《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 26: Crimson Lightning


Chapter 26: Crimson Lightning



Steel collided when the swing of my sword hit his. In the second that I charged at him, he defected my attack and locked blades with me. From this single action I instantly judged that his sword skills were the real deal. The force of my slash didn’t push him back, which meant he could his stance was perfect. Arran focused on my eyes and could predict my next attacks as he parried them all perfectly.

Hmm, looks like this guy also had real experience handling blades. Using his longsword his swings were heavier than mine but nearly matched my speed oriented style. As sparks came out from where our swords connected I couldn't help but wonder how he flawlessly defended against my assault. Even if I still haven't activated 'lightning movement' his reactions were on par with Hime's.

"Hey, you're pretty good." I commented while retreating a little

"Right back at you." This time he was the one that rushed to me

Stepping to the right I evaded his thrust and countered with my own but anticipating this he had already rolled while slashing at my legs. Finally I used mana on my feet and jumped 3 meters in the air. My move was a it late though as he managed to scratch my shin guard.

Looks like he isn't the called the strongest here for nothing...

While being pulled by gravity I aimed my hand at him and shot fast bolts straight at him. What surprised me was he didn't try to dodge them! Instead he also raised his arm and received the spells head on. With the sound of it hitting him a dust cloud covered his body from my vision.

No way that was the end... When the dust cleared up I saw that he hasn't been damaged at all. Coming from his outstretched hand was a wall of light that was transparent but clearly had a solid form. it was similar to barriers that appeared in a lot of movies with ripples forming from where my lightning had struck.

Landing on the ground I readied my defense but found he was still standing still.

"Hmm, to think you made me use my skills this early... You really should join me, Haruki." He said with a confident smile

Damn it! He also can use some type of magic in addition to his sword skills! Does that mean he's also a sword mage build player? And that barrier! What kind of element does he use? It perfectly blocked my bolts as if they were nothing! I have to be extra careful here. He could also have ranged spells at his disposal...

Slowly approaching his position, I poured lightning into my katana and swung repeatedly while he raised his left arm and received my blows. Whenever my sword hit the transparent wall I could feel my whole body shake from the impact. Whatever his skill is it was capable of an extremely tough defense! No matter how hard I hit it no signs of it weakening were visible.

Thrusting his arm in my direction I felt a blow to my body as I was sent flying backwards a few meters. An aching feeling came from my chest where it had directly struck. Looks like he used his skill like a shield since he blocked attacks and even rammed it to his opponents. If I want to beat him I have to find a way to penetrate his barrier skill....


After a whole 5 minutes of me endlessly barraging him with slashes I noticed that he started to deflect my sword with his own again. I tried aiming for his left arm but he twisted his body and parried with his sword again.

Oh! Looks like his barrier is down! That must mean the usage of his skill had a limit. In other words it had a cooldown period! Since I had timed the whole battle I instantly knew that he could only manage to continuously use it for 5 or 6 minutes. Now I'll try to prevent him from using his magic until he can use his barrier again.

The battle turned into a duel with swords again. With my focus on his left side I tried to wound his arm. If I could manage to accomplish this I might be able to prevent the skill from activating again. Pouring mana into my body again I further increased my speed until he had difficulty keeping up with me.

Finally gaining an advantage I thrust his left side over and over while he tried his best to evade and parry them. My sword's tip finally managed to graze his wrist resulting in a shallow cut! Even if it was just a little damage he should have a hard time using his magic again.

".....Ah, you managed to hit me." He calmly said

"You're pretty calm considering your shield isn't gonna work anymore."

"Haha, and what makes you think that?"

While spinning around me he instantly slashed his blade aimed at my chest. Realizing his sword had a glowing aura I immediately pulled out my short blade to defend. As Arran's sword struck my wakizashi the blade I was holding formed cracks until it broke into tiny shards of metal.

"Damn it!" I cursed while running away

"As you can see my skills are useful for attacks too."

Shit, what the hell!! That magic is seriously too powerful! I had suspicions since he showed me the barrier but now I'm certain of it. He's a light element swordsman! From what I've seen it looks like his magic is another variant of mine only with light properties. But isn't that completely unbalanced!? His defenses are impenetrable while his attacks shatter my weapons! He has absolute offense and defense!

Taking deep breaths I calm myself down. No, a perfect player is impossible to exist. If his magic flows through his body like me his mana consumption must also be enormous. Also if it's light I think range attacks would only work on demons and enemies with the darkness attribute, that's why he only used barriers and strengthened his sword with it. Ah, but unlike the natural destructive force of lightning his body doesn't really take damage from skill usage...

"You've been standing there for a while. Are you giving up?" he asked

"Shut up."

I guess the only way's to take a gamble. I need to unleash an attack capable of piercing through light! The problem is I don't have anything like that. My highest damage dealing magic is red lightning but I don’t know how to use it...

