《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 16: The Fate that Reunites



Author notes:

Hey guys! Another update today! Since I'm real busy with school on weekdays expect more frequent updates on weekends

Anyway the new chapter is longer than usual, almost 2 times my normal length...

Okay, please read the chapter and enjoy!

As usual thanks a lot for reading and just leave a comment to tell me what you think about it.

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Chapter 16: The Fate that Reunites


The journey back from Prax was easier than reaching it. The expedition players had received 300 soldiers from the ruler of Prax to establish a safe route. Besides that Roden also sent forces their way to help out the quest group.

Hime knew that getting back to Roden was the easy part. That’s why they were in this situation. Only a few days away from the city the players and soldiers were holed up near the passage of the mountain range. They had to fend off the monster troops that kept following them from near Prax!


Hearing the watchman warn the entire force Hime quickly got ready to face the attack. In front of her were about 250 mid level monsters charging at the entire formation. The players and city soldiers outnumbered them with a total of 1000 men and women.

With additional players from Roden, Hime was part of 130 players that faced the monster invasion. She was glad that the quest group received help from Roden as she thought they would have to finish with the survivors from the initial expedition only.

Gripping her bow tightly she notched an arrow and aimed at the sky.


The sound of hundreds of bows unleashing rain of steel on the enemy could be heard when the troops opened fire.

This however only served to hinder the monsters minimally. Most arrows had bounced of their thick armor of beast bones with barely a scratch. Not giving up Hime kept firing her bow managing to kill off a few of them herself.

With snarls and growls only more than 100 had survived the attacks from the archers. It was now up to the warriors at the front line. Clashing against each other the monsters put up a vicious struggle as the overwhelming number of the expedition force surrounded them.

Just a few minutes later the skirmish was over. The soldiers suffered only 12 casualties while none of the players had died. Hime wasn’t happy however even with the landslide victory. That was because of the reports from scouts a few days ago.

Quest update:

You have repelled a monster raid group successfully.

Time until main encounter: 25 hours

“Players! Gather near the command tent!”

Hime’s thoughts were disturbed when the quest leader had called them. Rushing over she soon spotted Amy and tapped her shoulder.

“Hey. How you holding up?”

“I’m fine... Just been busy healing all the wounded.” Amy said quietly

“I see... well not many healers or mages survived....”

“Yeah, I practically use mana for heals only now” she smiled wryly

“Hang in there, we’ll be done soon!: Hime comforted her tired friend gently

“EHEM! Attention please! There are some announcements to be made. As you all know we’re all nearing the end of the quest.....”

All the players fell silent. It was true the quest was nearly over but the hardest part was coming. Scouts had spotted thousands of monsters making their way towards Roden from the mountain range.

They believed it was the main force of the monsters. But their numbers easily dwarfed them 5 to 1. Naturally the players were worried about the coming batle...


“To face the last part of the quest to city has sent reinforcements our way! I’ll leave the explanation to the representative of the city!”

A well groomed man stepped forward at started addressing the players.

“A pleasure to meet you all, my name is Sagami a member of the merchants guild” the man smiled

“Merchants guild? What do they have to do with this?” a player questioned

“Well, we have a lot riding on this quest so of course the guild is involved.”

The man put on a smile answering every players thought. Hime somehow didn’t like the man. She felt that he was hiding something. She knew at a glance this man was pretending to be a polite and well mannered person with his fake business smile. She realized that this person had goals of his own......

“May I continue?”

Sagami looked around and found no objections.

“As you know the city will be sending more troops. Unfortunately only 500 will be arriving in time for the battle, with about 100 of them being players.”

“WHAT! Don’t screw around! WE”RE AGAINST THOUSANDS HERE!” the gathered were in uproar

“Fufu, worry not. This number should be sufficient for the main battle. After all players are much stronger than monsters.”

Hime also thought this way. The only reason she and the others were nervous was because the scale of the battle would be unlike anything they’ve seen. It was a given they were on edge.

“The players joining will be the best we can send. In fact, maybe some of you know about them? I specifically guarantee that a certain pair of dragon hunters will not disappoint.” Sagami smirked confidently

“Dragon hunters? Oi, don’t tell me-“

“Huh you know about them?”

