《Handyman》Chapter 15: Play Date


“You have to play with children at some point, or people will talk.” Alsoomose held Talo’s shoulders in a vice grip as she marched him down the hall.

“Have you ever tried to play with a toddler? It’s boring and frustrating.” Stupid brats are distracting me from my training. Talo fell easily into an austere life of training and learning. Most of his life on Earth consisted of working and studying full time, so a full schedule helped make Mankato feel more like home.

“There are not many children of sufficient rank in the area, so you had better get used to befriending the ones that are. The closest child of a duke, never mind Grand Duke, is two months away by horse.”

“I thought there weren’t any other Grand Dukes in the Kingdom?” Talo pressed Brother Caloner into teaching fields of his interest. This included a great focus on politics and history.

“There isn’t another in the kingdom, which makes my point. I would have to check a map to be sure whether the grand dukes from the Câlin Empire or the Free Cities are closer.” Alsoomose stopped her son in front of a large door, spun him around, and dropped down to his eye level.

“One more time,” Alsoomose bore her eyes into to Talo’s face as only a mother can. “Inside are Marquis of Eeyou Istchee’s children. They are our roots and closest allies. Marchioness Kimi has two children, both will be here. The oldest, Wawetseka, is four, and you will play with her. You don’t have to worry over the youngest, Wikimak, as she’s still a baby.”

“Got it. I imagine I can fake a few hours for the sake of diplomacy.” Maybe this will be a good time to practice my social engineering.

“Diplomacy-noth’n. These two girls are your most likely brides to be. And you will not use that foul name Talo. I gave birth to you, and it’s my right to name you. Here you are Huritt and I won’t stand for anything else.” Alsoomose glared at her son one more time to be sure, then asked, “Ready?”

Talo nodded and they both put on firm, but smiling, faces. Alsoomose nodded to a guard by the door who opened it for the two of them. The palace playroom shone in vibrant colors. It was painted with scenes from all over the Duchy.


Talo only played there during the first two years of his life, and, to the best of his knowledge, only when he was alone. The playroom held a chalkboard, wooden blocks, balls, mirrors, and even a small fountain. There was a sandbox in the corner and books along the far wall. In short, it was the best play space money could buy in the Kingdom.

“Your Grace,” bobbed Marchioness Kimi with a curtsy. Little Wawetseka, who was previously engrossed in blocks, ran and hid behind her mother’s legs. “Come Waw-waw, like we practiced.”

With her mother’s prodding, Wawetseka tried to curtsey as best she could, “Youw Gwace.”

“Ooooh she’s just so cute Lady Kimi. After a spare heir, all I want are little girls.” Alsoomose snapped her fingers silently behind her back. Talo recognized his cue and approached with a fluid grace.

Polarize the mana around the feet to glide. Keep the smile up. Think overacted plays, and deliver, “Lady Kimi and Wawetseka, thank you both so very much for coming to play with me. I do hope our time together will be enjoyed by all.”

Kimi’s face froze, then she turned to Alsoomose with one eyebrow raised. Alsoomose just smiled back happily, and instructed to the children, “All right, off with you. Go play!”

“Blocks,” exclaimed Wawetseka as she ran back to her lopsided tower. Talo simply nodded to his mother and followed the girl. The noblewomen took seats beside a small table where a servant placed light refreshments.

“Your Grace has quite a remarkable young boy,” probed Kimi. She was studying Alsoomose’s face while Alsoomose was carefully watching the children.

“He certainly is, Lady Kimi. Dr. Powaw claimed he never saw a mana well formed like little Hurhur’s. And he started talking when he was one.” She turned a boastful smile to her companion. A commoner would likely mention when a child potty trained, but, as these ladies didn’t have to deal with such banalities, it would never occur to them.

“Remarkable, Your Grace. Kitchi and I were so proud when Wawetseka articulated complete sentences last year.” Have they done something to the boy, she thought. It’s common to keep an heir sequestered for the first year, but they have been rudely denying my requests for two years now. It can’t be that they’re trying to make an internal play by implying our children aren’t good enough. I’ll have to go over this with Kitchi.


