damage will be incurred if touched. Perseverance Lv.1 Creates a small bolt of fire which can be sent at a specific target. Speed and power increase with level. Collar Lv.1 Summons a burning, damage-causing collar around the neck of a chosen target.


Fireball Lv.16

Creates a ball of flames, size and intensity depending on level and amount of mana poured into it. Fireflies Lv.8 This spell creates a large amount of small, fly-shaped falls of flame. Power and intensity change with level, amount is dependant on mana used. Bolt Lv.4 Shoots a ray of concentrated fire, draining mana with every second of usage. Intensity changes with level, mana consumption does not. Intermediate Familiar Lv.1 Summons a familiar of the element (fire). Level of the familiar can be decided by the mana poured into it, and rank is determined by level. Current rank: (F-) Lesser Judgement Any creature, be it mob, monster or humanoid within range of user will be (JUDGED) upon use, causing damage in direct correlation to their moral character. It costs nothing to use, but the user will also be judged according to their sins. Shine Lv.1 Creates a small, shining orb of light which can be manipulated by the user at will. The brightness is decided by the amount of mana used, and higher levels allow for less mana for higher brightness. Blind Lv.1 Two explosions of light are caused in front of the eyes of the opponent, causing temporary(if desired, permanent) blindness. Higher levels allow for strengthened light and therefore strengthened blindness. Halo Lv.1 Summons a ring of light over the head of the user, lighting up the nearby surroundings. Level decided how strong/dim the light is, as well a the cost/sec.

Ooooooh, that is-, that is a lot of spells.

Say what you will about the ethics of using hijack, but it's been the only way for me to actually learn spells so far.

Hmmm, I think... I think I shouldn't use that Judgement one. I am not sinless, and I'm pretty sure using such a skill will leave me dead and/or dying. Halo? Useful. Familiar? Leaves the fighting to somebody else (although, man, F- is a damn low score...). Collar? Sounds scary, no thank you. Perseverence? Like fireball but honed missile. Armour? Useful. Whip? Another way of attacking. Ward? More defence is always a good thing.

As I sat there, reading about my new spells, I hardly noticed the sun rising.


I rise from where I sit, and head for the village, anxious.

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