It seems some players knew about these so called dragon hunters. Hime however was clueless as to who they could be. She looked around and noticed the ones who had an idea just recently joined the quest and didn’t go to Prax.

“Hime, you know what this is all about?” Amy tilted her head

“No clue.”

“What! You don’t know?! Oh, you were gone for a month huh?”

A teenage boy that looked even younger than Hime and Amy interrupted them. Even though she was slightly annoyed her curiosity won and she began to ask the person.

“Who are they talking about?”

“Wait a minute.... e-e-ehem. Okay I’m ready. Prepare to listen to one of the most epic stories since the game began.”

It seems the attention of everyone was now focused on the young boy. They silently listened as he began the tale....

“You see fellow players. The past few weeks have everyone in the region has heard about the unbeatable duo of hunters that came on the scene. Starting their journey at Rygar they felled a dragon plaguing the city earning the respect of everyone there!”

Of course the story was a little exaggerated but every one present held their voices.

“These players however were not done yet! Moving to Tyrne they practically completed every monster bounty quest there was using their powerful elemental magic. Completing tasks entire parties couldn’t handle with just the two of them, they fight wearing black gear and white weapons as their hair also matched their title ‘Nero Argento’! Black and Silver!”

“And the most noteworthy of the tale is their tragic love story! A young couple forced to participate in a death game they relied on each other to try and defy fate itself! Disregarding the dangers of the world, they move forward to the future for survival as lovers to guard their love!”


“And now we hear that these players will be helping us out! I for one, am relieved to hear this! And that ladies and gentlemen is the tale of ‘Nero Argento’ this region’s ultimate duo!”

Bowing his head to the audience he received a fair amount of applause while some of them chuckled at the silly story. One way or another the story did help lighten the mood.

“Hime, Hime, Hime, wasn’t that story really cool!!” Amy nearly jumped up and down

“I guess....”

“What! Come on! When I heard about them surviving with no one else to rely on but each other I nearly squealed out loud!”

“Amy.... You’re really a teenage girl huh?”

“Hmph, well of course! Love stories will always be a part of my dreams! Ah I also wish I had a boyfriend....” Amy sighed

“You know, I’m single sooo...” the teenage storyteller butted in again

“Haha, yeaaa, no.” Amy bluntly rejected him with a sweet smile


Dejectedly the boy walked away to his own friends while some laughed at his face.

“Uum, anyway... I guess we’ll be getting decent reinforcements tomorrow, huh?” Hime smiled awkwardly at her harsh friend of hers

“Yep, maybe this isn’t really that bad of a situation.”

“Uh-huh so far we’ve lost NPCs only, players seem to be strong enough.”

The player of the quest started chatting after the story completely forgetting about the meetings purpose. With a quick yell from the leader everyone was paying attention to Sagami again.

“Ah, moving on. Apparently the completion of this quest will give us access to new locations and we’ll meet other players. Seeing that players here are the best among others I hope that you keep clearing quests that you can. After all, we may find some way to escape this game.”

Hime thought about what he said. If they kept playing they could find someway out. But this also means that the more someone plays the greater the risks.

Sagami seemed finished with what he said and continued.

“Well that is all I have to say. I thank you for defending the city from the attack since many players are unable to fight. Most will be depending on your actions in this game....”

Turning around he talked a bit with the quest leader and went to a nearby carriage. It seems he was returning to Roden. Hime guessed it was because he wasn’t a combat oriented player.....

“Well, that’ll be all people! Get some rest we’ll be needing it for tomorrows battle!”

Seeing as the meeting was over Hime and Amy returned to their assigned tent to wait for the final quest battle.


Morning had come as the camp was once again silently waiting for the upcoming fight. The city soldiers were kneeling and reciting a chant that seemed to be prayers while players fidgeted while checking their in game menus.

Hime and Amy were also checking various stuff in their inventory and skill list. This was going to be their first battle with thousands of participants on both sides. Monsters against humans. It was going to be a scene that rivaled the best fantasy movies....

“You ready?” Amy asked

“Yes.” Hime answered shortly while tying her hair up

“Looks like this time I’ll be fighting too so we should stick together.....”