Crap, this isn't time for thinking! I have to master my skills anyway so I'll try to trigger its activation.... The emotion tied to it was hate and anger. I've got no choice then....


I hesitantly thought about Beth's murderer. I remembered how he pierced her fragile body right in front of me. He was the one who nearly killed Sylva and threatened to kill Hime. Tyler. Because of him all of that happened. My first friends Riley and Beth are dead because of him. Even though I've already killed them a boiling feeling starts to bubble in my chest. That's it.. I have no choice left but to let my emotions free to use this...

Charging mana into my left hand I fired a single large 'lightning bolt' at Arran. He blocked it with his glowing sword but was pushed back 2 meters. Looks like he's realized that my attacks are better now. Digging my nails into my palm blood started to drip while lightning started to burn the skin off me. Using movement I ran up to him with an unbelievable speed and crashed my katana into his sword.

Red electric sparks cut into his sword's aura and reached metal before he retreated quickly. I have to end this soon, I thought, as I look at my arms and legs that were starting to get charred. I bashed my blade into him repeatedly as fury slowly took control of my actions.

I should just kill everyone here... If I do that than Hime and Sylva will be safe... No one will be able to hurt them,,,

The red lightning started to spread to my entire left arm as I rampaged at Arran with katana and spells. He tried to use his barriers again but they cracked and disappeared whenever my lightning infused blade hit them. Knocking his weapon out of his hand I thrust my hand and gripped his throat lifting him up. He was already knocked out so his HP stopped decreasing but I kept my grip tight. I started trying to crush his neck while sparks continued to run amuck around the entire arena.

Feeling something grab my arm I turned my neck to the source. There standing while enduring the shocks was Lily, Arran's sister!

"Please.... Let my brother go..."


My hand loosened as the unconscious Arran fell to the ground followed by his sister who fainted next to him. Looking at my own body I realized that I had been severely burned. My arms and legs looked like they had turned into charcoal. Pain started to surge to me waking me from my adrenaline filled assault.

The entire arena was silent. No doubt what they witnessed was a demon ruthlessly taking down his enemy without a single care. A single person broke the silence. A single person who laughed and cheered happily at the sight of carnage I unleashed.

"Fufufufu, Fuhahahaha! Splendid! Absolutely splendid!! My eyes weren't mistaken when they saw you! Citizens, you have just witnessed the birth of a new champion! Haruki, the Crimson Lightning Swordsman!!" Queen Diana announced and continued to laugh

Even though the tournament was over, the arena was still quiet. Nobody dared to speak after seeing what I did. Unable to bear the pain any longer I started to limp back while a notification window appeared in front of me.

Congratulations! You have become champion of the Coliseum Festival event quest.

30 stats points will be randomly distributed to your character

+ 30 Luck

When I reached the room, I fell down and passed out instantly


When I regained consciousness, I realized that I was lying on a soft bed. Ah, my injuries are healed. Guess someone already treated me. Looking around I saw that the walls were decorated with extravagant paintings and the whole room screamed wealth. Looks like I'm at the palace again... But why take me here? Shouldn’t the place we were staying be better? As the thought formed on my head a terrible premonition suddenly came to me...

Looking beside me I saw a figure sleeping quietly beside me. The person had her arms wrapped around mine. That person in question was none other than the Ruler of Prax, Queen Diana.

"Holy shit! What the hell is this!!?" I shout out while pulling my arm away

"Nnnng, Oh you're awake, Good morning." she flashed a devilish grin while rubbing her eyes

"Don't joke around. I demand to know what the hell this is all about!" I started screaming

"Oh? Shouldn't I get a morning kiss first?"

"Yo- you bitch!!"

Even though I had insulted her she remained calm and merely stared at me bewitchingly. Her beautiful face and figure would tempt any man but I know that she's dangerous. I need to get the fuck out of here...

"Haruki, are you awake!? What's wrong you're screaming really lou-"

As I was going to leave Sylva had burst into the room and had her eyes glued on the woman sharing my bed.

"Nii-san, did something happe-" Hime also rushed inside

"....." I could only stay silent

While both girls were bewildered at the sight in front of them, Amy had entered the room quietly and saw what was happening. When she did, she just slowly walked back outside! At least help me out in tis situation....

"Haruki.... what are you doing?" Sylva asked quietly

"....." Hime had opened her mouth but closed it again and just glared at me and the Queen

"I don't know!! Why the hell am I here anyway!?" I completely lose control

"Fufu, silly boy. You are my property now. You are mine until I say otherwise." The Queen smirked at all three of us


Author notes:

Hey, I finally found some free time to write down this chapter. Been pretty busy lately so I only just now finished the illustration for Hime's current equipment. Not sure if I can have a steady release schedule since exams are coming up but I'll try to update as fast as possible.


Spoiler :

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