“And proud you should be, dear. That’s already quite advanced. Look at how well they play together.” Alsoomse detected Kimi’s rising agitation and wanted to send a clear signal of friendship.

The children played on, oblivious to the conversation between their mothers. Talo constructed elaborate towers around what Wawetseka was building. Just as she would realize that she was out of space, he would turn to her and smile, “A gift for you, My Lady.”

Wawetseka’s frustration would turn to glee, and then she would knock the whole construction down.

“I see that it was not fit to your liking. Shall we begin again?” For the tenth time. Wawetseka would clap and laugh. Then they would start building again.

I wonder how much training I can get in, mused Talo. Sense the mana around me. Hmmm. Wawetseka’s mana tastes nice. And... there’s so much of it. There has to be at least half of Caloner’s volume.

Wawetseka didn’t know what was going on, but she suddenly shivered. She looked around. Everything seemed normal, and her mother was smiling and talking happily. She decided to just return to her blocks.

Maybe I can move the blocks with mana. I don’t know any spells, but if I push and pull on the blocks, maybe I can—

“Wheeee! Floating blocks,” squealed Wawetseka. “Mama look. Mama, mama, look.”

The mothers were already looking—Kimi in further bewilderment and Alsoomose with a stern look on her face.

“Hurrit, we’ve talked about this; no mana practice around others until you get better. So sorry about that Lady Kimi. You see, he’s been so skilled at mana manipulation since such a young age, that we’ve had to keep him practicing before he could play with others. We wouldn’t want him hurting our friends.”

Kimi understood the message loud and clear. There was something very peculiar about this boy, and, if you wanted to be in the Grand Duke’s grace, you were going to follow their lead. “Well, it’s just so wonderful that such a talent could be born in the Tribe. Oh forgive me, you know my parents held strongly to the old ways. But still, to have such a powerful heir in the West will bring us all great honor.”

I see your threat, schemed Kimi, and I raise you compensation.

Talo was frustrated at his censure. He stopped moving the blocks with mana and decided to move back to practicing his mana senses. “Wawetseka, why don’t you sit on my lap and we move the blocks together?”

Wawetseka looked back at him puzzled. “But I’m biggew. You has to sit in my lap.”

Talo sighed inwardly at his predicament, but acquiesced. He then nuzzled between her legs with his back to her chest. Good thing we haven’t hit puberty, he thought. The pair then proceeded to move blocks together to build a grand temple-like structure.

What is it about her mana? He tried to take up the mana around him and pass it through a virtual nose. He found it difficult to pull mana inside of him, as before, but if he imagined the olfactory system of a mouse above his head, he could smell it “vicariously.” It smells like cookies and honey baked ham. I could just eat it all up. What Talo failed to realize, was that he was slowly draining Wawetseka’s mana.

She didn’t understand what was happening but enjoyed being with Talo. He let her play with the blocks she wanted, didn’t hold on to anything, and he looked just like one of her big boy dolls. That made him the best playmate ever. It’s just that, she was getting tired. So very tired. I don’t want to take a nap, she thought.

Then slowly she slumped back and fell asleep.

“Waw-waw!” Kimi was instantly alarmed that her child so suddenly slumped over.

“I think she fell asleep?” Talo stood and backed away sheepishly.

Kimi ran over and picked her up. Wawetseka awoke with a little smile on her face and announced, “I think I’m going to west my eyes fow a bit.” She then fell into a deep sleep with her face draped in bliss.

“Well, it seems like our time is already up, Lady Kimi. I need to take Huritt to the training grounds. I have a big lesson planned for him today.”

Author’s Note:

First, I'm still looking for a PR. Second, I’m lowering the release rate to three small “chapters” (scenes really) a week. I’ve got too much actual science to be doing, and this is just pure brain candy for me. Don’t hear that this is the beginning of the decline to being dropped, I will bring this to a satisfying end (at least to me).

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