It seems Amy was a bit restless and decided to be near her friend to reassure herself. Knowing this Hime gently smiled and said:

“Of course, We’re both getting through this.”

“.....Yeah!” Amy perked up

The time was nearing as the enormous horde was spotted on the horizon. They were earlier than what was predicted. The battle was starting before reinforcements would bolster their ranks.

Having no other option soldiers and players started to get into formation Hime and Amy stood further back while warriors formed a wall with their shields to meet the beasts head on.


The roar of the huge horde echoed around the area causing some of their side to slightly tremble. The sea of monsters parted as a mountain giant standing 7 meters tall came into view. It was carrying a large hammer like weapon which seemed to be made from mammoth tusks.

This was the monster horde’s strongest creature! No doubt it was a boss class enemy!

Everyone was clearly nervous facing the monstrosity that towered over them. Nevertheless nobody ran. If they escaped than the horde would break through killing them sooner or later anyway....

Hime gritted her teeth and clenched her bow tight until it was visibly white. This was it. They had to clear this quest or it was all over.

The battle started with a deafening roar from the giant leading the foes. Monsters came pouring down on the position they were at and quickly closed the distance between them.

Hime also began to fire at will. Using every skill she had: ‘rapid shot’ ‘piercing arrow’ ‘snipe shot’ everything she had! The wind enchantment on her bow gave her attacks more damage than normal arrows as she managed to kill some high level ogres with a few shots.

Beside her Amy was also casting her magic nonstop. Using simple spells she cast normal ‘magic bolts’ ‘ fireballs’ and any other damage dealing spell she could. Since she was more focused on healing she didn’t deal much damage as her power lacked compared to other range attacks.

The few mages that had survived were casting wide area spells and picking off weakened monsters. Everywhere was in chaos as the battle raged on.

Though they tried their best eliminating the enemy others would just fill the empty spaces of the dead monsters. It was as if they were against a never-ending flood!


The wall of shields had been rammed by the monster horde as the warriors ad soldier started to swing their weapons. Hime saw the carnage that was happening and started aiming at foes that were about to deal a killing blow.

She tried the best she could but one by one casualties started to happen on the player side. Similar to what happened with the monster raid yesterday players were being surrounded and killed by sheer numbers.

They didn’t go down without a fight though. The monsters were also dropping dead with every player killing nearly 20 each! The soldiers on the other hand were equally matched with the monsters and fell much faster than the players causing them to be surrounded even more.

As the battle continued nearly half the enemy troops were defeated but half the soldiers had perished while a fourth of players had also met their demise.

Despair started to be felt by the human troops as their numbers dwindled. The enemy general that had so far didn’t act started to march to the battlefield.

With a swing of its weapon it quickly crushed and killed 3 soldiers at once!

“Range! Focus attacks on the boss!”

The giant was met with spells and arrows that hit him at every side causing moderate damage to his HP. This irritated the giant though as he used his own troops to kill the attackers by hurling them towards the archers and mages killing some with crushed monster bodies.

Nearby warrior players also rushed at it, stabbing their swords and swinging hammers and axes at its legs. This did some damage with players swarming at its feet trying to knock it down.

The towering monster started to kick around hitting players and instantly decreased their HP up to half. The HP loss was manageable, the pain however wasn’t. Many of those hit were lying down motionlessly or groaning as pain seeped into their bodies.

The battle had begun to turn into a slaughter! Even though the attacks to the mountain giant had dealt a large amount of damage to its health the swarming monsters started to overpower players while they tried to deal with the enemy general.

The next moment the entire formation had been shattered. NPC soldiers started to flee leaving the injured behind and abandoning all hope they had left.

‘No it can’t end like this!’ Hime thought

Most players held their ground against the swarm trying desperately to turn the tide. It was all pointless though. From 130 the number of players now barely reached 60!

Surrounded on all sides monsters encircled them cutting off all escape routes.


Amy had been attacked by an armored troll. Quickly rushing to defend her friend Hime shot arrows at its feet pinning it to where it stood. At close range Hime unleashed a barrage of arrows that managed to kill the beast.

She noticed too late that a werewolf had crept near them. As it was about to strike at Amy with its razor sharp claws Hime’s body moved instinctively. She had hugged Amy and turned her back to the enemy trying to shield Amy!

