

Everyone, this is going to be the main glossary thread. I will add to it words that have been brought to my attention, and I realize need defining. I will also give my best interpretation of the meanings of proper nouns, but some of you may see that as a bit spoiler-esq.

Right now, I'm trying to make the show up as a forum post, but not a chapter. If anybody can point me in the right direction on that I would appreciate it.

If you have any words you would like to find, or to share with others, please post on this thread. Any other discussion points will also be welcome, but do try to avoid serious digressions.


Spoiler :

Artesian Well




Perineal tears



Running man


Vesica piscis

More coming soon..


Spoiler :

*I may eventually get these in alphabetical order, just not today

*Form for this section is [Name]-[Meaning]

Talo - a simple thin flat bread

Carli - free man

Vic - conqueror

Nadine - hope

Powaw - priest

Nixkamich - grandfather

Alsoomose - independant

Ahanu - he who laughs

Huritt -handsome one *note the feminine form is very similar, Hurit

Paquine - favored love

Angond - coined, roughly star gazer

Eldrith - Odd and sinister

Axculi - open forest

Eladuni - high lands

Vindar - Slow wind, or wind through dwellings

Caloner - Slow One

Mankato -Blue earth (ground/soil)


Eeyou Istchee - The People's Land

Câlin - hug or cuddle

Kimi - Secret

Wawetseka - Pretty woman

Wikimak - Wife

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