《Death Is a Reality》Characters + Setting + Suggestions


Characters + Setting + Suggestions


Hey all of you reading my fic! Sorry but this isn't a chapter update :P

Alright, moving on. I'm uploading this just for fun to give some more details about the story setting! Since the story's progressing smoothly this update will flesh out some minor details that aren't mentioned in the story...

While some of you don't really need this info, maybe some really like details about stories you read...

Also like I said I'm doing it for fun :D

Also I have some images of what the general appearance of the main characters are like. I find that having a clear picture on characters of stories I read really increases my enjoyment so I posted this. I don't own these pictures and found them online as my drawing is crap. Basically they're anime characters that resemble what I have in mind for the characters of the fiction.

So here are what the they look like:


Spoiler :


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Story Setting

As you know the plot takes place in a VR that trapped players that were logged on causing it to turn into a death game. Worldwide the number of those stuck exceed 2 million. This happened due to hacking which the motive is still unclear and will be further discussed in the future chapter updates.

So next the game itself is called "Tales of a New Land" with players usually calling the game world "New Lands" as there currently isn't any detailed information regarding the game. The cause of this was because FutureTech, the developers, intended to have players unravel mysteries ingame disclosing only basic information such as some game mechanics.

Roden Map

Spoiler :

How the game works is similar to LMS and Ark with many ways to grow stronger like how Haruki did daily training to increase his physical stats.


The stats of the game are:

HP and Mana= same as any game. with each level up both HP and Mana rise by 50

Strength= Determines weapon damage which mainly affects melee excluding daggers

Dexterity= Weapon handling. Determines weapon damage mainly for range weapons and daggers

Vitality= Physical fitness including amount of stamina player has

Agility= Movement speed of body (Doesn't affect dodge since that is determined by player's real skills")

Endurance= Each point increases HP by 20 ; small increase in defense

Intelligence= Determines magic damage and defense

Luck= Misc (drop rate, critical %, and others)

Wisdom= Each point increases mana by 20 ; small reduction of spell casting time

Each level up also grants 5 bonus points to be allocated into any stat

There's no player classes in the game which gives players flexibility and makes them able to choose how they play. In theory a player could learn every skill but that would be tedious and as normal players don't increase stats by training they'll end up weak compared to others.

I got the idea for that from how TES V: Skyrim handled it. Without any classes that game became much more free for everyone to experiment so Skyrim influenced the fiction I'm making......

Similar to other VR stories the currency is 100 copper-->1 silver and 100 silver--> 1 gold

Now for the world itself, as stated in chapter 14 there are many regions to the game world separating players until a special quest is completed. This means that there is still a lot of unexplored territories which players don't know about including other player locations. Since at the launch there were man races there are also other continents besides the one where current events take place.

Basically that means I plan for my story to continue for a long time with the characters trying to survive and find a way to escape.


The reason every player appears human is because as the death game started player names and avatars reverted into their original appearance because of their brain patterns temporarily disconnected with the res of the body making them return into their real looks to preserve players sanity. This also makes pain real for players because the brain automatically assumes that the game avatar is their real body. I know... Sounds like a load of bull but that's how the plot works :)

Uuum yeah I think that'll be all for now. I'm planning on updating the character images when new ones appear. I haven;t found one suiting Amy yet... The setting will also be updated as the story goes on so feel free to check this thread again once more chapters come out.

Okay! Most importantly you can also give any suggestions or thoughts about the story here! Feel free to ask anything or suggest something for the story and I'll try my best to answer and take your suggestion into consideration.

Just comment on anything about the fic! Is the chapter length enough? Or is there something wrong with the story? Anything at all!

Just leave a comment here!!

I'll trying releasing chapters regularly as fast as I can but as I said don't expect frequent updates on weekdays so I'll mainly update on weekends!

Lastly, Thanks again for reading my fiction! I hope you keep enjoying my writing cause I sure enjoy making it!


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