Knowing she was going to be hit Hime braced herself for the pain she was to experience. A second passed by. 2 seconds. The pain she expected didn’t reach her causing her to turn around.

The werewolf was dead. Sticking to from the front of its chest was a sharp ice spear that had hit it from behind. The next moment the enemy general was suddenly on its knees with someone on its broad shoulders. The person slashed a blade at the neck and immediately beheaded the giant with ease.

The monster horde was frozen. Their leader had been mercilessly killed in a style befitting an execution. Not only them, the remaining players also couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed.

In an instant the killer of the giant was already in front of them shielding the wounded from any monsters. Another figure also approached breaking the motionless enemy lines.

With a white staff she froze surrounding foes into blocks of ice and scorched some with deadly flames. Hime watched as the two people stood side by side in front of them raising their weapons.

“Sylva, please defend the survivors.” A young man’s voice could be heard from the hooded swordsman

“Got it,” the person named Sylva had erected ice pillars to cover them

The dumbfounded players just watched as their saviors prepared for battle. They thought that even though the boss was gone 2 players could hardly defeat the remaining 2000.

A crackling sound was suddenly heard from the swordsman. His sword was covered in bright blue electric sparks as if it were a thunderstorm. He leapt forward so fast that even Hime with her enhanced vision had difficulties watching his moves.

Striking with his sword he easily annihilated monsters left and right with clean slices to their weak points. Just as he was about to be attacked from behind a mall of fire erupted behind him and burnt the opponents arm to a crisp.

The enemy wasn’t solely focused on the lone swordsman however. Some started to target the ice pillar casting mage to break the spell! Hime hurriedly pulled the bowstring back intending to protect her but it was unnecessary. A flash of lightning struck repeatedly at those near her precisely at their heads.

Hime looked and saw the sword wielder had his left palm aimed at them. Just now he had used magic to protect his ally!

The two continued to defeat numerous beasts with just the two of them. Hime and the others found themselves mesmerized at the sight of them battling. They were constantly protecting each other while they both moved gracefully. The scene almost looked as if the pair was dancing with one another.

With movements complementing each other Hime realized something. These two were moving like this because they trusted each other! They had faith their partner would cover any openings leaving no weaknesses to be found from the both of them.

Hime examined the two closely as she couldn’t hold down her excitement. A black coat and black robes. A white katana and white staff. These were the people she had heard about yesterday. They were ‘Nero Argento’!

“Wow....” The black haired girl was speechless

“It’s them! Yesterday’s story was true....” Amy was also amazed at the scene unraveling in front of them

“So this is what true top class players can do...” Hime murmured

Sheathing his blade the man shouted to his comrade.

“Sylva, use mana potions!! We’re using it!”

He retreated near the watching players and stood beside Sylva. they opened their inventory and started to drink a lot of mana potions. The enemy wary of their foe’s strength merely watched and didn’t come near.


The woman stretched her arm holding staff at the man and faced him.

“Okay! Let’s do this!”

He also reached out with his left hand and gripped her hand tight. Next they became silent and started to focus on something. The monsters thinking it was a chance started inching forward but suddenly stopped.

Black clouds had formed in the sky with thunder being heard clearly. It happened in an instant. A fiery tornado had descended on the remaining monsters. The large fiery winds were covered in lightning all around it.

The massive scale magic struck down the swarm as they immediately began to retreat. The pair only watched them flee without giving chase.

“Um, you aren’t going after them?” A person asked the pair

“The others are waiting for them. We don’t plan on any escaping.” Sylva calmly answered

As the tornado died down the large gust of wind had blown the cloth covering their faces. She could now see what they looked like!

She turned her eyes to Sylva and was stunned. It was a woman with enchanting beauty that would make any woman jealous of her. Her pale skin, grey eyes, and vibrant silver hair would give a cold impression. But Hime didn’t think that at all. The reason was her warm smile directed to her partner. Their hands were still linked holding the staff as they calmly took deep breaths.

“So beautiful.....” Amy commented unknowingly

When Hime turned his attention to the other she found herself even more shocked than before. The man’s face was also directed at Sylva and had a caring smile covering it. It was a face she hadn’t seen in a long time.

It was Haruki's face, her brother............

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